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Ключевые слова
innovation / management / industry / improvement of the management system / chemical industry / Innovatsiyalar / menejment / boshqaruv tizimini takomillashtirish / kimyo sanoati

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Nazarova, Latofat Tohirjon Qizi Nazarova

The solution of the problem of increasing the competitiveness of industrial business through ensuring the growth of the efficiency of production activities is especially relevant in the conditions of strengthening the processes of integration of the domestic economy into the world economy. The problems of coordination and effective interaction of strategic and tactical priorities for the development of industrial enterprises are currently becoming an urgent, but methodically unsolved scientific and practical task. The article studies some features of organizational and economic management at chemical industry enterprises in Uzbekistan.

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Ishlab chiqarish faoliyati samaradorligining o'sishini ta'minlash orqali sanoat biznesining raqobatbardoshligini oshirish muammosini hal qilish, ayniqsa, mahalliy iqtisodiyotning jahon iqtisodiyotiga integratsiyalashuv jarayonlarini kuchaytirish sharoitida muhim ahamiyatga ega. Sanoat korxonalarini rivojlantirishning strategik va taktik ustuvor yo'nalishlarini muvofiqlashtirish va samarali o'zaro ta'siri muammolari hozirgi vaqtda dolzarb, ammo uslubiy jihatdan hal etilmagan ilmiy-amaliy muammoga aylanib bormoqda. Maqolada O'zbekiston kimyo sanoati korxonalarida tashkiliy-iqtisodiy boshqaruvning ayrim xususiyatlari o'rganiladi.


International journal of theoretical and practical research

Scientific Journal

Year: 2G22 Issue: 3 Volume: 2 Published: 31.G3.2G22



Nazarova, L.T. (2022). Some features of organizational and economic management at chemical industry enterprises. SJ

International journal of theoretical and practical research, 2 (S), 42-51.

Назарова, Л.Т. (2022). Kimyo sanoati korxonalarida tashkiliy-iqtisodiy boshqaruvning ayrim xususiyatlari. Nazariy va amaliy tadqiqotlar xalqaro jurnali, 2 (S), 42-51.



DOI 10.5281/zenodo .6 503479

ISSN 2181-2357

T. 2. №3. 2022

ISJIF 2022:5.962 QR-Article

Latofat Tohirjon kizi, Nazarova

Assistant of the Department of Economics, Fergana Polytechnic Institute

UDC 658.G11.46


Abstract: The solution of the problem of increasing the competitiveness of industrial business through ensuring the growth of the efficiency of production activities is especially relevant in the conditions of strengthening the processes of integration of the domestic economy into the world economy. The problems of coordination and effective interaction of strategic and tactical priorities for the development of industrial enterprises are currently becoming an urgent, but methodically unsolved scientific and practical task. The article studies some features of organizational and economic management at chemical industry enterprises in Uzbekistan.

Keywords: innovation, management, industry, improvement of the management system, chemical industry.

Latofat Tohirjon qizi, Nazarova

Iqtisodiyot kafedrasi assistenti, Farg'onapolitexnika institute


Annotatsiya: Ishlab chiqarish faoliyati samaradorligining o'sishini ta'minlash orqali sanoat biznesining raqobatbardoshligini oshirish muammosini hal qilish, ayniqsa, mahalliy iqtisodiyotning jahon iqtisodiyotiga integratsiyalashuv jarayonlarini kuchaytirish sharoitida muhim ahamiyatga ega. Sanoat korxonalarini rivojlantirishning


ISSN 2181-2357

T. 2. №3. 2022

ISJIF 2022:5.962

strategik va taktik ustuvor yo'nalishlarini muvofiqlashtirish va samarali o'zaro ta'siri muammolari hozirgi vaqtda dolzarb, ammo uslubiy jihatdan hal etilmagan ilmiy-amaliy muammoga aylanib bormoqda. Maqolada O'zbekiston kimyo sanoati korxonalarida tashkiliy-iqtisodiy boshqaruvning ayrim xususiyatlari o'rganiladi. Kalit so'zlar: Innovatsiyalar, menejment, boshqaruv tizimini takomillashtirish, kimyo


