Ostonov U. Ya. independent researcher SamlES
Abstract. The article talks about the theoretical views on the terms related to thefield of tourism, the definition of the term as a linguistic object and its systematic study and the system of lexical-grammatical concepts of the term.
Key words: Term, terminology, terminosphere, terminosis, problems of synonymyand polysemy, hybrid terms and pure terms.
Introduction: In world linguistics, a number of linguistic studies have been carried out dedicated to the study of a specific linguistic unit - term, which has acquired a special terminological meaning. The scientific-philosophical interest in the nature of the term determined as a result of the sharp rise in the development of science and technology and the rapid development of production and industry in the 19th century created the ground for such research. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the problems of terminology became the focus of attention of linguists. One of the main reasons for this is related to the creation of terms, and the second reason is the influence of extra linguistic factors on terminology. However, they were more concerned with the problems of synonymy and polysemy encountered in terminology, as well as the paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations of term-lexemas, hybrid terms and pure terms in context, and the variety of interactions with certain concepts.
Literature analysis on the subject: A detailed review of the works of Anglo-American researchers devoted to terms and terminology is covered in the study of V.V. Kasyanov. According to the author, the statements about the uniformity of the points of view in the works of these scientists - explaining; A deeper study and analysis of the theoretical and practical materials of Anglo-American linguists reveals theoretical differences in their interpretations regarding the uniqueness of terms and their difference from the common dictionary.
The conclusions of V. V. Kasyanov were confirmed in a recent study by a representative of Slovak linguistics: Kabre and Kageura studies on terminology have a clearly focused goal, which can serve as a foundation for the methodology of this field, giving it the status of an independent science. is to determine the characteristics that serve as the basis from the theoretical point of view. Nevertheless, they both emphasize the need for future research and collaborative efforts to allow the emergence of an appropriate theoretical model. It is not easy to fulfil this task due to the lack of communication between specialists, the
development of the subjects of the debate in different ways and the variable perception.
Research methodology. Linguistic description, comparative-typological (comparative), semantic-methodical, diachronic, synchronic, component analysis, statistical analysis, lexical-syntactic, lexical-semantic methods were used in the article.
Analysis and results. Many researches have been conducted on the issues of "term" and "terminology", which have been used since the beginning, and various definitions have been given. The lexeme "term" comes from the Latin word "terminus", which means "end", "limit", "boundary", "end". According to P. Nishonov, "a term is a word or a combination of words according to its structure, it is a lexical unit that is limited by the scope of a special field in terms of semantics and expresses the concept related to this field". A term is a word that is unconditionally (compulsorily) related (comparable) to a certain unit in the system of specific logical concepts. Defining the term as an object of linguistics and its systematic study motivated the formation of explanations (definitions) of the concept of "term", the description of the term, the development of solutions to problems related to it, and finally, the emergence of the science of terminology. The term took a firm place in the system of lexical-grammatical concepts and became a "full-fledged member" of the lexical-semantic system of the language. According to A. Reformatsky, the term is not "just a word", but it is, first of all, a word, even if it is "unusual" or "new word", it can be "rationalized" and even "invented". Professor S. Usmonov's researches are of great importance for terminology, and the term "...any innovations in the field of production tools, as well as in the field of culture and science, are first expressed through language units, or rather, terms. In this sense, terminology (a set of terms in a certain language) is a witness, a mirror of modern history. In our opinion, the term, according to its linguistic nature, is an integral part of the vocabulary system of the literary language, and differs from other categories of words by its clear, concise expression of scientific, technical or other professional concepts and its wealth of information.
Today, the tourism terminology in our country is at the stage of formation and development, and in this process, the tourism terminology of Russian, Arabic and Turkish languages also plays an important role in the integral historical and interrelationship with the English language tourism terminology, which is considered a globally recognized tool of international communication. The study of the interaction of languages is a priority of linguistics. is considered one of the directions, and in this regard, it is important to research the Uzbek language tourism terminology, to reveal its national and international features. Based on the principles of development, the demand of the present day arises from the need to "stimulate scientific research and innovation activities, to create effective mechanisms for the implementation of scientific and innovative achievements" [4;] in the teaching of various systematic languages, students should be taught the
lexical-semantics of professional terms in a foreign language., consists of teaching grammatical, functional-structural aspects. After all, in the training of specialists in the field of tourism, the system of tourism terms related to the field has been thoroughly researched on a scientific basis, the scope of conducting scientific research on determining the general and specific aspects in Uzbek and foreign languages, and it creates ample opportunities to further increase the efficiency index.
In recent years, the words "term", "term", "nomenclature" have been widely used. According to the national encyclopedia of Uzbekistan, along with the word "term", the words "term" and "istilah" are also used in the same sense. But they cannot express the full meaning of the word "term". The word "term" is used in a broad sense and is applied to geographical objects, famous names, and the word "revolution" can be used freely in texts on historical topics (for example: history of literature, Eastern philosophy, etc.). S. According to Usmanov: "...the meaning of the word term is broader than the meaning of the word term, it is understood as the name of all things, and the term is a formalized word used in a certain narrow field. In this sense, the concept of term is a scientific-lexical unit included in the concept of "term".
