Научная статья на тему 'Theoretical-methodological and socio-practical actualization of the communication role'

Theoretical-methodological and socio-practical actualization of the communication role Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Zhukova Iryna Vitaliivna, Dolgiy Oleksandr Andriyovych

It is determined that the value of the phenomenon of communication at the present stage of development of society can barely be underestimated, because communication links permeate all spheres of life, communication is studied by different sciences: public administration, economics, law, sociology, philosophy, cultural studies, political science, and the like. While exploring communication through the prism of interaction between public authorities and the public at the regional level, most researchers interpret communication as the basis of public administration and an important factor in the democratization of public life. Generally, it can be defined as the process of information exchange, which brings together the bodies of state administration, local governments and public groups; strengthens the need for feedback between the administrative apparatus, management structures, society, individual communities and individuals. The concept of “political communication” is interpreted as a process of transmission, exchange of political information, which structures political activity and gives it a new meaning, forms public opinion and political socialization of citizens, taking into account their needs and interests. It is proved that communication in public administration is considered as information interaction, focused directly on a particular organization, methods and means of building internal relationships, that is, as information flows; on the understanding of building relationships between people within the organization and in the imperceptible transfer of personal relationships to organizational, combined impressions based on a sense of sympathy or antipathy, and impressions of business qualities, as well as “management communication as a set of information links, the process of interaction between the subjects of management activities vertically, horizontally with the external social environment, through direct communication and exchange of information using appropriate means”.

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Установлено, что значение феномена коммуникаций на современном этапе развития общества трудно недооценить, ведь коммуникационные связи пронизывают все сферы жизнедеятельности, коммуникации исследуются различными науками: государственным управлением, экономикой, правом, социологией, философией, культурологией, политологией и др. Исследуя коммуникации через призму взаимодействия государственных органов власти и общественности на региональном уровне большинство исследователей объясняют коммуникацию как основу государственного управления и важный фактор демократизации общественной жизни. В общем виде ее можно определить как процесс обмена информацией, который объединяет в единое целое органы государственного управления, органы местного самоуправления и группы общественности; укрепляет необходимую обратную связь между административным аппаратом, управленческими структурами, обществом, отдельными общинами и индивидами. Как процесс передачи, обмена политической информацией, который структурирует политическую деятельность и придает ей новое значение, формирует общественное мнение и политическую социализацию граждан с учетом их потребностей и интересов толкуется понятие “коммуникация политическая”. Обосновано, что коммуникации в государственном управлении рассматривают как информационное взаимодействие, ориентированное непосредственно на определенную организацию, на методы и средства построения внутренних взаимосвязей, то есть как информационные потоки; на понимание построения отношений между людьми внутри организации и в незаметном переносе личных отношений на организационные, в сочетании впечатлений, основанных на чувстве симпатии или антипатии, и впечатлений от деловых качеств, а “коммуникацию управленческую как совокупность информационных связей, процесс взаимодействия между субъектами управленческой деятельности по вертикали, горизонтали с внешней общественной средой, путем непосредственного общения и обмена информацией с использованием соответствующих средств””.

Текст научной работы на тему «Theoretical-methodological and socio-practical actualization of the communication role»

навчальним закладом, Мгжрегюналъна Академия управлгння персоналом, 03039, м. Кигв, вул. Фрометвська, 2, тел.: (063)

■ Г Жукова Ирина Витальевна,

Н управлению, доцент, исполнительный

Н jl ственному управлению, заведующий

зования и управления учебным заве-управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев,

Dolgiy Oleksandr Andriyovych,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Pro fessor, temporarily acting of the Leading Researcher at the Department of Public Administration for Civil Protection of the research center of Civil Protection Measures, Ukrainian Civil Defense Research Institute, 01011, Kyiv, Rybalskaya Str, 18, 063-951-78-55, e-mail: dolgiy_2019 @ ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-4433-454X

