Научная статья на тему 'Methods of the state influence in establishing the interaction with the civil society'

Methods of the state influence in establishing the interaction with the civil society Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Matvieienko Iryna Volodymyrivna

The article deals with the methods of the state influence in the interaction with the civil society. The current relations between the state and civil society institutions show no universal ways of effective interaction due to specific national, economic, political and social conditions that reflect the culture, history and traditions of the state. It was found that the construction of the interaction between the state and civil society has traced a transfer of the methods of influences from the Soviet era. It was indicated that the civil society activitydetermines the level of interaction and determines the peculiarities of the administrative process, it requires the introduction of new, sustainable forms of the public activity, responsibility, maturity of the civil society, active position of the civil society based on participatory governance.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methods of the state influence in establishing the interaction with the civil society»

UDC: 35.316

Iryna Volodymyrivna Matvieienko,

PhD in Public Administration, Head of the Sector of scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel, Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 65009, Odessa, Str. Henuezska, 22, tel.: (067) 777 55 52, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2567-9668

Матвеенко 1рина Володимирiвнаа,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, 3aeidyeau сектору тдготовки науково-пе-дaгогiчних та наукових rndpie, Одесь-кий регюнальний iнститут державного управлтня Нащональног академп держав -ного управлтня при Президентовi Украг-ни, 65009 м. Одеса, вул. Генуезька, 22, тел.: (067) 777 55 52, e-mail: irinamatveenko@ mail.ru

ОЯСЮ: 0000-0002-2567-9668

Матвеенко Ирина Владимировна,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, заведующий сектором подготовки научно-педагогических и научных кадров, Одесский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, м. Одесса, ул. Генуэзская, 22, тел.: (067) 777 55 52, е-тай: [email protected]

ОЯСЮ: 0000-0002-2567-9668


Abstract. The article deals with the methods of the state influence in the interaction with the civil society. The current relations between the state and civil society institutions show no universal ways of effective interaction due to specific national, economic, political and social conditions that reflect the culture, history and traditions of the state. It was found that the construction of the interaction between the state and civil society has traced a transfer of the methods of influences from the Soviet era. It was indicated that the civil society activity

determines the level of interaction and determines the peculiarities of the administrative process, it requires the introduction of new, sustainable forms of the public activity, responsibility, maturity of the civil society, active position of the civil society based on participatory governance.

Keywords: civil society, government, state, methods of influence, partner interaction.


Анотащя. У статл розглянуто методи впливу держави при встановлен-ш взаемодп з громадянським сусшльством. Сучасш взаемоввдносини держави та шститупв громадянського сусшльства демонструють вщсутшсть ушверсальних шляхiв ефективно! взаемодп, що пов'язано з нащональною специфiкою, економiчними, полличними та соцiальними умовами, якi вЬ дображають культуру, iсторiю та традицп держави. Встановлено, що при взаемодп держави з громадянським сусшльством прослвдковуеться пере-несення методiв впливiв з радянсько! доби. Зазначено, що громадянська актившсть суспiльства визначае рiвень взаемодп та особливост динамiки управлiнського процесу, що вимагае запровадження нових, ращональних форм активност громадськостi, вiдповiдальностi, зршосп, активно! по-зицп iнститутiв громадянського сусшльства на основi партисипативного управлшня.

Ключовi слова: громадянське суспiльство, органи влади, держава, методи впливiв, партнерська взаемодiя.



Аннотация. В статье рассмотрены методы воздействий государства при установлении взаимодействия с гражданским обществом. Современные взаимоотношения государства и институтов гражданского общества демонстрируют отсутствие универсальных путей эффективного взаимодействия, что связано с национальной спецификой, экономическими, политическими и социальными условиями, которые отражают культуру, историю и традиции государства. Установлено, что при взаимодействии государства с гражданским обществом прослеживается перенос методов воздействий с советских времен. Отмечено, что гражданская активность общества определяет уровень взаимодействия и формирует особенности динамики управленческого процесса, что требует новых, рациональных форм активности общественности, ответственности, зрелости гражданского общества, активной позиции институтов гражданского общества на основе партисипативного управления.

Ключевые слова: гражданское общество, органы власти, государство, методы действий, партнерское взаимодействие.

