Научная статья на тему 'public administration as an element of decentralization of power in Ukraine: the theoretical, technological aspect and peculiarities of the introduction of public administration in Ukraine'

public administration as an element of decentralization of power in Ukraine: the theoretical, technological aspect and peculiarities of the introduction of public administration in Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
public administration and administration / technological implementation / decentralization / territorial communities / public control / implementation of public administration / публічне управління та адміністрування / технологічне впровадження / децентралізація / територіальні громади / публічний контроль / впровадження публічного управління

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Yelinskaya Valentina Vasilievna

The article details the relationship between public administration as an element of the decentralization of power in Ukraine and the peculiarities of the implementation of public administration in Ukraine. The peculiarities of our country that distinguish it from the European countries with experience of implementation of public administration and control are considered. The main technological tools that can be used to implement public administration in Ukraine are considered. The emphasis is on public administration as the main instrument for implementing the state decentralization strategy. It is substantiated that consideration of the regulatory framework for decentralization clearly indicates the need for the allocation of public administration as the main point of involving society in state governance at the level of territorial communities. Strategically, the state has taken all necessary steps to imple ment the relevant reforms. However, there is still unregulated uncertainty between strategic planning and practical implementation, as there is uncertainty at the level of both the state and territorial communities about the instruments for achieving the goals. The article focuses on public administration as the main instrument for implementing the state decentralization strategy. The main differences between our country and the European countries, which have already successfully implemented the possibilities of public administration and ways to overcome these differences, are considered. The last section of the article is devoted directly to modern technological capabilities that can be used for the effective implementation of public administration at the level of territorial communities. The main existing tools and ways of their use are considered. Separately, the most perspective directions of realization of public administration and conditions of their effective implementation with support of the state and local self-government bodies are considered.

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У статті детально розкрито взаємозв’язок публічного управління як елементу децентралізації влади в Україні та особливості впровадження публічного управління в Україні. Розглянуто особливості нашої країни, які відрізняють її від європейських країн, які мають досвід впровадження публічного управління та контролю. Розглянуто основні технологічні інструменти, які можуть використовуватися для впровадження публічного управління в Україні. Акцентовано увагу на публічному управлінні як на основному інструменті реалізації державної стратегії децентралізації. Обґрунтовано, що розгляд нормативної бази стосовно проведення децентралізації чітко вказує на необхідність виділення публічного управління, як основний момент залучення суспільства до державного керування на рівні територіальних громад. Стратегічно держава зробила усі необхідні кроки проведення відповідних реформ. Проте між стратегічним плануванням та практичною реалізацією досі існує нерегульована невизначеність, оскільки на рівні як держави, так і територіальних громад існує невизначеність з інструментами досягнення поставлених цілей. У статті акцентовано увагу на публічному управлінні як на основному інструменті реалізації державної стратегії децентралізації. Розглянуто основні відмінності нашої країни від європейських країн, які вже успішно реалізували можливості публічного управління та шляхи подолання цих відмінностей. Останній розділ статті присвячений безпосередньо сучасним технологічним можливостям, що можуть використовуватися для ефективної реалізації публічного управління на рівні територіальних громад. Розглянуто основні існуючі інструменти та шляхи їх використання, а також найперспективніші напрями реалізації публічного управління й умови їх ефективного впровадження за підтримки держави і органів місцевого самоврядування.