Долгий Олександр Андршович,

доктор наук гз державного управлтня, професор, т.в.о. пров1дного наукового ствробт-ника в1ддту публгчного управлтня цивтьним захистом науково-досл1дного центру за-ход1в цивильного захисту, Украгнський науково-досл1дний iнститут цивильного захисту, 01011, м. Кигв, вул. Рибальська, 18, 063-951-78-55, e-mail:[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4433-454X

Долгий Александр Андреевич,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, в.и.о. ведущего научного сотрудника отдела публичного управления гражданской защитой научно-исследовательского центра мероприятий гражданской защиты, Украинский научно-исследовательский институт гражданской защиты, 01011, г. Киев, ул. Рыбальская, 18, 063951-78-55, e-mail:dolgiy_2019 @ ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-4433-454X


Abstract. It is determined that the value of the phenomenon of communication at the present stage of development of society can barely be underestimated, because communication links permeate all spheres of life, communication is studied by different sciences: public administration, economics, law, sociology, philosophy, cultural studies, political science, and the like.

While exploring communication through the prism of interaction between public authorities and the public at the regional level, most researchers interpret communication as the basis of public administration and an important factor in the democratization of public life. Generally, it can be defined as the process of information exchange, which brings together the bodies of state administration, local governments and public groups; strengthens the need for feedback between the administrative apparatus, management structures, society, individual communities and individuals.

The concept of "political communication" is interpreted as a process of transmission, exchange of political information, which structures political activity and gives it a new meaning, forms public opinion and political socialization of citizens, taking into account their needs and interests.

It is proved that communication in public administration is considered as information interaction, focused directly on a particular organization, methods and means of building internal relationships, that is, as information flows; on the understanding of building relationships between people within the organization and in the imperceptible transfer of personal relationships to organizational, combined impressions based on a sense of sympathy or antipathy, and impressions of business qualities, as well as "management communication as a set of information links, the process of interaction between the subjects of management activi-

ties vertically, horizontally with the external social environment, through direct communication and exchange of information using appropriate means".

Keywords: communication of public administration, democratization of public life, communication management, communicative environment.


Анотащя. Встановлено, що значення феномену комушкацш на сучасному етат розвитку сустльства важко недооцiнити, адже комушкацшш зв'язки пронизують усi сфери життeдiяльностi, комунiкацiï дослiджуються рiзними науками: державним управлшням, економiкою, правом, сощолопею, фшосо-фieю, культурологieю, полiтологieю, тощо.

Дослiджуючи комунiкацiï крiзь призму взаемодп державних органiв влади та громадськосп на регiональному рiвнi, бiльшiсть дослщнишв тлумачать ко-мунiкацiю як основу державного управлтня i важливий чинник демократи-заци суспiльного життя. В загальному виглядi ïï можна визначити як процес обмшу iнформацieю, що об'еднуе в едине щле органи державного управлтня, органи мюцевого самоврядування та групи громадськосп; змщнюе необ-хiдний зворотний зв'язок мiж адмiнiстративним апаратом, управлiнськими структурами, сустльством, окремими громадами й iндивiдами.

Як процес передач^ обмiну полiтичною шформащею, який структуруе полiтичну дiяльнiсть i надае ш нового значення, формуе громадську думку i полпичну соцiалiзацiю громадян з урахуванням ïx потреб та штереав тлума-читься поняття "комушкащя полпична".

Обгрунтовано, що комушкаци в державному управлiннi розглядають як ш-формацiйну взаeмодiю, орieнтовану безпосередньо на визначену оргашзащю, на методи i засоби побудови внутршшх взаемозв'язюв, тобто як шформацш-нi потоки; на розумшня побудови вiдносин мiж людьми всерединi органiзацiï i в непомггному перенесеннi особистих вiдносин на оргашзацшш, у поeднаннi вражень, заснованих на почут симпатй' або антипати, i вражень вiд дiловиx якостей, а "комушкацш управлшську як сукупшсть iнформацiйниx зв'язкiв, процес взаемодй' мiж суб'ектами управлiнськоï дiяльностi по вертикал^ гори-зонталi iз зовнiшнiм сусшльним середовищем, шляхом безпосереднього стл-кування i обмшу шформащею з використанням вщповщних засобiв".