Латофат Тохиржон кизи,, Назарова

ассистент кафедры «Экономика», Ферганский политехнический институт


Аннотация: Решение задачи повышения конкурентоспособности промышленного бизнеса через обеспечение роста эффективности производственной деятельности особенно актуально в условиях усиления процессов интеграции отечественной экономики в мировое хозяйство. Проблемы согласования и эффективного взаимодействия стратегических и тактических приоритетов развития промышленных предприятий в настоящее время становятся актуальной, но методически не решенной научной и практической задачей. В статье изучаются некоторые особенности организационно-экономического управления на предприятиях химической промышленности Узбекистана.

Ключевые слова: инновации, управление, промышленность, совершенствование системы управления, химическая промышленность.


The current state of the economy of Uzbekistan, which is experiencing the multidirectional influence of environmental factors, requires the industrial sector to improve management efficiency, apply new management tools in business practice that ensure the qualitative growth of industrial business and its competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets. The strategic interests of the development of micro-level industrial economic systems are aimed at the growth of business capitalization, the sustainability of its development and the achievement of long-term competitiveness in a dynamically changing environment and the capacity of industry markets. On the other hand, traditionally, the goal of operational management of the development of industrial business was considered to be the maximization of current profit and economic efficiency. It is obvious that in the context of the market and institutional transformation of industrial business and industry markets, the need to consider economic efficiency as a function of operational management in the context and in balance with the priorities of sustainable development of industrial enterprises becomes more urgent.

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T. 2. №3. 2022


SJIF 2022:5.962

The chemical industry was created and managed within the framework of centralized management and built as a single economic complex. In the course of ongoing economic reforms, chemical industry enterprises located on the same industrial site and representing a single entity were privatized independently of each other and separated into separate joint-stock companies, which ultimately led to a break in commodity chains.

The specificity of the industry is such that even large chemical plants in technological terms are intermediate links in the supply chain of by-products, and their break has led to the reorientation of individual links to export, a sharp drop in the load of enterprises, up to the shutdown of some of them, a drop in profitability, and the accumulation of tax arrears, facing creditors and a wave of bankruptcies. Raw materials began to dominate in the structure of chemical exports. These circumstances gave grounds for a serious analysis of the state of the chemical industry of the country, regions with large chemical complexes on their territory, as well as individual leading enterprises in the industry and the search for ways to form organizational and economic mechanisms that contribute to the transition of the chemical industry to the path of sustainable economic development. The problems of industrial production growth, active development of enterprises, their adaptation in the conditions of socio-economic transformation are reflected in the works of domestic and foreign scientists.

The degree of development of a scientific problem.

The issues of improving management systems that ensure the growth of production efficiency are reflected in the works of a number of foreign and domestic scientists.

The issues of development and improvement of the strategy of the organizational and economic mechanism of innovative management in the region, from a theoretical and practical point of view, were studied by such foreign scientists as: Paul A. Samuelson, William D. Nordhaus, J. Schumpeter, J. Muyzhel, A. Kleiknecht , R. Kaplan, D. Norton, S. Kaplan, S. Winby, D. Sabakda., M. Pittner, R. Svezhda, M. Dogson.

In the scientific research of CIS scientists, such as: P.N.Zavlin, Yu.V.Perevalov, I.M.Golova, A.F. Sukhovey, E.V. Artyunov, L.K. Pavlov, E.V. Silkina - the issues of innovation, innovation policy in the regions, management of innovation activities in a market economy were studied.

In Uzbekistan, the issues of theoretical and methodological foundations of the system of innovative management of the economy, the problems of their implementation in the industry and regional economic entities by such scientists as: Sh.I. Mustafakulov, N.K.Yuldoshev, Sh.A. Goldman, Sh.N. Zainutdinov, H.T. Mukhitdinov, U.V. Gofurov, A.M. Kodirov, M.A. Makhkamova, R.I. Nurimbetov, Sh.I. Otazhanov, A. Artikov, S. Saidkarimova, Sh. Oblokulova.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the theory and concept of production efficiency management (classical, result, process), the results of fundamental research on theoretical and applied problems of market reform of Russian industrial business, conceptual provisions for corporate management of industrial business production efficiency.

