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Ключевые слова
general educational institution / social organism / cultural and educational space / democratization of relations / subjects of educational process / self-governing bodies of school’s management / загальноосвітній навчальний заклад / соціальний організм / культурно-освітній простір / демократизація відносин / суб’єкти освітнього процесу / самоврядні органи управління школою

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nazarenko G.A.

Democratization of the life of Ukrainian society determines changes in the education system. That is why one of the urgent problems of the modern school as a social institution is the development of democratic relations of all subjects of the educational process. The purpose of the article is to determine the priority aspects of establishing parity partnerships of all participants in the educational process as the basis of democratization of the socio-cultural space of a comprehensive educational institution. The research is based on the thesis of a comprehensive educational institution as a social system, in which systematic processes of internal changes, which are influenced by other social systems, constantly occur. The school is presented as an open socio-pedagogical system, which must constantly take into account the changes taking place in the social environment, quickly adopt new progressive approaches in social development and transform them into new content, new educational technologies, new strategies of interaction between all subjects of the educational process. The article outlines the main subjects of democratic interaction in a general educational institution, examines the priority directions of the introduction of democratic principles in the management of a comprehensive educational institution, highlights the criteria for the democratization of the interaction of self-governing school’s bodies, and presents an algorithm for transition from the administrative-command to the state-public administration of the general educational institution. The author emphasizes the need to increase the role of the parent council as a self-governing body in the management of educational activities of the educational institution and concludes that due to socialization in the democratic environment of Ukrainian society, internalization of democratic values and principles in an educational institution, the necessary preconditions for the participation of all subjects of educational process, reproduction of democratic relations in it are created.

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Демократизація життя українського суспільства детермінує зміни і в системі освіти. Саме тому однією із актуальних проблем сучасної школи як соціального інституту є розбудова демократичних відносин всіх суб’єктів освітнього процесу. Метою статті є визначення пріоритетних аспектів налагодження паритетних партнерських відносин усіх учасників освітнього процесу як основи демократизації соціокультурного простору загальноосвітнього навчального закладу. Здійснене дослідження базується на положенні про загальноосвітній навчальний заклад як соціальний організм, у якому постійно відбуваються системні процеси внутрішніх змін, на які здійснюють вплив інші соціальні організми. Школа презентується як відкрита соціально-педагогічна система, яка має постійно враховувати зміни, що відбуваються у соціальному середовищі, швидко сприймати нові прогресивні підходи у суспільному розвитку та трансформувати їх у новий зміст, нові освітні технології, нові стратегії взаємодії між усіма суб’єктами освітнього процесу. У статті виокремлено основних суб’єктів демократичної взаємодії в загальноосвітньому навчальному закладі, розглянуто пріоритетні напрями упровадження демократичних засад в управління загальноосвітнім навчальним закладом, висвітлено критерії демократичності взаємодії самоврядних органів школи та презентовано алгоритм переходу від адміністративно-командного до державно-громадського управління загальноосвітнім навчальним закладом. Автор наголошує на необхідності підвищення ролі батьківської ради як самоврядного органу в управлінні освітньою діяльністю навчального закладу та робить висновок про те, що через соціалізацію у демократичному середовищі українського суспільства, інтеріоризацію демократичних цінностей і принципів у навчальному закладі створюються необхідні передумови для співучасті всіх суб’єктів освітнього процесу, відтворення в ньому демократичних відносин.


loads, resistance, simulators, various exercises create the possibility of using an almost unlimited number of effective sets of muscle-strengthening exercises.


1. Hryban H.P. Zhyttiediial'nist' ta rukhova aktyv-nist' studentiv: monohrafiia [Life and motor activity of students: a monograph]. Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2009, 593 p. [in Ukrainian]

2. Hryban H.P. Fizychne vykhovannia i volia: monohrafiia [Physical education and will: a monograph]. Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2008, 168 p. [in Ukrainian]

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2009 № 2562 [Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sport"]. Retrieved from: http://dsmsu.gov.ua/in-dex/ua/material/4255 [in Ukrainian].

5. Mikheienko O. I. Valeolohiia : osnovy indyvid-ual'noho zdorov'ia liudyny : navchal'nyj posibnyk dlia studentiv vuziv [Valeology: the basis of individual human health : a textbook for university students]. Sumy: Universytets'ka knyha, 2010, 448 p. [in Ukrainian].

6. Platonov V. M., Bulatova M. M. Fizychna pidhotovka sportsmena [Physical training of athletes]. Kyiv: Olimpijs'ka literatura, 1995, 320 p. [in Ukrainian].

