TEACHING TOOLS AND ORGANIZATION OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
preschool education / pedagogical tools / organization of preschool education / human development

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rano Khamidovna Nosirova

Preschool education is an integral part and the first link in a unified system of continuous education, where the foundations of the personality are being formed. In accordance with the generally accepted age periodization of human development, preschool childhood covers the period from birth to 6 years old, when the child's motor, sensory and intellectual spheres are actively formed, his speech and basic mental processes, abilities and socially significant qualities develop.

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Rano Khamidovna Nosirova

Teacher of Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute


Preschool education is an integral part and the first link in a unified system of continuous education, where the foundations of the personality are being formed. In accordance with the generally accepted age periodization of human development, preschool childhood covers the period from birth to 6 years old, when the child's motor, sensory and intellectual spheres are actively formed, his speech and basic mental processes, abilities and socially significant qualities develop.

Keywords: preschool education, pedagogical tools, organization of preschool education, human development


A teaching tool is a material or ideal object that is used by the teacher and students to assimilate new knowledge (P.I. Pidkasisty). Material teaching aids:

-I- natural objects: objects of flora and fauna, real objects (objects);

-I- visual clarity (volumetric images): stuffed birds, animals, dummies of vegetables, fruits, etc.;

-I- toys: plot (figurative) toys: dolls, figurines depicting people and animals, vehicles, dishes, furniture, etc.;

-I- didactic toys: folk toys (nesting dolls, pyramids, barrels, etc.), mosaics, board and printed games;

-I- fun toys: funny figures of people, animals, fun toys with mechanical, electrical and electronic devices; sets of tricks;

-I- sports toys: aimed at strengthening the muscles of the hand, forearm, the development of coordination of movements (tops, circles, balls, hoops); promoting the development of running, jumping skills, strengthening the muscles of the legs, trunk (wheelchairs, bicycles, scooters, skates, rollers, jump ropes); intended for collective games (table basketball, hockey, ping-pong); musical toys: musical instruments imitating in shape and sound (children's balalaikas, metallophones, xylophones, accordions, drums, pipes, music boxes,


-I- plot toys with a musical device (piano, grand piano);

-I- sets of bells, bells, game devices for listening to music records;

-I- theatrical toys: dolls - theatrical characters, puppet puppets;

-I- sets of plot figures, costumes and costume elements, attributes, decoration elements, masks, props, large inflatable toys (fairy-tale characters, animals), etc.;

-I- technical toys: cameras, binoculars, telescopes, flying models, kaleidoscopes, children's sewing machines, etc.;

building and construction materials: sets of building materials, construction sets, incl. new generation constructors: "Lego", "Quadro", "Aquaplay", etc., light modular material;

homemade toys made of different materials: unformed (paper, cardboard, threads,

fabric, wool, foil, polystyrene), semi-shaped (boxes, corks, spools, plastic bottles,

buttons), natural (cones, acorns, branches, straw, clay);

equipment for experiments, play equipment, etc.;

educational and play aids: "Logic-baby", etc.;

didactic material (handouts).


The high intensity of the process of personality formation during preschool childhood makes it possible to especially effectively carry out pedagogical interaction with the child and solve the problems of his development, education and training. It is this position that gives grounds to consider the problems of purposeful teaching of preschool children in accordance with their specific age characteristics as the most relevant for the modern stage of development of both general and preschool didactics.

The formation of preschool didactics as a science and practice of the initial education of children was inextricably linked with the problem of mental education and development, which was considered as the most important direction, starting from the 1920s and 1930s. XX century, in the works of famous teachers and psychologists, such as P.P. Blonsky, P.F. Kapterev, N.K. Krupskaya, JI.I. Krasnogorskaya, A.M. Leushina, S.S. Molozhavy, E.I. Tikheeva, A.P. Usova and others. These studies were based on the pedagogical ideas of Western European thinkers - Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, F. Frebel, A. Disterweg, D. Dewey, M. Montessori and many others, developing and supplementing them in the traditions of Russian pedagogical culture.

