THE EFFICIENT WAYS TO GET STUDENTS INTERESTED IN LITERATURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kurbanbaev Dj.A., Seytniyazova G.M.

In this article, we will talk about literature and its role in human life, its importance, and methods of teaching students about literature. Literature is considered to be not only a science, but also a heritage that includes the history and present day of the nation. Since ancient times, literature has been glorified and considered an integral part of the people's culture.

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Kurbanbaev Dj.A., PhD docent

Karakalpak State University Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus Seytniyazova G.M. senior lecturer Karakalpak State University Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus



Abstract: In this article, we will talk about literature and its role in human life, its importance, and methods of teaching students about literature. Literature is considered to be not only a science, but also a heritage that includes the history and present day of the nation. Since ancient times, literature has been glorified and considered an integral part of the people's culture.

Key words: analysis, interpretation, imagery, symbolism, themes, history, literary context, literature.

INTRODUCTION: Literary theory is a branch of literary science. It studies fiction, its place and importance in the life of society, laws of creation, development, visual and expressive means, components, literary types and genres of artistic works. Literary theory is based on the creative experiences of the artistic word art, and derives all its theoretical conclusions from the analysis of the artistic word product of an entire period or periods, as well as some artistic works, from the study of the historical-literary process. Literary theory also takes into account the opinions expressed by the direct creators of fiction about literary creation, but in this regard, literary theory refers to the creative truths confirmed in the experiences of artistic creation. Literary theory also defines the different aspects of literature from other forms of social consciousness. The uniqueness of literature as an art form is evident in its creation of images through the medium of words. That is why literary theory studies the issues of artistic, figurative image and expression.

MATERIALS AND DISCUSSION: Unity and proportionality of content and form in fiction is one of the main issues of literary theory. Just as there is no form without content, there is no content without form. Just as any form is content, any content is fully realized only when it is formed. Content is the basis that determines and organizes all parts of an artistic work. In fiction, the content is living life, its various aspects, complexity, richness and beauty. Any idea cannot form the content of an artistic work, it is only those ideas that can interest everyone due to their artistic nature, importance for a person and society, constitute the content of an artistic work. The artistic form is not an

independent phenomenon in relation to the content. Because any idea is manifested in life itself in the form of a concrete life event, the form of this event cannot be separated from its content. Therefore, any artistic idea fully manifests its essence only in the corresponding artistic form. In "Khamsa", Alisher Navoi condemns the naivety of many people who claimed to be poets in his time. Because, only a work which form fully corresponds to its content can be a real work of art. That is why, Literary Theory covers a wide range of questions about the components of an artistic work (plot, conflict, composition, etc.), literary types and genres. Creative styles, literary movements, schools in the history of mankind find their precise definition and description in the theory of literature. The issues of continuous succession (tradition and renewal) between the literature of the past and the literature of the present time are also related to the theory of literature. Determining the laws of the positive historical process of interaction between the literatures of different peoples and enriching each other is one of the permanent research areas of the Theory of Literature. The systems, their structure and forms, characteristic of the poetry of the peoples of the world are the direct research source of Literary Theory. Determining the principles of the past, current state and future development of fiction is considered as the most important task of literary theory. At the time, there was no special field of science that comprehensively studied all the above-mentioned problems of literary theory. These issues were dealt with 3 independent areas. These are: the science of aruz, the science of rhyme, and the science of baloga, that is, the field of artistic and verbal arts. Therefore, if you look at the history of Eastern classical literature and studies, it will be known that the scientific sources of the above-mentioned 3 directions are described separately. For example, "Tarjiman ul-baloga" by Muhammad bin Umar ar-Roduyani, "Hadoiq us-sehr fidaqiqush-she'r" by Rashididdin Wat-wat, "Mezon ul-Avzon" by Alisher Navoi, "Mukhtasar" by Babor, "Badoye ul-" by Husayn Vaiz Koshifi. afkor fi sanoye-ul-ash'or", "Badoye us-sanoye'' by Atoullo Husayni, "Jam'i mukhtasar" by Vahid Tabrizi, separately thought about aruz, rhyme and artistic arts. Eastern literary-theoretical teaching is mainly based on the material of poetry, and theoretical observations about artistic prose and drama are not found in them. The development of Eastern literary-theoretical views of Abu Nasr Farabi "Kalam fish-she'er wa al-qawafi" ("Words about poetry and rhymes"), "Kitab fil-lugot" ("Book about language"), "The art of poetry", Avicenna - Ibn Sina made a great contribution with works such as "Uyun-al-Hikma". A truly comprehensive scientific work on Literary Theory in Uzbek literary studies was created by Fitrat in the 20s of the 20th century. In his book "Literary Rules" for the first time comprehensive information about the uniqueness of fiction, social nature, literary types and genres, plot, composition, artistic speech and skill issues is given. Abdurahman Sa'di's "Theory of Literature" is one of the first works on the theory of literature. After that, the second work on Literary Theory was created in 1939 by I. Sultan. Later, the Institute of Language and Literature

