Научная статья на тему 'Ways of improving the efficiency of the management by the sphere of recreation and tourismin the Odessa region'

Ways of improving the efficiency of the management by the sphere of recreation and tourismin the Odessa region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Yatsenko Volodymyr Arkhypovych

The article considers the problems and peculiarities of the functioning of the tourist destinations, studies show possibilities to influence management to improve its functioning and organizational approach to the management of tourism industry of Odessa region in modern conditions.Based on research of the tourism industry were defined the main directions and instruments of state regulation, among which is highlighted the state’s influence on increasing the competitiveness of regional tourist complex due to theadjustment of administrative decisions on the basis of sociological monitoring of the state tourism industry in the planning and development of both local and national programs.Odessa Oblast has unique natural and human resources, and as a difficult socio-economic system, simulates economic processes inherent only to this region to create conditions for a sufficiently high standard of living. That is why the development of tourism is currently one of the main directions of economic development of Odessa Oblast. This will create conditions for effective development of areas with poor infrastructure, attract investment and return the oblast to the workforce.Today, more than ever before, there is a need to resolve issues related to the organization management of recreational and tourist area. A lack of objective statistical and sociological data leads to inefficient use of funding and lack of foreign investment, and ceases not to be just a regional problem, but which is becoming nationwide.Expert survey of public power made it possible to reveal problems of the development of the tourism industry in Odessa Oblast. The hindering factors of the development of the tourist and recreational complex are: lack of understanding of the authorities of their role in the functioning of the tourism industry, the lack of tourism infrastructure; lack of infrastructure; lack of budget funding of the tourism and recreational business; limited investment in the tourism industry; the need for upgrade the expertise of managerial personnel in tourism.The conclusions and suggestions were formulated on how to improve the functioning of tourism business.For the rational use of tourism potential in the Odessa Oblast is necessary: make an inventory and beautification the land of historical and cultural, recreational and conservation purposes; create competitive clusters in the tourism and recreational industries; develop a strategic plan for the development of coastal areas; ensure the protection and restoration of natural landscapes, unique flora and fauna.To ensure quality and rapid development of tourist and recreational infrastructure it is necessary to: increase the competitiveness of the tourism product through the construction, modernization and reconstruction of tourism infrastructure; expand the range of tourism services to European standards that all is the development and support of business, cultural, river, sailing, wellness, sports, entertainment, marine and ecological tourism; improve the state of facilities on the Black Sea; promote infrastructure resorts, properly maintain and implement beautification of beaches and parks; restore monuments of cultural and historical heritage; develop an extensive network of agencies and organizations to provide excursions, entertaining, health services.It is necessary to create conditions for: the revival of the tourism potential of historical monuments, archeology and architecture, with scientific and cultural importance; development of ethno-cultural communities and national minorities; investment by international programs of restoration of the historical and cultural heritage.For the purpose of intensive development of information infrastructure of tourist and recreational services is offered: to create centers of tourist information to serve the tourists and campers; to provide popularizing tourism product through the festival, fair and exhibition activities; to provide quality service to foreign and domestic tourists to establish training and retraining of recreation and tourism personnel.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Ways of improving the efficiency of the management by the sphere of recreation and tourismin the Odessa region»

UDC:796.5: 338.42

Volodymyr Arkhypovych Yatsenko,

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Dept. of the Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences, Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 65009, Odessa region, Odesa, Str. Henuezska, 22a, tel.: (098) 134 92 72, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3845-0405

Яценко Володимир Архипович,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент кафедри фшософських та сощально-полтичних наук, Одесь-кий регюнальний iнститут державного управлтня Нащональног академп державного управлтня при Президентовi Украти, 65009, Одеська область, м. Одеса, вул. Генуезька, 22а, тел.: (098) 134 92 72, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-3845-0405

Яценко Владимир Архипович,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры философских и социально-политических наук, Одесский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, Одесская область, г. Одеса, ул. Генуэзская, 22а, тел.: (098) 134 92 72, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-3845-0405


Abstract. The article considers the problems and peculiarities of the functioning of the tourist destinations, studies show possibilities to influence management to improve its functioning and organizational approach to the management of tourism industry of Odessa region in modern conditions.

Based on research of the tourism industry were defined the main directions and instruments of state regulation, among which is highlighted the state's influence on increasing the competitiveness of regional tourist complex due to the

adjustment of administrative decisions on the basis of sociological monitoring of the state tourism industry in the planning and development of both local and national programs.

