THE IMPORTANCE OF TERMINOLOGY IN ACQUISITION OF SPECIALTY SUCH AS OIL AND GAS ENGINEERING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
words / terms / terminology / oil and gas engineering. / слова / термины / терминология / нефтегазовое дело.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abdinazarov, Khasan Shaymanovich

Every language in the world contains a wide range of words denoting variety of circumstances regarding to the life of human kind. Each object of the universe we name as a word which presents different character of substance. Besides, we use some words characterizes the profession as a term in accordance with its specificity. Terminology of each human domain differs from each other by their meaning and scope. This paper highlights scholar’s ideas according to peculiarities of words and terminology, with some instances.

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Каждый язык мира содержит широкий спектр слов, обозначающих самые разные обстоятельства, касающиеся жизни человечества. Каждый объект вселенной мы называем словом, которое представляет разный характер вещества. Кроме того, мы употребляем некоторые слова, характеризующие профессию как термин в соответствии с ее спецификой. Терминология каждой человеческой области отличается друг от друга своим значением и объемом. В статье освещаются идеи ученого по особенностям слова и терминологии с некоторыми примерами.


International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"


d https://doi.org/10.24412/2181-1784-2022-20-566-571

Abdinazarov Khasan Shaymanovich

Senior Lecturer, English language teacher, researcher.

Department of Foreign Languages, Karshi Engineering-Economic institute


Every language in the world contains a wide range of words denoting variety of circumstances regarding to the life of human kind. Each object of the universe we name as a word which presents different character of substance. Besides, we use some words characterizes the profession as a term in accordance with its specificity. Terminology of each human domain differs from each other by their meaning and scope. This paper highlights scholar's ideas according to peculiarities of words and terminology, with some instances.

Keywords: words, terms, terminology, oil and gas engineering.

In acquisition a profession in FL, especially in English is life-learning process, requires a good deal of affords and attempts to reach one's aim of learning. In English for Specific purposes learners are usually taught to learn terminology of specialty which they are going to gain. However, it is difficult to increase vocabulary knowledge in profession which involve us to use methods of teaching as well as specific (technical) terms. In order to enrich their knowledge in specialty in FL, particularly oil and gas engineering, they had better to learn an increasing number of terms concerning this sphere of study. What's more, naming process is especially widespread in the scientific sphere of human activity. A new invention, the creation of a new science or branch of knowledge requires new names and object-nomination. The naming process, or nominative, is a natural and integral part of the cognitive process. while discovering new object in nature, a person always needs to come up with an appropriate name for it. In the scientific and technical field, the main lexical unit is the term. In essence, the term is also a name. a person names a certain subject or phenomenon in any area of scientific knowledge. Additionally, a term is a special lexical unit that differs from others as it is capable of expressing professional, scientific or technical concept. It is the correlation of the term with a certain branch

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

of knowledge which makes it possible to consider as a special lexical unit [ G.Y. Bartenev and I.V.Gredina. 2013:162].

Terms and its peculiarities

Terminology presents as a scientific and technical but there are some differences between them such as level of thinking of a scientist and an engineer and, accordingly, correlates with different levels of abstraction, otherwise, the grounds for differentiating these two types of terminology seem to us not properly linguistic and therefore will not be taken into account in the construction of the linguistic concept of the term. Furthermore, this should be taken into account in the case of the creation of a terminological phrase, when in the text is under consideration, as a rule, the content of the terminological unit is generated, and the generic component is only reproduced. In accordance with this classification, several specific types of terminological units are distinguished in the terminology: the actual terms, nomenclature, professionalisms, professional jargon, and even characterizations. In general, we see terminology as extension of a natural language. In this sense, both terms and terminoids together are included in the field of expansion of the language. Moreover, there is a reason to believe that the ways of forming terms and terminoids are similar in a certain sense. However, terms are means of denoting new knowledge. The foundations of the problem of the unambiguity / ambiguity of the term, of course, are laid in the most important conclusions made in the framework of two opposite directions of the analysis of the term - the study of the sphere of fixation and the sphere of functioning of the terms.

The exact meaning of a term is expressed primarily in semantic properties, while "both the change in the boundaries of the semantics of the term, and the emergence of new meanings are a natural phenomenon in the developing term system, since the term system reflects the process of cognition of a constantly evolving reality [ L.M. Alekseeva. 1998:120]. What's more, a term can also be understood as a word or phrase that calls a special concept of any sphere of production, science, art. Each term is necessarily based on the definition (definition) of the reality it denotes, due to which the terms represent a capacious and at the same time succinct description of an object or phenomenon. Moreover, a term is a word and also part of the vocabulary of scientific and technical texts, especially terms of oil and gas engineering such as English and Russian languages: gas oil-газойль, deadweight-дедвейт, tanker-танкер, stinger-стингер, aquifer- водоносный горизонт , strata-пласты , menstruum-растворитель, inhibitor-ингибитор, gasification- газификация, oil

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

fieM-отфтд, deadweight-дедвейт, additive-аддитив, derrick-буровая вышка,fish-потерянный в скважине инструмент. moon pool-буровую шахту. Drilling mud-буровой раствор, drilling table буровой стол, christmas tree-фонтанная арматура, wet tree морская фонтанная арматура, dry tree-сухая елка. sour crude, sour gas и sweet crude- высокосернистая нефть, высокосернистый газ и малосернистая нефт [G.Y. Bartenev and LV.Gredina. 2013:16-165]. According to R. Doniyorov (1977) the meaning of terminology not only specifies different subfields but also covers the concept of profession and its practice.


