Научная статья на тему 'Theoretical and practical aspects of engineering profile students airborne training individualization'

Theoretical and practical aspects of engineering profile students airborne training individualization Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
cadets / model / military landing training / ” D&K" / functional indicators

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kuznetsova. M., Ryabchuk V. A., Labeshchenkov О. V.

One of the most important components of cadets physical training is individualization of different orientation physical loads. Successful implementation of military personnel professional tasks is carried out under the condition of effective physical, psychological and mental load. Airborne training includes performing in full uniform parachute jumps and solving tasks not only on the battlefield, but also in the area of the enemy, not finding himself and his comrades. In this regard, the process of adaptation individualization to physical and psychological stress should be considered as a condition of survival in certain, sometimes unfavorable or even extreme conditions. Materials. The article deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of the individual approach in the process of air training of cadets. Research methods: analysis of special literature, questionnaire survey of respondents, methods of Express diagnostics " D & K”, pedagogical observation, modeling, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The training of cadets as a process of influence on the improvement of internal and external mechanisms of the body systems functioning and adaptation of the body to the complex changing conditions of life in terms of the person individual adaptation. The activity of military engineers is modeled and the expert indicators, such as the indicator of the serviceman success, moral and political level, sociometric index, motivation to activity, types of training, energy, somatics, psychophysiology, will, emotional stability, mobilization of abilities, physiological reserves are revealed. The necessity of creating individual cumulative functional model of cadets in the engineering field including indicators of “D&K” are presented. Conclusion. The factors that should be considered when individualizing training: monitoring of the functional state and reserve One of the most important components of cadets physical training is individualization of different orientation physical loads. Successful implementation of military personnel professional tasks is carried out under the condition of effective physical, psychological and mental load. Airborne training includes performing in full uniform parachute jumps and solving tasks not only on the battlefield, but also in the area of the enemy, not finding himself and his comrades. In this regard, the process of adaptation individualization to physical and psychological stress should be considered as a condition of survival in certain, sometimes unfavorable or even extreme conditions. Materials. The article deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of the individual approach in the process of air training of cadets. Research methods: analysis of special literature, questionnaire survey of respondents, methods of Express diagnostics " D & K”, pedagogical observation, modeling, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The training of cadets as a process of influence on the improvement of internal and external mechanisms of the body systems functioning and adaptation of the body to the complex changing conditions of life in terms of the person individual adaptation. The activity of military engineers is modeled and the expert indicators, such as the indicator of the serviceman success, moral and political level, sociometric index, motivation to activity, types of training, energy, somatics, psychophysiology, will, emotional stability, mobilization of abilities, physiological reserves are revealed. The necessity of creating individual cumulative functional model of cadets in the engineering field including indicators of “D&K” are presented. Conclusion. The factors that should be considered when individualizing training: monitoring of the functional state and reserve

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Текст научной работы на тему «Theoretical and practical aspects of engineering profile students airborne training individualization»

Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 156-160 (Scopus).

15. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z., 2017. Diagnostics of Functional State and Reserve

Submitted: 24.05.2018

Capacity of young Athletes' Organism. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus).

Author's information:

Astrakhantseva I. V. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov", 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, The Area Of The 100th Anniversary Of The Birth of V. I. Lenina, House4, e-mail: [email protected]

DOI 10.14526/02_2018_326


12 3

Kuznetsova.M. , Ryabchuk V. A. , Labeshchenkov O. V.

1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I. N. Ulyanov Russia, Ulyanovsk, [email protected] 2Tyumen State University Russia, Tyumen, [email protected] 3Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (Military Institute) Named After Marshal

of Engineering Troops A. I. Proshlyakov Russia, Tyumen, [email protected] Annotation. One of the most important components of cadets physical training is individualization of different orientation physical loads. Successful implementation of military personnel professional tasks is carried out under the condition of effective physical, psychological and mental load. Airborne training includes performing in full uniform parachute jumps and solving tasks not only on the battlefield, but also in the area of the enemy, not finding himself and his comrades. In this regard, the process of adaptation individualization to physical and psychological stress should be considered as a condition of survival in certain, sometimes unfavorable or even extreme conditions. Materials. The article deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of the individual approach in the process of air training of cadets. Research methods: analysis of special literature, questionnaire survey of respondents, methods of Express diagnostics " D & K", pedagogical observation, modeling, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The training of cadets as a process of influence on the improvement of internal and external mechanisms of the body systems functioning and adaptation of the body to the complex changing conditions of life in terms of the person individual adaptation. The activity of military engineers is modeled and the expert indicators, such as the indicator of the serviceman success, moral and political level, sociometric index, motivation to activity, types of training, energy, somatics, psychophysiology, will, emotional stability, mobilization of abilities, physiological reserves are revealed. The necessity of creating individual cumulative functional model of cadets in the engineering field including indicators of "D&K" are presented. Conclusion. The factors that should be considered when individualizing training: monitoring of the functional state and reserve

capacity of the students organism;consideration of individual typological properties of personality; consideration of the body type; the anthropometric and visiometrics parameters; current and operational control of preparedness for correction of individual impact means and methods on the body; resistance to extreme environmental conditions.

