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Ключевые слова
strengths qualities / physical education / students / educational process / development / progress

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mychka I.V.

Muscle-strengthening exercises are the most effective means for the strengthening of bone tissue and muscle gaining. Due to strength capabilities, ones maintain the correct posture and the normal function of the spine; the movement amplitude in joints increases as well. Additionally, the sufficient development of strength gives confidence, resoluteness, and activity.

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8. Чемерис I. М. Формування професшно! компетентносп майбутнiх журналюпв засобами íh-шомовних перiодичних видань: дис. ... канд. пед. наук:13.00.04/ I. М. Чемерис; 1н-т вищо! освiти АПН Укра!ни. - К., 2008. - 20 с.

9. Чмут Т. К. Етика дшового стлкування : навч. noci6. - 6-те вид., випр. i доп. / Т. К. Чмут, Г. Л. Чайка. - К.: Знання, 2007. - 230 с.

10. Boyatzis R. E. The competent manager: a model for effective performance. - NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1982. - 328 p.



Mychka I. V.

Instructor, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University


Muscle-strengthening exercises are the most effective means for the strengthening of bone tissue and muscle gaining. Due to strength capabilities, ones maintain the correct posture and the normal function of the spine; the movement amplitude in joints increases as well. Additionally, the sufficient development of strength gives confidence, resoluteness, and activity.

Keywords: strengths qualities, physical education, students, educational process, development, progress.

Physical education plays a crucial role in the moral, strong-willed and aesthetic development of student youth and is an important motivation for personal self-development through the means of physical exercises. It is designed to form a harmoniously developed personality consistently; it helps in the mastering of the minimum level of necessary knowledge in physical culture and improves the level of physical training. The solution to these tasks depends significantly on the effectiveness of the physical education process, where various methods and means of physical training should be applied.

In the Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports" physical education of students is defined as one of the fundamental directions of higher humanitarian education. The content of physical education of students is defined as an independent sphere of activity in the socio-cultural space. Its educational priorities are highlighted as well [4]. According to Hryban, physical education as an educational discipline allows simultaneously solving educational and health problems that are capable of ensuring a balanced pedagogical impact on the student in accordance with the modern requirements of the formation of a creative, intellectual, moral-volitional, and physically perfect personality [3, p. 6].

One of the characteristic manifestations of activity and the basic form of human behavior in the external environment is motor activity. Muscle contractions play a pivotal role in human life. They are the natural biological need, and an essential factor in the development of organs and regulatory systems of the body, which ensure the adequate development of vital functions. Moreover, the movement is one of the main ways of communication and interaction with the environment [1, p. 12]. Any movement of people, even the most simple, is performed by using muscular effort which is the result of the coordinated activity of the central nervous system and peripheral parts of the motor system. Strength is one of the components of the person's physical qualities structure, which determines the manifestation of all physical qualities.

Studies have proven that muscle-strengthening exercises are the most effective means for strengthening

bone tissue and muscles building. They are characterized by being performed with a load of 70 to 100% of the maximum, with a small number of repetitions, a low pace, and sufficiently long rest between the sets. Power loads allow students with a high level of physical preparedness to obtain a sufficiently large load in a relatively short period of time [5].

According to Apanasenko G. L., Mitskan B. M., and other authors, the performance of muscle-strengthening exercises with additional weights contributes to the harmonization of certain physiological processes of the body: they regulate blood pressure, activate the blood vessels and capillary mesh, improve the body's oxygen supply, improves the nervous processes and many other things. As stated by Krutsevich T. Ju., the power abilities contribute to the maintaining of the correct posture and normal function of the spine, increase the amplitude of movements in the joints. Also, the sufficient development of strengths adds confidence, resoluteness, and activity.

According to Kovalenko V.A. and Sukharev A.H., during the training sessions, it is necessary to take into account the features of skeleton formation, the development of the muscular system, and the level of the basic physical qualities development. The knowledge about the development of the spinal column is of particular importance because its normal functioning determines the correct posture, and, what is more, the position of the internal organs. The pelvic skeletal ossification takes place as well. Due to the fact that the pelvic belt during the execution of many muscle-strengthening exercises can withstand significant loads, there is a mechanical tension in its joints. In the case when ossification has not yet occurred, excessive stress may cause unwanted deformation of the pelvic bones and, as a result, a disturbance in the development of internal organs. Disparities in parts of the body and adolescent uncertainty of movement disappear as well.