Odessa Oblast has unique natural and human resources, and as a difficult socio-economic system, simulates economic processes inherent only to this region to create conditions for a sufficiently high standard of living. That is why the development of tourism is currently one of the main directions of economic development of Odessa Oblast. This will create conditions for effective development of areas with poor infrastructure, attract investment and return the oblast to the workforce.

Today, more than ever before, there is a need to resolve issues related to the organization management of recreational and tourist area. A lack of objective statistical and sociological data leads to inefficient use of funding and lack of foreign investment, and ceases not to be just a regional problem, but which is becoming nationwide.

Expert survey of public power made it possible to reveal problems of the development of the tourism industry in Odessa Oblast. The hindering factors of the development of the tourist and recreational complex are: lack of understanding of the authorities of their role in the functioning of the tourism industry, the lack of tourism infrastructure; lack of infrastructure; lack of budget funding of the tourism and recreational business; limited investment in the tourism industry; the need for upgrade the expertise of managerial personnel in tourism.

The conclusions and suggestions were formulated on how to improve the functioning of tourism business.

For the rational use of tourism potential in the Odessa Oblast is necessary: make an inventory and beautification the land of historical and cultural, recreational and conservation purposes; create competitive clusters in the tourism and recreational industries; develop a strategic plan for the development of coastal areas; ensure the protection and restoration of natural landscapes, unique flora and fauna.

To ensure quality and rapid development of tourist and recreational infrastructure it is necessary to: increase the competitiveness of the tourism product through the construction, modernization and reconstruction of tourism infrastructure; expand the range of tourism services to European standards — that all is the development and support of business, cultural, river, sailing, wellness, sports, entertainment, marine and ecological tourism; improve the state of facilities on the Black Sea; promote infrastructure resorts, properly maintain and implement beautification of beaches and parks; restore monuments of cultural and historical heritage; develop an extensive network of agencies and organizations to provide excursions, entertaining, health services.

It is necessary to create conditions for: the revival of the tourism potential of historical monuments, archeology and architecture, with scientific and cultural importance; development of ethno-cultural communities and national minorities; investment by international programs of restoration of the historical and cultural heritage.

For the purpose of intensive development of information infrastructure of tourist and recreational services is offered: to create centers of tourist information to serve the tourists and campers; to provide popularizing tourism product through the festival, fair and exhibition activities; to provide quality service to foreign and domestic tourists to establish training and retraining of recreation and tourism personnel.

Keywords: tourist market, economic potential, tourism resources, natural resources, tourism potential, tourism industry, development problems of tourism industry, the attractiveness of a territory.


Анотащя. У статл визначено проблеми та особливосл функцюнування туристично!' дестинаци, вивчено можливост впливу управлшня на шдви-щення ефективносл ïï функцюнування, розглянуто оргашзацшний пщхщ до управлiння туристичною галуззю Одесько!' областi в сучасних умовах.

На основi результатiв дослщження стану туристично!' галузi були визна-ченi головнi напрями та шструменти державного регулювання, серед яких особливо видшений вплив держави на шдвищення конкурентоспроможно-стi регiонального туристичного комплексу за рахунок коригування управлш-ських ршень з урахуванням соцiологiчного мониторингу стану туристично!' сфери при плануванш та розробленнi як мiсцевих, так i державних програм.

Одеська область мае ушкальш природнi та людсью ресурси i як складна соцiально-економiчна система моделюе економiчнi процеси, притаманш винятково цьому регiону, що створюе передумови для достатньо високого рiвня життя. Саме тому розвиток туризму на сьогодш е одним з головних напрямiв економiчного розвитку Одещини. Це створюе умови для ефектив-ного розвитку територiй з нерозвиненою iнфраструктурою, залучення ш-вестицш, вiдтворення трудового потенцiалу областi.

Сьогодш як школи потребують вирiшення питання, пов'язаш з оргаш-зацiею управлшня рекреацшно-туристичною сферою. А вiдсутнiсть об'ек-тивних статистичних та соцiологiчних даних призводить до неефективного використання джерел фшансування та недостатнього залучення шоземних швестицш, i вже перестае бути тшьки регiональною проблемою, а стае за-гальнонацiональною.