Key words: cadets, model, military landing training," D&K", functional indicators. For citation: Kuznetsova Z.M., Ryabchuk V.A., Lebedenko O.B. Theoretical and practical aspects of engineering profile students airborne training individualization. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Phycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports). 2018; 13(2): 160-166. DOI 10.14526/02_2018_326


Military men's professional activity success is mainly determined by their working capacity, effectiveness of professional objectives realization in different terms of their realization.At the same time, attention should be paid to health state of military men. Expediency of physical training individualization among cadets of engineering profile, especially during physical loads choice, doesn't demand any proofs. It is, first of all, connected with professional activity conditions. The activity of military engineers is connected with differently directed actions fulfillment during peacetime and war, it is characterized by mental, physical and psychological load realization. One of the most important objectives of engineering profile cadets is airborne training, which includes parachute jumps in a uniform and the set problems solution not only in battlefield, but on enemy territory, not betraying oneself and own friends. In this connection, the adaptation process individualization to physical and psychological loads should be considered as the condition for survival in terms of the definite, sometimes unfavorable or even extreme conditions [5].

If we consider physical training as the process of influenec on development of inner and outer mechanisms of organism systems functioning, then adaptation is constant adaptation of an organism to difficult changing conditions of life in terms of a person individual adaptation. Each person has individual process of adaptation. During the influence of different factors on an organism

different sharp and weak adaptive reactions of an organism are realized. A.D. Slonim [6[ offered three forms of adaptation: individual, aspective and gynetic. Hereditary forms of adaptation are individualized during different factors influence. Forming individual forms of an organism adaptation to environment, they are combined and overlaped.

In this connection, urgent becomes the problem of studying organism adaptation individualization among cadets of engineering profile to physical and psychological loads.

The aim of this research work is studying theoretical and practical aspects of physical and psychologiocal loads individualization during airbone training lessons among cadets of engineering profile at miliatry higher educational estbalishments.


Biological existence of a man is characterized by body structure, physiology of vital activity of an organism, metabolism and psychological peculiarities of a personality. They are connected with each other and in a complex form of a person individualized personality. Manifestations of all biological essence parts of a person form individual adaptive norms, which reflect an organism adaptation to environment factors. In this connection, one norms show steadiness, others show break-down of adaptation to physical and pscyhological loads. Each person has his own arsenal and his own set of usual and natural adaptations. That is why a man acknowledgement as an individually-peculiar type of evolution according to physical and psychological

features is the base precondition for training process individualization.

Airborne training (AT), being the base of military men professional-applied training, influences not only professional physical qualities development, but also the life and health of a person.

A questionnaire survey among military specialists, especially of engineering profile, helped to model military egineers' activity and reveal expert indices, such as military man's success rate (38%); moral-political level (23%); sociometric index (12%); motivation to activity realization(27%); kinds of training (13%); energetics, somatics, psychophysiology, willpower,emotional stability, abilities and physiological reserves mobilization (57%). Several components of the model, such as motivation, kinds of training, have transitional character.

A questionnaire survey helped to state cadets' attitude change to AT lessons in cases, when an individual approach was realized. The initial level of motivation to lessons was sufficiently high, 37% of cadets estimated motivation within 7-10 points, at the end of the experiment 70% of cadets increased their level of motivation, estimating their attitude to lessons as 8 points. At the same time 6% of cadets estimated unwillingness to go in for professionally-applied physical training (PAPT) in a group form, where equal demonstration of physical qualities and functional abilities is demanded. Specialists explain this situation as psychological unsteadiness. An individual approach during physical and psychic loads realization provides self-confidence, motivation increase to fulfill the tasks and also more vivid moral-volitional qualities demonstration.

For an individual approach realization during training cadets it is necessary to reconsider the methodologies of AT estimation, as the practice shows the necessity to reconsider the scale of estimation not only according to test exercises indices, but also taking into account other sides of training.

