Научная статья на тему 'Tactical training of epee fencers at the stage of sportsmanship improvement'

Tactical training of epee fencers at the stage of sportsmanship improvement Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
tactical training / epee fencers / conditions of a real duel / adequate tactical actions / inadequate tactical actions / tactical defect / effectiveness coefficient

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Svetlana V. Sadykova, Elizaveta A. Fomina, Timur R. Zakirov

The research work is connected with tactical training of epee fencers at the stage of sportsmanship improvement. A purposeful improvement of tactical mastery among epee fencers was realized owing to created by us methodology of tactical training inclusion into the training process of epee fencers. The methodology is based on the exercises held in terms of conditions close to the conditions of a real duel. Research methods. Scientific-methodical information sources analysis and summarizing, expert analysis, documents analysis, pedagogical experiment, the received data analysis. Results. During the research we created the experimental methodology of tactical training among epee fencers and proved its effectiveness. It was demonstrated in the amount of an adequate tactical actions increase and the level of technical-tactical defects decrease and in the coefficient of the used tactical actions effectiveness increase. Conclusion. The effectiveness of tactical actions has a great influence on the result of a fencing duel. Tactical training of fencers should be directed toward adequate actions increase and should be organized in conditions close to a duel.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Tactical training of epee fencers at the stage of sportsmanship improvement»

UDC 796/799 DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-69-74

Tactical training of epee fencers at the stage of sportsmanship improvement

Svetlana V. Sadykova*, Elizaveta A. Fomina, Timur R. Zakirov

Volga region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism

Kazan, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-6403-3878, [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0001-8803-9214, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8736-6723, [email protected]

Abstract: The research work is connected with tactical training of epee fencers at the stage of sportsmanship improvement. A purposeful improvement of tactical mastery among epee fencers was realized owing to created by us methodology of tactical training inclusion into the training process of epee fencers. The methodology is based on the exercises held in terms of conditions close to the conditions of a real duel. Research methods. Scientific-methodical information sources analysis and summarizing, expert analysis, documents analysis, pedagogical experiment, the received data analysis. Results. During the research we created the experimental methodology of tactical training among epee fencers and proved its effectiveness. It was demonstrated in the amount of an adequate tactical actions increase and the level of technical-tactical defects decrease and in the coefficient of the used tactical actions effectiveness increase. Conclusion. The effectiveness of tactical actions has a great influence on the result of a fencing duel. Tactical training of fencers should be directed toward adequate actions increase and should be organized in conditions close to a duel.

Keywords: tactical training, epee fencers, conditions of a real duel, adequate tactical actions, inadequate tactical actions, tactical defect, effectiveness coefficient.

For citation: Svetlana V. Sadykova*, Elizaveta A. Fomina, Timur R. Zakirov. Tactical training of epee fencers at the stage of sportsmanship improvement. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(4): 61-65. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-69-74.

Introduction used the following methods: scientific-methodical

Tactics reflects an athlete's ability to use sources analysis, pedagogical experiment, methods

reasonably technical actions to win. The main of mathematical statistics. In order to estimate the

objective of tactical training is a fencer's tactical effectiveness of the experimental methodology we

thinking development. It is formed and becomes used the method of expert analysis of adequate and

a special fighting skill, where it is used in the inadequate tactical actions, used in a duel, which

corresponding conditions of a duel [1,2]. As some helped to calculate the coefficient of epee fencers'

authors say, in combat sports, including fencing, tactical actions effectiveness. tactical readiness of an athlete can provide victory The experiment was held on the basis of the

over physically developed opponent. That is why State autonomous establishment "Republican sport

it is important to provide high level of this kind of school of the Olympic reserve in fencing" (Kazan).

readiness [3,4]. At the same time, native and foreign 12 qualified epee fencers took part in the experiment

scientific-methodical sources analysis, concerning (candidate masters of sport). They trained at the

the topic of the research shows that there are not stage of sportsmanship improvement. so many research works dedicated to innovative

technologies of epee fencers' tactical training at the Results and discussion stage of sportsmanship improvement. This problem During the research we introduced the

conditioned the urgency of the present research methodology of epee fencers' (who trained at the

topic. stage of sportsmanship improvement) tactical

The aim of the research was in creation and training into the training activity. The methodology

experimental check of the of epee fencers' tactical was directed toward the index of adequate tactical

training methodology effectiveness at the stage of actions improvement during epee fencing duel.

sportsmanship improvement. The methodology was used at the training lessons

4 times a week. The exercises, included into the

Materials and methods experimental methodology, were different and were

In order to achieve the aim of the research we directed toward simple attack opposition.

It is "disguised" as a difficult one (complex 1) and a difficult attack opposition. It is "disguised" as a simple one (complex 2).

The exercises improved such tactical actions, as distance shortening, defensive and attacking actions, plans disguise, counterattacks opposition.

Each of the complexes included 4 exercisers and lasted 30-40 minutes. At the same time, the intensity of the 1st complex exercises was higher in relation to the intensity of the second complex. The intensity of the loads increased not long before the competitive events and decreased right before them, varied before the fighting practices and domestic

competition in order to create decreases and peak states of athletes.

