THE ROLE OF ARTISTIC LITERATURE IN MORAL EDUCATION YOUTH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Baxriddinova D.N.

This article discusses the role of fiction in the upbringing of children

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genres. There is a gradual assimilation and accumulation of extensive folklore material, characteristic for this area. At the same time, traditional methods of performance, dialect, are mastered. Gradually the fulfillment of rituals passes to children who, repeating dramatic and comedy fragments in the game, reveal through this world their own hobbies and interests.


1. Осеннева М.С., Самарин В.А., Уколова Л.И. Методика работы с детским вокальным коллективом - М, 2006. - 355 с.

2. Никольская-Береговская К.Ф. Русская вокально-хоровая школа от древности до XXI в. - М, 2003. - 140 с.

3. Ландау Э. Одаренность требует мужества: Психологическое сопровождение одаренного ребенка. - М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2002. - 144с.

УДК 943.21

Baxriddinova D.N.

Tashkent State Pedagogical University Uzbekistan, Tashkent city THE ROLE OF ARTISTIC LITERATURE IN MORAL EDUCATION


Abstract: This article discusses the role of fiction in the upbringing of children

Keywords: education, moral character, morality, upbringing, book

The Uzbek philosopher considered reading books a means of educating the younger generation. The intellectual ability of people to perceive the beautiful and to experience aesthetic pleasure from the perception of various information from literary sources depends on the economic and social conditions in which they live.

Literature always depicts the life of a society in which a person has already reached a certain degree of education. Literary characters who take part in the great progressive movement of humanity, carrying great ideas, are a positive role model, which can be used for aesthetic impact on youth in the family. Literature promotes aesthetic views, ideas based on sensory perception by readers of artistic images.

Works of fiction reveal to the children the world of human feelings, provoking interest in the personality, the inner world of the hero. Having learned to empathize with the heroes of art works, children begin to notice the mood of people close to him and those around him. They begin to awaken humane feelings - the ability to participate, kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which principledness, honesty, real citizenship is brought up.

Acquaintance of the child with the art literature begins with miniatures of national creativity - nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely accurate moral orientation, lively humor, imagery of language - features of these folkloric miniatures. Finally, the child is read the

author's tales, poems, stories, available to him. Moral (ethical) representations of children should be borne out of the works of art, rather than from the moral reasoning of educators about the read works, prepared questions on questions. The teacher should remember: excessive moralizing about the read brings great, often irreparable harm; "Disassembled" with the help of many small questions the product immediately loses all the charm in the eyes of children; interest in it disappears. We must fully trust the educational possibilities of the literary text.

Here is what he wrote about the power of the word KD. Ushinsky: "It's not conditional sounds that only a child learns by studying his native language, but drinks spiritual life and strength from the birthplace of his native word. It explains nature to him, as no natural scientist could explain it, it acquaints him with the character of the people around him, with the society in which he lives, with his history and aspirations, as no historian could have acquainted; it introduces it into folk beliefs, into folk poetry, as no aesthetics could introduce; it finally gives such logical concepts and philosophical views, which, of course, no philosopher could inform the child. " These words of the great teacher include not only the expected result of mastering the native language, but also the method of studying it: trust in the "teacher-language", which "not only teaches much, but teaches surprisingly easily, by some unattainably facilitating method."

Thus, helping the children to master the language of this artwork, the teacher also performs the tasks of education. In the education of preschool children, folklore prose, a component of the spiritual culture of the people is successfully applied, these are proverbs, sayings, tales.

The scientific proverb is defined as a genre of folk poetic creativity, as a short, logically finished saying. Proverbs adorn our speech, make it bright and emotional, and in a concentrated form express the centuries-old wisdom of the people, their observations of the world, the surrounding nature and the relationships between people. Ancestors seem to speak to us, defending their point of view on this or that, teaching us, sharing life experience.

In all nations, upbringing is the main task of pedagogy, which has been reflected in proverbs. In addition, fairy tales of all peoples are an effective means of education. The educational value of fairy tales was written by A.S. Pushkin: "In the evening I listen to fairy tales and reward those shortcomings of my damned upbringing." Fairy tales are a treasure trove of pedagogical ideas, brilliant examples of people's pedagogical genius.

So, working with a fairy tale, the teacher has a certain impact on the child. A fairy tale with the help of its magic images, which are most interesting and understandable to a child of primary school age, helps to form a certain picture of the world, prepare the child for a future independent life. Putting their heroes in certain relationships, in which the forces of good usually defeat the forces of evil, the fairy tale thereby develops in children certain attitudes to reality, shapes them moral qualities.

Of all the literary genres, a fairy tale in the best possible form corresponds to the interests and abilities of the child. It always leads to certain reasoning. The

best form of work with a fairy tale is its reading and subsequent analysis of its content and hidden meanings. In this way,

УДК 316

Egamberdiyeva G.

Tashkent State Pedagogical University Uzbekistan, Tashkent city ALISHER NAVOI IS A GREAT UZBEK POET

Abstract: This article discusses the creative activity of the great Uzbek poet and writer Alisher Navoi

Keywords: Alisher Navoiy, poet, humanist, thinker, state

Nizamaddin Mir Alisher Navoi (1441-1501) is an outstanding Uzbek poet, a convinced humanist, thinker, statesman.

Alisher Navoi was born on February 9, 1441 in the family of a well-known state official, Giyasaddin Kichkine in Herat. Alisher's father - a native of the famous Mongolian tribe Barlas, was friendly with other Timurid families, constituting the elite of power in the city.

Since childhood, the boy was surrounded by people of art, so one uncle of the future poet - Abu Said, was a writer, the second - Muhammad Ali - a famous musician and calligrapher. From a young age, Alisher was brought up with the children of power-holding families, his son-in-law and best childhood friend Sultan-Hussein Baikara subsequently became ruler of Khorasan.

Navoi received a good all-round education, his "universities" youth took place in Herat, Samarkand, Mashhad. One of the favorite teachers of the young Alisher was Jami - the famous poet and philosopher of the time who saw his artistic gift, and later remained a loyal friend and like-minded person.

As a poet, Navoi showed himself at the age of 15, and he wrote equally well both in Farsi and in Turkic.

When Hussein Baikar came to power, the poet and adherent of the arts, Navoi was urgently called to the court by the mulazim (approximate) ruler, and in 1469 received the first post-keeper of the press. In 1472, Alisher received promotion and was appointed vizier (advisor), was awarded the title of Emir.

At his post, Alisher Navoi rendered great assistance to musicians, poets, artists, and caligraphs, and enjoyed immense popularity among the people.

Biography of Alisher Navoi. Poems by Alisher Navoi. At the initiative of Navoi, large-scale construction was launched in Herat. On the bank of the city channel, Injil built a public scientific and educational complex: a library, a madrasah, a khanaka, a hospital.

Alisher Navoi lived in a surprising, very modest manner. Being an adherent of the Sufi order of Naqshbandi, he led an ascetic existence, never was married and had no concubines.

The adherent of the ideas of humanism, the poet and the court fought against medieval despotism and arbitrariness, denounced the abuses of the

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