Adopted nowadays ways of cadets' AT estimation at military higher educational estbalishments don't consider functional state and adaptive abilities of cadets' organism, they are based only on normative indices. In this connection in order to estimate the level of spare capacities and an adaptive mechanism of cadets' organism Dushanin scale system of estimation is used, where the main indices of the functional state at rest and during physical loads have different range of oscillations, which demands an individual approach broadening [1,2,3,4].

In our example we offer including the indices of functional state and reserve capacities express-diagnostics method into the estimation scale, where the range of individual oscillations of "D&K" indices is calcualed in %. Also the recommended borders of the planned physical load volume decrease is mentioned during educational-training lessons, depending on an individual dynamics of "D&K" indices. In case of a long-term observation over the cadets with the help of express-diagnostics method we can form an individual accumulative model of indices. In this connection it is important to create an individual accumulative functional model of engineering profile cadets, taking into account the following indices:

- AHAMC - anaerobic metabolic capacity (capacity of anaerobic source of muscular activity energy supply), which characterizes the ability to fulfill intensive physical and other loads at maximum output of an organism, mainly of an anaerobic orientation;

- AMC - aerobic metabolic capacity (capacity of aerobic source of muscular activity energy supply), which characterizes the ability to a long-term physical and other loads fulfillment, mainly of aerobic orientation;

- GMC - general metabolic capacity of an organism, which characterizes genetically predetermined level of an organism abilities (legal capacity, working capacity) and the ability to fulfill general number of physical and other types of loads;

- ANAMC/ GMC - anaerobic propensity of an organism, which conditions anaerobic genotype of an organism, determines the processes of recovery during intensive and other types of loads fulfillment at maximum output of an organism or in extreme conditions of legal capacity, leads to spinal column and nephritic-adrenal system diseases, characterizes the level of extravertivity and rationality;

- AMC/GMC - aerobic propensity of an organism, which reflects aerobic genotype of an organism, determines recovery processes during intellectual, physical and other types of aerobic orientation loads fulfillment, conditions propensity for digestive tract diseases, cold, traumatism, defines intravercy and irrationality, provides professional skills of an individual determination;

- CP - the power of creatine phosphate source of muscular activity energy supply, which determines the level of reactivity, power endurance, explosive force;

- GL - the power of glycolytic source of muscular activity energy supply, which determines reproductive and utilization functions of liver, the level of speed endurance;

- MOC -power of aerobic source of an organism muscular activity energy supply (maximum oxygen consumption), which conditions the amount of fulfilled physical load till the level of threshold of anaerobic metabolism- TANM;

- HR for TANM- genetically predetermined heart rate (pulse) at the level of organism capacities, effectiveness criterion of aerobic source of muscular activity energy supply use (pulse TANM). Determines pulse borders of different power physical loads intensity zones;

- dGMC - general energy fund, which reflects permanent state of an organism.

All mentioned above indices can form the base during an individual accumulative model creation of the used physical loads range at AT lessons.

During an individual range of indices determination the authors offer the following principle: 33%-33%-33%. It means that a maximum negative index, which is registered among cadets, should be divided by 3. It will be the 33% range of its change. Physical loads should be regulated in it in order to develop this or that physical qualities among cadets, it means 30, 70% decrease or a training lesson cancel.

During D&K methodology use the indices dynamics of usual ECG should be taken into account - the degree of myocardium over-tension (the 1st, 2nd or the 3rd degree). In practice it was mentioned that athletes can have a positive increase of D&K indices and at the same time, an athlete can be


within the 3 degree of myocardium over-tension [1,2,3,4].

An individual indices dynamics accumulation helps to create an individual model for each cadet, which takes into account his individual abilities.

In what follows, we consider the scheme of an accumulative model, studied according to "D&K" express-diagnostics methodology.

Picture 1 shows that the process of cadets (engineering profile) individual indices training accumulation should have a stage character of an organism functional state and reserve capacities monitoring, together with the program of training realization. At the same time, D&K methodology is the base during cadets' readiness estimation. In parallel with this physical readiness is tested and the studied indices are estimated. AT program realization among cadets of engineering profile goes in terms of higher educational establishment curriculum.