Strength training is important for strengthening the health of students; it allows to carry out not only professional activities successfully, but also solve many everyday problems. Krutsevich T. Ju. points out that the progressive natural development of the person's

strength continues up to 25-30 years old. Thus, it is very urgent to study the foundations of the development of power qualities of students.

Students always compete in strength with pleasure: who will do more chin-ups, more push-ups while laying down, or demonstrate more strength in lifting weights. Excellent physical development, courageous appearance, self-confidence - all these qualities attract student youth and provide new opportunities in various fields of activity. A strong person, as a rule, has a well-developed musculature. The performance of muscle-strengthening exercises provides a practical opportunity for anyone who is engaged, to find, develop, and maximally identify their best features [1, p. 123].

One of the main components of students' physical training is the amount of physical activity. The specified component can be both selective and general and may be differentiated as small, medium, and large. The scientific substantiation and implementation of personality development education in connection with the specificity of the means of physical training impact depend on the parameters of physical activity. In case of insignificant volumes or intensity, pedagogical actions will not be effective. In the case of their excess - negative effects on the physical and mental state of students can cause antipathy to the subject and destroy the foundation of volitional preparedness.

It should be noted that in the process of physical education the tasks of the general development of the student, as well as the specific construction of volitional qualities, are solved in accordance with the particular conditions and requirements of sports activities. Thus, the development of volitional qualities is an integral part of not only the classes of physical education but also the educational process in physical culture and recreation activities [2, p. 7].

Powerlifting is one of the most effective sports that develops strong-willed qualities and strength. It is very popular among young students and has a number of advantages. The fundamental benefits are the following: economic expediency, ease of competitive exercises, accessibility in conducting classes, wide health, and training orientation.

At the lessons of powerlifting, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of the bone system, because it provides the body with proper resistance to direct mechanical activities. Anatomical and physiological features affect the kinematics of movements and the tactics of motor activity. The tutors and students should be guided by these rules when selecting exercise and dosage of training activities. According to Roma-nenko V.O., the pace of individual development of the body also imposes its imprint on the formation of speed-strength abilities.

At the initial stage of training, students should not aim at achieving high results; this should be in the long run. The purpose of this stage is to teach students the basics of the techniques of classical exercises, to create an understanding of the motor action, and to develop the ability to perform the exercises in general. The tasks are to a) create a general idea of the motive action and give the setting to master it; b) teach parts of the techniques of action which have not been mastered before;

c) form the general rhythm of the phase structure; d) prevent or eliminate unnecessary movements in order not to distort the technique of movement. Gradually, with the age-old development of the students' bodies and increasing their level of training, this installation is implemented more fully.

For students who have a low level of physical qualification, the number of sets for the development of a specific muscle group should start with 2-3, and for physically well-trained - up to 5-6 sets. After performing the necessary number of sets for one group of muscles, it is necessary to start training the other muscle group. From the very beginning, it is necessary to perform exercises for more massive muscle groups, and then - for smaller ones. Between sets, it is necessary to apply the intervals of respite (heart rate should be restored to 101-120 per 1 min). Between the series of exercises for different muscle groups, students should apply a full interval of rest with the heart rate between 91 and 100 per 1 min [7].

For the improving of intermuscular coordination, the most effective means are weight-lifting exercises, exercises on gym apparatus, and exercises for overcoming the mass of one's own body with additional burdening. In this case, interval and combined methods of exercising are used. The value of the external resistance is determined individually for each student within 3080% of the maximum in a specific movement. For the improvement of intramuscular coordination, the most suitable exercises are the weight loading of objects, on gym apparatus, self-supporting and isometric exercises. According to the regime of the muscles work they are close to isometric exercises, which determines the identity of the methodological features of their performing. They are performed by the interval, combined, and emulative methods. The degree of load in the overcoming and mixed modes of muscle work must be from 85-90% of maximum in a particular exercise [6].

In the organization of strength training, it is necessary to take into account the differences in the muscular system of both sexes. It is proved that the level of blood supply to the muscles of the upper limbs is greater in women than in males; the number of slowly contracting muscle fibers is greater in men than in women. For the development of power abilities, the following dosing of physical activity will be the most effective: the maximum number of repetitions per one set is 8-12; the number of sets - 4-5; the duration of rest between the sets is about 1.5-2.5 min; the intensity is small or medium. When choosing power exercises for solving the corresponding pedagogical problem, it is necessary to take into account their prevailing influence on the development of certain strength qualities, the possibility of providing local, regional, or general effects on the musculoskeletal system and ensuring accurate dosage of the loading size. In the training process, the rest can be active or passive. It depends on the intensity of the exercises and their duration. As a rule, small intervals of rest are connected with passive movements; and the large ones - with active exercises.