Target setting. The modern administration trend needs improvement of the setting of the interaction between the state and civil society. The social democratization must necessarily be based on the citizens' initiative, in coordination with the authorities and delegation of the certain powers range of civil society institutions. An urgent need for Ukraine is the formation of an effective administration system based on a comprehensive study of institutional interaction between the government agencies and civil society at all levels of the administration.

The experience of the relations between the state and civil society institutions indicates the absence of universal ways of effective interaction due to specific national, economic, political and social conditions that reflect the culture, history and traditions of the state. Therefore, it becomes necessary the consideration of effective forms, methods and theoretical study ways of establishing effective interaction between the government and civil society.

Recently, more and more is enhanced the role and place of the civil society in the public administration activities. In many countries, such as: Belgium, Britain, Estonia, Spain, Canada, Germany, Poland, Portugal, USA, France, Croatia and others actively is introduced the practice to establish effective interaction between the government and civil society through strategies, concepts, programs, agreements, etc.

Analysis of the recent researches and publications. To the interaction of the government and civil society have dedicated their works T. Belska,

R. Dal, I. Ibrahimov, M. Ilyin, O. Rad-chenko, N. Rosenblum, F. Rudych and others. The organizational aspects are reflected in scientific works of V. Bebik, T. Butyrska, V. Martynenko, V. Nikitin, N. Pirozhenko,Yu. Reznik, A. Yakubovs-ki and others. In the area of governance approaches to scientific methods and forms of institutional interaction ways of its effective exercise are developing the scientists and experts as A.Kolodiy, A. Krupnyk, V.Knyazyev, N. Nyzhnyk, G. Pocheptsov and others.

The purpose of the article is to analyze and identify the main methods of state influence in establishing interaction with the civil society.

The statement of basic materials. While implementing their functions and competences the authorities are applying certain techniques, ways to achieve their goals, through which the ordering is made, ensuring of the effective governance, organization of the government process, there is an influence on the behaviour and activities of the public. For their definition are used concepts such as: "administration methods", "active methods of the authorities", "methods of the influence of the government", "methods of functioning of the government" and so on.

Under the method is understood a system of techniques to achieve the goal [1]. The correlation and comparison made it possible to identify the main methods of influence, which investigated the various branches of science, to compare them with modern ideas in the field of "public administration" and distinguish the methods based on establishing the state interaction with the civil society.

The classification of these methods is possible by various criteria, for their different properties. The use of administrative influence is for the purpose of regulation and management process, achieving appropriate administrative purposes, the invention of an appropriate system of links (relations) for formation of the type of behavior of the object; creating programs of "administrative influence" with regard to economic, political, ideological and organizational component for the effective implementation of the impacts on society and the relevant socio-psychologi-cal phenomena in the society. The goal of the administration influence in the process of democratic governance is to create a positive dynamic in the administration, which ultimately leads to the effectiveness of public administration activities and the establishment of relations between the state and society.

In addition, the methods of administration influence include: coercion, power-coercive methods, methods of administration, administrative, economic, political (moral, political, socio-political), methods of functioning of the public administration and local government, regulation, monitoring and ethical methods [2; 3]. Their application is made to: establish relationships between the object and subject of administration according to the dialectics of the administration system; provide new movement to the object of administration; achieve administration objectives; change and direct the human behaviour; regulation; improve and develop the society; target the social development; ensure the adoption and implementation of decisions; create an effective system based

on information communication and relationships. In accordance with the objectives of the administration influence, the result stands for achieving social benefits, setting up the relations between the state and society, focus on the public administration, streamlining and organization of the processes of the relations between the state and civil society.

At the present stage in the public administration the methods of influence are: regulation, organization and command methods [4]. In accordance with the methods of influence arises the goal which aims to streamline the administration and direction of a person's behaviour in a given direction. The result of the implementation with outlined methods is the effect on the participant of the on public administration relations, his consciousness and people's behaviour that has an orderly nature.

The methods of information administration include methods of the impact of information, education, advocacy, command and regulation [5]. Establishing the relations between the state and civil society to create a complex system of causality describes the purpose of influence. As a result of the impact is to optimize the system, obtaining a result with the least effort and cost.