Scale system of current and operative control estimation over cadets' organism state helps to differentiate physical loads influence, taking into account the conditions of their fulfillment and physical state. A normative system of functional state and physical qualities development estimation among

D&K express-diagnostics


Complex of indices: (ANAMC, AMC,

GMC, ANAMC/GMC, AMC/GMC,CP,GL, MOC, HR for TANM, dGMC. Profile bioenergetic type of temperament

PROGRAM of training

Physical training lessons, AT, PAPT, firepower training, sections according to different kinds of sport, independent work

Individual indices integrator and factorial analysis

Physical, functional, technical readiness testing, cadets' body constitution estimation

Differently directed physical loads, physical

loads realization according to intensity zones, physical qualities development

Factorial analysis and an individual model profile of cadets training creation


Picture 1 - Accumulative model of cadets' individual indices according to D&K methodology

cadets helps to determine weak points in training. In this connection an individual approach use in training cadets should include a massive use of exercises, which develop weak physical qualities. Some exercises are difficult for cadets with a low level of physical qualities development, others easily master physical exercises, as a high level of physical qualities manifestation leads to easy mastering of physical exercises and prevents them from stress situations.

That is why physical exercises individualization in training cadets of engineering profile, taking into account abilities, body constitution, physiological and psychological peculiarities of an organism prevent organism from negative influences, which decrease the stimulus for lessons [5,7,9,10].

Cadets' constitution should be one of the physical loads individualization factors. Anthropometric accounts in practice are easy and quick and form the base of the future loads correction. An individual type determination helps to plan physical loads,

taking into account the peculiarities of the given type constitution [7].

A required step of PAPT process individualization among cadets of engineering profile should be their physical readiness estimation with advantages and disadvantages of training estimation. At the same time, it is important to calculate the rates of indices increase as the base for an individual's typology. It is known that any loads cause different reaction among cadets and are characterized by demonstration of compound-specific adaptive reactions of an organism [8].


Thus, as a result of different approaches analysis to AT organization and planning among cadets, different factors are revealed, which should be taken into account during training individualization modeling:

- cadets' functional state and reserve capacities of an organism monitoring;

- taking into consideration individual typological features of a personality;

- taking into consideration the type of constitution;

- taking into consideration anthropometric and physiometric indices;

- current and operative control over readiness for individual influence means and methods correction;

- extreme environment conditions resistance.

Taking into account mentioned above factors helps to individualize the volume and intensity of physical loads, developing adaptive mechanisms of an organism and forming obstacle and difficulties resistance during professional objectives realization.


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Submitted: 30.05.2018

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Author's information:

Kuznetsova Z.M. - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov", 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, The 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth Square, House 4, e-mail: kzm_diss@,mailru

Ryabchuk A.V. - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Tyumen State University", 625003, Russia, Tyumen, Semakova str., House 10, e-mail: aryabchuk@,bk.ru

Labeshchenkov O.V. - Senior Lecturer, Federal State Public Military Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Tyumen Higher Military-Engineering Command College (Military Institute) Named After Marshal of Engineers Corps A.I. Proshlyakov", 625001, Russia, Tyumen, Tolstogo str., House 1, [email protected]

DOI 10.14526/02_2018_327



Shakurova L. F.1

1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov " Russia, Ulyanovsk, [email protected]

Annotation. Summer health camp, as a rule, is situated close to forest area, close to water and it creates conditions for effective use of natural powers. Together with physical exercises it provides powerful health improving effect. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis and systematization, pedagogical experiment, testing; evaluation criteria creation for professional readiness level estimation among future physical culture teachers, statistical data handling. Materials. The article is about the effectiveness of health improving capacity use of summer health camps, which is mainly conditioned by professional readiness level of the future teachers. It proves the necessity to provide theoretical, methodical and practical readiness of physical culture and sport department students in order to reveal and realize creative potential of different forms of physical exercises use together with natural environmental conditions: fresh air, dosed ultraviolet radiation and also hydrotherapeutic procedures in order to solve the problems of children's and teen-agers' health improvement, their mental and physical working capacity increase, the need for systematic influence of physical load formation. Results. The characteristic of the main natural locomotions are presented, the use of which in terms of summer camp provides interest formation in different physical culture forms and means, individual rational techniques of different kinds of walking and running mastering, which increases considerably the volume of motor activity, forms need for physical exercises use as the means of "sense of muscle joy" formation. Conclusion. The created methodology of professional training improvement of the future physical culture teachers provides the skills of physical upbringing different unusual forms creative use formation, conditioned by the peculiarities and capacities of summer health camp, which helps to organize the process of children health improvement, powerful influence taking into account of natural factors of environment.

Keywords: summer health camp, methodology of professional training development among future physical culture teachers.

For citations: Shakurova L.F Methodology of the future physical culture teachers professional training level increase in terms of summer health camp. The Russian Journal of Physical Education

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