Научная статья на тему 'Public management: scientific and substanti ve discourse'

Public management: scientific and substanti ve discourse Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
discourse / governance / public administration / democracy / public management / дискурс / управління / державне управління / демократія / публічне управління

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Suray Inna Gennadiivna

The article is devoted to the scientific discourse on the essence of public administration as a model of management of the affairs of society, which should be continued in the future to create the basis for the legislative consolidation of the term ‘public administration’ in Ukraine. It should be noted that the concept of ‘public administration’ is not fixed in the Ukrainian legislation. At the same time, this research has once again confirmed that the concept of ‘public management’ is already in the scientific circulation. In the process of reforming public administration in Ukraine, certain steps were taken to establish and develop public administration. In addition, we note that ‘Public Management and Public Administration’ are included in the list of fields of knowledge and specialties for which higher education graduates are trained. At present, evolutionary processes of public management formation are taking place in Ukraine, but practically management of the affairs of Ukrainian society is still carried out through administration, and some elements of management take place only. This concerns both functional and organizational structures and almost unmodern relations between them, as well as the absence of other management mechanisms inherent in management. Governance of the country as a social and economic system requires the involvement of representatives of the whole civil society in the process of making managerial decisions. Thus, governance at the state level acquires the features of publicity, and the development of the theory and practice of state governance creates grounds for awareness of the leading role of public administration in a social evolutionary context. It was established that the transition to public administration is connected with the ‘denationalization of management’: the deconcentration and decentralization of functions and powers between the subjects of management; an increase in the subjects of management; and applying best management practices. We proposed state governance, which is carried out through administration, to denote as ‘public administration’. When applied, the elements of management, even at the transitional stage of development of society from administration to management as ‘public management’. Administration and management are varieties of management, its evolutionary levels.

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Визначено сутність публічного управління як моделі управління справами суспільства для створення підґрунтя законодавчого закріплення терміна “публічне управління” в Україні. Зауважимо, що в українському законодавстві не закріплено поняття “публічне управління”. Водночас цим дослідженням ще раз підтверджено, що поняття “публічне управління” вже у науковому обігу. У процесі реформування державного управління в Україні також здійснено певні кроки до становлення й розвитку публічного управління. Крім цього, зауважимо, що до переліку галузей знань і спеціальностей, за якими здійснюється підготовка здобувачів вищої освіти, внесено “Публічне управління та адміністрування”. Наразі в Україні відбуваються еволюційні процеси формування публічного управління, але практично управління справами українського суспільства все ще здійснюється через адміністрування, лише окремі елементи менеджменту мають місце. Це стосується як функціонально-організаційних структур, так і майже немодернізованих зв’язків між ними, а також відсутності інших механізмів, притаманних менеджменту. Управління країною як соціально-економічною системою потребує залучення до процесу прийняття управлінських рішень представників всього громадянського суспільства. Таким чином управління на рівні держави набуває рис публічності, а розвиток теорії та практики державного управління створює підстави для усвідомлення провідної ролі публічного управління в суспільному еволюційному контексті. Установлено, що перехід до публічного управління пов’язаний з “роздержавленням управління”: деконцентрацією й децентралізацією функцій й повноважень між суб’єктами управління; збільшенням суб’єктів управління; застосуванням кращих практик менеджменту. Запропоновано державне управління, яке здійснюється через адміністрування, позначати як Public administration. При застосуванні, елементів менеджменту, навіть на перехідному етапі розвитку суспільства від адміністрування до менеджменту — “Public management”. Адміністрування й менеджмент є різновидами управління, його еволюційними рівнями.

Текст научной работы на тему «Public management: scientific and substanti ve discourse»

UDC: 35.08

Suray Inna Gennadiivna,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of public administration and public service of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, A. Tsedika Str. 20, tel.: (044) 455 69 53, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4377-2724

Сурай 1нна Геннадпвна,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, доцент, професор кафедри публгчного управлтня та публгчног служби, Национальна академiя державного управлтня при Президентов!- Украгни, 03057, Кшв, вул. А. Цедiка, 20, тел.: (044) 455 69 53, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4377-2724

Сурай Инна Геннадьевна,

доктор наук государственного управления, доцент, профессор кафедры публичного управления и публичной службы, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, Киев, ул. А. Цедика, 20, тел.: (044) 455 69 53, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4377-2724 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-236-245


Abstract. The article is devoted to the scientific discourse on the essence of public administration as a model of management of the affairs of society, which should be continued in the future to create the basis for the legislative consolidation of the term 'public administration' in Ukraine.