The basis of the child's intellectual development before school was considered to be the improvement of sensory culture, the development of speech, the expansion of his horizons and the accumulation of knowledge about the phenomena of nature and social life. At the same time, it has been repeatedly emphasized that the arming of preschool children with knowledge is one of the conditions for the development of mental processes and various types of activity. Thus, it was supposed to focus on the priority of the knowledge component in the general development of the child and the process of his purposeful learning.

In modern preschool pedagogy, the problem of organizing educational work in preschool institutions occupies a special place. This is due to the fact that today the question of the need to design upbringing and educational work, focused on the principles of humanity, non-violence, subjectivity, integrity and integrativity, arises with all the urgency. It is the humane attitude towards the child as a subject of the educational process and the need to develop his inner potential with the aim of a more successful and less painful passage of active socialization are considered as the leading trends at the present stage of development of preschool education and upbringing. Preschool didactics is based on the assumption that the full development of a child should be carried out in an interesting, meaningful activity for him. Therefore, the teacher who constructs the educational process, it is necessary to present to the child all the variety of his inherent types of activity, pedagogically competently coordinating and integrating them with each other [1, p. 72].

The modern educational strategy orients preschool workers towards purposeful design and building of education based on the unity of the processes of socialization and individualization of the developing personality. The main requirement for the organization of educational work is the confirmation of the child's subjective position in the system of his life. In this regard, in the theory of preschool education, as well as in the practice of modern preschool institutions, it is a priori recognized that the process of teaching preschoolers is one of the most undeveloped and laborious in educational work.

The development of the second conceptual position was associated with the research of L.S. Vygotsky (1896-1934), who revealed the ability of preschool children to establish cause-and-effect relationships and acquire systemic knowledge. The logical development of scientific research was the birth of a modern research direction -research and the formation of a systematic knowledge of preschoolers (V.I. Loginova, St. Petersburg). On the basis of this approach in the textbook "Preschool Pedagogy"

(1988), published under the editorship of P.G. Samorukova and V.I. Loginova, the principle of the consistency of knowledge is proposed, which is interpreted by modern teachers in two directions: first, as the systematization of knowledge, and secondly, as the construction of systemic knowledge.

An analysis of the modern upbringing and educational process in kindergartens shows that until now it remains too regulated and "overorganized", which significantly reduces the interest of preschoolers in learning and their cognitive activity. In this regard, according to D.B. Elkonin, one of the most interesting and significant for preschool education is the issue of the integration of play and child labor as the leading types of activities of preschoolers and as the basis for their "social practice". The theoretical substantiation of this problem and the creation of an appropriate pedagogical technology make it possible to realize the idea of organizing a personality-oriented, holistic educational process in a modern kindergarten [11, p. 63].

The expediency of combining play and work activities in the educational process of a kindergarten is of particular importance for the development of a preschooler in connection with the special importance of play in the spiritual development of preschool children and the originality of the work activity of preschoolers, the isolation of which from play occurs gradually and is the result of the natural development of the play activity of children ... In this case, the main attention, according to the research of L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, N.N. Poddyakov et al., Is assigned to play, which is the leading activity for preschool children that satisfies the most significant social needs of the child. It is play that provides children with a state of emotional comfort, a sense of freedom in the implementation of their activity, and the manifestation of individuality. In the context of play as a leading activity, mental neoplasms specific for a given age stage arise, which are of paramount importance for the entire subsequent development of the child.


So, in ancient times, teaching methods based on imitation prevailed. Observing and repeating certain actions for adults, for example, labor, students mastered them in the course of direct participation in the life of the social group of which they were members.

Since the establishment of schools, verbal teaching methods have appeared. The main method of teaching was the transfer of ready-made information by the teacher

using the written, oral, and later also the printed word, with its subsequent assimilation by students. The word becomes the main carrier of information, and learning from books becomes one of the main tasks of education.

In the era of great discoveries and inventions, verbal methods gradually lose their meaning as the only way to transfer knowledge to students.

Methods of visual teaching, methods that help to apply knowledge in practice, receive development.

