Научная статья на тему 'New records of Thecacineta cothurnioides and Trematosoma rotunda (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts on nematodes from the Indian Ocean'

New records of Thecacineta cothurnioides and Trematosoma rotunda (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts on nematodes from the Indian Ocean Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Dovgal Igor, Chatterjee Tapas, Ingole Baban

This article deals with the report of two suctorian ciliates species viz. Thecacineta cothurnioides Collin, 1909 and Trematosoma rotunda (Allgen, 1952 ) as epibionts on Tricoma sp. and Pseudochromadora sp. (Nematoda) respectively from Ratnagiri, west coast of India, Arabian Sea (Indian Ocean). Redescription of two species with distribution and nomenclatural notes are given. Both species are recorded here first time from Indian coast and the Indian Ocean. Genus Tricoma Cobb, 1894 is also recorded here first time as a host of Th. cothurnioides.

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Текст научной работы на тему «New records of Thecacineta cothurnioides and Trematosoma rotunda (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts on nematodes from the Indian Ocean»

Protistology 6 (1), 19—23 (2009)


New Records of Thecacineta cothurnioides and Trematosoma rotunda (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts on nematodes from the Indian Ocean

Igor Dovgal1, Tapas Chatterjee2 and Baban Ingole3

1 Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, B. Khmelnitsky str, Kiev, Ukraine,

2 Department of Biology, Indian School of Learning, I.S.M. Annexe, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India,

3 Biological Oceanography Division, National Institute ofOceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, India


This article deals with the report of two suctorian ciliates species viz. Thecacineta cothurnioides Collin, 1909 and Trematosoma rotunda (Allgen, 1952 ) as epibionts on Tricoma sp. and Pseudochromadora sp. (Nematoda) respectively from Ratnagiri, west coast of India, Arabian Sea (Indian Ocean). Redescription of two species with distribution and nomenclatural notes are given. Both species are recorded here first time from Indian coast and the Indian Ocean. Genus Tricoma Cobb, 1894 is also recorded here first time as a host of Th. cothurnioides.

Key words: Suctoria, fauna, Indian Ocean, Trematosoma, Thecacineta


Suctorian ciliates are common epibionts on benthic marine and interstitial invertebrates such as harpacticoid copepods, nematodes, halacarid mites etc (Jankowski, 1981, 2007, Dovgal, 1996, Dovgal et al., 2008). Several specimens of suctorian ciliates which correspond to species Thecacineta cothurnio-ides Collin, 1909 and Trematosoma rotunda (Allgén, 1952) from nematodes have been collected from central west coast of India. Both species are recorded here first time from Indian Ocean. Nematode genus Tricoma Cobb, 1894 is also recorded here first time as a host of Th. cothurnioides. The original description

from type locality for both species are fragmentary, the modes of reproduction were unknown. Redescription with distribution and nomenclatural notes are also given.

Material and Methods

The meiofauna were collected from Ratnagiri (Lat: 170 00’ 38” N, Long: 730 15’ 34” E), west coast of India, Arabian Sea (Indian Ocean). Collection was part of the sediment sampling conducted using Van Veen grab (0.04m-2 area) in the water depth of 14.5 meters on 14 th January 2006 (Ingole et al.,

© 2009 by Russia, Protistology

2008). The infested nematodes were isolated from the meiofauna. Salinity of the bottom water was 33.8 PSU. Dissolved oxygen: 3.7 ml per litre. The sediment has very high content of sand 98%, 1.5% silt and low clay content 0.5% and sedimentary chlorophyll was 0.4 microgram per gram.

10 individuals of Thecacineta cothurnioides were found on one specimen of nematode whereas the Tematosoma rotunda were investigated from three individuals of nematode host with 6, 3 and 7 ciliate individuals respectively for each nematode.

The measurements of ciliates were made using the computer program ScopePhoto 2.0 for processing ofdigital images. Five similarly aligned individuals were measured for each ciliate species. For slide preparing the material was stained by Boehmer’s hematoxylin and mounted in Canada balsam. The permanent slides of infested nematodes are deposited in the collections of the Department of Fauna and Systematics of Invertebrate Animals of Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine.