Текст научной работы на тему «public administration as an element of decentralization of power in Ukraine: the theoretical, technological aspect and peculiarities of the introduction of public administration in Ukraine»

UDC: 351

Yelinskaya Valentina Vasilievna,

applicant, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Fro-metivska, 2, tel.: (066) 168 18 88, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-9084-1078

€лтська Валентина EacuMÏeHa,

здобувач, Мiжрегiонaльнa Акaдемiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фрометiвськa, 2, тел.: (066) 16818 88, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-9084-1078

Елинская Валентина Васильевна,

соискатель, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (066) 168 18 88, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9084-1078 DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i12.86


as an element of decentralization of power IN uKRAINE: the theoretical, technological aspect AND peculiarities of THE introduction of public administration in ukraine

Abstract. The article details the relationship between public administration as an element of the decentralization of power in Ukraine and the peculiarities of the implementation of public administration in Ukraine. The peculiarities of our country that distinguish it from the European countries with experience of implementation of public administration and control are considered. The main technological tools that can be used to implement public administration in Ukraine are considered. The emphasis is on public administration as the main instrument for implementing the state decentralization strategy.

It is substantiated that consideration of the regulatory framework for decentralization clearly indicates the need for the allocation of public administration as the main point of involving society in state governance at the level of territorial communities. Strategically, the state has taken all necessary steps to imple-

ment the relevant reforms. However, there is still unregulated uncertainty between strategic planning and practical implementation, as there is uncertainty at the level of both the state and territorial communities about the instruments for achieving the goals.

The article focuses on public administration as the main instrument for implementing the state decentralization strategy. The main differences between our country and the European countries, which have already successfully implemented the possibilities of public administration and ways to overcome these differences, are considered.

The last section of the article is devoted directly to modern technological capabilities that can be used for the effective implementation of public administration at the level of territorial communities. The main existing tools and ways of their use are considered. Separately, the most perspective directions of realization of public administration and conditions of their effective implementation with support of the state and local self-government bodies are considered.

Keywords: public administration and administration, technological implementation, decentralization, territorial communities, public control, implementation of public administration.


Анотащя. У статл детально розкрито взаемозв'язок публiчного управлш-ня як елементу децентралiзацiï влади в Укра!ш та особливосл впроваджен-ня публiчного управлшня в Укра!ш. Розглянуто особливосп нашо! кра!ни, яю вiдрiзняють ïï вщ европейських кра!н, якi мають досвiд впровадження публiчного управлiння та контролю. Розглянуто основш технологiчнi ш-струменти, якi можуть використовуватися для впровадження публiчного управлiння в Укра!ш. Акцентовано увагу на публiчному управлшш як на основному iнструментi реалiзацiï державно!" стратегiï децентралiзацiï.

Обгрунтовано, що розгляд нормативно! бази стосовно проведення децен-тралiзацiï чiтко вказуе на необхщшсть видiлення публiчного управлiння, як основний момент залучення сустльства до державного керування на рiвнi територiальних громад. Стратегiчно держава зробила ус необхiднi кроки проведення вiдповiдних реформ. Проте мiж стратегiчним плануванням та практичною реалiзацiею досi iснуе нерегульована невизначешсть, оскiльки на рiвнi як держави, так i територiальних громад юнуе невизначенiсть з ш-струментами досягнення поставлених щлей.

У стати акцентовано увагу на публiчному управлшш як на основному шструмент реалiзацiï державно! стратегiï децентралiзацiï. Розглянуто основш вщмшносл нашо! кра!ни ввд европейських кра!н, якi вже усшшно реалiзували можливостi публiчного управлiння та шляхи подолання цих вщмшностей.

Останнш роздш статтi присвячений безпосередньо сучасним техноло-гiчним можливостям, що можуть використовуватися для ефективно'1 реа-лiзащl публiчного управлiння на рiвнi територiальних громад. Розглянуто основнi iснуючi шструменти та шляхи 1х використання, а також найпер-спективнiшi напрями реалiзащl публiчного управлiння й умови 1х ефек-тивного впровадження за шдтримки держави i органiв мiсцевого самовря-дування.

Ключовi слова: публiчне управлiння та адмшютрування, технолопч-не впровадження, децентралiзацiя, територiальнi громади, публiчний контроль, впровадження публiчного управлiння.


