Научная статья на тему 'Physiological bases of cadets’ military-applied physical readiness formation as the basis of health protection and strengthening'

Physiological bases of cadets’ military-applied physical readiness formation as the basis of health protection and strengthening Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
cadets / physical training / adaptation / specific loads

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nazim N. Sadiev, Zinaida M. Kuznetsova

Cadets’ health state at military higher educational establishments in terms of military service modern conditions in the Armed forces of the Russian Federation is conditioned by the ability formation to show high level of physical capacity in terms of combat conduct, and the ways of health improvement are based on a realized approach to the problems of physical and functional readiness, taking into consideration individual health state. In this terms the problem of military-applied physical readiness formation biological substantiation process among cadets, as the basis for health protection and strengthening, becomes very urgent. Materials. The process of military-applied physical readiness formation among cadets is presented as an individual approach realization to health improvement of cadets from military higher educational establishments by means of military-applied physical training. The article is about the structure and content of military-applied physical readiness individualization ways among cadets. Research methods: literature analysis, pedagogical observations, questionnaire survey. Results. The article reveals biological and general scientific bases of military-applied physical readiness formation individualization process among cadets. In terms of cadets’ military-applied physical readiness formation it is necessary to consider an individual approach as the opportunity to select the means and methods of physical and functional training. Individual adaptation of cadets to military-applied physical readiness in terms of studying at a higher educational establishment provides physical working capacity effectiveness increase and health improvement. It was revealed that the technology of an individual approach to contingent of cadets at military higher educational establishments, taking into consideration the indices of physical and functional readiness, showed great effectiveness. Conclusion. The technology of an individual approach use in the process of cadets’ military-applied physical readiness formation stimulates to more effective realization of physical training means. A questionnaire survey among cadets showed the effectiveness of such an approach: 34% of cadets gave a maximum estimation of the necessity to use typospecific trainings; 74.8% of cadets defined the necessity of the training loads physical substantiation, mentioning the importance of an organism change physiological functions.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.14526/03_2017_251
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Текст научной работы на тему «Physiological bases of cadets’ military-applied physical readiness formation as the basis of health protection and strengthening»

Received: 25.07.2017

Oksana S. Nazarenko - Candidate of Pedagogics, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4,Area of 100 th Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia, E-mail: avnokn@mail.ru.

Denis V. Edyshev - Postgraduate Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named after I.N. Ulyanov,

4, area of 100 th Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia, E-mail: edyshev@bk.ru

For citations: Nazarenko O.S., Edyshev D.V. The main directions of professional training improvement of a teacher, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 143-150. DOI 10.14526/03_2017_250

DOI 10.14526/03 2017 251


Nazim N. Sadiev - Teacher Tyumen Higher Military -Engineering Command School (Military Institute) Named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A. I. Proshlyakov, Tolstoy str., 1 (10 Military Campus), Tyumen, Russia, 625001 E-mail: sadievnn@ mail. ru

Zinaida M. Kuznetsova — Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, 28, Nizametdinov str., Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan, 423806, Russia

E-mail: kzm diss@mail.ru

Annotation. Cadets' health state at military higher educational establishments in terms of military service modern conditions in the Armed forces of the Russian Federation is conditioned by the ability formation to show high level of physical capacity in terms of combat conduct, and the ways of health improvement are based on a realized approach to the problems ofphysical andfunctional readiness, taking into consideration individual health state. In this terms the problem of militaryapplied physical readiness formation biological substantiation process among cadets, as the basis for health protection and strengthening, becomes very urgent. Materials. The process of militaryapplied physical readiness formation among cadets is presented as an individual approach realization to health improvement of cadets from military higher educational establishments by means of military-applied physical training. The article is about the structure and content of military-applied physical readiness individualization ways among cadets. Research methods: literature analysis, pedagogical observations, questionnaire survey. Results. The article reveals biological and general scientific bases of military-applied physical readiness formation individualization process among cadets. In terms of cadets' military-applied physical readiness formation it is necessary to consider an individual approach as the opportunity to select the means and methods ofphysical andfunctional training. Individual adaptation of cadets to military-applied physical readiness in terms of studying at a higher educational establishment provides physical

working capacity effectiveness increase and health improvement. It was revealed that the technology of an individual approach to contingent of cadets at military higher educational establishments, taking into consideration the indices of physical and functional readiness, showed great effectiveness. Conclusion. The technology of an individual approach use in the process of cadets' military-applied physical readiness formation stimulates to more effective realization of physical training means. A questionnaire survey among cadets showed the effectiveness of such an approach: 34% of cadets gave a maximum estimation of the necessity to use typospecific trainings; 74.8% of cadets defined the necessity of the training loads physical substantiation, mentioning the importance of an organism change physiological functions. Keywords: cadets, physical training, adaptation, specific loads.

The urgency of the problem. An individual approach, used in military-applied physical training of cadets at military higher educational establishments, is conditioned by the diversity of physical, functional and other indices and also by the diversity of environment influence on the cadets' organism. The organism of cadets has different adaptation level to environment influence, at the same time, physical and functional readiness is very important in this case. Military-applied physical readiness formation of cadets from military higher educational establishments is conditioned by a wide norm of an organism reaction and its separate features, formed during multidirectional training. It should be noted that cadets' professional activity at military higher educational establishments differs from professional activity of other specialties, as it is organized in terms of conditions close to military environment. That is why the problem of biological basis study of militaryapplied physical readiness formation becomes very urgent [1,2,3].