7. Krucevich T. Ju. Teorija i metodika fizi-cheskogo vospitanija [Theory and methods of physical education]. Kyiv : Olimpijskaja literatura, 2003, Vol. 1, - 424 p. [in Russian].


Назаренко Г.А.

проректор з науковог роботи Черкаського обласного iнституту пгслядипломног освти педагоггчних працгвникгв, доктор педагогiчних наук, старший науковий спiвробiтник


Nazarenko G.A.

Vice-rector in scientific work Cherkasy Regional In-Service Teacher Training Institute, Doctor of pedagogical sciences,

Associate Professor, Cherkasy, Ukraine ORCID iD 0000-0002-6306-5739


Демократизация життя украшського суспшьства детерм^е змши i в CTcreMi освгти. Саме тому одшею i3 актуальних проблем сучасно! школи як соцiального шституту е розбудова демократичних вiдносин вах суб'ектiв освiтнього процесу.

Метою статп е визначення прiоритетних аспектiв налагодження паритетних партнерських вiдносин усiх учаснишв освiтнього процесу як основи демократизаци соцiокультурного простору загальноосвiтнього навчального закладу.

Здшснене дослiдження базуеться на положенш про загальноосвiтнiй навчальний заклад як сощальний органiзм, у якому постшно вiдбуваються системнi процеси внутрiшнiх змш, на якi здiйснюють вплив iншi соцiальнi органiзми. Школа презентуеться як вшкрита соцiально-педагогiчна система, яка мае постшно враховувати змши, що вшбуваються у соцiальному середовищi, швидко сприймати новi прогресивнi подходи у суспшьному розвитку та трансформувати !х у новий змiст, новi освггш технологii, новi стратегii взаемодii мiж усiма суб'ектами освiтнього процесу.

У статп виокремлено основних суб'ектiв демократично! взаемоди в загальноосвiтньому навчальному заклад^ розглянуто прiоритетнi напрями упровадження демократичних засад в управлшня загальноосвiтнiм навчальним закладом, висвiтлено критерii' демократичностi взаемоди самоврядних органiв школи та презентовано алгоритм переходу ввд адмшстративно-командного до державно-громадського управлiння зага-льноосвгтшм навчальним закладом.

Автор наголошуе на необхшносп пiдвищення ролi батькiвськоi ради як самоврядного органу в управ-лiннi освiтньою дiяльнiстю навчального закладу та робить висновок про те, що через соцiалiзацiю у демократичному середовищi украшського суспшьства, штерюризацш демократичних цшностей i принципiв у навчальному закладi створюються необхiднi передумови для спiвучастi всiх суб'ектiв освгтнього процесу, вiдтворення в ньому демократичних вшносин.


Democratization of the life of Ukrainian society determines changes in the education system. That is why one of the urgent problems of the modern school as a social institution is the development of democratic relations of all subjects of the educational process.

The purpose of the article is to determine the priority aspects of establishing parity partnerships of all participants in the educational process as the basis of democratization of the socio-cultural space of a comprehensive educational institution.

The research is based on the thesis of a comprehensive educational institution as a social system, in which systematic processes of internal changes, which are influenced by other social systems, constantly occur. The school is presented as an open socio-pedagogical system, which must constantly take into account the changes taking place in the social environment, quickly adopt new progressive approaches in social development and transform them into new content, new educational technologies, new strategies of interaction between all subjects of the educational process.

The article outlines the main subjects of democratic interaction in a general educational institution, examines the priority directions of the introduction of democratic principles in the management of a comprehensive educational institution, highlights the criteria for the democratization of the interaction of self-governing school's bodies, and presents an algorithm for transition from the administrative-command to the state-public administration of the general educational institution.

The author emphasizes the need to increase the role of the parent council as a self-governing body in the management of educational activities of the educational institution and concludes that due to socialization in the democratic environment of Ukrainian society, internalization of democratic values and principles in an educational institution, the necessary preconditions for the participation of all subjects of educational process, reproduction of democratic relations in it are created.

Ключовi слова: загальноосвггнш навчальний заклад; сощальний оргашзм; культурно-освггнш прос-Tip; демократизащя ввдносин; суб'екти освггнього процесу; самоврядш органи управлшня школою.

Keywords: general educational institution; social organism; cultural and educational space; democratization of relations; subjects of educational process; self-governing bodies of school's management.

Introduction. The objective need for an active, independent and responsible person who recognizes and realizes the values of democracy, is capable of self-determination, self-realization and self-development in conditions of strengthening of the democratic signs of the democratic system of our state and is ready to interact with various social institutions to solve urgent problems of public life, increases in the period of development of a democratic society in Ukraine.