Аннотация. В статье подробно раскрыта взаимосвязь публичного управления как элемента децентрализации власти в Украине и особенности внедрения публичного управления в Украине. Рассмотрены особенности нашей страны, которые отличают ее от европейских стран, которые имеют опыт внедрения публичного управления и контроля. Рассмотрены основные технологические инструменты, которые могут использоваться для внедрения публичного управления в Украине. Акцентировано внимание на публичном управлении как на основном инструменте реализации государственной стратегии децентрализации.

Обосновано, что рассмотрение нормативной базы по проведению децентрализации четко указывает на необходимость выделения публичного управления, как основной момент привлечения общества к государственному управлению на уровне территориальных общин. Стратегически государство сделало все необходимые шаги проведения соответствующих реформ. Однако между стратегическим планированием и практической реализацией до сих пор существует нерегулируемая неопределенность, поскольку на уровне как государства, так и территориальных общин существует неопределенность с инструментами достижения поставленных целей.

В статье акцентировано внимание на публичном управлении как на основном инструменте реализации государственной стратегии децентрализации. Рассмотрены основные отличия нашей страны от европейских стран, которые уже успешно реализовали возможности публичного управления и пути преодоления этих различий.

Последний раздел статьи посвящен непосредственно современным технологическим возможностям, которые могут использоваться для эффективной реализации публичного управления на уровне территориальных общин. Рассмотрены основные существующие инструменты и пути их использования, а также более перспективные направления реализации

публичного управления и условия их эффективного внедрения при поддержке государства и органов местного самоуправления.

Ключевые слова: публичное управление и администрирование, технологическое внедрение, децентрализация, территориальные общины, публичный контроль, внедрение публичного управления.

Problem statement. According to the bill of introduction of amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine (concerning decentralization of the power) decentralization and delegation of the power to the sphere of responsibility of local communities is one of the most important ways of state system reforming. According to this act a number of the normative documents concerning management of local governments, the budgetary management and management of authorities on places has been changed.

The purpose of this reform is distribution of direct influence of territorial communities on development of own region and reallocation of funds. However right after adoption of these laws there was a question of the rights realization and requirements of local communities in the practical plane. How to connect legislative initiatives at the level of the state with activity of an active part of society directly in each certain region.

Among many possible options of development of regional decentralization according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "About the adoption of the State strategy of regional development for the period until 2020" [30] public administration has been chosen as a basic element thanks to which the state program has to be realized.

In the Constitution of Ukraine [28] (Art. 5) clearly stated that "the people carry out the power directly and

through public authorities and local governments". So, when we speak about the public power, we mean the power the source of which are the people. When we speak about public management, respectively, we mean management, part in which is taken by the people.

Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The main developers of public management strategy in the western literature are: D. Ketli [8], D. Osborne [9], L. Otul [11], T. Peters [10], D. Feldman [5] and others.

Detailed interest in a phenomenon of public management has caused attention from the Ukrainian scientists including: V. Averyanov [21], V. Baku-menko [15, 16], O. Zabuzhko [23], Yu. Kovbasyuk [24, 29], A. Collodiy [22]. I. Kresina [31], V. Troshchinsky [24] and others.

Proceeding from it, the main idea of article consists in justification of public management use as qualitatively new model of realization of public administration in the conditions of the power decentralization.

Process of evolution of social and economic system promoted gradual transformation of public administration system that has been established in a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "About the adoption of the State strategy of regional development for the period until 2020" [30].

Purpose of the article. To disclose interrelation of public management as

element of decentralization of the power in Ukraine and feature of introduction of public management in Ukraine. To consider features of our country that distinguish it from the European countries which have experience of introduction of public management and control, the main technological tools which can be used for introduction of public management in Ukraine.

The attention is focused on public management as on the main instrument of realization of the state strategy of decentralization.

To accumulate the world's experience for allocation of the main aspects of implementation of the power decentralization reform in Ukraine because of strengthening of territorial communities' influence thanks to the instrument of public management.