The aim of this research work is theoretical content substantiation of the biological and general scientific basis of military-applied physical readiness formation individualization process among cadets from military higher educational establishments.

Research objectives.

1. To reveal the peculiarities of biological and general scientific basis of military-applied physical readiness formation individualization process among cadets from military higher educational establishments.

2. To determine the ways of cadets' military-applied physical training

individualization at military higher educational establishments.

3. To reveal the peculiarities of an individual approach use in military-applied physical training of cadets at military higher educational establishments.

Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis, pedagogical observation, questionnaire survey.

Research results and their discussion. Special military-applied physical training solves the main problem of cadets' physical training optimization during the process of professional-applied physical training. It includes the whole process of adaptation to different predicted professional military situations, cadets' organism sensitivity optimization to extreme situations influence. In this connection the process of military-applied physical readiness formation considers an individual approach use, taking into account functional and psycho-physiological indices. Individual indices have a considerable influence on the choice of the definite means and methods of cadets' military-applied physical readiness formation.

During cadets' military-applied physical readiness formation it is necessary to consider physical mechanisms of adaptation to physical loads, which are seen in the indices of physical, functional and psychological training.

Biological essence of a man is characterized by morphofunctional indices, functions physiology of organs, which are demonstrated in functional indices and psychological peculiarities of a personality. The ways of individual state estimation of motional abilities of the organism and other

indices of cadets' organism vital functions are based on normative indices. Normative indices are universal way of physiological functions of the organism estimation, as the base of the used physical training means individualization.

Normative indices for cadets at military higher educational establishments are used by a teacher in order to estimate readiness and correct its drawbacks.

The effectiveness of cadets' militaryapplied physical training increase at military higher educational establishments demands individual approach use. Cadets' physical and psychic health depends on this approach.

One of the ways of cadets' militaryapplied physical training individualization can be considered the use of constitution typology. The indicators of constitution are anthropometric indices. Taking into account cadets' constitution typology provides their physical development individualization.

It is also necessary to take into consideration the difference of potential motional abilities of cadets and the tempo of their development. Such kind of an approach to the process of cadets' military-applied physical training formation individualization will help to widen the application of the diversity of training means.

Such kind of an approach helps to create the typological scale of cadets' military-applied physical readiness estimation on the basis of sigmal deviations calculation. It was stated that in sports practice and in practice of physical upbringing of different social groups any standard influence or different physical loads fulfillment causes unequal adaptive reaction. Physical load of any type leads to typospecific reaction of an organism, which is seen in individual indices of each person, who trains. The type of adaptation is genetically determined and it is demonstrated in variations of the indices.

As V.P. Kaznacheev (1986) mentions in his work "Adaptation and a person's constitution" in relation to the athletes, a sprinter better copes with short-term loads of a maximum power and a stayer is better in less powerful loads, but during a long-term

period [4]. Adaptation of sprinters to loads is quicker, but is short. Adaptation among stayers is longer and more stable, with more distinct physiological changes.

Thus, physiological adaptation to physical loads among cadets from military higher educational establishments also can be demonstrated depending on constitution and morphofunctional status. All mentioned above leads to the conclusion that the greatest training effect during the process of militaryapplied physical readiness formation can be achieved during educational-training complexes of typospecific physical training creation. At the same time, the most regular variant of an individual approach is in cadets' physical and functional readiness revelation and the influence planning on less developed indices. It means that we need physiological substantiation of the means, which are used in physical training of cadets, taking into account the regularities of adaptation mechanism to physical loads of different orientation. An individual approach in physical training means use is the key in cadets' health improvement and preservation as the base for their working capacity formation during difficulties overcoming.

Held by us pedagogical observation helped to define several peculiarities of physical loads distribution, taking into account the typology of cadets' constitution. Cadets of astheno-thoracal constitution should be offered a long-term running and jumping exercises; cadets of muscular type constitution should be offered the exercises of power and speed-power character. During physical training it is also necessary to pay special attention to strong points of cadets training. Strong points of cadets' readiness training helps to take into account physical loads of different character. Such kind of an approach will help to make the mechanism of physiological adaptation more specific for each cadet and will also help to develop physiological functions of an organism more effectively.

In order to realize an individual approach with typospecific orientation mainly

individual-group ways of lessons organization are used.

Conclusion. Thus, the technology of an individual approach use in the process of cadets' military-applied physical readiness formation stimulates to more effective realization of physical training means. A questionnaire survey among cadets showed the effectiveness of such an approach: 34% of cadets gave a maximum estimation of the necessity to use typospecific trainings; 74.8% of cadets defined the necessity of physical substantiation of the training loads, mentioning the importance of physiological functions of an organism change.


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Submitted: 28.08.2017 Received: 31.08.2017

Authors information

Nazim N. Sadiev - Teacher Tyumen Higher Military -Engineering Command School Military Institute) Named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A. I. Proshlyakov, Tolstoy str., 1 (10 military Campus), Tyumen, Russia, 625001, E-mail: sadievnn@mail.ru

Zinaida M. Kuznetsova — Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, 28, Nizametdinov str., Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan, 423806, Russia E-mail: kzm diss@mail.ru

For citations: Sadiev N.N., Kuznetsova Z.M. Physiological bases of cadets' military-applied physical readiness formation as the basis of health protection and strengthening, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 150-153. DOI 10.14526/03 2017 251

DOI 10.14526/03 2017 252

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