Научная статья на тему 'The first record of Paracineta irregularis (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibiont on Rhombognathus, halacarid mite (Acari, Halacaridae) from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey'

The first record of Paracineta irregularis (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibiont on Rhombognathus, halacarid mite (Acari, Halacaridae) from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Durucan Furkan, Artüz M. Levent, Dovgal Igor V.

This study presents the data on the new finding of suctorian ciliate Paracineta irregularis on halacarid mite Rhombognathus sp. from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Diagnostic characters of P. irregularis such as contractility of tentacles and position of macronucleus are emended based on the material collected from the new locality. The mode of the species reproduction by semi-circumvaginative exogemmic budding is described for the first time.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The first record of Paracineta irregularis (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibiont on Rhombognathus, halacarid mite (Acari, Halacaridae) from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey»

Protistology 13 (2), 67-70 (2019)


The first record of Paracineta irregularis (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibiont on Rhombognathus, halaca-rid mite (Acari, Halacaridae) from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey

Furkan Durucan1 M. Levent Artüz1 and Igor V. Dovgal2

1MAREM (Marmara Environmental Monitoring) Project, Department ofMarine Sciences, Seving-Erdalinönü Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey 2 Kovalevsky Institute ofMarine Biological Research, Sevastopol, Russia

| Submitted March 11, 2019 | Accepted March 20, 2019 |


This study presents the data on the new finding of suctorian ciliate Paracineta irregularis on halacarid mite Rhombognathus sp. from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Diagnostic characters of P. irregularis such as contractility of tentacles and position of macronucleus are emended based on the material collected from the new locality. The mode of the species reproduction by semi-circumvaginative exogemmic budding is described for the first time.

Key words: suctorian ciliate, halacarid host, diagnosis, reproduction, Sea of Marmara


Thalassarachna basteri (Johnston, 1836) is the first halacarid mite described by G. Johnston in 1836 from the North Sea (Edinburgh, Scotland) and also the first mentioned host of a suctorian. Later on, two suctorians (Vorticella sp. and Acineta sp.) were found on this mite by P. H. Gosse in 1855. Since those days, several more records of suctorians on halacarid mites have been published but still the number of such species is limited (Durucan and Boyaci, 2016, 2019).

Paracineta irregularis Dons, 1928 was described by C. Dons (1928) from the setae of a marine polychaete Pherusa plumosa (Müller, 1776) near Lyen Island (Norway) at the depth of 10-12 m. Although this study has been cited in the well-

known works by Kahl (1934) and Curds (1987), the original description of the species was incomplete. In addition, the later findings of the species are unknown. The present study deals with the new finding of Paracineta irregularis on Rhombognathus sp., a halacarid mite from the Sea of Marmara, and presents a redescription of the species.

The presence of lorica in the form of stylotheca (or thecostyle) with a cup-like part, which covers the total cell body or only one third or half of the body, and stalk-like protuberance (pseudostyle) are common characteristics ofthe genus Paracineta Collin, 1911 (Curds, 1987; Dovgal, 2002, 2013). Reproduction is by semi-circumvaginative budding with formation of a single apical or subapical ciliary swarmer. The genus Paracineta includes eight (after Curds, 1987) to 20 (after Dovgal, 2002) species;

doi:10.21685/1680-0826-2019-13-2-4 © 2019 The Author(s)

Protistology © 2019 Protozoological Society Affiliated with RAS

68 • Furkan Durucan M. Levent Artüz and Igor V. Dovgal

however, several of those species have not observed since their description.

Material and methods

Six ciliate infested to Rhombognathus sp. specimens were collected from the north-west part of the Sea of Marmara, Turkey, at a depth of 1 and 14 m (August, 2014) (40°31.222 N 26°52.386 E/40°30.751 N 26°52.706 E and 40°33.294 N 26°58.696 E/ 40°32.660 N 26°58.872 E) Coll. M.L. Artuz (Fig. 1).

Sampling conducted as part of MAREM (Marmara Environmental Monitoring) project using air sucker in quadrated parts (each 1 m2 area) in seagrass meadows in 15 stations. All the collected material was preserved in 5% formalin buffered seawater. Behalf of the work fifteen stations are examined, ten of them was Posidonia oceanica and five Zostera marina habitats. The meiofauna was exracted from the seagrasses and marine mites were sorted for further examination.