Class SUCTOREA Claparede et Lachmann, 1859

Subclass VERMIGENIA Jankowski, 1978

Order SPELAEOPHRYIDA Jankowski, 1978

Family THECACINETIDAE Matthes, 1956

Thecacineta cothurnioides (Collin, 1909) charact. emend. (Figs 1-3)

=Acineta cothurnioides Collin, 1909

=Lissacineta cothurnioides (Collin, 1909)

Diagnosis. Marine loricate suctorian. Cell body no flattened laterally, entirely fill up the lorica and clamped to their bottom. Apical part of the body conical pared-down. About 15 tentacles placed at the upper body surface and just projected from lorica. Macronucleus spherical posterior located. Contractile vacuole small, single and placed closed under macronucleus. Lorica smooth. Stalk long, slightly curved, in the area of junction with lorica fitted with very small widening (physon). Reproduction by vermigemmic budding.

From another species of the genus Thecacineta the species is differs by not ribbed smooth lorica and by characteristic stalk widening (physon).

Body dimensions. Measurements are made using materials from India, in parentheses measurements of individuals given by Collin, 1909. Lorica length 33-39 pm (50 pm after Collin, 1909), lorica width,

Fig. 1. Thecacineta cothurnioides from harpacticoid copepode Cletodes longicaudatus (after Collin, 1912).

wide of lorica mouth 17-21 pm, (18-20 pm), stalk length 3-18 pm (28 pm), macronucleus diameter 7-10 pm.

Distribution and host prevalence. The species was described (Collin, 1909) from abdomen of interstitial harpacticoid copepode Cletodes longicaudatus (Boeck) (type host, indicated here) from Banyuls-sur-Mer at Mediterranean coast of France (type locality, indicated here) (Fig. 1). Th. cothurnioides was also listed for river Seversky Donets basin in Ukraine (Dovgal, 1988). However, the species is not characteristic for freshwater biotopes and we believe that it was erroneous identification. We found Th. cothurnioides on nematode Tricoma sp (Superfamily

Fig. 2. The arrangement of Thecacineta cothurnio-ides at the body of nematode Tricoma sp. from Ratnagiri, India.

Fig. 3. Thecacineta cothurnioides from nematode Tricoma sp. from India. Scale bar: 50 pm.

Desmoscolecoidea Shipley, Family Desmoscol-ecidae Shipley, Subfamily Tricominae Lorenzen, Genus Tricoma Cobb) from Ratnagiri, Maharastra state, central west coast of India (Arabian Sea).

Remarks on the systematics and nomenclature. Jankowski (1981) has been proposed the new genus Lissacineta for representatives of Thecacineta that have the lorica without folds and indicated the Th. cothurnioides Collin, 1912 as the type species of

Fig. 5. The arrangement of Trematosoma rotunda at the body of Pseudochromadora sp. from India.

Fig. 4. Trematosoma rotunda at the nematode Desmodora sp. (after Allgen, 1955).

the genus. However the generic name Lissacineta Jankowski, 1981 was synonymized with Thecacineta Collin, 1909 by Dovgal (2002).

Subclass ENDOGENIA Collin, 1912 Order ACINETIDA Raabe, 1964 Family ACINETIDAE Ehrenberg, 1838

Trematosoma rotunda fAHgen, 1952) charact. emend. (Figs 4-8)


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Fig 6. Frontal view of Trematosoma rotunda from Indian specimen. Scale bar :20 pm.

Fig. 7. Lateral view of Trematosoma rotunda from India. Scale bar: 20 pm.

=Acineta rotunda Allgen, 1952 =Nematacineta rotunda (Allgen, 1952)

= Conchacineta rotunda (Allgen, 1952) =Acineta ovoidea Allgen, 1952

Diagnosis. Marine loricate suctorian. Cell body short, rounded, laterally flattened, entirely fills up the lorica and clamped to their aperture border. Lorica delicate, gently striated. Tentacles clavate, short, arranged at the upper body surface as a row in two groups. Macronucleus spherical or oval, centrally located. Stalk short, thin, slightly ribbed. Reproduction by endogemmic budding.

Body dimensions. Measurements were made using materials from India, in parentheses measurements of individuals given by Allgen, 1955. Lorica length 7-14 pm (26.52-32.64 pm after Allgen, 1955), lorica width 6-14 pm (15.30-28.56 pm), body length

Fig. 8. Frontal (left) and lateral (right) view of Trematosoma rotunda from India. Scale bar: 20 pm.