During the whole period of the methodology introduction the experimental group improved tactical actions with the help of wire electronic fixators (electrofixer shows the hit by lighting the lights of different colors) in conditions close to fencing duel. It helped to define the effectiveness of the used tactical actions.

Table 1 presents the content of the tactical training experimental methodology among epee fencers. They train at the stage of sportsmanship improvement.

Table 1

The content of the tactical training methodology among epee fencers. They train at the stage of sportsmanship


CbrnrJoi 1. DiH^ult aback anpiMitiim. which :> dHcui>od" a* a >11:11 -■L c ucc

Emriu Tlic aimafa tarl^j.! aclnxn DLMICC

]. Duel aL¿¿barlcDcdlradc lor 5 Uta Disunite simple □Hauks u-.inu li -nu iltili prcparalorv aLtiixnr. 4 duel ■;

2. Duel aL a iibarlccicd 1raii for 15 Uh Resist nrnjilc alLi'.-l::- counlcralbLclcx'wilh imposition 4 duclj

J. PY-.lf-.ly dud (Id xccandxj E.l >:>r urnjik alLi'rls-iA ilhor without j. rcaclnn lo ITIL: .iri:i> 4x2 2

4. Duel t'iT 1 pu n: TilI for 15 hilx An alhlctc. whofc bit ix cuoudcrcd pin. >hruld find ih'j -way fullll I the attack ml >:k.>. v-hidi would help lo fulfill 1 pun: hil. The 11m of in athlete. 'ivhu-iL h il s arc con>idcrcd mutual. xhould rnaikuv^r ji>.I -i m.h the help ExTlhij planned action niaki: .'n1, hn 4 dnch (2 lac pure hir>. 2 lor IIILiLII bibs}

Complex 2. Simple attack apjHMitiuji. which ii di -.cui^d" as a difficult uoc

EuniH The aim L'l .1 tactical action Dukicc

]. Duel t'iT ccltinc inta the delimit: eckwlb 5 hir> Diiguiic diJTtruh aHackx u^iou. I1T1C term pnpanfn-y actiuois A duel

2. Duel id a hquji? lor 15 hits- RL->L>r sample aiLick> courricraMackx with ufflpositmn 4 duel

2. Only aruisclf prak-itirji; due] farfj ll II:- Rc>:st uinjit aiuek> Willi or without j. reaction lo ihc jn:i> A x2:l

J. Duel ncacthc wall fur 5 bit: RL->L>r ilircrl attacks. allaclu with m mJ 1wa liadm 412.1.

The dynamics of tactical readiness among the fencers from the experimental and control groups during the period of the research was defined by expert evaluation method. The experts were fencing coaches of high qualification. Their pedagogical experience was in the average more than 15 years.

In the opinion of Ryzhkova L.G. (2014), Semeryak Z. and others (2017), tactical readiness of the fencers should be improved not only by means of quantitative (general volume of the used tactical actions), but also qualitative indices increase.

Table 2 presents the results of epee fencers' tactical readiness from the experimental and control

As the table shows at the beginning of the research epee fencers from the experimental and control groups were statistically equal in tactical readiness. It means that the studied groups were homogeneous (P>0,05). After the pedagogical experiment end (the methodology was introduced into the training process of epee fencers form the experimental group during 12 months) we revealed that the epee fencers form the experimental group were statistically ahead of epee fencers from the control group in all indices of tactical readiness (P<0,05).

Table 2

Comparative analysis of tactical readiness among epee fencers before and after the pedagogical experiment


lndiccs. ]'cr>.iiJ cM llic expLnrnjcnl EG CG Pi Pi

Mim P Mim ?

Volume Dl'laLtiLal Adicru use i

adcqujlc: ■sh'frrtivc ÜCCSIDiflC dI' Iivi cxpcnmcnl 35,7=3,6 ¿Duos 37Ji±Jj6 >0,05 ^atts 20.05

lind ol rhe mpiijuni 56,9*1.2 37J±JJ5, 20.05

adcqujlc: Ici/hniLal laLtiLal dcfcd UccmDiric Dl'lbc Expaimenri ]£,2±3,7 VÜJ05 I] JjJjfi 20, D5 SO.05

lind ol rhe mpiijuni lR.DbJ.7 23Jt2.fi 20, 20.05

inadequate UccmDiric Dl'lbc cxpcTimcnl <11,3=5,5 ¿DUQ5 4fl.7±d.fi >0,(15 20, D5 SO.05

lind ol rhe cxpcTimcnl ■13.fisl.fi 20, D5 20.05

Vidimus l I irudcij nalc 1acl»ca.l aLtiiMis.{1*)