of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan published the two-volume "Theory of Literature" (Volume 1, 1978, Volume 2, 1979), and in 1980, the textbooks "Theory of Literature" by I. Sultan were published. Scientists such as H. Yaqubov, M. Yunusov, and M. Koshjanov made a great contribution to the development of literary theory. Aristotle's work "Poetics" has been used as the main source of literary theory in Western literary studies. From the 17th-18th centuries, theoretical works related to the theory of literature were created by scientists and writers such as Buillot, Diderot, Lessing, Herder, Goethe, and Schiller. At the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, German philosophers Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel and others began to create a theory of literature that comprehensively studies the laws of fiction. In Russia, M. V. Lomonosov, A. N. Radishchev, V. G. Belinsky, N. G. Chernyshev-sky, A. N. Dobrolyubov, A. I. Gersen and others made a certain contribution to the development of literary and theoretical views. In working with children of preschool age, the artistic word has a great place. [3, 56]

Children like to listen to folk tales, poems and stories. Children's literature, first of all its interesting content, beauty of artistic images, expressiveness of language, poetic words brings joy to children with its musicality. At the same time, it has an educational effect on children development. The great Russian scientist V.G. Belinsky's children's book is written for education, "Education - a great work, it decides the fate of a person" -he said. The value of fiction is a child's growth in every way. Fiction is the nature of the country, people's work and life. Illuminating the inner world of people, their characters, feelings, behavior, as well as described events showing the attitude of the writer, the works of fiction excite the child and make feel sorry for the characters or condemn them. Best fiction children's works make them think about something as good or bad, fair or unfair, right or wrong gives special help. The interesting content of the children's book is friendship, honesty, hard work and comradeship. Children's works of fiction are great for aesthetic education and affect like bright images of works of art, poetic scenes of a beautiful nature. Children like the musicality of the poems, the sharpness and expressiveness of the language. They feel the power of short fairy tales, folk songs and poems so that they remember them easily. It is necessary to cultivate love for the artistic word from an early age. The child goes from kindergarten to school with this love, and later the literature of the Motherland will be loved. As, many folklore - tales, riddles, proverbs and songs are in the distant past and radically different from the reality of the present among the works of folk art created in living conditions, only those that meet the tasks of education are selected.

Intelligent, courageous, patient and hard- working heroes of fairy tales who overcome difficulties are very surprised, and such fairy tales make children be extremely sympathetic to positive characters and be intolerant of evil, injustice, anger, machinations forces. A children's book is understandable to a

child, reaches his mind and heart if only he understands and feels what the writer is telling fulfills its educational role.

In order to strengthen children's knowledge and find out their interests for reading literature, it is necessary for educators to determine all the material at the beginning of the year. While making a calendar-plan an educator selects works to be read from the list of recommendations. In that way, it is important to develop children's behavior, various interests and relationships that follow the general tasks of education. When the teacher chooses a book to the children he must figure out how to deliver it. Because, there are many unfamiliar words and it is better not to read a work that children cannot understand. [3, 213]

Examples of classical literature are associated with the historical period in the past, for example, in the works of A.S. Pushkin. There are many strange words in Pushkin's fairy tales and folk tales. So, should we explain the words? -the question arises. These words are the content of the children's work and do not prevent them from understanding, so it is not necessary to explain them. Classes using fiction require the creation of very peaceful conditions and it is enough. It is important that nothing should distract children from hearing. Fast trainings organized in a healthy, optimistic character typical for children's literature, cheerfully should be conducted. Sometimes in the preface, the teacher gives the name of the work, the name of the author and the topic. For example, "Today I will tell you from the Uzbek folk tales "How is a smart girl".

Start the session with an introductory conversation. For example, before reading the fairy tale "Twelve months" by S. Y. Marshak: Educator: Do you guys know how many months there are in a year? Children or caregiver: Twelve months. [4, 82]

Educator: What are those months called? Children say the names of the months, and the teacher if there is a necessity, corrects their answers. Then the educator reads the fragments from the book. After reading the fairy tale, it is better to discuss and have a conversation about what she saw, how months helped the little girl in a difficult time and to ask other questions. Especially, by reading books with moral-aesthetic and cognitive content careful preparation is required. For example, reading Sh. Sadulla's poem "Whimsical Girl" in the preparatory group for school before giving a text, the teacher asks the children the following question: "Children, think carefully and say: What kind of girl do they say is good and what kind of girl is bad?" Children answers. Educator: Children, you are correct in who is called a good girl and who is a bad girl. I will read you a poem written about a girl named Gulbodom. This poem is called "Whimsical Girl". The poem was written by the poet Shukur Sadulla. After that, the educator starts reading the poem.