Ключовi слова: комушкащя державного управлшня, демократизацiя суспiльного життя, комушкащя управлшська, комунiкативне середовище.



Аннотация. Установлено, что значение феномена коммуникаций на современном этапе развития общества трудно недооценить, ведь коммуникационные связи пронизывают все сферы жизнедеятельности, коммуникации исследуются различными науками: государственным управлением, экономикой, правом, социологией, философией, культурологией, политологией и др.

Исследуя коммуникации через призму взаимодействия государственных органов власти и общественности на региональном уровне большинство исследователей объясняют коммуникацию как основу государственного управления и важный фактор демократизации общественной жизни. В общем виде ее можно определить как процесс обмена информацией, который объединяет в единое целое органы государственного управления, органы местного самоуправления и группы общественности; укрепляет необходимую обратную связь между административным аппаратом, управленческими структурами, обществом, отдельными общинами и индивидами.

Как процесс передачи, обмена политической информацией, который структурирует политическую деятельность и придает ей новое значение, формирует общественное мнение и политическую социализацию граждан с учетом их потребностей и интересов толкуется понятие "коммуникация политическая".

Обосновано, что коммуникации в государственном управлении рассматривают как информационное взаимодействие, ориентированное непосредственно на определенную организацию, на методы и средства построения внутренних взаимосвязей, то есть как информационные потоки; на понимание построения отношений между людьми внутри организации и в незаметном переносе личных отношений на организационные, в сочетании впечатлений, основанных на чувстве симпатии или антипатии, и впечатлений от деловых качеств, а "коммуникацию управленческую как совокупность информационных связей, процесс взаимодействия между субъектами управленческой деятельности по вертикали, горизонтали с внешней общественной средой, путем непосредственного общения и обмена информацией с использованием соответствующих средств"".

Ключевые слова: коммуникация государственного управления, демократизация общественной жизни, коммуникация управленческая, коммуникативная среда.

Problem statement. Nowadays, at the stage of socio-economic and political development, the role of communication acquires a huge theoretical, methodological and socio-practical actualization, due to its full penetration into all spheres of social life. This has led to the establishment of new communication structures, processes and forms that caused a qualitative change in the social and communicative environment of our world. The importance

and need for a thorough scientific study of the role of communication lies in the fact that the use of various forms and methods of communication, free access of citizens to information at all stages of decision-making and the functioning of central and local authorities, the participation of the institute of civil society in the work of expert, advisory public councils on the coverage and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, public control, direct electronic

receipt of public services and the like, are important factors in the democratization of public administration. First of all, we are talking about a conscious orientation to a new perception of values, namely an individual and a group of people (collective), their direct participation in the democratic organization of the life of the state and society. The main thing in this context is that a rational consensus between civil society and the state is a factor of public discourse and a strategic resource for democratic development. Thus, communication in the framework of the democratization of public administration is of particular importance for both public authorities and civil society institutions in Ukraine [1, p. 6, 8].

Analysis of recent research and publications. It should be noted that alongside with the category of "communication", experts often compare the concept of "information", the researchers M. Meskon, M. Albert, F. Hedauri consider the category of "communication" to be the information exchange on the basis of which the management receives the information necessary for making effective decisions and makes decisions regarding the employees of the organization (company) [2, p. 19].

The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological and socio-practical actualization of the role of communication.

