Научная статья на тему 'Individualization of physical training of highly-qualified taekwondo practitioners'

Individualization of physical training of highly-qualified taekwondo practitioners Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
individualization / taekwondo / highly-qualified athletes / physical training / macrocycle

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Aleksandr S. Kuznestov, Yuliya V. Vladyko

Physical training reflects the base of sports training specific content. This is the process of motor abilities development and improvement. They are necessary for sports activity. The article is about effectiveness substantiation of an individual approach to planning physical training in taekwondo at the stage of the highest sportsmanship, taking into account the leading tactical manners of combats organization by the athletes. The authors present the results of a comparative analysis of three variants of macro cycles organization of different orientation. Material. 4 taekwondo practitioners of Higher Sport Mastery (Master of sport and Master of Sports of International grade) took part in the research. The material formed the results of an expert video analysis and planning analysis. Research methods. Scientific-methodical information sources analysis and summarizing, planning analysis, pedagogical observations, expert video analysis of competitive combats. Results. During the research we received the results. They prove positive influence of an individual approach to planning physical training among highly-qualified athletes on the effectiveness of competitive activity in taekwondo. Conclusion. Comparative analysis of competitive activity success among the respondents from the experimental group before and after the pedagogical experiment helped to define valid improvements in counterattacking and attacking technical-tactical actions effectiveness in combats. At the same time the leading tactical actions among the athletes didn’t change.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Individualization of physical training of highly-qualified taekwondo practitioners»

UDC: 796 DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-84-88

Individualization of physical training of highly-qualified taekwondo


Aleksandr S. Kuznestov'2, Yuliya V. Vladyko2*

'Tchaykovskiy State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport Tchaykovskiy, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-4294-3755, kuznetsov-as@mail.ru 2 Naberezhnye Chelny branch of'TISBI Management University" Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia lapochka2907@gmail.com*

Abstract: Physical training reflects the base of sports training specific content. This is the process of motor abilities development and improvement. They are necessary for sports activity. The article is about effectiveness substantiation of an individual approach to planning physical training in taekwondo at the stage of the highest sportsmanship, taking into account the leading tactical manners of combats organization by the athletes. The authors present the results of a comparative analysis of three variants of macro cycles organization of different orientation. Material. 4 taekwondo practitioners of Higher Sport Mastery (Master of sport and Master of Sports of International grade) took part in the research. The material formed the results of an expert video analysis and planning analysis. Research methods. Scientific-methodical information sources analysis and summarizing, planning analysis, pedagogical observations, expert video analysis of competitive combats. Results. During the research we received the results. They prove positive influence of an individual approach to planning physical training among highly-qualified athletes on the effectiveness of competitive activity in taekwondo. Conclusion. Comparative analysis of competitive activity success among the respondents from the experimental group before and after the pedagogical experiment helped to define valid improvements in counterattacking and attacking technical-tactical actions effectiveness in combats. At the same time the leading tactical actions among the athletes didn't change.

Keywords: individualization, taekwondo, highly-qualified athletes, physical training, macrocycle.

For citation: Aleksandr S. Kuznetsov, Yuliya V. Vladyko*. Individualization of physical training of highly-

qualified taekwondo practitioners. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(4): 73-76.

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-84-88.


In terms of constantly increasing competition between highly-qualified athletes the role of a purposeful specialized physical training increases. At high level competitions technical arsenal of taekwondo practitioners can be restricted enough, very often they use the same strikes, blocks, combinations. In such kind of situation a person, who has good technical-tactical readiness, effectively uses his individual characteristics. In this connection training process individualization among highly-qualified athletes is the most urgent problem for modern taekwondo.

In scientific-methodical sources, connected with special physical training in taekwondo there are no differences in the methodology of special motor skills development taking into account physical development indices, anthropometry, technical readiness and other characteristics of athletes. At the same time the significance of the factors, which condition special physical readiness, is not

the same for taekwondo practitioners. They prefer different styles of combat organization. The absence of scientifically substantiated data concerning the question of the training process organization taking into account the peculiarities of physical and technical-tactical readiness has a negative influence on further athletes' sports mastery development [3,6,10].

Nowadays the training process individualization is extremely important for high sport results achievement. It is considered one of the leading principles of physical education and sports training methodology [5,7,8].

Individualization is understood as the way of the training process organization and its individual means, methods and forms of lessons use, when an individual approach to the athletes is realized and the best conditions for their abilities development are created [4,8].

In course of sports qualification improvement the demands claimed on the training process

individualization also increase. However, the questions connected with practical use of individualization principle in taekwondo are not discussed enough. In practice the exaggerated value gained average sport norms. They lead to the absence of taking into consideration the athletes' characteristics. The reserves of sport results increase are in traditional ways of training transfer into the direction of kinds of training individualization.