It should be noted that the concept of 'public administration' is not fixed in the Ukrainian legislation. At the same time, this research has once again confirmed that the concept of 'public management' is already in the scientific circulation. In the process of reforming public administration in Ukraine, certain steps were taken to establish and develop public administration. In addition, we note that 'Public Management and Public Administration' are included in the list of fields of knowledge and specialties for which higher education graduates are trained.

At present, evolutionary processes of public management formation are taking place in Ukraine, but practically management of the affairs of Ukrainian society is still carried out through administration, and some elements of management

take place only. This concerns both functional and organizational structures and almost unmodern relations between them, as well as the absence of other management mechanisms inherent in management.

Governance of the country as a social and economic system requires the involvement of representatives of the whole civil society in the process of making managerial decisions. Thus, governance at the state level acquires the features of publicity, and the development of the theory and practice of state governance creates grounds for awareness of the leading role of public administration in a social evolutionary context.

It was established that the transition to public administration is connected with the 'denationalization of management': the deconcentration and decentralization of functions and powers between the subjects of management; an increase in the subjects of management; and applying best management practices. We proposed state governance, which is carried out through administration, to denote as 'public administration'. When applied, the elements of management, even at the transitional stage of development of society from administration to management as 'public management'. Administration and management are varieties of management, its evolutionary levels.

Keywords: discourse, governance, public administration, democracy, public management.


Анотащя. Визначено сутшсть публiчного управлшня як моделi управлш-ня справами сустльства для створення шдГрунтя законодавчого закршлен-ня термша "публiчне управлшня" в Укршш.

Зауважимо, що в украшському законодавст не закршлено поняття "пу-блiчне управлшня". Водночас цим дослщженням ще раз шдтверджено, що поняття "публiчне управлшня" вже у науковому об^у. У процес рефор-мування державного управлшня в УкраШ також здшснено певш кроки до становлення й розвитку публiчного управлшня. Крiм цього, зауважимо, що до перелшу галузей знань i спещальностей, за якими здшснюеться шдго-товка здобувачiв вищо!' освiти, внесено "Публiчне управлшня та адмшютру-вання".

Наразi в Укршш вiдбуваються еволюцiйнi процеси формування публiчно-го управлiння, але практично управлшня справами украшського суспiльства все ще здшснюеться через адмшютрування, лише окремi елементи менеджменту мають мюце. Це стосуеться як функцiонально-органiзацiйних структур, так i майже немодершзованих зв'язив мiж ними, а також вщсутносп ш-ших механiзмiв, притаманних менеджменту.

Управлшня крашою як соцiально-економiчною системою потребуе за-лучення до процесу прийняття управлшських рiшень представниив всього громадянського суспiльства. Таким чином управлшня на рiвнi держави на-бувае рис публiчностi, а розвиток теори та практики державного управлшня

створюе шдстави для усвiдомлення провiдноï ролi публiчного управлiння в суспiльному еволюцшному контекстi.

Установлено, що перехiд до публiчного управлiння пов'язаний з "роздер-жавленням управлiння": деконцентрацiею й децентралiзацiею функцiй й повноважень мiж суб'ектами управлшня; збшьшенням суб'ектiв управлiн-ня; застосуванням кращих практик менеджменту. Запропоновано державне управлшня, яке здiйснюеться через адмiнiстрування, позначати як Public administration. При застосуванш, елеменпв менеджменту, навiть на пере-хiдному етапi розвитку суспiльства вщ адмiнiстрування до менеджменту — "Public management". Адмшютрування й менеджмент е рiзновидами управ-лiння, його еволюцшними рiвнями.

Ключовi слова: дискурс, управлшня, державне управлшня, демокрапя, публiчне управлшня.



Аннотация. Обозначена сущность публичного управления как модели управления делами общества для создания основы законодательного закрепления в Украине термина "публичное управление".

Отмечено, что в украинском законодательстве не закреплено понятие "публичное управление". В то же время этим исследованием еще раз подтверждено, что понятие "публичное управление" уже в научном пользовании. В процессе реформирования государственного управления в Украине также осуществлены определенные шаги к становлению и развитию публичного управления. Кроме этого, заметим, что в перечень областей знаний и специальностей, по которым осуществляется подготовка соискателей высшего образования, внесены "Публичное управление и администрирование".