Presentation of the main material of the study. The concept of communication is transformed and constantly updated with new characteristics and essential features, therefore, generalization by analogy of such concepts as, for example, policy information, etc., is, as a matter of fact, impossible. O. Zerenets-

ka considered quite substantiated evidence on this issue by analogy with the concept of "mass communication" in 1999 [3; 4, p. 18-19]. A clearer distinction between the concepts of "communication" and "communications" is also found in D. Kislov's article "Terminology of communications: theoretical discourse and its practical use". It notes: "communication is a natural and social phenomenon, a phenomenon of the global space dimension, which is a common reflection of the symbiosis of complex, multi-level processes of movement of anything and anybody in time and space, including codes and symbols of artificial and natural origin of all forms of life that contain information.

Communication is a natural-artificial set of specific systems, that with its specific means implements all known functions: movement, transportation of material objects; transfer of information flows; implementation of communication between humans and living organisms; communication in the local, planetary and cosmic dimensions" [5, p. 49].

Of course, according to D. Kislov, the definition of the above concepts can only be relative and depends on the subject area, the depth of scientific understanding, the level of civilizational development and many other factors. Generally, in our opinion, the proposed approach to the definition of the concepts of "communication" and "communications" can be considered in the context of species and generic aspects. The components of the general system of communications include industry, target, special, technological and other types of communications in various spheres of human activity, including:

political, social, managerial, scientific, marketing and the like, and their combinations and varieties [6, p. 46].

Comparing the definitions of the concepts of "communication" by many foreign authors, T. Naumenko makes a generalization that they can be combined on three grounds: "first, communication is considered as a connection between different objects. Such non-judgmental definitions are typical for the everyday understanding of communication. Secondly, communication is understood as an analogue of communication. Third, communication is understood as an analogue of influence" [7, p. 42].

This comparison shows that the first two approaches involve communication in the form of two-way communication. This interpretation of communication is based on the idea that communication between different objects, or as an analogue of communication between subjects, can occur as a two-way process of exchanging messages (signals), which is due to the content of the relationship between communicators and the social environment. That is, we are talking about the fact that in the process of two-way communication "both the one who sends and the one who receives information, act within the framework of their relationship between them and the social situation that surrounds them" [8, p. 20].

Taking into account the above, we can state that communication is the process of information transfer between the subjects of the social sphere of society. generally, the term "communication" is used by many social, biological, technical sciences. But in any case, communication involves the presence of at

least three participants in this process: transmitter - message - receiver. Thus, it appears that communication is a kind of interaction between certain subjects (transmitter, receiver) through a certain object (message).

The review of scientific developments of foreign and domestic scientists shows that, despite the fact that the concept of "communication" is the subject of research and the use of a wide range of natural sciences and humanities, the question of the functional features of communication and democratic resource of systemic influence on the effective interaction of public authorities and the public has not yet found its comprehensive solution in the science of public administration. In addition, the problem of the impact of civil communication on the formation and development of democratic governance in Ukraine according to European democratic standards has not yet become a special object of research [9, p. 22].

The encyclopedic dictionary of public administration, edited by Yu. Kovbasiuk, V. Troshchynskyi, Yu. Surmin, pays considerable attention to communicative problems, considering the definitions of "communication", "organizational communication", "management communication", "communication in public administration" and interprets "communication as the transmission and reception of information, orders, emotions, the source of vitality of any organization, since one of the most important goals of communication is to exercise subordination and coordination of various elements of the organization" [10, p. 330].

Exploring the essence and functions of communication in the system of pub-

lic administration Ye. V. Drachov notes that "in the implementation of the main management functions — planning, organization, motivation, coordination, analysis and control — communication acts as an integrating factor: using the flow of information, it sends messages from one link to another in accordance with the established goals. In fact, the information processing system acts as a unifying function for all subsystems or units of public administration".

There is a distinction between the concepts of "state-management communication" (adjustment of information and communication processes in the field of public administration) and "state-government communication" (as its structural component, which provides direct communication between the government, business and the public). Ye. O. Romanenko sigled out its communicative levels: internal, as for the structural interaction of public authorities and their interaction with the public, and external, which concerns the interaction of the state and its institutional structures in the direction of foreign policy.

