THE ROLE OF FICTION IN RAISING CHILDREN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Olimova M.

This article discusses the role of fiction in the upbringing of children

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В этой статье обсуждается роль художественной литературы в воспитании детей

Текст научной работы на тему «THE ROLE OF FICTION IN RAISING CHILDREN»

УДК 378

Olimova M.

Student of Namangan State University Uzbekistan, the city of Namangan THE ROLE OF FICTION IN RAISING CHILDREN

Abstract: This article discusses the role of fiction in the upbringing of children

Keywords: education, moral character, morality, upbringing, book

Олимова М. студент

Наманганский государственный университет



Аннотация: В этой статье обсуждается роль художественной литературы в воспитании детей

Ключевые слова: образование, нравственный характер, мораль, воспитания, книга

The Uzbek philosopher considered reading books a means of educating the younger generation. The intellectual abilities of people to perceive the beautiful and to experience the aesthetic pleasure from the perception of various information from literary sources depend on the economic and social conditions in which they live. Literature always depicts the life of a society in which a person has already reached a certain degree of education. Literary characters involved in the great progressive movement of humanity, carrying great ideas, are a positive role model that can be used to aesthetically influence young people in a family. Literature promotes aesthetic views, ideas based on the sensory perception of readers of artistic images.

Works of fiction reveal to the children the world of human feelings, evoking interest in the individual, in the inner world of the hero. Having learned to empathize with the heroes of works of art, children begin to notice the mood of loved ones and those around him. Humane feelings begin to awaken in them - the ability to show participation, kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which principles, honesty, real citizenship are brought up. An acquaintance of a child with fiction begins with miniatures of folk art - cuts, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely accurate moral orientation, lively humor, figurative language - the features of these folklore-miniatures. Finally, the little one reads author tales, poems, stories available to him. Children should take moral (ethical) ideas precisely from works of art, and not from the moral speculations of educators about the read works, prepared questions for questions. The teacher should remember: excessive moralizing about reading brings great, often irreparable harm; "Disassembled" with the help of many small questions the work immediately loses

all the charm in the eyes of children; interest in him disappears. You need to fully trust the educational possibilities of the artistic text. Here is what KD wrote about the power of the word. Ushinsky: "A child learns not conditional sounds only by learning his native language, but he drinks spiritual life and power from his native breast. It explains nature to him, as no naturalist could explain it, it acquaints him with the character of the people around him, with the society among which he lives, with his history and aspirations, as no historian could introduce; it introduces him into folk beliefs, into folk poetry, as no aesthetics could introduce; it finally gives such logical concepts and philosophical views which, of course, no philosopher could tell a child. " These words of the great teacher indicate not only the expected result of mastering the native language, but also the method of studying it: trusting "the teacher's language", which "not only teaches a lot, but also teaches surprisingly easily, by some inaccessible facilitating method"Thus, helping children master the language of a given artwork, the teacher performs the tasks of education. Folk prose, a component of the spiritual culture of the people, is successfully used in the education of preschoolers; these are proverbs, sayings and fairy tales.In scholars, proverbs are defined as the genre of folk-poetic creativity, as a short, logically complete dictum. Proverbs adorn our speech, make it bright and emotional, also express in a concentrated form the centuries-old wisdom of the people, their observations on the world, the surrounding nature and the relationships between people. Ancestors seem to speak with us, defending their point of view on this or that, teaching us, sharing life experience. For all peoples, education is the main task of pedagogy, which is also reflected in proverbs. In addition, fairy tales, too, of all nations are an effective means of education. About the educational value of fairy tales wrote A.S. Pushkin: "in the evening I listen to fairy tales and reward those flaws in my damned upbringing." Fairy tales are a treasure trove of pedagogical ideas, brilliant examples of the national pedagogical genius.So, working with a fairy tale, the teacher has a certain impact on the child. A fairy tale with the help of its magical images that are most interesting and understandable to a child of primary school age helps to form a certain picture of the world, to prepare a child for a future independent life.

Putting his heroes into certain relations in which the forces of good usually defeat the forces of evil, the tale thereby develops in children certain attitudes towards reality, forms moral qualities in them. Of all the literary genres, the tale in the best shape corresponds to the interests and abilities of the child. It always leads to certain considerations. The best form of working with a fairy tale is its reading and subsequent analysis of its content and hidden meanings. Thus, in the modern world, the knowledge of fairy tales restores the original ethical and aesthetic norms, the ways of artistic and moral education of a person.

Sources used:

1. P.I. Ivanov, M.E. Zufarova General Psychology. Textbook. T. 2008. 479 pages.

2. N.Azizxodjaeva Pedagogical technology and pedagogical skills. Educational manual. T. 2006. 160 pages.

3. K. Khoshimov, S.Nishonova History of Pedagogy. Textbook. T .: 2005. 304 pages.

4. N.X.Avliyakulov, NMMusayeva Pedagogical technology. Textbook. T. 2012. 208 pages.

5.N.T.Omonov, N.X. Hodjaev and others. Pedagogical technology and pedagogical skills. Textbook. T .: 2009. 238 pages.

УДК 004.45

Shofkorov А.М.

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent Region


Annotation: This article deals with repeated words and their use in artistic expression.

Key words: Word, literature, language, aesthetics, artistic creativity

Шофкоров А.М.

Чирчикский государственный педагогический институт


Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются повторяющиеся слова и их использование в художественном выражении.

Ключевые слова: Слово, литература, язык, эстетика, художественное творчество

The language provides for the relationship between people in the community and conveys certain information. It also affects the spirit of a person, develops aesthetic pleasure and develops in relation to cultural development. Indeed, "the tongue is a mirror of the people, the spirit of the nation and the everlasting mirror of the nation. In every language, it is the spirit of the nation that has the same language. "[4; 11]In this article, we will discuss the semantic and stylistic features of artistic repetitions, as well as the study of Uzbek linguistics, which is a repetitive vocabulary and methodological tool.The easiest and easiest to say is how to pronounce people more accurately than the accuracy of pronunciation. Phonetic repetitions in the language provide the same ease and convenience.

When it comes to repetition, it is necessary to repeat the repetition of the linguistic-speaking phenomenon in a way that is artistic, artistic. Repeat words have the character of a lexeme, basically a nominative task, and an event in speech refers to the quantitative abundance of action: it is a laugh, it is crowded and tired. The repeating word was specially investigated by Z. O'rinbaev and M.Boronov in the Uzbek linguistics. [5]In the researches on repeating words, there are opinions that

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