Each person has a unique genetic organization, has a unique set of abilities [8,10]. That is why we set the aim in the work - to create and experimentally check the effectiveness of the loads organization methodology, directed toward motor abilities development among the qualified athletes. They specialize in taekwondo, taking into account their individual characteristics.

Materials and methods

In order to achieve the set aim we organized parallel pedagogical experiment in one of the macrocycles (16 weeks) of 2021/2022 academic year. Highly-qualified athletes, who were World-class athletes in taekwondo (EG - n=2; CG -n=2) took part in the experiment. Pedagogical observations were held before the experimental part of the research. The objects of observation were the following: the forms of the training process organization in macrocycles of training; the dynamics of special physical readiness indices in microcycles of training (at different stages of

the macrocycle); the methodology of the training loads organization in the separate microcycles and mesocycles of training, directed toward primary development of special physical qualities.

Results and discussion

The duration of the periods and stages of training in terms of one macrocycle is conditioned by great amount of different factors. They are conditioned by the specificity of competitive activity, the stage of a long-term training, the regularities of the process of different qualities and abilities improvement, by the individual morpho-functional characteristics of athletes, the peculiarities of training during the previous macrocycles and etc. [1,2]. These factors influence both the orientation of the training process and its structure (the division of macrocycles, periods and stages into meso- and microcycles). Such division is relative, but it helps to plan and control the process of training more effectively.

The distinctive feature of training in the control group (CG) was the fact that in the macrocycle (MAi) there was a smooth enough training loads distribution with the gradual volume and intensity increase during the first 11 microcycles of training and their further decrease during the 12-16 microcycles (Fig. 1). It means that during physical training planning individual peculiarities of the combat organization were not taken into consideration.

Macrocycle -1

250 2H3 150 100 50 0

llll 1111

| | |



29 It

1 3 4 5 6 7 E ■Techn cal-tactkal tr alining •Strength-oriented abilities development'

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ■ Speed abilities development 'Endurance development

Fig. 1. The variant of 16-weeks macrocycle organization with equal training loads distribution

In the experimental group (EG) one taekwondo practitioner had counterattacking manner of combat conduct. It means that physical training had to provide him an opportunity to achieve success owing to a quick distance decrease, quick and explosive strikes in counterattack [9]. That is

why in macrocycle (Ma2) the character of the main training loads distribution, directed toward motor abilities development, changes significantly (Fig. 2). The main stress in this macrocycle was on speed-strength oriented abilities development. The second taekwondo practitioner from the EG preferred the

tactics of an opponent's tempo suppression, that is endurance development (Fig. 3). why in macrocycle (Ma3) the stress was on special

Macrocycle - 2

300 250 200 150 100 50 0

I.hj .,'lT



1 1 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Technical-tacticaitranirg Speed abiities development

Strength abilities development Endurance development

Fig. 2. The variant of 16-weeks macrocycle organization with orientation toward the stressed speed-strength

oriented abilities development

Macrocycle - 3

300 250 2D0 150 100 50 0


»Techn Lai-tactical tr aining »Strength ab Sities development*

10 11 12 13 14 15 IS

■Speed ablities development

■ Endurance development

Fig. 3. The variant of 16-weeks macrocycle organization with orientation toward the stressed special

endurance development

Comparative analysis of competitive activity success among the respondents from the experimental group before and after the pedagogical experiment helped to define valid improvements in counterattacking and attacking technical-tactical actions effectiveness in combats. At the same time the leading tactical actions among the athletes didn't change. In the CG during this period (16 weeks) we revealed no significant changes in their competitive activity success.


Thus, all modern approaches concerning the loads alternation and combination during

physical training during the training year or the separate microcycle provide not consequent stages of unidirectional load planning, but a difficult combination of the different orientation work in terms of periodical ratio change toward the volume of work increase in correspondence with the specificity of the kind of sport, the period of training and individual characteristics of an athlete. The ratio change should be conditioned by the regularities of adaptive reactions and different sides of readiness formation in order to increase readiness for competitions during the considerable part of the year and gaining the greatest level of readiness by the moment of the main competitions.


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Submitted: 20.11.2022 Author's information:

Aleksandr S. Kuznetsov - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Tchaykovskiy State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, 617764, Russia, Chaykovskiy, Lenina str., House 67, Naberezhnye Chelny branch of 'TISBI Management University", 423806, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Komsomolskaya naberezhnaya str., House 6, e-mail: kuznetsov-as@mail.ru

Yuliya V. Vladyko - Undergraduate, Naberezhnye Chelny branch of 'TISBI Management University", 423806, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Komsomolskaya naberezhnaya str., House 6, e-mail: lapochka2907@gmail.com

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