Presentation of basic material of the research. Main steps of carrying out of decentralization reform. Use of public management on each of stages of reform. According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "About the adoption of the State strategy of regional development for the period until 2020" [30] 5 steps are provided for the reform introduction and delegation of power and budgets from public authorities of the power to local governments:

1. Definition of a territorial basis of local governments and executive power.

2. Differentiation of powers between local governments of various levels.

3. Differentiation of powers between local governments and executive power.

4. Determination of volumes of resources for each of self-government levels.

5. Accountability of local governments before voters and the state.

Use of public management on each of stages represents set of actions for involvement of territorial communities to governance process.

At the first stage — Definition of a territorial basis of local governments and executive power, creation of three-level system of the administrative-territorial system in Ukraine is carried out. According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine creation of 27 regions, 120-150 districts is provided, in which 1500-1800 communities carry out vigorous activity.

At this stage it is planned to publicly manage at the level of information differentiation of an active part of local communities and attraction them to appropriate levels of local government.

At the second stage — Differentiation of powers between local governments of various levels, it is intended to delegate the powers, most important for people, to the level of the power next to them. Public management at this level except information function passes to creation of an opportunity to local communities directly to operate processes of ensuring the most important functions at the local level connected with ensuring work of local self-government institutions in relation to most important questions for local communities.

At the third stage — Differentiation of powers between local governments and executive power, it provides transfer of the main powers of local public administrations to local governments. At the same time only the right of control over local self-government institutions has to be delegated to the government.

This stage provides carrying out active dialogue of local self-government institutions and territorial communities for the purpose of definition of the main tools and decision-making processes concerning management of processes at the level of local self-government institutions. Thanks to carrying out two previous stages it is expected that an active part of territorial communities will already create the main mechanisms and options of cooperation with local self-government institutions thereby the efficiency of public management will reach the greatest possible level. Fixing of the main conditions of cooperation at the level of local processes will provide further effective cooperation of territorial communities with local governments.

At the fourth stage — Determination of volumes of resources for each of self-government levels, creation of budgets of territorial communities is provided. At the same time thanks to the main instruments of cooperation between local governments and a territorial community public management will consist in direct definition of the direction of financial flows of local level on the requirements, the most important for this territorial community. The second important element of public management is cooperation of communities at the level of districts (regions) for combination of efforts of several communities during the work on projects of district (regional) value.

At the fifth stage — the Accountability of local governments before voters and the state, public management is intended in the form of creation of reports system and explanations

which, on the one hand, will perform function of the report (feedback) of local self-government institutions on executed by them projects before a territorial community, on the other hand — local self-government institutions will report to the state in a section of ensuring by them the control functions of public funds use.

Public management in classical understanding is defined as influence of the subject of management (possessing the public power) on an object — society (public processes, relations) according to socially significant functions and powers entrusted to it [18]. That is public management arises as result of a certain public contract between the state and society when appropriate authorities and officials are vested with authority [15, with. 25].

A subject and at the same time object of public management is civil society, the non-state organizations (various self-coping structures (public organizations, associations and their bodies), public authorities [4].

Directly administrative link of subjects of management are bodies of public management: the institutes elected by direct elections and their executive structures, official and the officials elected by direct elections; official and the officers appointed by institutes and their executive structures.

Thus exactly thanks to public management the reform of the government decentralization provided by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "About the adoption of the State strategy of regional development for the period until 2020" [30] has chance the transfer from theoretical to the practical plane.

