ProtistologyНаучный журнал на тему: Биологические науки
Статистикавсего статей: 622
Описание научного журнала
Protistology is one of the five organism-oriented journals for researchers of protistan material. The Journal publishes manuscripts on the whole spectrum of lower Eukaryote cells including protozoans, lower algae and lower fungi. Protistology publishes original papers (experimental and theoretical contributions), full-size reviews, short topical reviews (which are supposed to be somewhat provocative for setting up new hypotheses), rapid short communications, book reviews, symposia materials, historical materials, obituary notices on famous scientists, letters to the Editor, comments on and replies to published papers. Chronicles will present information about past and future scientific meetings, conferences, etc.
Область наук
- Биологические науки
Печатный: 1680-0826
2024 год