Експертне опитування представниюв публiчноï влади дало змогу вияви-ти проблеми розвитку туристично!' галузi Одесько!' областi. Визначено фак-тори, що стримують розвиток туристично-рекреацшного комплексу: недо-статне розумшня представниками органiв влади свое!' ролi у функцiонуваннi туристично!' сфери; вщсутшсть туристично!' iнфраструктури; повiльний розвиток ринку транспортних послуг; недостатшсть бюджетного фшансування розвитку туристично-рекреацшного бiзнесу; обмежений обсяг швестицш у туристичну галузь; необхщшсть шдвищення компетентносл управлiнських кадрiв в галузi туризму.

Сформульовано висновки i пропозици щодо шляхiв пiдвищення ефек-тивностi функцiонування оргашзацш туристичного бiзнесу.

Для рацiонального використання туристичного потенщалу Одесько1 областi необхщно: провести iнвентаризацiю та впорядкування земель ю-торико-культурного, рекреацiйного i природоохоронного призначення; сформувати конкурентоспроможнi кластери у туристичнш та рекреацiйнiй сферах; розробити стратепчний план розвитку прибережних територш; за-безпечити захист та вщтворення природних ландшафтiв, ушкально1 флори та фауни.

Для забезпечення яюсного та швидкого розвитку туристично-рекреа-цшно1 шфраструктури необхiдно: пiдвищити конкурентоспроможнiсть туристичного продукту за рахунок будiвництва, модершзаци та реконструкцп об'eктiв туристично! шфраструктури; розширити до европейських стандар-пв номенклатуру туристичних послуг — це розвиток та шдтримка дiлового, культурного, рiчкового, вiтрильного, оздоровчого, спортивного, розважаль-ного, морського та екологiчного видiв туризму; покращити стан об'eктiв вщ-починку на узбережжi Чорного моря; сприяти розвитковi iнфраструктури курортiв, належно утримувати та здшснювати благоустрiй пляжiв, паркiв; реставрувати пам'ятки культурно! та юторично! спадщини; розвивати розга-лужену мережу установ та оргашзацш для надання екскурсшних, культур-но-розважальних, оздоровчих послуг.

Необхщно створити умови для: вщродження туристичного потенцiалу пам'яток юторп, археологи та архiтектури, що мають наукове i культурне значення; розвитку дiяльностi нацiонально-культурних товариств та на-цiональних меншин; iнвестування через мiжнароднi програми реставрацп пам'яток юторично1 та культурно'! спадщини.

З метою штенсивного розвитку шформацшно! iнфраструктури туристичних та рекреацшних послуг пропонуеться: для обслуговування турислв та вiдпочивальникiв створити центри з надання туристично! шформацп; забез-печити популяризацiю туристичного продукту через фестивальну, ярмарко-ву та виставкову дiяльнiсть; з метою забезпечення яисного обслуговування iноземних та вггчизняних туристiв налагодити перепiдготовку та навчання персоналу рекреацшно-туристично! сфери.

Ключовi слова: туристичний ринок, економiчний потенцiал, туристичш ресурси, природнi ресурси, туристичний потенщал, туристична галузь, про-блеми розвитку туристично! галузi, привабливiсть територи.


Аннотация. В статьи определены проблемы и особенности функционирования туристической дестинации, изучены возможности влияния управления на повышение эффективности ее функционирования, рассмотрен организационный подход к управлению туристической отраслью Одесской области в современных условиях.

На основе результатов исследования состояния туристической отрасли были определены основные направления и инструменты государственного регулирования, среди которых особенно выделено влияние государства на повышение конкурентоспособности регионального туристического комплекса за счет корректировки управленческих решений с учетом социологического мониторинга состояния туристической сферы при планировании и разработке как местных, так и государственных программ.

Одесская область имеет уникальные природные и человеческие ресурсы — и как сложная социально-экономическая система моделирует экономические процессы, присущие исключительно этому региону, что создает предпосылки для достаточно высокого уровня жизни. Именно поэтому развитие туризма на сегодня является одним из главных направлений экономического развития Одесской области. Это создает условия для эффективного развития территорий с неразвитой инфраструктурой, привлечение инвестиций, воспроизводства трудового потенциала области.