As an instrumental and methodological apparatus of the study, methods of comparative, structural analysis were used. The information and empirical base of the study is the official statistical materials of the State Committee of the Republic of


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T. 2. №3. 2022


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Uzbekistan on statistics, data on the functioning of industrial enterprises on the range of issues considered in the article. Analysis and results

The innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan is largely directly related to the development of priority sectors, in particular, the chemical, biochemical, gas and petrochemical industries (hereinafter referred to as the chemical industry).

The foundation created in the sphere in recent years is able to provide a stable dynamics of growth in the potential of the chemical industry for the next 3-5 years. However, the creation of a solid base for the long-term progressive development of all areas of the chemical industry makes it necessary to accelerate the transformation of the industry, taking into account the most advanced foreign experience.

In order to strategically reformat the development of the chemical industry in the new conditions of reforming the economy of Uzbekistan:

The main long-term strategic directions for the transformation of the chemical industry have been identified:

□ technological transformation — creation of multi-link value chains from raw materials to finished products based on new capacities for the production of semi-finished products from domestic raw materials, including through organic synthesis and nanotechnologies. At the same time, a gradual reduction in the export of unprocessed raw materials (natural gas, industrial salt, cotton cellulose, acetic acid, etc.) by organizing their deep processing in the country;

□ transformation of the system of economic relations - limiting state intervention, primarily in the sphere of relations between agricultural producers and chemical industry enterprises and complete abandonment of the outdated planning and distribution system;

□ transformation of the system of property relations - a radical reduction in the state's share in the enterprises of the chemical industry by attracting private capital, including foreign investment, in the creation of new production capacities in the industry and the privatization of chemical industry enterprises, as well as preventing the interference of state authorities in the activities of enterprises;

□ digital transformation - the introduction of modern software systems into the sphere for managing the movement of financial, material and human resources, labeling products, introducing accounting systems based on international financial reporting standards;

□ transformation of the interaction between science and production - the establishment of a new system of interaction between science and production in the organization of innovative processes and the transfer of modern technologies based on advanced foreign experience;

□ transformation of the system ofpersonnel training - fundamental improvement of the system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the industry, as well as ensuring the staffing of existing and new production facilities being created by highly qualified domestic and foreign specialists.

The state of the chemical industry, as well as the entire economy of the country, at the present stage is characterized by problems both in the domestic market and in foreign economic activity. The enterprise needs to adapt to both external opportunities and


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T. 2. №3. 2022

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and tactics are

dangers, identify appropriate behaviors and ensure that strategies effectively adapted to the environment.

The paper considers and systematizes the factors and variables of the external and internal environment of the enterprise that influence its development.

Development in work is understood as a constant, purposeful improvement of an enterprise, updating its structural and functional content, ensuring the overall efficiency of functioning in a changing environment, fulfilling all obligations to employees, other enterprises and organizations, the state, thanks to sufficient income and corresponding expenses, carrying out with this prevention of crisis development.

Various states of enterprise development are considered in the coordinates of "development - curtailment", including active development, stable development, the state of restructuring and the state of bankruptcy.

Of the factors of direct impact that have a direct impact on the functioning and development of the enterprise, resource suppliers, consumers and competitors are highlighted. Among the factors of indirect impact, first of all, the influence of the directions of scientific and technological progress, including in the world chemical industry, the development and change of technological structures, as well as the industrial and economic policy of the state, are considered.

This study notes that the external environment in which enterprises have to work, the chemical industry is a complex dynamic environment, characterized by a large number and variety of the most important factors with significant variability, and substantiates the need to create adaptive management, the task of which is to maintain system flexibility, readiness to environmental changes.

At the same time, the author divides the solution of adaptation problems into two levels: microeconomic - direct adaptation of specific economic entities to new economic conditions and macroeconomic - development and maintenance, including by state bodies, of the rules of the game in the market.