The light microscopy photographs were taken with a DCM 500 microscope camera and Nikon D5100 with custom-modified light microscopy and lighting system using with MiniSee and Helicon Remote, and finally post-prepared by HeliconFocus software. Measurements of ciliates (n=3) were made by using the software TopView 3.7 for the processing of digital images. Identification, clarifying of the diagnosis, terminology, and systematic position of suctorian ciliate follows Dovgal (2002, 2013) which supported in the framework of the research topic of Kovalevsky Institute ofMarine Biological Research "Fundamental research of population biology in marine animals, their morphological and genetic diversity".

The materials were deposited in the collections ofthe MAREM (Marmara Environmental Monitoring Project), Sevin? — Erdal inonu Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey.

Results and discussion

Class Suctorea Claparede et Lachmann, 1859 Subclass Exogenia Collin, 1912 Order Metacinetida Jankowski, 1980 Family Paracinetidae Jankowski, 1975 Genus Paracineta Collin, 1911 Paracineta irregularis Dons, 1928 (Figs 2, 3)

«as a m

Fig. 1. Map of study area.

Diagnosis (character emend). Suctorian ciliate with a stylotheca, ovoid to irregularly shaped cell body occupies the entire lorica, protrudes to a greater or lesser extent beyond the mouth rim of stylotheca although the latter half of the zooid is always enclosed by lorica. From eight to 14 contractile tentacles cover the apical surface of the exposed part ofthe zooid. Basal part of stylotheca irregularly triangular, tapering posteriorly to form a rigid hollow pseudostyle that is at least half the length ofthe cuplike part. Ovoid macronucleus located centrally, near the bottom of the cup-like part of lorica. Reproduction by semi-circumvaginative budding with formation of a single subapical swarmer (Fig. 2 C).

Commensal ofmarine polychaetes and halacarid mites.

Dimensions (in ^m): body length 14-20 (15-25 after Dons, 1928), body width 9-18 (20-30 after Dons, 1928), cup-like part of stylotheca length 9-13, width 9-17, pseudostyle length 2-10 (10-25 after Dons, 1928), diameter 1-4 (2-4 after Dons, 1928), size of macronucleus 4-6^2-4 (8-14 after Dons, 1928).

Type host: Pherusa plumosa (Müller, 1776). Other hosts: Rhombognathus sp.

Type locality: coast of Lyen Island, Norway.

Suctorian ciliates are common commensals on the representatives of marine meiofauna including nematodes, halacarids, harpacticoid copepods, kinorhynchs etc. from different regions around the world (Precht, 1935; Fernandez-Leborans and Tato-Porto, 2000a, 2000b; Dovgal et al., 2008a, 2008b, 2009a, 2000b; Ingole et al., 2010; Fernandez-Leborans et al., 2012; Chatterjee et al., 2012, 2013 a, 2013b, 2013 c, 2014, 2018). Recently, individuals ofthe suctorian ciliate Praethecacineta halacari were

Protistology ■ 69

Fig. 2. Paracineta irregularis Dons, 1928. A, B

— Distribution of the ciliate on the host body; C

— budding individual (marked by arrow); D — the species in the habitat. Scale bar: 50 ^m.

observed on Copidognathus venustus Bartsch, 1977 and two different Rhombognathus sp. species from Turkish Mediterranean coast of Antalya, Turkey (Durucan and Boyaci, 2019).

In this context, our new finding of Paracineta irregularis supplements the information on the diversity of epibiont ciliates on meiofauna. At the same time, the discovery of the species, which previously was observed only on polychaete worms (Pherusa plumosa), on a halacarid mite indicates that this species does not demonstrate strict host specificity.


This work is carried out in the framework of the research programme MAREM (Marmara Environmental Monitoring), as a subproject "Biodiversity 2." in behalf ofSevin?-Erdal Inönü Foundation, and partly supported by Kinstellar Business Services S.A.R.L. The survey relied on a large amount of volunteer labour especially from the §arköy Environmental Protection Association; grateful thanks go to O. Bülent Artüz, Cüneyt Kuban?, Cansu Funda, Pinar Dermanci, Berkay i^^eviren, Hasan Yildiz and Ecem Besli for their invaluable

Fig. 3. Schematic drawing of Paracineta irregularis Dons, 1928. Scale bar: 10 ^m.

contribution in sampling operations and kind logistic help of §arköy Municipality.


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Chatterjee T., Fernandez-Leborans G. and Senna A.R. 2013b. Ciliate epibionts on Melita Petronio Senna et al., 2012 (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Brazil. Cahiers de Biologie Marine. 54, 393- 404.

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Furkan Durucan M. Levent Artüz and Igor V. Dovgal

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Address for correspondence: Igor Dovgal. Nakhimov ave., 2, 299011, Sevastopol, 119234. Russia; e-mail: [email protected]

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