Features of introduction of public management in Ukraine. Upon transition to the public administration model it is necessary to take into account a number of the features distinguishing territorial communities in Ukraine from the European countries which have already passed a way on creation of effective systems of public management:

• the considerable sizes of the country territory — by the sizes of the territory Ukraine takes the second place in Europe, at the same time some regions and the cities prevail by the sizes some of the European countries. According to it public administration at introduction will demand accounting of geographical (territorial) aspect in total with aspect of population of territories and age distribution of the available population;

• existence of outdated infrastructure on all territory of the country — the majority of material assets at the disposal of territorial communities were created at the time of the USSR that accordingly affects their state and needs modernization at the same time practically in all directions according to what public resource management of budgets will demand creation of the state program of infrastructure modernization that is supported and controlled on places by local governments by means of instruments of public management;

• existence of polarization of society thanks to the existing historical situation. Today social surveys demonstrate presence at society of accurately opposite views on development of the country in general, and on less important question. The corresponding polariza-

tion considerably complicates process of the public management establishing. According to this aspect the public management will demand emphasis of attention on processes that unites territorial community (education, medicine, providing social protection). At that time a set of questions, concerning a course of the State in general have to be accepted according to nationwide strategy, despite requirements of parts of society which have opposite opinion;

• existence of a significant amount of the corruption processes created for years of existence of the previous public administration system. According to the world rankings, Ukraine is included into series of one of the most corrupted countries. According to this aspect the public management has to undertake additional function of public control over corruption processes through network of public activists and the organizations. Other important element is need of change of electoral laws towards bigger responsibility of authorities to territorial communities which choose them.

Accounting of the specified distinctions demands basic change of the existing European experience of public management creation when carrying out decentralization in Ukraine.

Other aspect to which it is necessary to pay attention at introduction of public management is existence of the fixed distribution of society on aspects of social activity by the following criteria:

• socially active part of the population. This part of the population makes up to 10 percent from total of people. At the same time on age and the social

status this part of the population accumulates the greatest percent of tax revenues in budgets of territorial communities;

• passive part of the population. It represents other 90 % of the population and includes practically all range of the social and unprotected part of society (children, pensioners, disabled people, the unemployed).

Main objective of instruments of public management at the same time are:

• attracting as much as possible of socially active part of the population to processes of public management in the field of anti-corruption activity, adoption of public decisions and accumulation of socially active part of the population in one place thanks to qualitative information policy and granting to this share of the population of instruments of impact on activity of local self-government institutions;

• attracting as much as possible of a passive part of the population through granting instruments of influence on the processes which are directly connected with life of territorial community (education, medical support, social security, other).

Accounting of the above-stated features when transforming theoretical bases of the state strategy of decentralization to the practical plane will allow to turn public management into the effective instrument of a state government.

Technological aspect of introduction of public management. Experience of the European countries in the field of introduction of public management in total with fast information technology development gives a

boundless number of opportunities for implementation of public management.

The modern level of information technologies development allows to use a number of tools for introduction of public management:

• social networks (Facebook) -according to the conducted surveys today the volume of the Ukrainian audience in Facebook network is nearly 12 million people (nearly — population of the country). At the same time the age and social status of users of this network testifies to belonging of its users to the most active part of the population. According to it, since 2014 process of active involvement of users of this network to public management is carried out. However, together with coverage of audience there is also a number of the factors complicating public management by means of this resource:

• complexity of a binding of the certain user to territorial community to which he (she) belongs at the place of residence;

• complexity of use of standard elements of social network Facebook at public management of separate territorial community for lack of due standard functionality of social network;

• complexity of expand the audience, making decisions in public management through specific policy of identification on social network and accessory of this resource to commercial structure of other country.

However, despite these minuses, Facebook can become a fine source of information for the persons wishing to participate in public management thanks to using of it as electronic mass media and sources of information messages for representatives of territorial

community. Proceeding from a price/ quality ratio this source of information will cover much more potential readers and users, than regional printing editions of local self-government institutions which were used by them at the time of the Soviet Union.

Twitter can become another wide on volume and the operational instrument of informing territorial community, it has essential shortcomings in the form of restriction in number of printing symbols in the message, but has pluses in the form of unpretentiousness to resources of the mobile device thanks to which the participant of public management can get access to information necessary for him (her). As the separate instrument of informing the community Twitter can't be used, however as the auxiliary element of information policy of local government when using Face-book network as the main source of informing, this tool has no peers.