Some researchers singled out information influence. Different historical periods of the description of the information influence are characterized by using different methods. In Soviet times, the methods of information influence included: information, education, regulation, promotion, persuasion, guidance and incentives [6; 7]. The pur-

pose of the change was determined by the impact of the current human needs, social orientation, social relations, objectivity when assessing subjective reality, formation of the programs of behaviour according to specific tasks, using active propaganda channels and other technical means to the individual. Informing the population took place by transferring an information flow containing relevant information on economic, political, social and spiritual development of the country. In the process of the above aspects were formed the desired behaviour of the managed object, the achievement of the given nature of its conduct.

Today the set of methods for practical implementation of information influence significantly changed in content and number of methods. Experts identify methods such as information, forecasting, persuasion, incentives that in scientific definitions correspond to the formative influence techniques [8].

The exercise of the public authority includes work with volume and variety of information needed to make good decisions, their implementation and assess of their effectiveness. The administration (in the broadest sense) requires direct (from the subject to the controlled object) and return (from the controlled object to the subject) channels of communication. So a mandatory element of the organizational activities of the public authorities is a method of providing information that is working on the collection, processing and evaluation of the information, which is held at all stages of the decision-making and execution of the government.

The communicative administration influence in the management is

set up through methods of modeling, encouragement, motivation and communication [9]. The purpose of the communicative administration impact is determined in the simulation situation, identifying the need for change, developing an overall strategy for the invention of the best ways to solve the problem. As a result of its implementation is to stimulate a specific action, activity of the object, administration of reasons.

In the public administration are singled out communication activities as a kind of formative influence [1], the method characterized by cooperation and the use of methods of transmitting information aimed at changing attitudes, belief, understanding, thinking. In the model of forming the communicative activities of the public administration is selected the technology to avoid disputes, adverse effects, manipulation, establish emotional contact, the formation of positive emotions, challenge of the sensual response to the communication, orientation to meet the recipients of information, the formation of trust to the originator of the communications, input standard, addressing the critical experience, activating thinking beneficiary communications, positioning value orientations, etc. [10]. The purpose of the communication is a focus on building the relations between the state and society. The result is the formation of the communicative confidence in the state, the openness and transparency of the public administration. It is believed that at the present stage of the implementation of the communication activities in a professional manner will establish the relationship between the state and

civil society, and ensure that the public administration decisions involving the citizens.

In the field of public administration to influence methods of the communication carry information, beliefs and methods of interaction [11], which moved from the field of psychology. It is believed that the implementation of the communication influence is a factor of the development and formation of the civil society in the process of democratic governance.

In the 1970s were singled out the methods of influence, which include convictions, information, message [12]. The goal of making sure the impact is to change the way of the entry of the field element values in the activities of the object to change its attitude towards reality (without affecting its abstract knowledge of it). The result is a double piece of modeling specific semantic field of the object, and the ability to perceive information provided recently [13].

The public administration influence from the standpoint of the modernity distinguishes such methods as coercion, administrative methods, administrative, legal, regulatory [10], regulation and management method, advisory, development and regulation, persuasion, encouragement [4], methods of ruling and regulations [4], information, management, monitoring [10]. The purpose of the public administration influence is the realization of public interest, the regulation of public administration relations, creation of the organizational governance, focus action on achieving the administration objectives, establishing relations between the state and society. The practical realization of the

goal of the public administration influence is reflected in the regulation of the public administration relations, implementation of the public interest, a special type of public administration relations, is the support of the established order, to achieve the highest forms of the civil society organizations.

The public administration influence combines the following methods: enforcement, administrative and legislative, control [2], the direct impact (administrative-legal), indirect effects (economic, social and political regulation of the state authorities and local governments), ensuring the implementation of the objectives and functions of the government (moral, ethical, social, political, economic, administrative), training of the administrative solutions (system and functional analysis, forecasting, methods of game theory and statistical decision theory, probability and statistical methods, mathematical programming, economic and statistical modeling, queuing theory) [2 ]. The goal of this influence is the ordering process for the benefit of society, the development and implementation of administration actions.

Realizing their competence, the authorities study and summarize the information coming from the subordinate bodies, the public and other sources. Any information received through the feedback forms is the basis for the adoption of the public authorities of the next decisions. With excluding the information is impossible the forecasting, or planning, or development of the control systems and objects.