Nomenclature (Latin: nomenclatura - nomenclature) is a set of names, terms, areas of application and specializations on this topic. Terminology is a set of names related to any field. Nomenclature, in turn, is a set of names that are part of the terminological doctrine, for example: the nomenclature of living things in oil and gas engineering, the nomenclature of drilling process, instruments engineers use such as drill pusher, mud man, motor man, roustabout, roughneck, well, borehole, semi-submersible rig, offshore rig, drill pipe, drill string, platform, kelly, drill collar, monkeyboard, hook, swivel. There are different opinions about nomenclature and terminology in a wide range of linguistic research. Some researchers disagree with such a distinction and such definitions. Linguist O. Akhmanova [ 1989] stated the term nomenclature as "Nomenclature is the name of objects in any field of science, a set of special terminological names, with their help, abstract concepts and categories related to this field of science will be named.

The Different characteristic elements of terminology

Terminology is also affected by social changes which have had a major effect on linguistic needs:

a. The accelerated development of science and technology in recent times has been accompanied by the appearance of a large number of new concepts and even new conceptual fields which require new names.

b. Technology is growing rapidly and pervades all spheres of society. Technological developments in the fields of information and communication create the need for new ways of communication that did not previously exist; and the vocabularies of these languages require constant updating. This has brought about the appearance of new fields of activity, such as the so-called language industries.

c. Mass production is both the result of and the driving force behind the

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

overriding importance of standardized products. The idea of "hand-crafted" is becoming outdated.

d. The transfer of knowledge and products, one of the most significant features of modern society, brings about, on the one hand, the appearance of new markets for scientific, technical, cultural and commercial exchange; on the other, the need to deal with the multilingualism of the new arenas for exchange. It also results in a need to standardize the elements that convey the exchange—the systems and basic units of transfer.

e. Information has become of the utmost importance and the amount of information has increased exponentially. This great mass of data requires powerful and effective support. Databases of all sorts are being created and require continuous updating. They must be easy to access and multidimensional. As a result, there arises a new need for information storage and retrieval, as well as for standardized systems for the automatic transfer of the contents of the increasingly sophisticated large stores of data.

f. The development of mass communication allows the widespread dissemination of terminology, with the resulting interaction between the general and specialized lexicons. Specific terms become part of popular culture through their use in the mass media.

g. Government intervention in language subjects terminology to standardization processes and makes it necessary to create official organizations to manage this work. The fact that scientific and technological creation occurs almost exclusively in the dominant economic powers means that there is a one-way transfer of knowledge and new products, entailing large-scale borrowings of technical and scientific vocabulary in other countries [M.Tereesa. Cabre. 1999:17].

LSP lexicography, which may only confuse matters, rendering the impression that the difference here lies between terminography and LGP lexicography. At one time the term terminological lexicography was used synonymously with terminography. Increasing number of terminologists use the term terminology in general without distinguishing between terminology and the subfields of terminology. Terminology is used to designate three different concepts; in the lexicographical terminology we will find either three homonyms or a polysemous lexeme:

1. the set of practises and methods used for the collection, description and presentation of terms

2. a theory [...] for explaining the relationships between concepts and terms

International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"

3. a vocabulary of a special subject field [Henning Bergenholtz and Uwe Kaufmann. 2017:91-127].

Authentic context which contains technical terminology of oil and gas

1. Crude oil and natural gas are often found together. They are both made up of hydrocarbons, which are molecules that contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms. Hydrocarbons contain a lot of energy. We burn them, we get this energy. We use hydrocarbons for fuel for heating, cooking, and transportation.

2. Sedimentary rocks are composed of three parts-grains (natural minerals), natural cement ( bonds the grains together) and pores ( spaces filled with water, oil and gas). The pore space gives the rock porosity and determines the total volume of the field. The natural cement determines the rock permeability and the production rate from the field.

3. Photographs are taken from planes and satellites. These are then examined by geologists. They look for the special rock formations where oil is often found. These can be seen from the air. Afterwards, geologist on the ground collect rock samples and analyze them [Jon Naunton and Alison Pahl. 2015:17-23].


In comparative linguistics terminology of different languages are very important to study and compare the similarities, relevance to each other. Particularly, while comparing profession based terms of English and Uzbek language in the sphere of oil and gas engineering, we can see a good deal of distinction between them such as semantic, syntactic features. Terms we call denotes only specific character of a profession. Besides, terms characterize subfields such as engineering, petroleum engineering.


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