THE STUDY OF THE PHENOMENON OF LONGEVITY, AS IN MODERN TIMES, AND IN THE PRE-WAR Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Usta-Akhmedogly L.V.

Within the study course "Ethnopedagogical traditions of the Abkhaz folk upbringing" the article discusses the phenomenon of longevity in Abkhazia and its causes, including folk upbringing, both now and during Soviet times. And the number of centenarians in modern times compared to the pre-war period.

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experiential knowledge. He developed the dialectic of the process of cognition.

All the philosophy and epistemology of Rene Descartes is pervaded by the belief in the immensity of the human mind, in the immense power of cognition, thought and conceptual discretion of the essence of things. The beginning of knowledge is in Descartes's doubt. All doubtful, but doubtless the very fact of doubt. For Descartes, doubt is not a fruitless skepticism, but something constructive, universal and universal.

Much attention is paid to the method. With its help, all the generally accepted truths are surrendered to the court of pure reason, their "credentials" are rigorously and ruthlessly checked, the validity of their claims to represent the true truth.

Descartes contrasted his rationalistic method with both the inductive methodology of Bacon, to which he treated with approval, and the traditional, scholastic formal logic, which he sharply criticized. He considered it necessary to purge it of the harmful and unnecessary scholastic accretions and supplement it with what would lead to the discovery of authentic and new truths. This means, above all, intuition.

The productive method of Cartesian philosophy and epistemology is: the formation of the idea of development and the desire to apply this idea as a principle of cognition of nature, the introduction of dialectics into mathematics by means of a variable quantity, an indication of the flexibility of the rules of its cognition method and their relationship to moral norms, and a number of others.

Source used:

1. Hartmann N. The problem of spiritual being. Studies to substantiate the philosophy of history and the sciences of the spirit. Philosophical and historical introduction / / Culturology. XX century. Anthology. - M: Jurist, 1995. - P. 608648

2. Dynnik MA Dialectics of Heraclitus of Ephesus. - M., 1929.

3. Zelkina OS System-structural analysis of the main categories of dialectics. -Saratov, 1970.

Usta-Akhmed-ogly L. V.

The 3rd course student Abkhazian St. University Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia


Abstract: Within the study course "Ethnopedagogical traditions of the Abkhaz folk upbringing" the article discusses the phenomenon of longevity in Abkhazia and its causes, including folk upbringing, both now and during Soviet times. And the number of centenarians in modern times compared to the pre-war period.

Keywords: Abkhazia, longevity, Abkhazian people, the Republic of Abkhazia.

"Nothing should guard against in old age as laziness and idleness"- wrote the Roman statesman, orator and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero. A study of the phenomenon of longevity is engaged for thousands of scientists of different specialties, both in our country and abroad. The study of this phenomenon has been the subject of a comprehensive study at the international level physicians, anthropologists, ethnologists, sociologists, psychologists, demographers and other specialists. Interesting question and binding to the terrain of this phenomenon. Why do some countries and certain regions people live much longer than others? Ecology, level of medicine and social benefits, food traditions - these and many other factors, the researchers took into account. But accurate and comprehensive answers this statistic does not provide. Mystery still remains.

In a Soviet period, Abkhazia was famous for its longevity (at the age of 100 years or more). There is an opinion that the roots of longevity grow out of the folk upbringing [2]. If in the whole USSR 100 centenarians accounted for one million of the population in Abkhazia of 500 thousand people there were about 250 people for comparison of modern data on the number of centenarians with the pre-war indicators need to start to describe the lives of centenarians themselves and information about their diet, sleep, work, relationship in the family. Some items here are taken from the book by P. Gharb "Long-lived" [3].

