DIFFERENCES IN UPBRINGING AND CUSTOMS OF ABKHAZIANS 100 YEARS AGO AND TODAY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Mikelba B.R.

Within the study course "Ethnopedagogical traditions of the Abkhaz folk upbringing" the article discusses differences in upbringing and customs of Abkhazians 100 years ago and today.

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seventh, twentieth, fortieth), more attentive or is paid to this period and is one of the chilla conditions to burn incense permanent home. In addition, a purification ritual bathing and clothing during the installation of such practices in the implementation of this process is the fact that initsiatsion character.

Each of the above considerations, we conclude that the traditional ceremony to be different from other ethnicities, ethnicities has an important ethnographic criteria. The family tradition and ritual aspects of the preservation of the environment is reflected. Because, each with a specific environmental views of other ethnicities, the product of a long historical and cultural ties.

Used sources:

1. Ashirov A.A. Uzbek xalqi an'anaviy turmush tarzida qadimiy diniy e'tiqodlar (Farg'ona vodiysi materiallari asosida). Tarix fanlari dok. ilmiy darajasini olish uchun yozilgan dissertatsiya. -T., 2008. -B. 23

2. Isxakov B. B. Oilaviy marosimlar va ekologik madaniyat uygunligi. -Namangan // Biznes, aydit, baho, mulk, 2014. -B. 30-31., Исхаков Б.Б. Зиёратгох,ларнинг экологик маданиятга таъсири // Тошкент Ислом Университети илмий-тах,лилий ахбороти. 2010 йил 4-сон. -Б. 15-19. Исхаков Б.Б. Этноэкологик маданиятга оид концепциялар // Илм сарчашмалари. 2011 йил. 1-сон. - Б. 35-37

УДК 392.51

Mikelba B.R.

The 3rd course student Abkhazian State University Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia DIFFERENCES IN UPBRINGING AND CUSTOMS OF ABKHAZIANS 100


Abstract: Within the study course "Ethnopedagogical traditions of the Abkhaz folk upbringing" the article discusses differences in upbringing and customs of Abkhazians 100 years ago and today.

Keywords: Abkhazia, Abkhazian people, the Republic of Abkhazia.

Abkhazians - it's quite a few people who live near the Black Sea and the Caucasus Mountains. Despite this, like all peoples, "Abkhazians have their own special traditions and customs in the sphere of upbringing as well, especially concerning morality and ethnic rules" [2, pp. 13]. Since the advent of the Abkhaz, they began to be developed code of honor "Alamys", based on the basic principles of education in any of the Abkhazian family. "The family on the one hand reflects all the changes occurring in society, on the other, factor (or change) traditions, contributing to the stability of family and household sphere"[1]. All generations are making high efforts to as accurately as possible to follow your true path; to perform its functions as prescribed in the "Alamys".

The most important paragraph of the code of honor, according to the 77-year-old resident of Sukhum Andrei Jopya is respect. «Respect is manifested as

the older generations and by the older towards younger. The generation that was brought up during the war, most fully complied with this rule» - reports Jopya.

According to their stories, they were not allowed to be in the same room with adults if they were "adult" conversation, it was forbidden to smoke, talk loudly, swear in the presence of adults. Today's generation is, for the most part, allows himself to all this, arguing with adults, showing disrespect for elders, he allows himself to speak both with their peers. The main reason for this, according to the opinion of the older generation, is the inability of parents to find the right approach to children, that is, it is a lack of upbringing.

No less important is the relationship with the father-in-law. «In the past it was considered disrespectful if daughter, especially if recently became a member of the family, do not hesitate could afford to talk with the father, called him by name, or address him "Dad" - claims Jopya. Communication between them took place exclusively on the initiative of tests; she just answered his questions, and occasionally asked him his».

At present day, this rule has almost disappeared: daughter from the first days of dating show dialogue initiative with the senior, sit them at a table, talking loudly with friends when older are in the next room. It is also a lack of upbringing.

