TRANSLATION PROBLEMS OF ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN INTERNATIONAL WORDS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Vocabulary / term element / acquisitions / etymology / lexical material / Latin language.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Risolat Otabek Kizi Yorqulova, Iroda A’Zamjon Kizi Eshboboyeva, Guzal Ulugbek Kizi Makhamatkhujaeva

This article presents the etymology of international words used in our life in English, Russian and Uzbek languages. Languages differ in structure, vocabulary, but all languages have some common laws. Some foreign words that we often hear and use in our own and other languages are of foreign origin and borrowed from other languages.

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Risolat Otabek kizi Yorqulova

Student of Chirchik State Pedagogical University

Iroda A'zamjon kizi Eshboboyeva

Student of Chirchik State Pedagogical University

Guzal Ulugbek kizi Makhamatkhujaeva

Supervisor, Teacher of the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages, Chirchik State Pedagogical University


This article presents the etymology of international words used in our life in English, Russian and Uzbek languages. Languages differ in structure, vocabulary, but all languages have some common laws. Some foreign words that we often hear and use in our own and other languages are of foreign origin and borrowed from other languages.

Keywords: Vocabulary, term element, acquisitions, etymology, lexical material, Latin language.




Ushbu maqolada ingliz, rus va o'zbek tillarida hayotimizda ishlatiladigan baynalminal so'zlarining etimologiyasi va rus va ingliz tillarida baynalminal so'zlarning strukturasi, mohiyati, muammolarini o'rganish. keltirilgan. Tillar tuzilishi, so'z boyligi jihatidan farq qiladi, ammo barcha tillarda ba'zi umumiy qonunlar mavjud. Biz o'zimizda va boshqa tillarda tez-tez eshitadigan va ishlatadigan ba'zi chet el so'zlari chet tilidan kelib chiqqan va boshqa tillardan olingan.

Kalit so'zlar: So'z boyligi, termin elementi, o'zlashmalar, etimologiya, leksik material, lotin tili.


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В данной статье представлена этимология интернациональных слов, используемых в нашей жизни в английском, русском и узбекском языках. Языки различаются по строению, словарному запасу, но все языки имеют некоторые общие законы. Некоторые иностранные слова, которые мы часто слышим и используем в своем и других языках, имеют иностранное происхождение и заимствованы из других языков.

Ключевые слова: словарный запас, термино-элемент, усвоения, этимология, лексический материал, латинский язык.

Every day, when reading a newspaper or flipping through the pages of an electronic magazine, a person comes across borrowed words, mainly anglicisms. The problem of modern mass media is that articles using international words are not understandable to everyone, so some information presented in a certain article may not be understood or misunderstood by the reader. In this case, it is possible to talk about the need to explain foreign words in the texts of the articles. According to the statistics of free magazines, during the 2020 pandemic, the word COVID-19 appeared 43,281 times, covid - 650 times, and coronavirus - 16,316 times in the central and regional mass media. Thus, in the press and electronic media, the international reception sent by Latin COVID-19 takes the leading place.

Our observations show that among the words consisting of the words "covid" and "coronavirus" there are a lot of suffixes with Russian and assimilated affixes: ковидно, нековидно, anti-ковидно, ковидозно, ковидоопасно , kovidopodobno, po-kovidnomu, po-kovidski, po-antikovidnomu, prekovidno, dokovidno, postkovidno, posle-kovidno; kovidiotno, po-kovidiotski; coronavirus, non-coronavirus, anti-coronavirus. Examples of their use in modern print and electronic media: Novyy God po kovidnomu: osobennosti prazdnovaniya (electronic news publication pravda.ru. 01.12.2020); Tikhvin icon Bojey Materi "anti-coronavirus" object Karachev (bryansk. news. 10.04.2020).

"Izvestia" newspaper published on 07-06-2022 the survey data conducted by the analysts of Skillbox educational platform and ResearchMe analytical agency to determine the most popular international terminals among Russians. According to the results of this social survey, the most used words in 2021 were "hype" and "fake".


