Научная статья на тему 'The role of information and mobile technology in the tourism industry'

The role of information and mobile technology in the tourism industry Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Boychenko Oleg, Gavrikov Ilya, Antropova Anna

The article looks at the role that information technology plays in the tourism industry from both the company’s and the consumer’s point of view and describes the importance of the Internet and social networking in tourism. On the enterprise side, the article reviews some modern office suites, which increase enterprise productivity thanks to compatibility with mobile devices, among other things. It also lists some of the popular technologies and online services for tourism, which, when used actively and correctly, allows businesses in the tourism industry to significantly improve their competitive ability and accessibility to potential clients.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The role of information and mobile technology in the tourism industry»


IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY Boychenko O.1, Gavrikov I.2, Antropova A.3 (Russian Federation) РОЛЬ ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫХ И МОБИЛЬНЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ В ТУРИСТСКОЙ ИНДУСТРИИ Бойченко О. В.1, Гавриков И. В.2, Антропова А. А.3 (Российская Федерация)

'Бойченко Олег Валерьевич /Boychenko Oleg — доктор технических наук, профессор;

2Гавриков Илья Владимирович / Gavrikov Ilya — студент;

1 Антропова Анна Александровна / Antropova Anna — студент, кафедра бизнес-информатики и математического моделирования, Институт экономики и управления Крымский федеральный университет, г. Симферополь

Abstract: the article looks at the role that information technology plays in the tourism industry from both the company's and the consumer's point of view and describes the importance of the Internet and social networking in tourism. On the enterprise side, the article reviews some modern office suites, which increase enterprise productivity thanks to compatibility with mobile devices, among other things. It also lists some of the popular technologies and online services for tourism, which, when used actively and correctly, allows businesses in the tourism industry to significantly improve their competitive ability and accessibility to potential clients.

Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает роль, которую информационные технологии играют в туристской сфере экономики, с точки зрения предприятий и потребителей, а также описывает важность Интернета и социальных сетей в туризме. С точки зрения предприятия в статье рассматриваются современные офисные сюиты, увеличивающие эффективность предприятия, в т. ч. за счёт совместимости с мобильными устройствами. В ней также приводится перечисление некоторых популярных технологий и онлайн-сервисов для туризма, грамотное и активное использование которых современными туристскими предприятиями позволяет значительно повысить их конкурентоспособность и доступность для потенциальных клиентов.

Keywords: IT, mobile technology, tourism, Internet, apps.

Ключевые слова: ИТ, мобильные технологии, туризм, Интернет, приложения.

Modem life is inextricably linked with information technology, which is used in every industry today. The sheer volume of data that requires analysis and processing, as well as the ever-rising amount of competition between companies, mean that IT integration is a bare necessity, and that the use of modern developments in IT plays an equally important role. One such modern development is the continuing process of adapting mobile devices to more and more tasks that were exclusively handled by computers before.

The service industry benefits especially from IT integration, and many new developments, especially in the realm of social networking, translate directly into improved efficiency and returns for businesses. One important area of the service sector where IT has very high potential is the tourism industry, where leveraging new technologies enables greater exposure for businesses and makes it easier for customers to make more informed choices [1].

Today, a modern business in the tourism industry cannot exist without electronic record keeping and data storage. This functionality is provided by collections of productivity software, otherwise known as office suites. A typical office suite includes a word processor for creating and editing documents, a spreadsheet for various accounting and financial tasks, a slide show presentation program and a database management system (DBMS). For instance, arguably the most popular office suite, Microsoft Office, contains all of these applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access, respectively), as well as some others, such as an email client (Outlook) and a notebook (OneNote). Using office suites correctly and to their full potential allows a significant increase in work efficiency on one hand and a significant decrease of document lookup and operation times on the other. And, while using office suites in the past implied certain investments, which forced some businesses to use inferior alternatives or unlicensed copies, today there is a number of free (LibreOffice) and flexibly-priced (Google Docs, Office 365) solutions for businesses of different sizes. It should be noted that many of the office suites that exist today are compatible with mobile devices, and office software developers like Microsoft and Google are now making it a priority to ensure compatibility with mobile devices [2]. This means that the owner or an employee of a business in the tourism industry can take their work anywhere and at any time.