The definition and classification of the main factors, driving forces that determine the development of chemical industry enterprises, necessitated the study and systematization of the features of production in the chemical industry and the nature of their influence on the sustainability of the enterprise development, which are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Systematization of specific organizational and technical features of production in the chemical industry

№ Organizational and technical features The nature of the impact on sustainability was developed by enterprises

1. A wide range of manufactured products with a high level of combination development Dependence on a large number of consumers. High interdependence of related industries

2. High material consumption of products, breadth and variety of raw materials used Increased dependence on the stability of the supply of raw materials, their quality, price, efficiency of use

3. High energy intensity of production Increased Efficiency Dependence


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production on the volume of energy consumed (heat and electricity), supply stability and prices

4. Large-capacity production, high degree of concentration The need for large production volumes due to the irrational use of resources with incomplete capacity utilization

5. High intra-industry technological dependence of production Increased dependence of the efficiency of an individual enterprise on the development of intra-industry cooperation and sustainable development of supplier and consumer enterprises

6. Rigidity of hardware, continuity and irreversibility of the process The need for a constant minimum load of production. Large risks (economic, environmental, technical) when stopping production, high costs when resuming production

7. High level of process automation, high technical equipment of labor High equipment maintenance costs. Increased requirements for the professionalism of personnel

8. Multi-stage and length of the process High level of specialization of process stages. The need for intermediate, buffer tanks, a large volume of work in progress

9. High professionalism of personnel Increased requirements for the personnel management system. The need for high costs in training and a long period of training

10. Use of toxic aggressive and explosive substances Increased requirements for the safety and environmental friendliness of production, the need for additional costs for disposal

An important feature of the chemical industry, noted in the table, is a wide range of products with a high level of combination of production at the enterprise, which causes, firstly, the high dependence of the enterprise on a large number of consumers, their level of demand and solvency, etc., firstly, secondly, the interdependence of the stability of the production of these products from each other (technological, organizational, financial and economic) when combined. Termination, drop in the production of one product under conditions of combination, to a large extent affects the economic efficiency of the production of the majority of manufactured products. Here it should be noted the high intra-industry technological dependence of chemical industries on each other.

The industry is characterized by high material and energy intensity. Material costs account for more than 70% of the cost of chemical products. Industry ranks first among other industries in terms of heat energy consumption and third in terms of electricity consumption. The cost of fuel and energy is in the cost of production from 11% to 25%.

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The organizational and technical features of the chemical industry presented in the table fully reflect the industry specifics that determine the forms of integration, cooperation, and organization of the production process that affect the sustainable development of the enterprise.

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Т. 2. №3. 2022


SJIF 2022:5.962

The paper notes a significant deterioration in recent years of the situation in the industry and formulates the main factors that limit the possibility of stable economic development of the industry, these are, first of all:

- inefficient schemes and mechanisms of privatization, which did not provide a solution to the most important task of economic reforms, namely, the formation of an effective owner who is really interested in modernizing production. In particular, at the most massive stage of privatization, the financial obligations of the new owners were fulfilled in the chemical complex by less than 25%.

- the state of the industry's production potential, which is characterized by a low technical level that does not provide the necessary prerequisites for the production of competitive products. The qualitative characteristics of more than half of the manufactured chemical products do not meet the requirements of world standards, which in the near future will seriously complicate the situation for Russian enterprises not only on the external, but also on the domestic Russian market.

- outstripping growth rates of prices and tariffs for products of natural monopolies (natural gas, oil refinery products, electricity, railway). With an increase in prices for chemical products for three years, an increase in electricity prices for industrial consumers. In direct proportion to changes in prices for energy resources, the growth in prices for the most important types of raw materials and materials used by enterprises of the chemical complex accelerated.


The paper concludes that solving the problem of sustainable development of the chemical industry in Uzbekistan in modern conditions requires the improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms for regulating the industry at all levels of government, including the state, industry, regional level, and an individual enterprise. The key role here should belong to the state, the purpose of which should be to accelerate the development of the country's chemical complex.


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