Above, there were the most general provisions of the methodology for improving maximum strength. A variety of options for combining various components of

loads, resistance, simulators, various exercises create the possibility of using an almost unlimited number of effective sets of muscle-strengthening exercises.


1. Hryban H.P. Zhyttiediial'nist' ta rukhova aktyv-nist' studentiv: monohrafiia [Life and motor activity of students: a monograph]. Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2009, 593 p. [in Ukrainian]

2. Hryban H.P. Fizychne vykhovannia i volia: monohrafiia [Physical education and will: a monograph]. Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2008, 168 p. [in Ukrainian]

3. Hryban H. P. Metodychna systema fizychnoho vykhovannia studentiv : navch. posibnyk [Methodical system of students' physical education]. Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2014, 306 p. [in Ukrainian]

4. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro fizychnu kul'turu i sport» : postanova Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy vid 17 lystopada

2009 № 2562 [Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sport"]. Retrieved from: http://dsmsu.gov.ua/in-dex/ua/material/4255 [in Ukrainian].

5. Mikheienko O. I. Valeolohiia : osnovy indyvid-ual'noho zdorov'ia liudyny : navchal'nyj posibnyk dlia studentiv vuziv [Valeology: the basis of individual human health : a textbook for university students]. Sumy: Universytets'ka knyha, 2010, 448 p. [in Ukrainian].

6. Platonov V. M., Bulatova M. M. Fizychna pidhotovka sportsmena [Physical training of athletes]. Kyiv: Olimpijs'ka literatura, 1995, 320 p. [in Ukrainian].

7. Krucevich T. Ju. Teorija i metodika fizi-cheskogo vospitanija [Theory and methods of physical education]. Kyiv : Olimpijskaja literatura, 2003, Vol. 1, - 424 p. [in Russian].


Назаренко Г.А.

проректор з науковог роботи Черкаського обласного iнституту пгслядипломног освти педагоггчних працгвникгв, доктор педагогiчних наук, старший науковий спiвробiтник


Nazarenko G.A.

Vice-rector in scientific work Cherkasy Regional In-Service Teacher Training Institute, Doctor of pedagogical sciences,

Associate Professor, Cherkasy, Ukraine ORCID iD 0000-0002-6306-5739


Демократизащя життя украшського суспшьства детерм^е змши i в CTcreMi освгти. Саме тому однieю i3 актуальних проблем сучасно! школи як сощального iнституту е розбудова демократичних вшносин Bcix суб'ектiв освiтнього процесу.

Метою статп е визначення прiоритетних аспекпв налагодження паритетних партнерських вiдносин уах учасникiв освiтнього процесу як основи демократизаци соцiокультурного простору загальноосвiтнього навчального закладу.

Здшснене дослiдження базуеться на положеннi про загальноосвпнш навчальний заклад як сощальний органiзм, у якому постiйно вшбуваються системнi процеси внутрiшнiх змiн, на яш здiйснюють вплив iншi сощальш органiзми. Школа презентуеться як вшкрита соцiально-педагогiчна система, яка мае постшно враховувати змiни, що вiдбуваються у сощальному середовищi, швидко сприймати новi прогресивнi шд-ходи у суспшьному розвитку та трансформувати !х у новий змют, новi освiтнi технологи, новi стратегii взаемодii мiж уама суб'ектами освiтнього процесу.

У статп виокремлено основних суб'ектiв демократично! взаемоди в загальноосвiтньому навчальному закладi, розглянуто прiоритетнi напрями упровадження демократичних засад в управлшня загальноосвiтнiм навчальним закладом, висвплено критерii' демократичностi взаемодii' самоврядних органiв школи та презентовано алгоритм переходу ввд адмiнiстративно-командного до державно-громадського управлiння зага-льноосвiтнiм навчальним закладом.

Автор наголошуе на необхшносп пiдвищення ролi батькiвськоi ради як самоврядного органу в управ-лшш освiтньою дiяльнiстю навчального закладу та робить висновок про те, що через соцiалiзацiю у демократичному середовищi украшського суспшьства, штерюризацш демократичних цшностей i принципiв у навчальному закладi створюються необхiднi передумови для сшвучасп всiх суб'ектiв освiтнього процесу, вштворення в ньому демократичних вшносин.


Democratization of the life of Ukrainian society determines changes in the education system. That is why one of the urgent problems of the modern school as a social institution is the development of democratic relations of all subjects of the educational process.

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