April 23-24, 2024 International Scientific and Practical Conference

Let's explore the meaning of these words: Hype (derived from the English word hype - noise, attention-grabbing boom) in jargon means "thus, by creating agitation, the attention of a certain target audience is attracted to any event or successful recruitment" [Leontieva, Shchetinina 2021: 382].

fake - unreliable information (often falsified), unfairly distributed to mislead the addressee. It can be seen that the popularity of these words is explained by the fact that the diversity of their meanings allows them to be used to express a wide range of social, political, economic and cultural phenomena. Tokens with fuzzy semantics allow the recipient not to think about choosing the most correct and appropriate form for expressing thoughts and save intellectual effort. Therefore, the words fake and hype are widely used by modern journalists: Теория о том что штамм коронавирус создан, — fake (parliamentary newspaper. 15.12.2021); Korolevsky fake. Britantsev vozmutilo video s falshivoy Elizavetoy Vtoroy ("Vesti" program. 26.12.2020), etc. Fake components - and hype- components are actively involved in the production of words: feykovyy, fakemakery, fake news, fake account, хайповый, хайпажор, хайпер, хайпит, хайпанут.

Trump noted that "fake news," of course, will not talk about the fact that the situation with the virus is difficult not only in the United States (lenta.ru. 11.2020); "Dear media, before quoting someone's speech, please check the authenticity of the account, and do not write statements from fake accounts," the message says (Izvestia. 09.2020); PR specialist and fake maker Anton Vuma commented to Tsar grad on the law on blocking fake news on the Internet, adopted today by the State Duma in the third and final reading (smi2.ru. 07.03.2019); The new flagship of the Kering conglomerate and the main hype brand, which Bottega Veneta has become under

Daniel Lee, is doing everything to consolidate its position (Kommersant. 03.2020); The Kostroma hypophora jumped into the Volga from the bridge in Kostroma (Moskovsky Komsomolets. 06/30/2021); Shnurov spoke in his characteristic manner, at the same time going against the trend, when it is customary to "hype" the deaths of stars, and at the same time he himself caused a resonance in the information field (Moskovsky Komsomolets. 17.07.2021). [Ushakov, 2009, s. 21].

As you can see, the most common words in 2022 are words with abstract meanings. The results of the dissertation research conducted in 2009 by B. Yu. Ushakov under the supervision of V. V. Kolesov show that words with an abstract meaning predominate among the vocabularies learned in the mass media. This is explained by the fact that "words with a clear meaning, but a vague concept, enter the


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language, which allows to expand the semantics of these words and turn them into hypemyms."

According to our monitoring, among the vocabulary of foreign languages in modern mass media, as much abstract vocabulary is used as it was 13 years ago: (Internet, online — including the word itself, derivatives as well. Vibe, insight, like, mining, trend, hate, crowdfunding, cringe, freelance etc.)

The main reason for the popularity of international words in Russian is that they have become fashionable for the English language. It is an international language, and it is not surprising that it has become popular in Eastern European countries, as well as in Asian and Middle Eastern countries.

Most of the internationals get into the Russian language speech through television. American movies, clips, music, talk shows and programs in Russian bring a lot of Americanisms. Advertising slogans, Internet communities, sports and cosmetics, everything is saturated with them (internationals, appropriations and anglicisms).

Interjections play an important role in the word formation system of the Russian language. On the one hand, they are the main system in the creation of new words. On the other hand, international words include new words as well as word-forming affixes.

In conclusion, we have considered the history of the emergence of English interlanguages in the Russian language, ways of their penetration and adaptation to the modern system. In our opinion, the activation of the processes of emergence of words and phrases used in English in Russian speech should be accepted as a natural phenomenon. The modern world has entered a new era of development, which has led to the formation of a global information space. Intercultural integration forms a common consciousness and a common worldview in all citizens of the world, which creates the need to create a common language system. The English language assumed the role of the main means of communication working in this space, which inevitably led to an increase in its influence on the national languages of the peoples of the world. This, in turn, creates a number of difficulties for translators.

In the scientific community, the idea of translation prevails, i.e. the fundamental possibility of completely transmitting the content of the source language and the form of the text in one language through another language. Translation is a means of meeting the social need for communication between people separated by a linguistic-ethnic barrier in the original language, i.e. it is a type of communication between different cultures and is recognized as the equivalent of monolingual communication. At the same time, the essence of translation is reduced to accurate

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and complete copying of the content of the text in the source language with the help of the translated language, while preserving its stylistic and expressive features.


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