Pagua Adleiba (98 years old). How to explain the secret of his longevity, he didn't know. He says he ate, and worked and lived in the same way as all of its neighbors. Just thought he Pagua are lucky to live so long. His answer to my last question: "what you would like in the future?" - was so unexpected for me that I decided to do a more in-depth study of the intimate thoughts of such people. In front of me sat a man who engaged in agriculture all my life and have never traveled outside of the Caucasus, but more than anything else Pagua Adleiba would like to familiarize yourself with the fact that he could not know before. He regretted his forces are not the same and it will not allow him to see and hear everything he wanted to. Pagua explained that whenever he was returning home after a trip to his relatives, he long then felt another person ...

It has been seen that lost a significant share of Pagua former energy, but enthusiasm and curiosity it was perhaps more than many young people. These qualities, as I later saw were typical for nearly all centenarians, with whom I met.

Tarash Citizens (106 years). We met him on a mountain road near the bus stop. The 106 year old man sitting on a bench sit straight like professional dancers. It actually turned out to be a dancer. Tarash was the second oldest Member of the folklore ensemble centenarians "Kibo".

Local buses walked rarely and Tarasha had time to talk with me. He said that all his life he was engaged in farming, but with early adolescence and still whenever heard music, its cover an irresistible desire to dance. My question about the secret of his longevity Tarash replied that he did not know the exact answer, just led, as he himself put it "right life", and explained why it considers it such a good. Throughout Abkhazia he had friends and relatives. When he saw that they

were good, and myself feel happy. "I feel," said Tarash, firmly stand on their feet. He remembered his father and mother, who were respectable people. And they gave children a decent education. Never in his life did not suffer from Tarash grief. "Of course, people are born and die," he said, "this is always to be expected.

But he believes that never experienced any "major tragedy".

106-year-old Taras Djopua.

Olga Lagvilava (99 years old). She told me that the secret of her longevity, physical activity. It always worked a lot, following the Abkhazian saying: "Better to move than to sit aimlessly without traffic. As a rule, the head of the family in Abkhazia are men. But when the husband of Olga and the eldest son did not return from the war, she completely took over the household and continues all dispose of to this day. Youngest son and his family to live with her mother in her spacious two-storey house typical Abkhazian village. Son told me that his mother manages the household chores all day. Although Olga had almost not engaged in physical labour, she is involved in all the business of the House. Standing at the helm it helps other Abkhazian saying: "Better to die than be a burden to others". According to Olga, the whole point of labour and fresh dairy diet, perfect habits that her parents taught her. "Good habits instilled in children from birth" [1, c. 92].

Of course Olga knows better, but I believe that many years to her life have added the love and attention of the son, the only man in the family, returned from the front. Son adores her old and active mother and always strive to deliver her


Arutan Gitsba (95 years). Arutan told that about 8:00 a day working in the garden and in the garden, and most intensively working in the morning, making breaks every time feels fatigue. Like most Abkhazians Arutan moderate food. Completeness in Abkhazia is considered disease. his diet consists mainly of dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, various Fresh Greens, apples, pears and

grapes the most preferred his goodies - raw garlic as well as the bread and butter and adzhika.

However, when we asked Arutan about the reasons for his longevity, he answered without hesitation: "So it was pleasing to Allah. Only then I found out that for almost Arutan 70 years is a Mullah.

Elizabeth Shakryl (114 years). My companion was absolutely sure what exactly defines the reasons for his longevity. According to her, in addition to the pure mountain air, moderate diet and very useful plant food, its longevity has also been facilitated by the ability to always be bearable. She did not allow herself to worry because of the small annoyances, but major tries to treat philosophically.

My mind is clean, good memory, heart in order, so I think I can long deter the onset of old age. In my life I travelled a lot, was in Moscow, but I'd like to visit in other countries than the more exotic the better. I'm afraid only that my feet no longer will travel so far.

Timur Vanacha (117 years). Timur Vanacha believed that the main reason for his longevity-work. If the case was, he said, then there would be more centenarians among the nobles who, of course, ate well. We, the peasants, ate so much, but our food digestion better. Instead of taking a NAP after eating and drinking, we went to work in the field. I think that the habit of Abkhazians eat moderately-one of the reasons for our longevity.

