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Ключевые слова
o‘zbek adabiy til me’yorlari / nutq shakllari / nutqiy faoliyat / nutq madaniyati / leksik birliklar. bilim / ko‘nikma va malakalar / lingvistik / kommunikativ / kompetensiyaviy yondashuvlar / o‘quv fanlarning o‘zaro integratsiyalashuvi / o‘qish / yozish malakalari.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Qurbonova Oysha Beknazarovna, Tuxtayeva Mehriyo Shavkatovna

Mazkur maqolada talabalarda nutq ko‘rinishlari,shakli, nutqiy, shaxsiy, kasbiy faoliyatini va ularda nutq madaniyatini rivojlantirishning o‘zaro bog‘liqligi, leksik, sintaktik birliklarni og‘zaki, yozma nutqda amaliy qo‘llash ko‘nikmasini takomillashtirib borish, bilim, ko‘nikma va malakalarning egallanishi, kompetensiyaviy yondashuvlarning o‘sish mazmuni bo‘yicha respublika hamda xorijiy tilshunos, metodist olimlar ilmiy fikrlari tahlil qilinib, ularga shaxsiy munosabat bildirilgan.

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1Nizomiy nomidagi TDPU Umumiy tilshunoslik kafedrasi v.b. dotsenti (PhD) 2Umumiy tilshunoslik kafedrasi o'qituvchisi https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10810522

Annotatsiya. Mazkur maqolada talabalarda nutq ko'rinishlari,shakli, nutqiy, shaxsiy, kasbiy faoliyatini va ularda nutq madaniyatini rivojlantirishning o'zaro bog'liqligi, leksik, sintaktik birliklarni og'zaki, yozma nutqda amaliy qo'llash ko'nikmasini takomillashtirib borish, bilim, ko'nikma va malakalarning egallanishi, kompetensiyaviyyondashuvlarning o'sish mazmuni bo'yicha respublika hamda xorijiy tilshunos, metodist olimlar ilmiy fikrlari tahlil qilinib, ularga shaxsiy munosabat bildirilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: o'zbek adabiy til me 'yorlari, nutq shakllari,nutqiy faoliyat, nutq madaniyati, leksik birliklar. bilim, ko'nikma va malakalar, lingvistik, kommunikativ, kompetensiyaviy yondashuvlar, o 'quv fanlarning o'zaro integratsiyalashuvi, o'qish, yozish malakalari.

Abstract. In this article, the interdependence of students' speech and its forms, personal, professional activities and the development of speech culture , improving the skills of practical application of lexical and syntactic units in oral and written speech, acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, the scientific opinions of republican and foreign linguists and methodist scholars were analyzed on the acquisition of skills and competences, the content of the growth of competence approaches, and a personal response was given to them.

Keywords: the norms of the Uzbek literary language, the forms of speech, speech activity, the culture of speech, lexical units, knowledge, skills and abilities, linguistic, communicative, competence approaches, mutual integration of educational subjects, reading, writing skills.

In recent years, more attention has been paid to the development of speech activity of students and their logical, creative, scientific thinking, correct and fluent speech expression at the educational stages. Here, the opinion of Methodist scientist M. Karakhodjayeva is important. "The more correct the speech, the more understandable it is. The more pleasant and expressive the speech, the stronger it affects the listener (interlocutor). In our opinion, in order for the speech to be correct and clear, students should learn to base it on the following aspects: Uzbek literary language standards; able to choose lexical, morphological, syntactic units suitable for each type of speech styles; to know that the words and phrases in the text are related to each other in terms of meaning and content; able to effectively use introductory words and introductions, combined and separated parts when expressing scientific and creative thoughts verbally and in writing; it is appropriate for him to put the units of speech characteristic of the methodological norm in place, to pay attention to being able to conclude his opinion logically. V.V.Repkina, E.V.Vostorgova and T.V.Nekrasova stated that "The integral task of the primary teaching of the mother tongue is the formation of reading and writing skills in students, which is a necessary condition for the success of all further learning. . The task of developing students' speech is important". Therefore, reading and writing skills are a process that is continuously developed in primary, secondary general education and higher education. These processes are transferred to speech activity as a result of the integration of subjects such as mother tongue, literature, and logic in relation to each other. Then, during the development of students' speaking activity, speech culture will also grow. The 5th meeting of the "Permanent Conference of the Uzbek Language" was called "Issues of

formation of speech culture in the educational process". This meeting focuses on the issues of formation of speech culture in the educational process. "Speech culture is a social phenomenon that is a part of human culture. Observance of high moral standards in the speech process, effective, beautiful and appropriate speech, listening culture, conversation culture, debate culture, attention and careful use of language in speech, in poetic words " The basis of speech culture is the selective use of each word. Usygy and speech culture are not exactly the same thing, they are separate phenomena that require each other, complement each other and elevate each other. as choosing a good thing, choosing a word also means choosing a place. "Speech culture teaches the secrets of oriental manners and communication, from a simple greeting to who, what, when, where, how to speak. This feature is instilled in the minds of students in the process of teaching the laws of phonetic phenomena" . "At the same time, all academic subjects in the school, without exception, should be indirectly involved in the education of speech culture. Whether it is mathematics, physics or history, it is desirable for the teacher to set an example with his speech culture, to demonstrate the complete language of the relevant field of study, and in this way to strengthen the student's sense of words. . Visualization has long been regarded as the most necessary factor in educational practice, so the teacher spends a lot of time preparing various visual aids. This is good, but we must not forget that teaching speech culture, cultivating a taste for beautiful words, in general, in the education of language aesthetics, the main, live demonstration tool is the teacher himself, his speech, speech is spirituality. By means of demonstration, students develop speech culture and meaningful expression skills, oral and written literacy. Therefore, the result has a positive effect on the development of structural components of students' speech competences, improvement of competence approaches occurs. M.M.Vahobov in his article entitled "Implementation of state education standards based on the competence approach and the model of monitoring the quality of education - an important factor in raising an intellectually developed generation" - "education based on the competence approach It is an education aimed at forming the competences of practical application of knowledge and skills in one's personal professional and social activities. From this point of view, the development of speech and linguistic, communicative, cognitive competences of students serves to develop their competence approaches. This, in turn, is effective in preparing them for personal and professional activities. Therefore, it is noteworthy that, in addition to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, the student can practically apply the series of knowledge in the process of learning subjects in his speech.


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