Every year the weight of the information in the field of public administration is increasing. The government,

as other organizations is covered by the law of the awareness-ordering: the larger and better the quality of the information on the internal and external environment has the organization, the greater is the likelihood of the sustained operation (self-preservation).

The relations associated with the receipt, transmission, use and storage of the data on the phenomena and events in the community, the country and the environment, are called the information links (relationships). In general terms, they can be divided into two groups: information relationships within the structures of the public authority (internal) and information relationships that are established outside the system of the public authorities on obtaining the necessary information for its functioning (external).

The content of the information provision consists of the following stages: setting appropriate objectives and goals of the information communication awareness; creating the fund of information, data bank; processing of the information, its systematization, so that data are available for further use;

• determining the most optimal usage of all the forms and means of dissemination (sharing) of the information, the use of the most rational of them;

• providing (distributing) of the information on special forms and tools (media reports, public speaking, publishing regulations, etc.).

In order to provide proper information to the public authorities are created special information services or systems whose status is determined by the law "On Information", "On the Order of Coverage of State Authorities

and Local Self-Government in Ukraine by Media" and the special provisions for them.

The information services (information administration, information-analytical unit, press service, press centers, control centers and public relations, press office, a press secretary and press attaché to the corresponding apparatus) of the public authorities collect, analyze, process and promptly provide the information on the activities of these bodies in full media, except as provided by the Law "On State Secrets".

In the process of information of the society is becoming increasingly important the method of information-communication provision, which is a set of techniques and methods for preparation, collection, creation, dissemination and use of information by the public authorities, their departments, officials, servants to meet the information and communication needs in the performance of their functions and powers. For each type of the information is typical a set of specific techniques and methods of implementation.

In particular, the receiving of the necessary information is in the following ways: 1) empirical — by conducting individual interviews with officials and ordinary citizens, receiving of the reports and information from officers and employees, through processing and analysis of the citizens' appeals, processing of printed, audiovisual and electronic media messages, etc; 2) theoretical — as a result of scientific research, generalizations that clarify new facts and laws through abstract thinking.

Bringing information about the activities of the authorities to the public

is through the media, through briefings, press conferences, "hotlines", distributing press releases, giving interviews, responses to appeals of citizens, providing information, necessary documents and extracts from them and others. Intensive exchange of information takes place during the public meetings, public hearings, debates on issues of the public authorities and their officials.

To ensure the public authorities with complete and reliable information, the communication with the public in each of them are formed specialized units — the press service, public relations management, information analysis centers, research services and more.

The methods of coordination are the ways and methods of cooperation, coordination, adjustment of the actions of the public authorities, their departments and officials in the performance of functions and powers. They depend on the nature of the relationships and connections between the actors involved in the administration process. If the subjects are in a state of subordination, dependency, the relationships between them become of subordinated nature and ways of interacting respectively are called method of coordination-subordination. If there is coordination between the institutions of government that is not accountable, there is a method of coordination-interaction.

Various means of coordination can be classified into: institutional (establishment of joint bodies: coordination, consultative, advisory); legal (adopting joint or concerted acts involved in the development of several acts of government); organizational (joint activities, joint and extended sessions,

panels, seminars, conferences, "round tables", reports, audits, etc.); informational (joint discussion of problems, exchange of information, correspondence, negotiations, and sending of the copies of the draft decisions of the adopted acts, etc.); material and financial (joint financing of the events, joint ventures and organizations, and others).

Conclusions. In the process of the formation of the information space is becoming increasingly important the method of information-communication provision, which are a set of techniques and methods for preparation, collection, creation, use, dissemination and use of information by the public authorities, their departments, officials, servants to meet the information and communication needs in the performance of their functions and powers.

The public participation and the civil society activity determine the level of the interaction and determine the peculiarities of the administration process.

This process requires the introduction of new, sustainable forms of public activity, responsibility, maturity of the civil society, active position of the civil society, the differentiation of the administration spectrum of the public life based on the methods of the state influence. It is in the context of dialogue between the authorities and civil society is emerging the area of mutual social agreement, is made the new context of social values, builds a new structure of joint actions of the social and public practices specified model of the partnership interaction based on participatory governance. The latter is defined as one of the effective methods of the administration, which involves its de-

mocratization and active participation of the citizens in the public administration issues.


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