УДК 374
Bakiyeva Kh.
Namangan Engineering-construction institute
Uzbekistan, Namangan
Abstract: This article analyzes the main issues of organizing independent work of students. the author suggested methods for the effective organization of independent work.
Key words: students, independent work, working on less, ability to work.
Nowadays, one of the important tasks is to develop the creative abilities of students, to train potential professionals who can solve the problem through the formation of independent thinking skills.
The basis of advanced pedagogical technology is the organization of independent learning of students, the development of creative abilities, free thinking, active participation in interactions, increasing their interest in reading. Modern pedagogical technologies teach students to search for the knowledge they have acquired, to study and analyze it independently, and even to draw their own conclusions.
Experience has shown that only those who patiently and independently complete the work they have begun will achieve their goals in life. The organization of independent work has a special place in the education of these qualities in students. In addition, due to the huge flow of information today, due to the development of science and technology, no matter how good a teacher is, he is not able to convey to students all the knowledge and information about the subject in the classroom. The only way to complete it is for students to work on themselves independently. Another positive aspect of independent work is that it also develops independent thinking. That is why today special attention is paid to the organization of independent work of students.
In choosing the types and forms of independent work, it is necessary to follow the principles of "from simple to complex", "from a general to a specific problem". Independent work assignments can be written, practical, graphic and creative in nature, depending on the nature of the science.
Writing essays as an important part of students' independent work in the natural sciences is increasingly being used in the educational process. The abstract can be seen as the first form in which students write a research paper, conduct research.
It should be borne in mind that the majority of graduates of schools and secondary special education institutions do not have the skills of independent
work, some of them do not even know how to work with textbooks, prepare essays.
Abstract (Latin "refero" - I give information) - a text on a particular topic, including a brief written or oral description of the content of a scientific work, book, article, etc., information about the results of scientific research, relevant literature and other sources.
When preparing an independent work essay, the science teacher advises the student to choose the main and additional literature on the topic, to separate the most important of them, what to focus on when creating a plan that fully covers the selected topic. During independent work, the student turns to the teacher for a question or advice that they do not understand. The plan on the topic should not be too much.
Allocating independent work from subjects to students at the beginning of the semester and setting deadlines for their admission increases the responsibility of students to perform independent work. It is also possible to save time for independent work and increase students' responsibility for independent work by asking students for independent work on the topic directly covered in the lectures.
For example, listening to the results of independent research on "Anomalous properties of water" in the course of lectures on "Physicochemical properties of water" in the field of water chemistry will increase the interest of other students in the topic and they will gain additional knowledge on the topic. This not only increases the ability of the student who has prepared an independent work to express his opinion, to convey it to other students, but also reveals some shortcomings in independent work. The student will be able to submit to the teacher while overcoming the shortcomings of independent work. In doing so, both the teacher and the student make good use of their time.
By writing an independent work, the student learns to work with scientific literature, collect statistical data and other materials, process and analyze them, take a critical look at the phenomenon under study, evaluate, connect theory with practice.
This means that the student's independent work leads to the overall development and professional development of the student, increases the student's self-confidence, which contributes to the formation of the ability to work independently.
Independent work of students plays a special role in the training of personnel who are able to meet the requirements of the times, mature in all respects, competitive, able to independently solve the problem.
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