At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the concept of "learning by doing" using practical teaching methods aroused interest. Great hopes were also pinned on the next version of the verbal method based on the independence of the movement towards knowledge. However, this method requires too much labor and time to get results.

All of the above allows us to assert:

• Regardless of the role that in different periods of education development was assigned to one or another teaching method, none of them, being used by itself, does not provide the desired results.

• Since none of the methods is universal, good results can only be achieved with many methods. But in order for the teacher to use the variety of teaching methods, it is necessary to streamline them, bring them into a certain system.

Let's start by defining what is a teaching method?

The teaching method is the methods of joint activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving learning problems. You can also add that it is also the core of the learning process, the link between the projected goal and the end result; from Greek. - -literally: a path to something.

Each method consists of separate elements, which are called - techniques (for example, the techniques of the method of working with a book are drawing up a plan for what has been read, retelling, taking notes, etc.)

The set of techniques that make up the method, and serves to solve didactic problems (didactics from the Greek - - instructive, related to training):

Acquaintance with new material, acquisition of skills and abilities, their consolidation, application.

In the two-sided nature of the teaching method, one must be able to distinguish between teaching methods that perform informative and controlling functions (the teacher explains, shows, instructs), and teaching methods (the student listens, observes,


So, consolidating the material, the student performs a number of exercises suggested by the teacher, at the same time the teacher analyzes the student's actions, analyzes mistakes, organizes new exercises to consolidate successes, and controls the results.

Oral presentation as a teaching method contains not only the teacher's information, it is at the same time the student's activity aimed at perception and comprehension of the material.

The teaching method always includes the activities of the leader and the follower. This is its originality.

The originality lies in the fact that the teacher, controlling the activities of the student, must see the external and internal sides of the teaching method.

The process of cognition performed by the student is often hidden from the teacher, the external side of his activity (the student observes, reads, listens) does not yet reveal the process of cognition itself, its qualitative side. The student's activity, which is similarly expressed externally, internally, in terms of its qualitative characteristics, can be completely different.

So, while reading, a student can only pursue the goal of ready assimilation of ready-made information, but it can also be a search activity aimed at solving a cognitive problem. The knowledge acquired in the search activity is more conscious, durable, and mobile. It is easier for the student to apply them in practice.

The discovery of knowledge stimulates the development of his thinking, imagination, creativity. Thus, the pedagogical value of the method is determined by the internal, often hidden side of the cognitive process, and not by the external form of its expression.

The peculiarity of teaching methods is also that they are not static, they develop. The development of the method is associated with a change in the position of the student in the educational process. Teaching gradually enhances the student's independence in cognition, thereby increasing the possibility of including self-education in him. This problem is solved by the teacher in the process of managing the student's teaching.


Modern didactics does not yet have a single generally accepted classification of methods. Most often they resort to the classification of methods according to sources of

knowledge, according to which all teaching methods are divided into visual (demonstration, illustration, excursions), verbal (the teacher's living word, conversation, work with a book) and practical (exercises, creative work, laboratory, graphic) ... This classification does not reveal those internal processes that make up the essence of the method. In the group of methods for organizing and implementing educational actions and operations, subgroups can be distinguished: perceptual methods, which include methods of verbal transmission and auditory perception of educational information (they are abbreviated as verbal methods: story, lecture, conversation, etc.); methods of visual transmission and visual perception of educational information (abbreviated name -visual methods: illustrations, demonstrations, etc.); methods of transferring educational information through practical, labor actions and tactile, kinesthetic perception (abbreviated - practical methods: exercises, laboratory experiments, labor actions, etc.). A subgroup of logical methods, which includes methods distinguished on the basis of the leading logical operations used in the process of thinking: inductive, deductive and other methods. A subgroup of gnostic methods identified on the basis of assessing the degree of the exploratory nature of thinking: reproductive, problem-search, research, and other methods of the first and second subgroups can be implemented both under the guidance of a teacher or independently. Therefore, they can all be subdivided into two subgroups of management methods and self-management, or more specifically: methods of work under the guidance of a teacher and methods of independent educational work (work with a book, homework), as well as methods of control and self-control (methods of oral, written laboratory, machine control, self-examination of their knowledge.)