Сегодня как никогда требуют решения вопросы, связанные с организацией управления рекреационно-туристической сферой. Отсутствие объективных статистических и социологических данных приводит к неэффективному использованию источников финансирования и недостаточного привлечения иностранных инвестиций, и уже перестает быть только региональной проблемой, а становится общенациональной.

Экспертный опрос представителей публичной власти дало возможность выявить проблемы развития туристической отрасли Одесской области. Определены факторы, сдерживающие развитие туристско-рекреационного комплекса: недостаточное понимание представителями органов власти своей роли в функционировании туристической сферы, отсутствие туристической инфраструктуры; медленное развитие рынка транспортных услуг; недостаточность бюджетного финансирования развития туристско-рекреационного бизнеса; ограниченный объем инвестиций в туристическую отрасль; необходимость повышения компетентности управленческих кадров в сфере туризма.

Сформулированы выводы и предложения относительно путей повышения эффективности функционирования организаций туристического бизнеса.

Для рационального использования туристического потенциала в Одесской области необходимо: провести инвентаризацию и благоустройство земель историко-культурного, рекреационного и природоохранного назначения; сформировать конкурентоспособные кластеры в туристической и рекреационной сферах; разработать стратегический план развития прибрежных территорий; обеспечить защиту и воспроизводство природных ландшафтов, уникальной флоры и фауны.

Для обеспечения качественного и быстрого развития туристско-рекре-ационной инфраструктуры необходимо: повысить конкурентоспособность туристического продукта за счет строительства, модернизации и реконструкции объектов туристической инфраструктуры; расширить до евро-

пейских стандартов номенклатуру туристических услуг — это развитие и поддержка делового, культурного, речного, парусного, оздоровительного, спортивного, развлекательного, морского и экологического видов туризма; улучшить состояние объектов отдыха на побережье Черного моря; способствовать развитию инфраструктуры курортов, должным образом удерживать и осуществлять благоустройство пляжей, парков; реставрировать памятники культурного и исторического наследия; развивать разветвленную сеть учреждений и организаций для предоставления экскурсионных, культурно-развлекательных, оздоровительных услуг.

Необходимо создать условия для: возрождение туристического потенциала памятников истории, археологии и архитектуры, имеющих научное и культурное значение; развития деятельности национально-культурных обществ и национальных меньшинств; инвестирования через международные программы реставрации памятников исторического и культурного наследия.

С целью интенсивного развития информационной инфраструктуры туристических и рекреационных услуг предлагается: для обслуживания туристов и отдыхающих создать центры по предоставлению туристической информации; обеспечить популяризацию туристического продукта через фестивальную, ярмарочную и выставочную деятельность; с целью обеспечения качественного обслуживания иностранных и отечественных туристов наладить переподготовку и обучение персонала рекреационно-туристиче-ской сферы.

Ключевые слова: туристический рынок, экономический потенциал, туристические ресурсы, природные ресурсы, туристический потенциал, туристическая отрасль, проблемы развития туристической отрасли, привлекательность территории.

Target setting. In the current economic and geopolitical conditions tourist destination can be a leading policy in Odessa Oblast and should be considered as an important part of the innovation development of the region in the long term being environmentally safe and cost-effective.

Today Odessa Oblast, which is on the further development of the tourism industry, has a relatively minor position among similar regions of the Black Sea with the traditionally high tourist attendance.

In this regard, the management of Odessa Oblast faces the problem of finding such forms and methods of management that would strengthen the market position of organizations involved in servicing tourists, contributing to further development of the sphere of tourism business.

Clearly articulated strategy for tourism development can provide high-quality services which meet international standards to make tourism competitive, achieve significant growth of domestic and inbound tourism.

Moreover, the intensification of tourism development will promote employment, revitalization of transport, increase the production of general use goods, create new jobs and stimulate the agricultural development and will be one of the major factors of socioeconomic development of the region. In this context, the issues related to the organization of tourism industry management need to be urgently addressed.

Making effective management decisions requires, among other things, providing statistical and sociological data that will ensure effective use of local and state funding along with foreign investments.

In these circumstances, specific practical significance acquires sociological research on how to improve the efficiency of public administration.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of development and management of tourism and recreation industry at the regional level are investigated by such scientists as V. E. Vorotin, Y. A. Daynovsky, N. M. Dragomiretska, I. P. Zazharska, M. M. Yizha, V. A. Kvartalnov, E. V. Le-vitska, O. Y. Malinovska, M. M. Myko-laychuk, M. V. Minchenko, O. V. Muz-ichenko-Kozlovska, H. A. Papiryan, L. L. Prikhodchenko, N. V. Pirozhenko, M. Y. Rutynsky, O. V. Stetsyuk, F. I. Khmil, A. P. Jakubowski and others.