15-22 pm, body thickness 8 pm, stalk length 4-16 pm (7.14-16.32 pm), stalk thickness 1.51-2.04 pm (after Allgnn, 1955), length of tentacles 3-9 pm (4.08-6.12 pm), macronucleus diameter 6-8 pm (5.1x4.8-6.12x4.08 pm).

Distribution and host prevalence. The species was described by Allgen (1952, 1955) from nematodes Desmodora tenuispiculum Allgen (type host, indicated here) and D. stateni Allgen from the Antarctic (Graham Land, type locality, indicated here) and Falkland Islands. We found Tr. rotunda on nematode Pseudochromadora sp. (Superfamily Desmodoroidea Filipjev, Family Desmodoridae Filipjev, Subfamilia Desmodorinae Filipjev, Genus Pseudochromadora Daday) from Ratnagiri, Mahar-astra state, central west coast ofIndia (Arabian Sea). Microphotograph of unidentified suctorians, Fig. 1 of Fisher, 2003, found at nematode Pseudochromadora cazca Gerlach, 1956 from intertidal zone of North-Eastern Queensland, Australia we identified it as (probably) Tr. rotunda.

Remarks on the systematics and nomenclature. Acineta rotunda was described by Allgen (1952) found attached to the nematodes from genus Desmodora. In the same paper another species (A. ovoidea) was described from the same host, however Curds (1985) synonymized A. ovoidea with A. rotunda showing that A. ovoidea is nothing but lateral view of A. rotunda. Jankowski (1978) proposed a new genus Nematacineta Jankowski, 1978 for A. rotunda with short diagnosis: “Ac. rotunda Allgen; with an arcu-

ate row oftentacles”. In turn Curds (1985) believed that this characteristic is obscured by diagnosis of already described genus Conchacineta Jankowski, 1978. Dovgal (2002) synonymized the generic name Conchacineta with Trematosoma Batisse, 1972 and all species assigned by Jankowski and Curds to the genus Conchacineta were transferred to Trematosoma including A. rotunda.


We are thankful to Dr. Maarten Raes, University of Ghent, Belgium for confirming the taxonomic identification of nematode hosts. Third (BI) author acknowledge a research grant from Dept. of Biotechnology (Govt. of India) for project entitled “Molecular characterization ofmicrobial and invertebrate diversity from the west coast of India”.


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Allgén C. A. 1955. Die Suctorien der scgwedi-schen Sudpolar-Expedition (1901-1903). Zoologischer Anzeiger. 154, 36-48.

Collin B. 1909. Diagnoses preliminaires d‘Aci-netiens nouveaux ou mal connus. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de L’Académie des Sciences. 149, 1094-1095.

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Curds C. R. 1985. A revision of Suctoria (Cilio-phora, Kinetofragminofora) 1. Acineta and its mor-

phological relatives. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology series. 48, 75-129.

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Dovgal I V 1996 Keys for identification of tentaculous infusoria (Ciliophora, Suctoria) of the Ukrainian fauna. Vestnik Zoologii, Suppl., N2, 1—42 (in Russian with English summary).

Dovgal I. V. 2002. Evolution, phylogeny and classification of Suctorea (Ciliophora). Protistology. 2,194-270.

Dovgal I., Chatterjee T. and Ingole B. 2008. An overview of suctorian ciliates (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts ofhalacarid mites (Acari, Halacaridae). Zootaxa. 1810, 60-68.

Fisher R. 2003. Ciliate hitch-hikers-nematode ecto-commensals from tropical Australian sea-grass meadows. Journal ofthe Marine Biological Association, U.K. 83, 407,1/1-2.

Ingole B., Sivadas S., Nanajkar M., Sautya S. and Nag A. 2008. A comparative study ofmacroben-thic community from harbours along the central west coast of India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (published on line on 20 June 08).

Jankowski A. V. 1978. Phylogeny and divergence of suctorians. Doklady Academii Nauk SSSR. 242, 493-496 (in Russian).

Jankowski A. V. 1981. New species, genera and families of tentacled infusoria (class Suctoria). Proceedings of the Zoological Institute. 107, 80—115 (in Russian with English summary).

Jankowski A. V. 2007. Review of taxa Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901: In: Protista: Handbook on Zoology (Alimov A. F, ed.). Nauka. St. Petersburg: Pt. 2, pp. 415—993 (in Russian with English summary).

Address for correspondence: Igor Dovgal. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, B. Khmelnitsky str, 15, 01601, Kiev-30, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]

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