The goal of individually oriented learning: the development of a child as a special, single being, a carrier of peculiar individual traits that distinguish him from others.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of individually oriented teaching is the level of intellectual development of children: the development of visual-figurative, intuitive thinking, the prerequisites for logical thinking.

The principles of developing individually oriented learning:

... The principle of conformity to nature - orientation in the course of learning to the inner world of the child, creating conditions for self-expression and self-development of each participant. The realization of the inner potential of each child is facilitated by attention, respect, sincere expression of feelings to adults, trust in the relationship between an adult and children.

... The principle of freedom of choice: granting the child the right to choose the

content of the activity, determine its tasks, choose the ways to solve them, a partner for joint activities; selection of material and creation of conditions for independent activity of children.

... The principle of the openness of the didactic process: adjusting the content of education, depending on the real conditions of the course, age and individual capabilities and characteristics of children; individualization of tasks and conditions for their implementation; organization of interaction with peers, when the learning influence of an adult is complemented by the process of mutual learning [18, p. 32].

Forms of organization of individually oriented learning.

... Didactic play, as well as related activities (design, visual and musical activities, etc.) are the most effective forms of developmental learning (they allow you to transform a cognitive task into a game or practical one that has a personal meaning for children). The specificity of the game forms of the organization of education lies in the indirect influence of an adult on the development of children through the content and rules of the game. Nevertheless, if we restrict ourselves to the development of cognitive activity only through play, this can lead to significant differences in the levels of intellectual development and an increase in the number of children in need of correction.

... A game-lesson (in a group form - 8-10 children), which creates conditions for a more or less equal development of all children. The group form of organization of training allows you to really influence the development of each child. Options for organizing games-lessons:

option: one subgroup is engaged with the teacher, the other plays under the supervision of an assistant (preferably in another room), then the first subgroup gets together and goes outside with the assistant, and the second - works with the teacher;

option: training with both subgroups at the same time, when one group is engaged in independent didactic play, and the other is engaged under the direct supervision of a teacher; then the groups are swapped.

... Learning in everyday life (in the course of meaningful communication with an adult, situational communication between a child and an adult, in the course of independent activity) [19, p. 82].

Studying the dynamics of the development of children.

... The main method for studying the dynamics of the development of children is compiling


Thus, having analyzed the approaches to the organization of the educational process within the framework of traditional and innovative systems that have developed in domestic preschool didactics, it can be concluded that the teaching of preschool children is guided by general didactic positions, and also has its own specificity associated with the psychological characteristics of children of this age. groups.

The teacher carries out planning of his activities by drawing up calendar-thematic and lesson plans. Approximate calendar-thematic plans are published by the relevant methodological journals, and the teacher has to make only some adjustments in them arising from the characteristics of the school and class. The development of lesson plans can be helped by special manuals on teaching methods of the relevant subject. These manuals give advice on the nature of the problems to be solved during the lesson, highlight the most important and difficult elements of the content, recommend the most valuable demonstrations, experiments, exercises for consolidation, review and homework. The constant use of such teaching aids by the teacher significantly saves him time when planning lessons, allows him to choose from a number of possible options the most suitable for a given class.

Modern educational psychology believes that for each age period there is its own, most characteristic type of method of development and learning: in preschool - play, in primary school - learning, in middle school age - an expanded socially useful technique in all its variants (educational, labor, social-organizational, artistic, sports, etc.). During this period, students actively master various forms of education. At senior school age, a special form of educational activity becomes the leading one, which is already more vocational guidance and colored by independent moral judgments and assessments.

From all of the above, it follows that regardless of the child's age (he goes to kindergarten, school, higher educational institution), the construction of the educational process plan (for the educator, teacher, teacher) is based on the chosen teaching method. The only difference in methods for preschool children, school children, etc. institutions is that as the child grows up, the degree of emotional and mental stress increases.


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