In modern conditions in Abkhazia does not lose its relevance and the tradition of wedding events. In addition to the foregoing, a resident of Sukhum Julia Lakoba was born in 1934, cannot but underline some aspects of such events: «Father of the bride, according to tradition, it was impossible to attend the wedding of his daughter; the bride and groom cannot be seen on the wedding day almost until its end-reports Lakoba. - Now the father of the bride at a wedding present, arguing that such an event happens only once in your life and you cannot miss it. For the bride and groom organize one room, in which throughout the wedding, they celebrate together, and only in some they are apart».

Here we are again seeing non-compliance with the secular foundations of the Abkhaz people.

Today's youth is ashamed to speak their own, Abkhazian language. If 50 years ago, in Abkhazian language, were forbidden to talk to some political reasons, but nowadays young people are not aware of the depth of the tragedy. Ashamed, not speaking in their own language, not respecting tradition, produced for centuries, Abkhazian people coming to the fact that in the near future no one will know Abkhazian language, and even that it existed; will be lost traditions, customs, mentality, and in general all the people, just as history has disposed with ubykhs... To solve this problem we must already today. Apsny's fate is in the hands of today's youth. All that is required to comply with the simplest rules of conduct in society "wrote in the sense of morality and upbringing principles of Abkhazian people" [1, pp. 76]. Only in this way the Abkhaz nation will prosper.


1. Анкваб М.Ф. Традиционная система женского воспитания в абхазской этнопедагогике: монография. - Москва, 2016.

2. Анкваб М.Ф. Этнопедагогические традиции абхазского народного

воспитания: Учебно-методическое пособие. / Москва, 2016. (3-е издание). -86 c.

3. Maan O.V. Problems of ethnic development and traditional and household culture of Abkhazians. Sukhum: RUP "House of the Press", 2014. - p. 121

УДК 03.02

Nurmatova N.N. Andijan state medical Institute Teacher of the department of social and humanitarian sciences

Uzbekistan, the city of Andijan

Нурматова Н.Н. преподаватель кафедра «Социально-гуманитарной науки» Андижанский государственный медицинский институт



Abstract: In this article we consider the life activity of the Great Uzbek legendary commander Jalaliddin Manguberdi.

Keywords: Khorezmshah, Genghis Khan, war, Iran, national heroes

Аннотация: В данной статье мы рассматриваем жизненную деятельность Великого узбекского легендарного полководца Жалаллиддина Мангуберди.

Ключевые слова: Хорезмшах, Чингизхан, война, Иран, национальные


Jalal ad-Dunia ad-din Abul-Muzaffar Manguberdi ibn Muhammad (Jalaliddin Menguberdi) is the last of the rulers of the state of Khorezmshah. He was the eldest son of Khorezmshah MuhammadII. Jalaliddin was nicknamed Mekbern (or Menguberdi), which means "with a birthmark on his face." The exact date of birth of Jalaliddin is unknown, but the conditional date of his birth is 1198.

According to the powerful perseverance of my grandmother, the Kypchak princess Turkan-Khatyn, who enjoyed great honor at the court in Gurganj, despite the existing traditions, the younger brother of Jalaliddin Uzlagan was appointed to the throne. Jalaliddin grew up in a military environment and early learned the skills of a warrior. At his disposal was Ghazna (now Afghanistan), but his father was afraid of a conspiracy and kept his son with him in Gurganj. Young Jalaliddin tried to hide on the border, where endless battles were fought with external enemies.

Upon learning of the planned attack of Genghis Khan, Jalaliddin asked his father to build troops in the Syr Darya and meet an enemy there, but his father was sure that the defensive walls and fortresses would not allow the enemy to enter the country, and he did not begin to collect troops. The Mongols quickly captured the city. First in 1220 Bukhara, then Samarkand and Muhammad, after a series of

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