.in alhlcbc üoi a hn UccmDiric Dl'lbc cxpcTimcnl SJ.ttllJ ¿0.05 4flj6üfiJ söjas 20.05 SO.05

lind öl rhe cxpcnmcnl 5 ] ,7±] DL2 J*Ut2jO ¿fl.05 20.05

an alhlcbc ibdn'1 i\i a hdt Uccmoin l1 Dl'lbc cxpcnmcnl 4iU±S.9 ¿0.05 SSJriiJ söjas ■20.05 20.05

lind üH ehe cxpcTimcnl i5.9i22 20.05 20.05

NdIijx: EG cxpmcncnlal crnijiL CG luoItüI graqji: P. validity af different» between 1hc Jludicd Lh.iu jip a1 the heeir.i: :ij Dl'lhi- dpiinmoil: P: validity af dillcncoccä bclwccn 1bc studied L'n:up- in Ibc end ai'lbc ivpiTimein. M anchracciLal itkjd ol'lbr frariorc: m crrocoi arrihrrjclica] mean

Table 3 presents comparative analysis of tactical actions application indices change in duels among epee fencers during the period of the experiment. The presented table shows the following: in the experimental group the amount of the used tactical actions during the duel (apart from counterattacks) validly increased, the amount of effective attacks and effectiveness coefficient also increased (P<0,05). In the control group the amount of attacks with the reaction to the arms and the amount of counterattacks significantly increased (P<0,05),

Comparative analysis of the indices change of tactical

however, effectiveness coefficient in the first tactical action stayed validly unchanged (P>0,05), in the 2nd it validly decreased (P<0,05).

The created methodology introduction into the training process provided the following: epee fencers from the experimental group have the advantage over the fencers from the control group in terms of the used tactical actions amount, the amount of effective attacks and effectiveness coefficient (P<0,05), apart from summary amount of the used counterattacks, defenses and block (P>0,05).

Table 3

actions use in duels within the period of the experiment

Tadicj.1 aLtiujiF- fis. pen moil a.1 uraup i onm.ll eronp

1 1 II 1 ] ]] l 1

AHaukx villi1. Ihi.1 rcaulian to 1 Hl- arm>

■ iDtal M.6 11.5 CLlli M 70, 0.115 0.115 0.05

■ amount of cfFoclivc 19,E 47^21 30 4]

altSL-fc* CLI15 0.H5 0.H5 lk(15

1 cflbcti^icTics« 49,2 6fkJQ3 M2 57,76

HKADDII 0.r>5 0.&5 0.115 0.05


■ IDtal 1.15,0 ]5JD 0.r>5 ]3J0 1.6,D ¡1.05 0.H5 it.os

■ amount of cfFcdivc 7,H UQLJP 7.32 7,H

ittmii CLOS it.05 0,05 :t.05

- rfTcCtillCTCHi 56,3"ii 43JV

ooeffincril CLI15 ¡1.05 Q.H5 It.OS

Attacks -vnh c trarulcra. hcinii.

■ 1otal I2£ ]5J CLOS 12 J 1.2,1 0 .Di5 11.05 0.H5

■ amount of cfFoclivc 5j6 s S3

itta^i 0.r>5 0.H5 ma5 0.H5

- cficcti'ioicsK 59.9^4

OOeAuEIUl CLOS 0 .&5 11.05 0.H5

lideditx. bli^k.:-

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- to til 19,3 0.r>5 2fji 31,2 ¡1.05 0.H5 DJ)S

■ amount of cfFoclivc 1.2,0 ]3J 113,7

ittMil CLltt ¡1.05 0.H5 lt.05

■ riTcctiiiCTiciii MJ%

OOeAuEIUl ClOS !l.05 0,115 :t.05

AILLCLS- WI ill lalpe Kliaiu

■ 1atal 40 7JQ 0.r>5 *J6 5,1 0.H5 0J05 It.OS

■ amount of cfFcclivc 1,2 2,9 L,5 1.3

IttMil CLOS O.I>5 0.05 It.OS

- dTcCtil-lCTICI« JflJO^. 41 25.5%

ooe Hiring 0.r>5 0.H5 H.Q5 It.05

ntcs [ peyinmiij of the npauri; [[ 3)duf bempuui^ i1 liitTcioiLci-'biiL-v.eiiti 1hc examined

iironp-- ut I he hicinnm^ ol the enper-nujiil: J1.- dHlcrcneex Km l L'n lIl'J L~y.1111 .hl'J CriHjpN in ■:IL end oftfcr ispenniLiM.


As a result of the carried out research we revealed the effectiveness of the training epee fencers' methodology. It was demonstrated in adequate tactical actions valid increase and inadequate actions decrease among epee fencers form the experimental group and in effectiveness coefficient of duels increase (P<0,05).


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Submitted: 20.11.2022 Author's information:

Svetlana V. Sadykova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Volga region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 420035, Russia, Kazan, Territory of Universiade, House 35, e-mail: [email protected]

Elizaveta A. Fomina - Postgraduate, Volga region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 420035, Russia, Kazan, Territory of Universiade, House 35, e-mail:[email protected] Timur R. Zakirov - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Volga region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 420035, Russia, Kazan, Territory of Universiade, House 35, e-mail: [email protected]

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