Democratization as a process of increasing the influence of citizens on the adoption of decisions vital to the life of Ukrainian society determines the changes in the education system. That is why one of the actual problems of the modern school as a social institution is the establishment of democratic relations of all participants in the educational process.

It should be noted that the comprehension of various aspects of the democratization of public life was carried out in the scientific works of foreign thinkers (C. Alderfer, D. Apter, E. Arblaster, J. Bodin, T. Hobbes, R. Dahl, J. Locke, J. - J. Rousseau ets.) and contemporary domestic researchers (A. Hapotii, A. Grabylnikov, Yu. Lemishko, O. Murashin, O. Skibina, R. Chernega, L. Shipilov ets.). The writings of scientists consider priority functions, types and forms of direct democracy, and the content of the basic sovereign rights of the people is specified. The need to establish a partnership between civil society, state and citizen is highlighted in the researches of M. Gurytska, V. Da-vydenko, S. Zhdanenko, T. Kadlubovych and other modern scholars.

The mentioned scientific knowledge is now the basis for the improvement of modern civic education of the individual as the subject of democratic interaction in public life. However, ways to establish democratic relations of all subjects of socio-cultural educational space require further specification. Solving this pressing problem requires rethinking of the goals and con-

tent of the modern educational institution as a social institution, functioning of which is conditioned by the need of Ukrainian society in the education, upbringing and development of children and pupils.

Taking the above into account, the purpose of the article is to determine the priority aspects of establishing parity partnerships of all participants in the educational process as the basis of democratization of the socio-cultural space of a comprehensive educational institution.

Methodology of the Research. Our study is based on the thesis of a comprehensive educational institution as a social system in which systematic processes of internal changes, which are influenced by other social systems, constantly occur. We support the position of V. Bekh, according to which the social system as a social subject must necessarily be directed by its activity in the external environment, because it must interact with other social units by its nature (Bekh V. P., 2009, pp.62-63). At the same time, in the process of external influence, internal transformations of a general educational institution as a social system occur according to the algorithm: ideals - goals - motives - roles, actions (Bekh V. P., 2009, pp.63-101).

To determine concrete ways of democratization of educational interaction, which directly influences the updating of the content and procedure for implementing the pedagogical process in a comprehensive educational institution, we turned to the scientific works of contemporary domestic and foreign researchers, which analyze the foreign and Ukrainian experience of democratization of education (John Dewey, L. Margulina, L. Parashchenko, V. Filipova, ets.), consider the theoretical aspects of democratization of various components of the educational system (V. Andrushchenko, O. Vyshnevskyi, L. Gaevska, O. Hirnyi, I. Dovbysh, N. Dereviankina, E. Kurkin, N. Latygina, A. Yarulov ets.), cover different models of democratization of school life (G. Elnikova, E. Kaminska, V. Kremen, A. Pankevych,

O. Pastovenskyi ets.), outline the ways of establishing a partnership between the participants in the educational process (I. Kotova, Yu. Prudnikova, A. Prutchenkov, V. Saguichenko, A. Sichinaieva, ets.).

Data analysis. Taking into account the above thesis and the special structure and performance of specific pedagogical functions in society (education, upbringing, development of children and student youth), we came to the conclusion that general educational institutions can be considered as open social and pedagogical systems that:

- must constantly take into account the changes taking place in the social environment;

- should quickly adopt new progressive approaches to social development and transform them into new content, new educational technologies, new strategies for interaction between all subjects of the educational process and new psychological characteristics of the participants of such interaction.

On the basis of the above, we can state that in conditions of democratization of socio-political life in our state, undoubtedly, there should be a democratization of the activity of a comprehensive educational institution as a social-pedagogical system. A comprehensive school is a kind of organized and modified socio-cultural space of students' socialization, a kind of model of the space of society that has all its main properties and characteristics. Due to socialization in the democratic environment of Ukrainian society, the interiorisation of democratic values and principles, the necessary preconditions for the participation of all subjects of the educational process, the reproduction of democratic relations in it, create in an educational institution.

We fully share the opinion of I. Bekh, according to which the democratization of the interaction of participants in the educational process is achieved through the organization of a democratic educational space - a socio-cultural phenomenon of innovative type, which involves the creation of a single educational system that covers the areas of learning, work and leisure, focused on the child's personal development; transition from pedagogy of requirements - to pedagogy of cooperation; development of pupils' self-government; peda-gogisation of environment (Bekh I. D., 2015, pp.313314).