Сейчас в Украине происходят эволюционные процессы формирования публичного управления, но практически управление делами украинского общества все еще осуществляется через администрирование, только отдельные элементы менеджмента имеют место. Это касается как функционально-организационных структур, так и почти немодернизированных связей между ними, а также отсутствия других механизмов, присущих менеджменту.

Управление страной как социально-экономической системой требует вовлечения в процесс принятия управленческих решений представителей всего гражданского общества. Таким образом, управление на уровне государства приобретает черты публичности, а развитие теории и практики государственного управления создает основания для осознания ведущей роли публичного управления в общественно-эволюционном контексте.

Установлено, что переход к публичному управлению связан с "разгосударствлением управления": деконцентрацией и децентрализацией функций и полномочий между субъектами управления; увеличением субъектов управления; применением лучших практик менеджмента. Предложено

государственное управление, которое осуществляется через администрирование обозначать Public administration. При применении, элементов управления, даже на переходном этапе развития общества от администрирования к менеджменту — "Public management". Администрирование и менеджмент являются разновидностями управления, его эволюционными уровнями.

Ключевые слова: дискурс, управление, государственное управление, демократия, публичное (общественное) управление.

Problem statement. Ukraine has chosen a democratic way of its development, and democratic principles of governance in the affairs of society radically change the nature and structure of the management of social, political, economic, social and other processes in the state.

The experience of other countries that build democratic social relations points to significant changes in the system of state governance as development of public management. At the same time, public management has its own peculiarities, with different accents in each country.

Discussion is continuing around the definition of the concept of 'public management' in the scientific community. And considering the fact that Ukraine, during the entire period of its independence, is actively reformed the system of public administration and intends to move to a democratic model of governance of public affairs as public administration the term 'public' is sometimes automatically used instead of the term 'state'.

The mentioned above actualizes the continuation of the discussion on the essential features of public administration as a model of management of public affairs.

The analysis of recent researches and publications of the authors, namely: O. Amosov, N. Havkalova, N. Honharuk, M. Lakhyzha, N. Nyzh-nyk, L. Novak-Kaliaieva, R. Melnyk,

0. Melnychenko, P. Petrovskyi and

1. Skvirskyi, etc. It points to active scientific research aimed at disclosing the essence of public management and defining it as a concept.

The purpose of the article is introduction the nature of public management to the scientific discourse.

Presentation of the main material. S. Chyshko argues that the discourse was addressed when 'the most important becomes the context field, in particular the social context, and then the sign context (intertextuality as text fields and text sequences' [1]. Discourse is based on certain practices, activities that 'create meaning' [2, p. 159], and not vice versa. According to P. Petrovskyi, 'the significance of discourse for Ukrainian state formation is that it is an effective means of substantiating the development of society and the state' [3].

At the beginning of the 20th century, government had its manifestation through administration in most countries of the world. In our opinion, using the term 'public administration', we

can talk about public administration or state governance (even in the broad sense) through administration.

Quite often, the phrase 'public management' as well as 'public administration' is translated into Ukrainian as state governance or state administration. But 'public management' is a management that based on management rather than administration.

The transformation of 'public administration' into 'public management', took place in an evolutionary way in particular in the Western Europe: with the development of democratic relations in society, the activation of civil society in solving common issues (the transfer is not complete the power of the state, the activities of non-state institutions in the management chain, etc.), with the first elements of management in the system of state authorities (elements of management from the private sector, if they are effective, will also be effective in the state) and further development of public management mechanisms (public management). So, for example, Britain, as a model for managing the affairs of society, was used (gradually modernizing and modifying) 'public administration', 'public management' (now sometimes referred to as 'old') and 'new public management'... In its development, 'public management' can gradually become 'good governance', etc. (already another, higher, evolutionary level of management).

Modern social and economic systems are complex and opened systems, the development of which is the most important task of the present. Governance of the country as a social and economic system requires the involvement of representatives of the whole

civil society in the process of making managerial decisions. Thus, governance at the state level acquires the features of publicity, and the development of the theory and practice of state governance creates grounds for awareness of the leading role of public administration in a social evolutionary context. There are evolutionary processes of formation of public administration in Ukraine, during the period of its independence [4, p. 28].