However, the analysis of the literature showed that current studies are still not paying attention to solving problems of improving the management of the tourism industry.

In this regard, the development of theoretical and practical recommendations, the use of integrated assessment and determine ways to improve the ef-

ficiency of the tourism business in times of economic instability is a matter of great concern for public authorities.

This is driven by the objective need to develop new approaches to problemsolving process management to enhance the functioning of tourism that involves both the development and implementation of effective management measures aimed at increasing the volume and quality of tourism services and systematic improvement of the quality of services provided by tourism businesses. Lack of research of the problems of improving management efficiency tourism industry makes the study relevant.

The Concept of State Target Program of Tourism and Resorts for the period till 2022 focuses on need to create systemic conditions for the development of tourism and recreation industry to achieve its proper level and balance of intersectional linkages [1].

Tourism is an important attribute of human recreation and important, sometimes the main component of the economy of the region or state, which in turn is a powerful factor in the development of related industries. M. V. Grabar believes that the unbalanced mechanism of public tourism and recreation administration, lack of elaborated concepts of tourism destinations, management tools, limited budgets and the low level of capital investment to major tourist and recreational projects negatively affect the state of the industry [2]. So basic, in our view, is a problem that requires urgent solution to ensure the development of tourism and recreation. There is thus a need in focus on patterns of management mechanisms, which are

caused by using a systematic approach in the management of tourist destinations in the Odessa Oblast and requires an understanding of the current state and the needs of industry.

Each type of tourist business has its own set of factors, which has a wide range of factors accelerating the development of tourism. Depending on the purpose of the trip and objects that are used or visited, there are such kinds of tourism as cultural, educational, wellness, sports, religious, ecological, rural and others [3]. In addition, the development of regional tourism depends on many factors, each of which has a positive or negative impact on the tourism industry. According to M. P. Malskoi, tourism is developing under the influence of factors of the tourism market, the formation of supply and demand, production of tourist products, etc., as well as environmental factors which are policy and law, including state policy and state regulation in the field of tourism, economy and finance, culture, sociodemographic change, development of trade, transport, infrastructure and scientific progress [4, p. 34].

The purpose of the article is setting and ranking factors that influence the development of tourism, identifying the main problems in the recreation and tourism sector, providing recommendations on changing the structure of tourism management in order to improve national and regional governance.

The statement of basic materials. The study was conducted in March 2016. Respondents were heads of the public authorities of the Odessa Oblast. 42 experts were interviewed. A survey was conducted by questionnaire. A specifically designed questionnaire

was used for this survey. Respondents represented the opinion of the public authorities. Thus, this study is an expert survey that allows you to analyze the situation and trends in the tourism sector, which occur in the Odessa Oblast.

In order to obtain the most plausible data on complexity issues, was used an expert method as an effective way of obtaining quantitative and qualitative assessments which made good use in the study of tourism and recreation industry [5, p. 129-132; 6, p. 38-41].

Women are in the majority in the sample (52,6 %). In the age structure most respondents are persons in the most active age from 21 to 35 years (54,2 %), from 35 to 50 years — 28,4 % above 50 — 17,4 %. The study is the expert poll which allows to analyze the situation and trends in the tourism sector, which occur in the Odessa Oblast. The majority of questions concerning the assessment of Odessa region as the place of the tourism business.

Respondents rated the following level of tourism (Tab. 1).

Respondents were also asked to assess the state of the infrastructure (gas, water, sewage and electricity), state of roads, state of accomplishment, satisfaction of cultural needs, state of environment, public transport, health care, infrastructure for recreation and leisure, level of safety, including public safety.

Experts provided assessment of the individual components of the environment in which tourism industry in the Odessa Oblast is developing.

The most negative assessments were given to the following components of the environment for tourism development in the region, as infrastructure

Evaluation of tourism development in the region (%)

perfect 2,4

Fine 21,4

satisfactorily 33,3

Bad 40,5

No opinion 2,4

Source: developed by the author

(gas, water, sewage and electricity) — 35,6 %, the level of security, including public safety — 38 %, satisfaction of cultural needs — 24,2 % state of roads — 88,2 % of respondents gave a "poor" rating to health care — 24,1 %, state of accomplishment — 32 %.