Having emphasized that the process of communication can occur regardless of the time barriers and technological features of the dissemination of information, A. Radchenko, H. Holovchen-ko believe that "the exchange of information between the author and the reader can be carried out over the centuries. In this case, the book is a carrier (channel) of information, and the implementation of social communication between other members of society ensures its distribution to an uncertain audience and its transformation into the mass one".


1. Kozakov V. M., Rashkovskaya O. V., Rebkalo V. A., Romanenko E. O., Chaplay I. V. (2017). Derzhavno-gromadyans'ka komunikaciya: shlyax vid kry'zy' do vzayemodiyi [Public-civil communication: the path from crisis to interaction]. Kiev: DP "Publishing House" Personnel" [in Ukrainian].

2. Bukhtatiy O., Radchenko O., Golov-chenko G. (2009). Ukrayina medijna: na porozi informacijnoyi revolyuciyi [Ukraine media: on the threshold of the information revolution]. Kiev: Publisher SVS Panasenko [in Ukrainian].

3. Krasin Yu. A. (2007). Sud'bi demo-kraty'y' v Rossy'y' [The fate of democracy in Russia]. Demokraty'ya, upravleny'e, kul'tura: problemnoe y'zmereny'e sovremennoj poly'ty'ky'. Ezhegodny'k. Poly'ty'cheskaya nauka — Democracy, governance, culture: the problem dimension of modern politics. Yearbook Political science, 40-60 [in Russian].

4. Rashkovskaya O. V. (2012). Groma-dyans'ki iniciaty'vy' v rozvy'tku komunikacij mizh derzhavoyu ta suspiPstvom v Ukrayini [Civic Initiatives in the Development of Communications between the State and Society in Ukraine]. Zbirny'k nauko-vy'x pracz' NADU — Collection of scientific works of NAPA, 2, 285 [in Ukrainian].

5. Surmin Yu. P., Bakumenko V. D., Mikhnenko A. (2010). Ency'klope-dy'chny'j slovny'k z derzhavnogo up-ravlinnya [Encyclopedic Dictionary of Public Administration]. Kiev: NADU [in Ukrainian].

6. Mazur V. G. (2011). Komunikaciyi yak mexanizm vzayemodiyi derzhavny'x organiv vlady' ta gromads'kosti na regional'nomu rivni [Communications as a mechanism of interaction between

state authorities and the public at the regional level]. Marketynh i menedzh-ment innovatsii Derzhavne upravlinnya: udoskonalennya ta rozvy'tok — State Administration: Improvement and Development, 8. Retrieved from http:// www.dy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=313 [in Ukrainian].

7. Gorbatenko V. P. (2004). Politolo-gichny'j ency'klopedy'chny'j slovny'k [Political Science Encyclopedic Dictionary]. Kyiv: Geneza [in Ukrainian].

8. Surmin Yu. P., Bakumenko V. D., Michnenko A. (2010). Ency'klope-dy'chny'j slovny'k z derzhavnogo up-ravlinnya [Encyclopedic Dictionary of Public Administration]. Kiev: NADU [in Ukrainian].

9. Drachov E. V. (2014). Sutnist' ta funk-ciyi komunikaciyi v sy'stemi derzhav-nogo upravlinnya [The essence and functions of communication in the system of public administration]. Naukovyj visny'k Akademiyi municy-pal'nogo upravlinnya — Scientific Bulletin of the Academy of Municipal Administration, 3, 159-167 [in Ukrainian].

10. Romanenko E. O. (2014). Komunika-ty'vna polity'ka derzhavy': teorety'ko-metodologichny'j analiz [Communicative Politics of the State: Theoretical and Methodological Analysis]. Kiev: NADU [in Ukrainian].


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