However, the current (2018) model of governance in Ukraine does not meet the current challenges and trends of social development in the best way, and it urgently addresses the urgency of finding and ensuring the emergence of a new model that accelerates the expected positive changes in society. The activities of power structures are still subordinated to standards and procedures of a rational bureaucratic approach that is not sufficiently suitable for the implementation of democratic principles of governance in conditions of dynamic changes in both internal and external environments [5, p. 130].

That is, practically management of the affairs of Ukrainian society is still carried out through administration; and some elements of management take place only. This concerns both functional and organizational structures and almost unmodern relations between them, as well as the absence of other management mechanisms inherent in management. In this transitional period: from administration (public administration) to management (public management), it is especially important not to automatically use the term 'public' (public) instead of 'state' in terms of management. However, in our opinion,

the term 'public administration' can be used when it comes to 'public management' in this transitional stage.

N. Nyzhnyk, N. Honcharuk and M. Lakhyzha argued in 2010 that 'there is a belief in the necessity of transition from traditional state governance to public' in Ukraine, and pointed to the existence of a process that can be called a 'denationalization of governance' under the influence of globalization, integration and fragmentation [6, p. 12].

The management of public affairs should become more and more 'publicity', attracting a wide range of people, citizens, public organizations and self-governing organizations, etc. in the process of development of civil society. When the level of civil society development is high enough in a democracy, state power is actually transformed into public administration and becomes significantly dependent on society (the public). In this case, it's worth talking about 'public administration' as a combination of state governance (in the narrow sense) and public self-government. This is due to the unity of public interests, goals and objectives, in achieving and resolving which both systems take an active part, as well as and nature of management activities [7, p. 145-146].

The latest management paradigm is based on a change in the algorithm of the relationship between public authorities and the population and organizations [8]. It is about shifting from a unified subordination and subordination relationship to interaction and mutual support at all stages of the management cycle. The changes take place in two following directions: on the one hand, efforts are being made to improve the quality of services provided by the

state to the population in particular in education, health care, social insurance, etc.; on the other hand, new mechanisms for involving citizens in the process of adoption and implementation of management decisions are being formed. This contributes to the effective use of public resources for solving social problems, more accurately identifying the priorities of state policy and meeting citizens' rights to a professional, capable and responsible government [9, p. 133].

R. Melnyk draws attention to the fact that 'power is far from always connected with coercion. It is often implemented through the use of other mechanisms as the belief and the provision (selection) of material or financial resources, etc. And once so, then the management, which aims to achieve a certain state of social relations (committing actions or abstaining from actions), can also be carried out in a non-compulsory manner' [10, p. 95-96]. In addition, the content of public administration should not be expanded through internal organizational activities of executive authorities; public administration manifests itself only in the external relations of executive authorities with other public authorities, as well as private individuals [10, p. 97].

We note that the transition from 'state governance' to 'public administration' involves the preservation of the list of objects and the expansion of subjects of governance [11, p. 3]. O. Melnychenko notes that the concept of 'public administration' is wider in scope and richer in content than 'state governance', since it covers most aspects of state, municipal, corporate and public administration [11, p. 6].

The thesis is that public administration (state governance), as a type of social management, is widespread, consisting of the followings: 1) state administration, where the state acts as the state in the person of the respective structures; and 2) public administration, where subjects are non-state institutions [12, p. 84]. In our opinion, public administration is represented in the narrow sense, and public administration can include both local self-government bodies and other non-state institutions, which should become part of the chain of management of general social affairs.

According to L. Novak-Kaliaieva, 'public administration' is the activity of state administration bodies, local self-government bodies, representatives of the private sector and civil society institutions within the limits of the powers and functional responsibilities established by the law (planning, organization, management, coordination and control) with regard to the formation and implementation of management decisions of public importance, policies of the state and its administrative and territorial units. Public administration provides a significant increase in the efficiency of management activities, owing to the high level of public support and consolidation of society around common goals, it is linked to democratic values, the principles of the rule of law, respect for human dignity, non-discrimination, equality, justice, security and efficiency, etc. [13, p. 144].