Answering the question: "What kind of tourism should be developed in the region?" respondents would prefer nature (21,1 %), green rural and agro-tourism (18,4 %), sports and festival — both 15,8 %, respondents gave the smallest preference for extreme and business areas — both 2,7 % (Tab. 2).

Respondents were asked about what they believe prevents the development of tourism in Odessa Oblast (Tab. 3). Most of them are inclined to think that the main obstacles to tourism development are: the state of roads and lack of transport (28,8 %); general economic

situation (15,3 %); lack of financing (10,2 %). It is important to note that the lack of public initiative and lack of skilled labor, in terms of respondents, are not circumstances that hinder tourism development.

Respondents named the most important sectors of the region: transportation services (24,1 %), resort vacation (18,1 %), and leisure, entertainment (15,5 %). Least important areas were mentioned catering (2,6 %) and trade (4,3 %) (Tab. 4).

Responding to the question; "What kind of support should be applied for tourism development by local and regional authorities?" respondents noted promotion and creation of investment products as the first place for investment (21,4 %). In second place was defined support of infrastructure development (gas, water, sewage and electric-

Table 2

Answers to the question: "What kind of tourism should be developed in the region?"

Extreme 5,3

Business 5,3

ethnic and cultural / historical 7,9

Therapeutic rehabilitation and recreation 10,5

Festival 15,8

sports 15,8

Green rural and agro-tourism 18,4

Nature 21,1

Source: developed by the author

Answers to the question "What hinders tourism development in Odessa Oblast"

Lack of public initiative 0,8

Lack of skilled labor 0,8

lack of tourist facilities 2,5

Deterioration of engineering networks 2,5

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spreading of crime, alcoholism, drug addiction 3,4

lack of entrepreneurial residents 3,4

lack of promotion of the region 4,2

protection of the environment 5,9

Adverse environment for entrepreneurship 5,9

state of historical monuments 7,6

lack of support from local authorities 8,5

lack of financing 10,2

General economic situation 15,3

condition of roads and lack of transport 28,8

Source: developed by the author

Table 4

Answers to the question "What industries (areas of activity) are important for tourism development in the region?"

catering 2,6

Trade 4,3

Food production 5,2

Health care 6,0

consumer services 10,3

Hospitality 13,8

leisure and entertainment 15,5

the resort vacation 18,1

transport service 24,1

Source: developed by the author

ity) (17,9 %), tax breaks and financial incentives are on third place (14,5 %).

The least support from local and regional authorities respondents consider in creating Centers for Business Services (0,9 %) (Tab. 5).

Conclusions. From the analysis and research was formulated a number of conclusions and proposals for areas to ensure the effectiveness of tourism and recreation industry in Odessa Oblast.

The survey identified the most problematic issues in the tourism industry in the region.

In the first step it is necessary to develop regional nature, green rural and agro-tourism, sports and festival tourism.

State of roads, lack of transport, general economic situation and lack of financing — these factors most of all hinder the development of tourism in Odessa Oblast.

Answers to the question "What kind of support should be applied for tourism development by local and regional authorities?"

creation of centers for Business services 0,9

Marketing support and promotion 2,6

Transparency in the use of municipal property 3,4

streamlining the use of local resources 4,3

streamlining local rules of building and landscaping 5,1

Workforce development 6,8

support for beginner entrepreneurs (development of business incubators) 10,3

supporting the development of tourism infrastructure 12,8

tax credits and financial incentives 14,5

supporting infrastructure development (gas, water, sewage, electricity) 17,9

promoting investment and the creation of investment products 21,4

Source: developed by the author

The major areas of activity for the area were called transport service, resort recreation and leisure activities.

The most urgent support in tourism development by local and regional authorities, in terms of respondents, need: investment promotion and creation of investment products, support infrastructure development (gas, water, sewage and electricity) as well as tax breaks and financial incentives.

The results of the survey indicate a high level of assessment of potential respondents for tourism development.

Important, in our view, the issue in public administration by tourist destination is the introduction and use of indicators of recreation and tourism. In the future, research should be carried out to determine the parameters for displaying the most important social, environmental and economic aspects.


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