Different services and applications designed for tourists are also widely used in the industry. This segment of the market is especially diverse and includes services for booking rooms in hotels, renting accommodation, transportation services, car rentals, as well as services for finding free accommodation ("couchsurfing ") and interesting local landmarks and attractions. The most popular services are those that offer customer feedback about hotels, restaurants, bars and other tourist attractions—services like TripAdvisor, Foursquare, Google Reviews, Yelp, and others. Modern companies that wish to attract more visitors should leverage these services to maintain a presence on the web, since the majority of searches today is done online. As such, at the planning stage an average user interacts with different services approximately 200 times a month when looking for the necessary information [3].

Due to the accelerated rate of globalisation, especially in the IT industry, many of the aforementioned services are used in the context of Russian tourism as well. Businesses in cities with a developed tourism infrastructure leverage the benefits of online services for marketing, however a large number of businesses still adhere to traditional practices in advertising and marketing, which significantly reduces the number of their potential clients. One important category of national Russian tourism services are those that deal with transport, such as Yandex.Taxi, Tutu.ru and others. Recently created services for the Crimean peninsula, such as Gosavtobus and Gosparom, deserve a special mention, and are currently enjoying popularity.


1. Business Insider. The Mobile Tourist: How Smartphones Are Shaking Up The Travel Market. [Electronic resourse]: Business Insider. URL: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-mobile-tourist-how-smartphones-are-shaking-up-the-travel-market-2013-1/ (date of access: 15.01.2017).

2. GailAxelrod. These 40 Stats Will Change the Way You Think About Google Apps. [Electronic resourse]: BetterCloud Monitor. URL: https://www.bettercloud.com/monitor/google-apps-ecosystem-stats/ (date of access: 15.01.2017).

3. Luth Research ZQ Intelligence. Cross Platform Digital Behavior Measurement, November-December 2014. [Electronic resourse]: Luth Research. URL: https://luthresearch.com/ (date of access: 15.01.2017).


MANAGEMENT Belonogova T.1, Chernikova O.2 (Russian Federation) ОСОБЕННОСТИ РАБОТЫ МЕНЕДЖЕРА В СФЕРЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬЮ ТРУДА Белоногова Т. И.1, Черникова О. П.2 (Российская Федерация)

'Белоногова Татьяна Ивановна / Belonogova Tatyana — студент; 2 Черникова Оксана Петровна / Chernikova Oksana — доцент, кафедра экономики, учета и финансовых рынков, Институт экономики и менеджмента Сибирский государственный индустриальный университет, г. Новокузнецк

Abstract: in modern conditions the safety system at the enterprise solves a number of important tasks: the organization provides a safe process of production; promotes the development and use of the individual and the stationary means of protection against occupational hazards; contributes to the organization of learning safe operation, the implementation of rules on safety, technology and controls the readiness of people to safe operation; provides education and promotion of safe operation. This article discusses the features of the manager in the field of safety management.

Аннотация: в современных условиях система безопасности труда на предприятии решает ряд важных задач: обеспечивает организацию безопасного процесса производства продукции; способствует разработке и использованию индивидуальных и стационарных средств защиты от опасных производственных факторов; способствует организации обучения безопасной работе, выполнению правил по безопасному труду, контролирует готовность техники и людей к безопасной работе; осуществляет воспитание и пропаганду безопасной работы. В данной статье рассматриваются особенности работы менеджера в сфере управления безопасностью труда.

Keywords: safety, security management, work, worker.

Ключевые слова: безопасность труда, управление безопасностью, труд, работник.

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