JALALIDDIN MANGUBERDI - THE LEGENDARY COMMANDER OF THE XIII CENTURY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Нурматова Н.Н.

В данной статье мы рассматриваем жизненную деятельность Великого узбекского легендарного полководца Жалаллиддина Мангуберди.

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воспитания: Учебно-методическое пособие. / Москва, 2016. (3-е издание). -86 с.

3. Maan O.V. Problems of ethnic development and traditional and household culture of Abkhazians. Sukhum: RUP "House of the Press", 2014. - p. 121

УДК 03.02

Nurmatova N.N. Andijan state medical Institute Teacher of the department of social and humanitarian sciences

Uzbekistan, the city of Andijan

Нурматова Н.Н. преподаватель кафедра «Социально-гуманитарной науки» Андижанский государственный медицинский институт



Abstract: In this article we consider the life activity of the Great Uzbek legendary commander Jalaliddin Manguberdi.

Keywords: Khorezmshah, Genghis Khan, war, Iran, national heroes

Аннотация: В данной статье мы рассматриваем жизненную деятельность Великого узбекского легендарного полководца Жалаллиддина Мангуберди.

Ключевые слова: Хорезмшах, Чингизхан, война, Иран, национальные


Jalal ad-Dunia ad-din Abul-Muzaffar Manguberdi ibn Muhammad (Jalaliddin Menguberdi) is the last of the rulers of the state of Khorezmshah. He was the eldest son of Khorezmshah Muhammadll. Jalaliddin was nicknamed Mekbern (or Menguberdi), which means "with a birthmark on his face." The exact date of birth of Jalaliddin is unknown, but the conditional date of his birth is 1198.

According to the powerful perseverance of my grandmother, the Kypchak princess Turkan-Khatyn, who enjoyed great honor at the court in Gurganj, despite the existing traditions, the younger brother of Jalaliddin Uzlagan was appointed to the throne. Jalaliddin grew up in a military environment and early learned the skills of a warrior. At his disposal was Ghazna (now Afghanistan), but his father was afraid of a conspiracy and kept his son with him in Gurganj. Young Jalaliddin tried to hide on the border, where endless battles were fought with external enemies.

Upon learning of the planned attack of Genghis Khan, Jalaliddin asked his father to build troops in the Syr Darya and meet an enemy there, but his father was sure that the defensive walls and fortresses would not allow the enemy to enter the country, and he did not begin to collect troops. The Mongols quickly captured the city. First in 1220 Bukhara, then Samarkand and Muhammad, after a series of

unsuccessful battles, were forced to retreat to the west. According to legend, Muhammad fled to the Caspian Sea and, being seriously ill, convened three sons and announced Jalaliddin the heir to the throne and, hanging his sword on the belt, urged his younger sons to obey. After the death of Muhammad, Jalaliddin sat on the throne, but to know that Gurganj did not recognize the new ruler, regardless of the people's support.

Jalaliddin collected troops from three hundred devoted Turkmen dzhigits and headed to Khorasan. In the county of Nis, they met a Mongol squad of seven hundred men and easily defeated them. This insignificant victory inspired the population of Khorasan to resist the Mongol invaders, forcing Genghis Khan to send troops to Khorezm and Khorasan, who faced the army of younger brothers of Jalaliddin and severely dealt with them.

On the way to his hereditary destiny, Jalaliddin found allies in the person of the governor of Merv, Khan Malik with his army of 40,000 people, the Turkmen khan Safo de Din, also with the 40,000-strong army. Near Kandahar, the combined forces defeated Mongol, and Jalaliddin reached Gazna, where his cousin Amin al-Mulk and commander Timur Malik, Khan Karluks, Azam Malik and Afghan leader Muzaffar Malik joined him. Strong united troops defeated Mongol at the walls of the fortress of Valian in the summer of 1221. In response to such a blow, Genghis Khan sent an army, which for several days fought Khorezmshah and his allies near the city of Narvan. During this battle the Mongols were completely routed. This was the largest defeat of the Mongols in Iran, Central Asia and Afghanistan in the period from 1219 to 1222.

Jalaliddin had support not only among the soldiers, but also among the population, as a just and legitimate ruler. After the defeat at Parvan, the Mongols left the territory of Afghanistan. In response, Genghis Khan himself decided to take part in a new battle with Khorezmshah. But among the generals supporting Jalaliddin, there was discord, and Kipchaks, Karluks and Afghans left Jalaliddin when he was preparing for an important battle with Genghis Khan.

Jalaliddin realized that his army could not stand the battle, and he went to the Indus River, where he was overtaken by Genghis Khan, and on 24 November 1221 a battle took place, in which the army of Khorezmshah was defeated. Not wishing to give captive to the Mongols their relatives, by order of Jalaliddin, his mother, wife and other women were drowned in the river. But the seven-year-old son got to the Mongols and was killed. Jalaliddin got out of the encirclement of the Mongols and on horseback rushed to the Indus River, which successfully crossed and disappeared on the other shore.

For four years Jalaliddin fought against the Mongols in India. He assembled a new army from Turkmens and traveled from Western Iran to the Caucasus. In 1225, he captured the city of Dvin, the capital of Armenia, and defeated the Georgian-Armenian army near the town of Garni. Having sent ambassadors to the Georgians with a proposal to conclude an amicable agreement and to oppose Mongolian troops, he received the refusal of Tsarevna Rusudan. And in 1226 he captured Tbilisi, the Georgian capital. Only those Tbilisi residents who converted

to Islam survived.

In 1227 near Rhea, Jalaliddin defeated the Mongol troops. In the same year, Khorezmshah, called by the people of Isfahan for help, won a battle with the Mongols near the city of Isfahan. Jalaliddin led two combat fronts: against Mongolian troops in Western Iran and with Armenians and Georgians in Transcaucasia. But in 1228 against the Khorezmshah came together, the Romanian sultan Aladdin, the Cilician-Armenian king Getum I and the Egyptian sultan Ashraf. But the troops of Khorezmshah could not resist in this onslaught, and he was defeated.

Jalaliddin, sending a letter to the Kypchak khans with the proposal to unite and oppose the Mongol conqueror, received a letter from his sister, who was captured by Juchi, the son of Genghis Khan in 1220, and had a child from him. In the letter, she tried to persuade Jalaliddin to cooperate with the Mongols who offered him possessions near the Amu Darya River. But Jalaliddin did not give an answer to this letter.

Jalaliddin exerted desperate resistance to his enemies. After the capture of the Khilat fortress in Iraq in 1230, the Khorezmsh was defeated by the onslaught of the united rulers of Mesopotamia and Asia Minor. The final defeat of Jalaliddin's army was caused by the Mongol detachment of Ogadei headed by the commander Charmagan. Jalaliddin was badly wounded in the battle, then he tried to hide in the mountains of Kurdistan, where he was killed.

Jalaliddin Manguberdi is one of the "national heroes". In 1999, his 800th anniversary was widely celebrated in our country. On August 30, 2000, the Order of "Jaloliddin Manguberdi" was established, which is awarded to servicemen who showed military talent, which became an example of courage and heroism in the defense of the country's independence and made a great contribution to strengthening the defense capability of the state.

Used sources:

1. Islam Karimov, High spirituality is an invincible force - Tashkent: Spirituality, 2010.-176 p.

2. Islam Karimov, Ostonosada of independence of Uzbekistan. . Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 2011.

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