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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Umirova M.A.

In this article, it is important to increase the importance of the book in today's era of modern technology. Developing and maintaining a culture of reading in the primary grades is a priority. Students are instructed to develop a passion for reading.

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Umirova M.A.

1st year master's degree in primary education

educational theory Tashkent State Pedagogical University Education and



Annotation: In this article, it is important to increase the importance of the book in today's era of modern technology. Developing and maintaining a culture of reading in the primary grades is a priority. Students are instructed to develop a passion for reading.

Keywords: Spiritual growth, education, library, fairy tale, story, harmoniously developed generation.

It is known that the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On the National Program for the Development and Support of Reading Culture for 2020-2025" has been announced. The aim is to promote reading in all spheres in our country, to develop various projects and competitions, through which to arouse the interest of young people in reading. Reading broadens one's horizons, increases one's knowledge, and enhances one's thinking ability. The role of parents and teachers in educating the younger generation is the future owners of our country, their knowledge, intelligence and maturity. It is no coincidence that the knowledge acquired at a young age is like a pattern carved in stone. Therefore, these periods require special attention in children. During this period, the child begins to form a foundation. Primary school students are more playful, more computer games like to play on the phone, parents want their children to read books. It is advisable for parents to pour into their children audio tales, picture books using modern technology. When teaching books to children, it is important to choose books that are interesting to them. If primary school students are interested in animals, read stories about animal life. When a book is read without wasting time, the child will gradually begin to read independently on a regular basis. Children should be taken to the library more often. In order to develop children's reading skills on a regular basis, they should be taken to the library at least once a week. It is effective to look at books together, select them together, and read them together. Frequent conversations about books are important. If we want to increase children's love and enthusiasm for reading, we need to tell fairy tales, stories, and talk about books in general and their content. Children should be encouraged to relate real-life events to fairy tales and stories.

One of the genres of art in primary school is the story. The story is a small epic genre in fiction, a work of prose in which the events of life are concisely expressed, and as an independent genre formed only in written literature. Uzbek storytelling dates back to ancient times. The participants narrated the events

described in the first written literary monuments - "Kultegin" and "Tonyukuk". Alisher Navoi's story "Hotami toy" in the fifth article of the epic "Hayrat-ul abror", "The story of the slave" in the twentieth article, "Seven strangers" in the epic "Sabbai Sayyar" also testify to the long history of this genre.

The role of books in human life is immense. Awakening a child's love for books from an early age helps to nourish him spiritually. Educational work in the school is carried out primarily in the educational process. In teaching students, the teacher should not only impart certain knowledge, but also instill in them strong faith, will and character traits, and develop their abilities and talents. Primary education plays an important role in educating the spiritually mature generation that our people dream of and bring up. Primary education is unique in continuing education. This education will serve as a solid foundation for the formation of a creative person who will raise the future of our country to the level of a great state. Most of the important tasks in educating primary school students are done in reading lessons. The love of good, the hatred of evil, the development of connected speech, the development of literary and aesthetic thinking are the essence of reading lessons.

Reading a book first and foremost shapes students' imaginations. Every action we take, every thought we think, is based on a certain imagination. In order for something, an event, an object to happen, we must first go through our imaginations. That is, the reality that our imagination does not mix is abstraction. The most important thing in life is that the student achieves what he imagines. The human imagination creates reality. The geniuses who made great discoveries in history were great people with more than their imagination. In the process of reading a book, the reader's imagination works. He imagines the distant past, the future. He embodies the lives of his contemporaries. This process takes place in the mind of the reader, not in the form of a lifeless image on a television screen. And it will automatically change the mind of the student.

Reading a book shapes students' spirituality. It is known that the way of life, living conditions, the development of the culture of each nation is reflected in the spirituality of that nation. Their spirituality is valued, they are respected. In fact, the first factor that shapes the morale of the people is the consistent organization of the educational process. Spirituality is based on education. Upbringing is formed on the basis of factors such as parents, school, neighborhood. The most important of these is the school. Secondary schools have all the necessary conditions for the formation of students' spirituality. This is a high level of state care for the education of young people. However, it is worrying that in some cases the results are not as expected. Some students' mental "bookshelves" do not even have reading material. Most of the important tasks in educating primary school students are done through reading lessons. Students will be given a syllabus at the end of the class which will outline lesson plans. In addition to improving reading skills, the focus will be on educating students in the spirit of adulthood. In primary education, students are taught to

read correctly, consciously, fluently, quickly and expressively through reading lessons in accordance with the goals and objectives of the reading and speech development program.. In the process, children develop the ability to work with a book and develop a sense of love for the book. level needs to be taken into account.

It is known that the main part of important tasks in the education of primary school students is carried out in reading lessons. The textbook "Reading book" for primary school is also based on the concept that the program "Reading and speech development" meets the requirements of the State Education Standard. It takes into account ideological, thematic, aesthetic, and partly seasonal systems. It, in turn, involves the child's perception of the reality around him. The textbooks also include folklore works that students love to read. Oral literature created by the people is called folklore. "Folklore" is an English word derived from the words "Folk" - folk, "Lore" - wisdom, meaning "folk wisdom", "folk wisdom". Uzbek folklore is an oral art of various genres, reflecting the worldview, artistic pleasure, creative potential, dreams and aspirations of the Uzbek people. Folklore includes fairy tales, epics, legends, songs, parables, parables, proverbs, riddles, anecdotes and stories. Materials of folklore reflect social events, struggles, defense of the homeland from the enemy, dreams, customs, rituals, ceremonies and other life events of the people. Primary school curricula place a complex challenge on reading lessons, such as developing students' reading skills. The materials of folklore play an important role in the full implementation of such tasks. Pupils by nature love proverbs, riddles and fairy tales, they read them with great interest. In addition, folklore has long been a source of education. First of all, primary school students get acquainted with fairy tales. It is known that fairy tales are one of the oldest and most popular genres of folklore. means.

One of the requirements for elementary school lessons is to bring up students as spiritually mature people, to form in them human qualities. Therefore, any work that is read in reading lessons should be focused on this task. In this regard, the works of folklore taught in primary school play a special role in the formation of various human qualities in students, the formation of moral qualities in them. There will be 34 educational genres in each genre of folklore from the Primary Reading lessons. It takes a great deal of skill on the part of the teacher to pay attention to these aspects and to convey them to the minds of the students. Apparently, the purpose of teaching fairy tales, epics, proverbs in primary school is not only to improve students' skills of fast, conscious, expressive and fluent reading, but also to draw conclusions based on the content of folklore, human qualities. is also training to form. In particular, during the reading of fairy tales, epics, proverbs students learn diligence, humility, harmony, patriotism, the pursuit of knowledge, love of animate and inanimate nature, care for the little ones, respect for adults, kindness and so on. have an understanding of other human qualities such as. In the process of

reading these works on various topics, their worldview expands and their understanding deepens. In particular, reading fairy tales instills in students a sense of harmony, the desire to learn, to do good deeds, to respect each other, not to betray their rights, to be united. Proverbs also play an important role in educating primary school students in the spirit of a spiritually mature person. He uses a variety of methods to convey to students the experiences and conclusions of the people expressed in the proverbs. Anecdotes from primary school textbooks also play an important role in broadening students' worldviews and shaping their various human qualities. After all, the process of understanding the idea reflected in the anecdotes, the understanding of its meaning requires intelligence and ingenuity from students.


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