THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF COMPOSITIONAL METHODS IN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
Composition / Architectural composition / Landscape composition / landscape object. / Композиция / Архитектурная композиция / Ландшафтная композиция / ландшафтный объект

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Juraboyev, Asilbek Tolibjon Ugli Juraboyev, Toshpulatova, Barchinoy Ravshanovna, Nurmatov, Doniyor Olimjon Ugli Nurmatov

This article provides information and analysis on the role and importance of composition in landscape architecture. Their disadvantages, advantages and relevant recommendations are given. It was noted that landscape architecture plays an important role in the proper organization of a healthy lifestyle in urban planning.

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В статье представлена информация и анализ роли и значения композиции в ландшафтной архитектуре. Даны их недостатки, преимущества и соответствующие рекомендации. Отмечено, что ландшафтная архитектура играет важную роль в правильной организации здорового образа жизни в градостроительстве.




International journal of theoretical and practical research

Scientific Journal

Year: 2022 Issue: 3 Published: http://alferganus.uz


Volume: 2 31.03.2022

Juraboyev, A.T.,Toshpulatova, B. R., Nurmatov, D.O. (2022). The role and importance of compositional methods in landscape architecture. SJ International journal of theoretical and practical research, 2 (3), 7480.

Журабоев, А.Т., Тошпулатова, Б.Р., Нурматов, Д.О. (2022). Роль и значение композиционных методов в ландшафтной архитектуре. Nazariy va amaliy tadqiqotlar xalqaro jurnali, 2 (3), 74-80.



ISSN 2181-2357

T. 2. №3. 2022

ISJIF 2022:5.962 QR-Article

Asilbek Tolibjon ugli, Juraboyev

Department of Architecture Basic

Doctorate, Fergana Polytechnic Institute

Barchinoy Ravshanovna, Toshpulatova

Assistant Department of Architecture, Fergana Polytechnic Institute

Doniyor Olimjon ugli, Nurmatov

Assistant Department of Architecture, Fergana Polytechnic Institute

DOI 10.5281/zenocfo .6 503622

UDC 712



Abstract: This article provides information and analysis on the role and importance of composition in landscape architecture. Their disadvantages, advantages and relevant recommendations are given. It was noted that landscape architecture plays an important role in the proper organization of a healthy lifestyle in urban planning. Keywords: Composition, Architectural composition, Landscape composition, landscape object.


Асилбек Толибжон угли, Журабоев

Базовый докторант кафедры архитектуры, Ферганский политехнический институт

Барчиной Равшановна, Тошпулатова

Ассистент кафедры архитектуры, Ферганский политехнический институт

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ISSN 2181-2357

T. 2. №3. 2022

ЭЛР 2022:5.962 Дониёр Олимжон угли, Нурматов

Ассистент кафедры архитектуры, Ферганский политехнический институт

Аннотация: В статье представлена информация и анализ роли и значения композиции в ландшафтной архитектуре. Даны их недостатки, преимущества и соответствующие рекомендации. Отмечено, что ландшафтная архитектура играет важную роль в правильной организации здорового образа жизни в градостроительстве.

Ключевые слова: Композиция, Архитектурная композиция, Ландшафтная композиция, ландшафтный объект.



Asilbek Tolibjon o'g'li, Jo'raboyev

"Arxitektura" kafedrasi tayanch doktaranti, Farg'ona politexnika instituti

Barchinoy Ravshanovna, Toshpo'latova

Farg'ona politexnika instituti, "Arxitektura" kafedrasi assistenti

Doniyor Olimjon o'g'li, Nurmatov

Farg'ona politexnika instituti, "Arxitektura" kafedrasi assistenti

Anotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada landshaft arxitekturasida kompozitsiyaning o'rni va ahamiyati haqida ma'lumot va tahlillar keltirilgan. Ularning kamchiliklari, afzalliklari va tegishli tavsiyalari berilgan. Shaharsozlikda sog'lom turmush tarzini to'g'ri tashkil etishda landshaft arxitekturasi muhim o'rin tutishi ta'kidlanadi.

Kalit so'zlar: Kompozitsiya, Arxitektura kompozitsiyasi, Landshaft kompozitsiyasi, landshaft ob'ekti


The history of all objects of landscape architecture is different and has specific areas of different sizes. All of these areas are usually organized on the basis of the commonality of plants, reservoirs and facilities, small architectural forms, sites for different functional tasks, their harmony of architectural-planning and landscape compositions. The main task in their formation is to use the methods of architectural composition of the artistic and landscape image of a given environment.

Materials and methods

Composition (from Latin composition-essay, composition, structure) is a means of revealing the ideological and artistic content of any work. Therefore, it is impossible

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ISSN 2181-2357

T. 2. №3. 2022


SJIF 2022:5.962

to form any creative idea in practice without knowing the essence of the composition and understanding the principles of its use.

Architectural composition is the organization, creation and integration of structural elements and parts of architectural works in a single harmonious, functional and aesthetic artistic system. Architectural composition consists of two main aspects: planning and spatial, as well as the harmony of colors is one of the important aspects of architectural composition.

The main issues of architectural composition include:

- organization of volume and spatial environment in accordance with constructive and functional processes;

- to combine and subordinate the volume and spatial environment to the whole architectural system in such a way as to have a positive emotional impact on the human heart.

Landscape composition is the art of placing various elements of landscape architecture to create the most optimal environment in a given area in accordance with functional, environmental and aesthetic requirements. This art is concerned with the location of buildings, small architectural forms, plants, waterworks, sites, the organization of human movement, the division of the territory into parts, the individual parts of this environment, the proportions of all elements and reflects the harmony in the beautiful connections between them. Landscape composition involves the use of all means of landscape design.