A book with moral and aesthetic content the introductory conversation held before the reading should be short - no more than 3-5 minutes and must be connected with children's experience. To have a conversation even after reading moral-epic books requires. There should not be too many questions and

explanations in such conversations, because children deeply understand the nature of the actions of the characters while reading the book they get. It is important to lead children how evaluate the behavior of characters in conversations in the read work and necessary to motivate them to tell about their relations. After reading Sh. Sadulla's poem children are helped to evaluate the behavior of a whimsical girl.

From our childhood, we have various literary works: fairy tales, riddles, stories, poems, novels, plays, etc. All of them play a huge role in human development. Also, early childhood literary works contain basic moral principles and norms. Fairy tales, riddles, parables and jokes teach us to value friendship, to do good things, not to offend the weak, to respect our parents and to think about our actions. Everything is in the existing language with language for children, so they will remember it quickly and easily. That is why the role of literature and books in human life in general is incomparable. They not only participate in the formation of personality but, also form the main part of moral education of each of us. While studying school literature, we not only get acquainted with new authors, new works, new trends, but, also get so close to literature that it becomes an integral part of us.

The famous teacher V.P. Ostrogorsky said: "A correct and well-trained general aesthetic mood lifts and uplifts a person through the noblest pleasure, which turns into a need. It is attractive to him throughout his life, makes it interesting in nature, in man. He discovers a beautiful being that he never suspected... Thus, suppressing the egoism in us, this feeling takes us out of the everyday circle in everyday life at the same time, it brings contemplation and goodness to everyday life wakes up to attract and leads to a wide communication with nature, society, homeland, humanity... All this together, that is, all this is the essence of the relationship to oneself, nature, people, art, society creates its own characteristics, the spiritual world with itself, then a good mood, then unity with the world, then a constant pursuit of spiritual beauty, service for the common good, honest work and the fight against evil - a so you know in other words, something that always makes a person happy. In our opinion, these words reflect very deeply and vividly the role of literature and art in general in human life. Books teach us to love others and give true human happiness. That is why people who read books and love literature can feel all the pleasures around us: seeing, loving and being loved by the beauty of nature. In addition, thanks to literature, our vocabulary and spiritual world are enriched. [5.21]

Based on the above, we can conclude that literature is very important in human life: it affects our worldview. Our forms enrich our inner world, our speech. Therefore, we should read as much as possible, love and respect the book, because then our world will be gray and empty. Literature is a huge storehouse of spiritual and moral values. It seems that each of us has been familiar with the concept of "literature" for a long time. But how much literature is polylemmatic and polysemantic, we sometimes do not think about it. But

literature is a glorious phenomenon, created by the genius of a man, it is the fruit of his mind. What is the role and importance of literature in human life? Literature is a means of understanding the world, it helps to understand "what is good and what is bad", it shows the origin of universal conflicts of people. Literature helps to see the inner beauty of a person, learn to understand and appreciate it. Literature is a powerful source of spiritual and personal education. By revealing artistic images, literature gives us the concepts of good and evil, truth and falsehood, truth and falsehood. No reasoning, the most obvious, no reasoning, the most convincing truth can impress the human mind as a painted picture. And this is the power and importance of literature. There is a very important concept - "text". The best masters of words, literacy is of great importance on the right work text. It expands a person's worldview, teaches to read thoughtfully, to understand the thoughts expressed by the author through images. Competent work on the text enriches a person's vocabulary, develops the ability to master the literary language and various artistic techniques. Literature is a powerful healing weapon in educating children. Literature shows the students ways to develop themselves. Any literature is extremely rich in both positive and negative images. Observing them, the reader undergoes the different emotions like anger, admiration, fear, compassion, joyfulness. Literature destroys time limits. He introduces us to the spirit of the present and past times. Revealing artistic images is the main part of literary reading, its foundation. Literature develops the mind and feelings. The ability to express thoughts in words is a characteristic of a person. Words are a mirror that clearly reflects the level of spiritual development which is of paramount importance in educating young generation. They will help young people get rid of filth, cruelty and insignificance. Since the beginning of book printing, books have become a part of intellectual life. The book covers the vast spiritual world of humanity. The book collects and distributes all experiences, all knowledge. It is a powerful and most universal means of communication between people, nations, and generations. The book develops a dream, creative imagination, emotional and cognitive activity, an active attitude to life, love of art, introduces images that reflect life to the world, enriches it with knowledge, expands the life experience of children, it beyond the limits of personal observation, the world of the native language, its beauty, expressiveness, diversity.

CONCLUSION: To sum up, literature is one of the most important pedagogical means which has a big profound influence in educating students in order to gain all vital life skills in understanding the world and striving for better performance in society. That is why, the role of teachers in engaging students and getting them interested in literature with the help of different efficient techniques is pre-eminent.


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