The democratic organization of society and the democratic management of educational systems create new conditions for the activities of schools, stimulate the creative activity of their teams and leadership, bring the school together with its environment, and enable it to accumulate intellectual and material support of entrepreneurs and the entire local community. In this aspect, the important task is the transferring the largest volume of power in the field of education management from the state authorities to the various public organizations and institutions, the revival of the school as a social institution, the development and implementation of the idea of self-government, the desire to make the school truly a civilian independent institution that brings together students, parents, teachers and the local community.

The analysis of modern research gives grounds for the conclusion that the democratization of the activity

of a comprehensive educational institution is connected, first of all, with the formation of a special cultural and educational space of the school, based on the parity of interaction of all participants in the educational process on the basis of cooperation and co-creation (Kurkin E. B., 2011, pp. 3-9; Yarulov A.A., 2013, pp.118-125 ets.), introduction of state and public school management through that the administration delegates its management functions of educational process to collective self-governing bodies - trustees, teaching, parent councils, bodies of student government (Gaievska L., 2007, pp. 95-106; Pankevych A., 2009, pp.11-14; Pastovenskyi A., 2011, pp.5-9 ets.); ensuring the openness of the educational system of the school on the basis of establishing constructive interaction with civil society institutes and local self-government bodies in order to solve problems of the activity of the educational institution and the local community (Hirnyi O. I., 2005, pp. 103-120; Dovbysh I.A., 2009, pp.22-26; Saguichenko V., 2010, pp. 9-12 ets.).

According to our belief, the introduction of democratic foundations in the main components of the management of a comprehensive educational institution will contribute to the increasing the effectiveness of the democratization of the relations of all subjects of the educational process, in particular: in the goal-setting -the priority of democratic and humanistic values in predicting and designing change; in the organizational framework - flexibility of organizational structures, democratization of internal management; in the processes - orientation to co-management, self-government, partnership, co-ordination of joint actions and goals, favorable communication; in personal abilities - the competence to establish a democratic interaction of all participants in the educational process (Voloshanska I.V., 2007, pp.154-157).

The main subjects of democratic interaction in a general educational institution are:

- students who carry out self-determination, self-realization and self-development in the social, economic, political and cultural spheres of social life of the local community as a center of civil society;

- teachers who recognize the value of each student, initiate the subject experience of educational interaction, promote its development and self-development as a subject of democratic interaction;

- parents of students who are partners of teachers in the common cause of education, upbringing and development of children;

- institutions of civil society (youth associations of general educational institutions and out-of-school educational institutions, public organizations, centers for social services for families, children and youth, nongovernmental organizations and cultural organizations, charitable organizations and foundations, business structures, church), bodies authorities (first of all, departments of education and science, departments of culture, departments for family, youth and sports, departments of justice, departments of social protection), local government (provincial, municipal, town and village councils) and the media as potential partners educational interaction.

According to our belief, the democratization of the relations of all participants in the educational process should be directed at solving the strategic task of preparing children and young people for a responsible and meaningful life and activities in a legal, democratic state, educating a person capable of solving vital issues independently, to be active in solving actual personal and social problems, based on knowledge of the laws, rights, freedoms and responsibilities of Ukrainian citizens.

Results. During the study together with the pedagogical, pupil and parent groups of experimental schools, democratic cooperation of all self-governing bodies of school was established in accordance with the following basic criteria:

- normative fixing (in the Charter of the school) the right to participate in the management of the educational institution of students and the parent community as the main consumers of educational services;

- ensuring the realization of equal right to participate in the management of the educational institution of all participants of the educational process by means of a normatively mandated delegating of authority to self-governing schools;

- realization of a clear distribution of delegated authorities and establishment of a control system for their implementation;

- normative consolidation and real use by all participants of the educational process of their rights and freedoms in their inextricable interrelation with duties and responsibilities;

- establishment of parity interaction between the administration of the educational institution and all self-governing bodies of the school in joint activities to improve the quality of education;

- providing periodic normative rotation of persons who manage self-governing bodies of the educational institution;

- adoption of any important decisions for activities of the educational institution on the basis of collective discussion, as well as taking into account the opinion of those persons directly concerned by this decision;

- transparency of the activity of self-governing bodies of a comprehensive educational institution, provision of the right to access information about their decisions and actions;

- periodic reporting on the activities of the administration of the educational institution and persons who manage the self-governing bodies of the educational institution, to other subjects of the educational process.