Timur Vanacha, 117 years old

Another survivor, Aiba Boris Shmatovich born 1927 year, February 20 in the village of Uadhara. During the great patriotic war, he was in class 4. Immediately after graduation, began working at the Tkvarchal mine. Today has 5 children, 10 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Lead a healthy lifestyle, does not smoke or drink. Actively engaged in agriculture, which is so typical for rural residents. Eats only Abkhazian cuisine, without which, he said: "cannot live!"

Another survivor, Varlam Hintuba Shypovych born January 2, 1921 year to

a well-off peasant family. His father was a well-known rider, was fond of horses. Varlam early lost his mother when he was 7 years old. Only his family had 6 kids, it was 4. The strongest memories Varlam believes the postwar period, when famine Moldovans, Russians, Ukrainians came to live in Abkhazia, where they were given shelter, food. He recalls the warmth and support, with the Abkhaz alien people. Many of them gave the Abkhaz names.

In 18 years, Varlam drafted into the army, where he served in Ukraine and then in Moldavia. For some time he worked as a groomsman Division Commander. Always had curiosity, read a lot. Returning to his native Tkvarchal, he started working in the mine, due to time constraints, where we took people with strong self-control and good physical abilities. Worked on the complex site, Varlam, as soon rose and to Brigadier. Gets the order of the red banner of labour, a miner's glory 3 degrees. Became a laureate of the USSR State Prize, a prize which he sent to the Foundation of the world. Hard work involved powerful tests with kotoroymi handled varlam, one of them was the rescue of his friend, whom he otkapal on their own after the collapse of the mine.

Varlam has two daughters and six grandchildren. Today, he feels good,

But in the last two decades our long-lived disappeared somewhere. Earlier, understandably, have died, but about new-who would have though b one hundred-a hundred and ten years, no information. Analyzing statistical data, it can be argued that this problem is relevant in our day. Today in the Republic has a population of about 400 people over the age of 90 years and around 40-over one hundred. That is, ten thousand residents have only two centuries old is more than two times smaller than in Soviet times.

Individual outstanding long-livers, whose names are listed in the Guinness Book of records, met and found in many different countries of the world. But Abkhazia among the few corners of the world attracted attention because here it

was common.


1. Анкваб М.Ф. Абхазская этнопедагогика: историко-культурный аспект: Монография / Москва, 2017. - 300 с.

2. Анкваб М.Ф. Этнопедагогические традиции абхазского народного воспитания: Учебно-методическое пособие. / Москва, 2016. (3-е издание). -86 с.

3. Гарб П. «Долгожители». Москва 1986.

УДК 378

Xaldarov B.I.

Tashkent State Pedagogical University Uzbekistan, Tashkent city MODERN TECHNOLOGIES OF ORGANIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL


Annotation: In the given article new modern technologies of the organization of educational process are considered. Modular training, use of information technologies in training are analyzed here.

Keywords: Paradigm, education, traditional methods, information technology, module


Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются новые современные технологии организации образовательного процесса. Здесь анализируются модульное обучение, использование информационных технологий в обучении.

Ключевые слова: Парадигма, образования, традиционные методы, информационные технологии, модуль

The new education paradigm, which places the development of the learner's personality in the center of the educational pyramid, aims not only at new teaching technologies, but also new technologies for organizing the educational process. By "new" pedagogical technologies, we do not mean their time aspect, but their difference from traditional, traditional technologies.

The traditional methods of organizing the educational process are aimed at creating conditions that contribute more to the assimilation of factual material, the consolidation of the skill to reproduce knowledge in a familiar situation. Let's consider what tasks are solved with the help of modern technologies for organizing the educational process.

The relevance of the technology of collective teaching of pedagogical technology is determined by the fact that it offers a way to resolve many urgent problems and contradictions of modern education.

The basic principle of technology is that in the student collective everyone teaches everyone and everyone teaches everyone. The main methods of collective

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