It should be noted that the concept of 'public administration' is not fixed in the Ukrainian legislation. At the same time, this research has once again confirmed that the concept of 'public

management' is already in the scientific circulation. In the process of reforming public administration in Ukraine, certain steps were taken to establish and develop public administration. In addition, we note that 'Public Management and Public Administration' are included in the list of fields of knowledge and specialties for which higher education graduates are trained [14]. According to I. Skvirskyi, there is every reason for the division and support of the opinion expressed in the foreign scientific literature on the expediency of introducing into the legal circle of the general term 'public administration', within which various, but extremely tightly relationships between themselves, forms of management activity: public administration, self-governing (municipal) management and management, aimed at the implementation of delegated powers [15, p. 67]. Maintaining the need for the legislative definition of the term 'public administration', we note that there is still a need to continue the scientific discourse on the essence of public administration.

Conclusions. Administration and management are varieties of management, its evolutionary levels. We believe that public administration, both in the broad sense and in the narrow sense (through executive bodies), which is carried out through administration, should be designated as 'public administration'. When applied, the elements of management, even at the transitional stage of development of society from administration to management as 'public management'.

At present, evolutionary processes of public management formation are taking place in Ukraine, but practically

management of the affairs of Ukrainian society is still carried out through administration, and some elements of management take place only. This concerns both functional and organizational structures and almost unmodern relations between them, as well as the absence of other management mechanisms inherent in management.

We agree that the transition to public administration is connected with the 'deregulation of management': the deconcentration and decentralization of functions and powers between the subjects of management (streamlining of functions in state authorities and local self-government, the transfer of part of them to non-state or semi-state structures); an increase in the subjects of governance (the number of bodies of state power should be reduced, and non-state or semi-state institutions added to the management chain); application of best management practices (in particular, the use of non-coercive management mechanisms).

Today there is still a need to continue the scientific discourse on the essence of public management, which should become the basis for the legislative consolidation of the term 'public management' in Ukraine.

references -

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список використаних джерел -

1. Чишко С. О. Проблема ушверсально-го та специфiчного у президентскому дискурс рiзних мов / С. О. Чишко [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу : http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/ portal/Soc_Gum/Dtr_ gn/2010_1-2/files/GN110_14.pdf

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3. Петровський П. М. Державно-управ-лшський науковий дискурс як чин-ник модершзацп [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу : http:// www.lvivacademy.com/download_4/ poziciya_download/diskurs.pdf

4. Амосов О. Ю, Гавкалова Н. Л. Кон-цептуальнi засади публiчного управ-лiння/ О. Ю. Амосов, Н. Л. Гавкалова / Публiчне управлiння: шляхи розвитку : матерiали наук.-практ. конф. за мiжнар. участю (Ки1в, 26 листопада 2014 р.) : у 2 т. / [за наук. ред. Ю. В. Ковбасюка, С. А. Ро-манюка, О. Ю. Оболенського]. — К. : НАДУ, 2014. — Т. 2. — С. 28-29.

5. Реформа системи державного управлшня та мюцевого самовряду-вання: стан, виклики, перспективи здшснення : наук. доп. / авт. кол. ; за заг. ред. В. С. Куйбщи. — К. : НАДУ, 2018. — 180 с.

6. Публ1чна адмшютрацш в Украшк становлення та розвиток : моногра-фiя / за заг. ред. А. В. Толстоухова,

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9. Новак-Каляева Л. Деяк аспекти формування новггньо! парадигми публiчноl влади на засадах прав лю-дини / Л. М. Новак-Каляева // Пу-блiчне управлшня: теорiя та практика. — 2014. — Вип. 4. — С. 129-134.

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11. Мельниченко О. А. Яюсть публiчно-го управлшня як запорука добробу-ту населення кра1ни / О. А. Мельниченко // Актуальш проблеми державного управлшня. — 2017. — 1 (51). — С. 1-7.

12. Адмтктративне право Укра'1-ни: шдруч. для юрид. вузiв i фак-тiв / Ю. П. Битяк, В. М. Гаращук,

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13. Публ1чне управлшня : термшол. слов. / за заг. ред. В. С. Куйбщи, М. М. Бшинсько'1, О. М. Петрое. — Кшв : НАДУ, 2018. — 224 с.

14. Про затвердження перелшу галу-зей знань i спещальностей, за якими здiйснюеться пщготовка здобувачiв вищо'1 освiти : Постанова Кабше-ту Мiнiстрiв Укра'1ни вщ 29 квiтня 2015 р. № 266 [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу : http:// zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/266-2015-%D0%BF/page2

15. Скв1рський I. О. Категорiя "публiч-не управлiння": сучасний погляд та новi орiентири дослщження /

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