In his research, O. Akhmedov distinguished the concepts of "term", "term", "term", "nomenclature" and said that "Terms actually have a lexical-semantic universal form, and they pass to the common language through a specific terminological system. After all, terms and common words are lexical units that complement each other," he says. Thus, terminology is one of the factors that form the lexicon of this language.
The concept of nomenclature is defined in the encyclopaedic dictionary as "Nomenclature (lat. nomenclature) - a list, a list of names, as well as a list of specific terms and category names used in the field of science, technology, law and economics." In addition, P.P. Nishonov "The term applied to an object or reality, first of all, defines and classifies this object or reality. This is not observed in the nomenclature. Their function is limited to naming things and objects. Therefore, "term" is a broad and clear concept in relation to nomenclature, meaning a word with a special function, while "nomenclature" is a term that serves to name similar objects and concepts.
We found it necessary to use the international lexemes "term" and "terminology" in our research.
The old view that terms represent the periphery of the language lexicon has already been rejected. Terms have all the characteristics of natural language lexical units. However, one of the most important directions of lexicology is the determination of the composition of terms related to a specific field of science, their arrangement, the unification of terms and the creation of terms for new scientific and technical fields.
A.V. Superanskaya defines it as follows: "The term is a special word adopted in a certain professional activity and used in certain fields and conditions.
A term is a concept included in the system of concepts of a certain field of professional knowledge, which is expressed in words. A term is a basic conceptual element of a special-purpose language. Within its terminological field, the term is used in one sense. The same pronounced terms of different fields are homonyms. For its correct understanding, the term requires a special definition (exact scientific definition.
Terminology is a science focused on the study of lexical elements - terms, modified from existing elements in other fields, used in specialized fields and created in such fields. Terminology involves the compilation, description and recreation of terms. <...>. Some authors make a distinction between terminology and terminography (like the distinction between lexicology and lexicography). Terminography in this case means the art of creating "terminologies" and "special dictionaries". Thus, according to the authors' point of view, terminology includes a theoretical component and the result of the combination of terminological theory and practice (specialized dictionaries). Terminology is an independent field and has its own theory and methodology for the special vocabulary of the language.
A detailed review of the works of Anglo-American researchers devoted to terms and terminology is covered in the study of V.V. Kasyanov. According to the author, the statements about the uniformity of the points of view in the works of these scientists - explaining; A deeper study and analysis of the theoretical and practical materials of Anglo-American linguists reveals theoretical differences in their interpretations regarding the uniqueness of terms and their difference from the common vocabulary.
The conclusions of V.V. Kasyanov were confirmed in a recent study by a representative of Slovak linguistics: Kabre and Kageura's research on terminology has a clearly focused goal and can serve as a foundation for the methodology of this field, giving it the status of an independent science. is to determine the characteristics that serve as the basis from the theoretical point of view. Nevertheless, they both emphasize the need for future research and collaborative efforts to allow the emergence of an appropriate theoretical model. It is not easy to fulfill this task due to the lack of communication between specialists, the development of the subjects of the debate in different ways and the variable perception.
At the end of the 70s of the 20th century, V. P. Danilenko in his monograph on the terminological lexicon of the Russian language analyzes the issues of terminology, in particular, a number of scientific works of the 40s and 70s. V. P. Danilenko gives 19 definitions of the concept of "term". The Russian linguist says that "all the definitions of the term are only a small part of the definitions found in almost every study of the special lexicon" [60; -B.86].
After V.P. Danilenko, S.D. Shelov, in order to clarify the nature of the term, to compare and evaluate different definitions of the concept of "term", in his work entitled "Eshche raz ob opredelenii ponyatiya termin" (Once again about the definition of the concept of term) of this concept in the 80s of the 20th century -
cites 31 definitions taken from scientific, dictionary-reference, educational publications on linguistics and terminology published in the 1990s and the beginning of the 21st century.
Conclusions and suggestions. It is necessary to create more scientific research and new terms for the terminology related to the field of tourism. Semantic descriptions of the term according to the scientific works of our scientists: its methodological neutrality, striving for nominativeness, commonalities and differences in the terminology of different languages are of great importance in research.
1. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On implementation of the state budget for tourism" 26.08.2004.
2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the strategy of actions for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (Collection of legal documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017, No. 6, Article 70).
3. Tourism Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Official publication - Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan. - Tashkent, Adolat, 2008. -692
4. There are 3335 term units (100%) in the dictionary, of which 366 term units used in the field of tourism make up 11% of the total volume.
5. Paluanova Kh.D. Derivative-semantic features of ecological terms (in the example of Uzbek, English and Russian languages). Philol. science. dr. (DS)... diss. autoref. - T., 2016. - 30 p.