Historical experience of active actions with self-government of community in the territory of our country at the time of "the Revolution of Dignity" and fight against military aggression of Russia has proved efficiency of such combination of sources of information during the work with community.

The following technological instrument of public management that can be used proceeding from modern development of technologies, can become use of mobile applications on the basis of Android. For today in Ukraine more than 20 million devices on the basis of Android function that provides the technological level of coverage of the population at the level from 40 % to 50 %. Other plus of such instrument

use of public management is the technical capability of functionality creation that will include all necessary tools for all aspects of public management: adoption of administrative decisions, authorization for expenditure, anti-corruption activity, and other processes. And finally — exactly this instrument of public management provides the most accurate identification that will make impossible artificial of voices "cheats" and frauds with will of a voice of a community at adoption of administrative decisions in the field of public management and administration.

Advantage of this tool before national multilevel web services consists in "smashing" of similar mobile applications on each territorial community separately. Thus introduction of the tool won't encounter so big resistance from the bureaucratic corruption machinery in comparison with national introduction.

At the same time existence of the uniform service center which is responsible for development and service of a standard mobile application and installation of screens stands becomes nation-wide business as it goes beyond functioning and payment of a mobile application development.

Therefore, use of this tool has also certain shortcomings:

• need of advance of the made mobile application among potential users that is possible only on condition of existence of the state program of advance of this public management instrument. Use of the similar state program will provide additional benefit to the participant of territorial community at his (her) consent to use a mobile ap-

plication. This method of expansion of users network demands as the correct workmanship (creation of the available and efficient interface), and essential efforts on accumulation of data from various nation-wide bases and tools. However, when performing necessary conditions on coverage of audience and overall performance, this instrument of public management will have no peers.

The last instrument of public management — functioning of the web services on questions connected with public management. Today Ukraine already has positive experience of introduction of similar online resources, the most effective of which is the nationwide system ProZorro e-procurement system. Functionality and identification that is provided with this type of public management instrument actually corresponds to similar pluses of mobile applications, however there is a number of minuses that characterize the given type public management tool and control:

• increased requirements to safety in comparison with mobile applications (especially proceeding from high probability of cyber-attacks from the Russian Federation);

• need of the considerable amount of capital investments;

• need of an adoption of this software product introduction through counteraction of the bureaucratic mechanism.

Thus today the level of development of information technologies allows to make transition to public management in the course of carrying out reforming of decentralization of the power in the country for the relatively short period of time with maximum efficiency.

Conclusions and prospects of further researches. Today before our

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country there is an important question of transition to a democratic control system of the country and the choice of the European vector of development. At the same time, it is a question, considering military aggression of the Russian Federation, is beyond political or economic contents and becomes a question of survival of our country.

Consideration of the regulatory base concerning carrying out decentralization accurately indicates the need to allocate the public management as a main issue of society involvement to public administration at the level of territorial communities. Strategically, the state has taken all necessary steps for carrying out the corresponding reforms. However, between strategic planning and implementation there is still an unregulated uncertainty as at the level, both the state, and territorial communities there is an uncertainty with instruments of goals achievement.

In article the attention is focused on public management as on the main instrument of realization of the state strategy of decentralization. The main differences of our country from the European countries which have already successfully realized possibilities of public management and the ways of overcoming these distinctions, are considered.

The last section of article is devoted to directly modern technological capabilities which can be used for effective realization of public management at the level of territorial communities. The main existing instruments and ways of their use are considered. The most perspective directions of realization of public management and a condition of their effective introduction with as-

sistance of the state and local governments are separately considered.

Thus, the full algorithm of introduction of decentralization at government of a state by means of technical introduction of public management from territorial communities, is considered.

Direct detailed consideration of modern technologies for public management of local governments from communities and search of the most optimal variants in a price/quality ratio and easy opportunities for introduction, will be the directions of further researches.

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