It is known that the tools of landscape design include natural elements of the environment - plants, relief, waterworks and artificial elements of the environment - small architectural forms, decorative bedding, exterior landscaping networks and elements, decorative sculptures and shapes.

When it comes to landscape composition, we need to consider the law of the circle when creating a landscape design. It identifies the appropriate color combinations (Figure 1). If you split in two with a vertical line, the right part is hot shadows and the left one is cold. The main compositions are made in one group of colors - cold or warm colors.

Figure 1. Color colitis

This does not mean the origin of colors, however, it is not possible to mix different parts. But the color of the opposite group should be present as an eye-catching accent.

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ISSN 2181-2357

T. 2. №3. 2022


SJIF 2022:5.962

Such contrasting compositions are performed if it is necessary to distract attention from something (toilet, etc.).

Figure 2

Perception ofpark objects and pictures:

1 - vertical angle 30-45

horizontal - 5-30

2 - vertical - 16-25

horizontal - 30-50

3 - vertical - 5-7

horizontal - 53-60 °

Figure 3

Types of perception of landscapes:

A - a simple one-plot landscape (a bridge surrounded by trees);

B - complex landscape with two plots: 1 -road, 2 - lake;

V - panoramic view: 1 - old tree, 2 - trees and pool, 3 - road

The creation of any landscape object is done mainly by using the means of landscape architecture listed above, interconnecting and balancing them in order to achieve the integrity of the composition and its vivid figurative effect. The spatial environment of a landscape object is a combination of flat and volumetric elements. The flat elements include the plains (lawns, flower beds, floors), relief, water bodies and structures, and the volumetric elements include groups of plants, small architectural forms, sculptures, and external engineering networks.

The relationship between the spatial environment, the plane and the volume is determined by the volume-spatial composition. In solving the compositional problems of the formation of architectural and landscape objects, the geometric appearance, size, mass, texture, color, brightness, the state of the environment are taken into account. The landscape architect must understand the main features of the area environment: latitude, longitude, duration and integrity (integrity), completeness and infinity, division, and how to use the features of the area.

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ISSN 2181-2357

T. 2. №3. 2022


SJIF 2022:5.962

When creating a spatial environment using the tools of landscape design, it is necessary to understand its emotional and psychological impact on man. In this regard, four aspects of human attitude to space can be distinguished:

1) the objective aspect, it depends on the area, basic dimensions, width, length, geometric shapes of the spatial environment;

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2) psycho-physiological aspect, it depends on the ability of the spatial environment to awaken, tire, calm down, torment a person;

3) giving a person different impressions and perceptions when he sees and observes the imaginary environment;

4) symmetric aspect is related to the functional function of the object.

Some spatial landscapes are beautiful, while others are chaotic. In shaping any landscape environment, whether it is frontal or extensive interior, the following compositional issues need to be addressed:

- to determine the features of the planning style and scale of the elements that shape the environment (small architectural forms, decorative sculptures, plants, etc.);

- proportioning of area sizes;

- mark the center of the composition and the head and side arrows;

- landscape accents (find and identify accents and points of view;

- use of artistic means such as contrast, nuance and similarity, rhythm;

- uncovering unexpected accents;

- background output and use of linear perspective features.

As mentioned above, scale is one of the most important means of achieving the artistic appeal of an architectural composition. Unfortunately, in landscape architecture and design, the issue of the scale of human impact is not sufficiently developed. Many experts believe that scale is a tool to help enhance the compositional integrity and artistic appeal of any landscape object [4].

The architectural scale of any object in relation to the object itself, its environment and the human scale is divided into three forms:

1) The complete composition of the elements and parts of the object and their relative scales;

2) The scale of the object in relation to the architectural and natural environment in which it is located, the size and scale of the environment;

3) It is reflected in the proportion of the size and elements of the object to the human


Landscape objects can have all the scales described above in shaping the landscape environment in accordance with their functional functions. Landscapes of this scale have a significant emotional impact on humans [1]. The size of the internal volumetric medium, which corresponds to the human dimension, and the state of the volume distribution in the medium can have different effects on a person. For example, the British landscape scientist John Simonds identified the effects of different landscapes on human emotions and psychology as follows:

• Compression is the predominance of size and shape. Divided composition. Complex sounds. Light scattering.

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ISSN 2181-2357

Т. 2. №3. 2022


SJIF 2022:5.962

• Looseness - normal size can vary in size from specific to large. Soft light. A soothing sound. A volume filled with lighter colors.

• Fear is an emergency. No destination. Uncertainty, soil saturation. Danger. It's dark. Same color.

• Joy-free body and environment. Smooth, human-friendly shapes and ornaments. Possibility of circular motion. Warm and bright colors. Cheerful and enjoyable sounds.

• Watching - Lack of distracting contrasts. The environment must be clean, impartial, reliable, safe and comfortable. A stream of low and pleasant sounds.


Thus, the impact of the landscape on the human senses depends on factors such as the length, width, continuity and continuity, completeness and infinity, fragmentation, stability and quietness of the environment.

The main parameters that determine the compositional structure of the environment include the style of planning composition, asymmetry or symmetry, material dimensions, length and width, and the shape of the area that defines the spatial composition of the frontal or internal environment.

It is necessary to determine the planned method of composition in order to emphasize the interdependence of natural and artificial elements in the environment and to solve the situation of placement. It can be regular (regular), free (landscape) and mixed compositions.


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