In the schools participating in the experiment, a coordinated division of powers and responsibilities between the administrations of educational institutions and public entities in the management of educational activities was implemented. In addition, all participants in the educational process have approved a system for resolving contradictions and conflicts that may arise between them.

As the leader in the research and experimental work, we emphasized the need for the administrations of experimental schools and self-governing governing bodies of the educational institution (the Board of the general educational institution, the Board of Trustees,

the Pedagogical Council, the Parents Committee, the organs of the students' self-government) to adhere to the decisions that are important for school life.

The transition from the administrative-command to the public administration of the general educational institution was gradually taking place in accordance with the following steps:

Step 1. Use the opinions, advice, expert conclusions of the advisory bodies in the course of making managerial decisions by the administration of the educational institution.

Step 2. Formation of the state-public type of management of the educational institution, aimed at adhering to the parity role of administrative decisions of the school administration and self-governing bodies.

Step 3. The really democratic management of the educational activity of the institution characterized by an equal relationship between the role of administrative and public administration.

Step 4. The predomination of the role of management solutions of pedagogical, student and parental self-governments above the role of the school administration's decisions.

Step 5. The democratic management of the educational institution is carried out mainly by the authorities of school self-government; the administration of the educational institution organizes the implementation of joint decisions of self-governing educational management bodies.

According to our observations, the implementation of the public nature of the management of the educational process has helped to ensure the rights of teachers, pupils and their parents to participate in the management of secondary educational institutions, the development of conciliation mechanisms in solving general tasks of educational activity, realization of interests and needs of all subjects of educational process.

Discussion. The results of the experimental work give grounds to assert that significant efforts should now be aimed at increasing the role of pupils' parents in the management of the educational activity of the educational institution, since traditionally the potential of the parent community was used previously only to address the issues of the development of the material and technical base of the educational institution and its improvement.

We advocate changing this approach and suggest that the interaction between the pedagogical staff and the parent community be realized in relation to the implementation other tasks of general secondary education, in particular: formation and development of the student's personality and his / her civic position, assistance in the formation of student self-government; upbringing pupils respectful to state shrines, Ukrainian language and culture, history and culture of peoples living in Ukraine; the formation of universal culture and morality, the culture of interethnic relations; development of natural abilities of students and support of gifted youth; prevention of neglected children in timefree and homelessness; professional orientation of students, organization of extracurricular and out-of-school work, and so on.

In order to protect the legitimate interests of children, it is really necessary to ensure the right of parent councils (committees) to appeal not only to the bodies of public self-government of the institution, but also to the relevant state and judicial bodies, and to resolve, within the limits of their authority, other issues of the activity of an educational institution, local authorities and local self-government bodies, internal affairs bodies, non-governmental organizations, enterprises, educational and scientific institutions, agricultural holdings and so on and so forth.

In addition, the parental council as the self-governing body should have the right to make proposals for improving the conditions for organizing the educational process, the right to control the rational use of the funds for general compulsory education, and in case of misunderstandings, to contact the relevant education management and public administration bodies to resolve conflict situations.

Thus, parents' councils should be empowered to take initiatives, participate in their implementation, monitor the activities of the administration and the teaching staff in respecting the rights of students to quality education, and to legitimately protect the rights of their children.

Conclusions. As a result, we will emphasize that it is not formal ("on paper"), but the actual activities of self-governing bodies of state and public administration of an educational institution will become the basis for creating a democratic atmosphere in school and beyond. Each advisory board of the school must have both certain powers and obligations to other self-governing structures, that is, in certain situations related to the exercise of the legitimate rights and interests of all participants in the educational process, it should serve as a guide, while in others - subordinate to the authority of other bodies of school management. In this situation, students learn how to manage and subjugate.

Democratization of the socio-cultural space of an educational institution, the establishment of parity dialogical relations of its subjects will promote the acquisition of students the experience of democratic interaction. Under such conditions, the institution will actually become the School of Democracy.


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Федюк Г.З.

астрант кафедри практично'1 психологи та педагогiки Львiвського державного yHieepcumemy безпеки життeдiяльностi


Fedyuk G.Z.

post-graduate student of the Department of Practical Psychology and Pedagogy

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Lviv State University of Life Safety


У статп розглянуто поняття «самоосвггня культура педагога», виявлено ïï компонентный склад, ви-значено послвдовш етапи та запропоновано шляхи формування самоосвiтньоï культуры педагога. Abstract

The article deals with the concept of "self-education culture of a teacher", reveals its component composition, determines the consistent stages, and suggests the ways of forming a self-educating teacher's culture.

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