DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-12-18
Factors conditioning high effectiveness of training with striking and wrestling technique combinations use in combat sambo
Ivan A. Davidenko'*, Aleksandr E. Bolotin2, Aleksey N. Sergeev1
'Mikhailovsk Military Artillery Academy Saint-Petersburg, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-6565-5620,* ORCID: 0000-0002-1395-5784, 2 Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University Saint-Petersburg, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-3048-378X,
Abstract: The authors defined the main objectives and factors, which influence the effectiveness increase of technical-tactical training among combat sambo wrestlers. As the main factors the respondents mentioned rational and didactically substantiated methodology of teaching combination; high level of sambo wrestlers' power and power endurance, coordinating ability and speed qualities development. The following abilities are very important: sambo wrestlers' ability to combine technical actions, which are included into the combination; the ability to disorient the opponent owing to high level of variability and preparatory actions unpredictability; the ability to choose the distance of beginning combination fulfillment; regulate the power and time of strikes and throws fulfillment, which are used in a combination; foreseen and understand the actions and the opponent's plans. Materials. The article presents technical-methodical aspects and the authors' research works results connected with the factors analysis, which condition high effectiveness of training with striking and wrestling technique combinations among 67 highly-qualified athletes, coaches and judges in combat sambo. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, pedagogical observation, questionnaire survey, competitive combats video analysis, methods of statistical data handling. Results. The authors proved positive influence of the revealed factors on the effectiveness increase of combat sambo athletes' technical-tactical readiness, which proves the necessity to take them into account in the training activity. Conclusion. The revealed factors help to optimize and increase the effectiveness of technical-tactical readiness among combat sambo wrestlers. Coaches and athletes should pay special attention to the amount of the studied striking and wrestling technique combinations increase during technical-tactical training process in accordance with the rational teaching methodology.
Keywords: factors, Mixed martial arts, combat sambo, effectiveness, technical-tactical training.
For citation: Ivan A. Davidenko*, Aleksandr E. Bolotin, Aleksey N. Sergeev Factors conditioning high effectiveness of training with striking and wrestling technique combinations use in combat sambo. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(1): 10-15. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-12-18
Nowadays scientists divide combat sport into 4 big groups: combats, which include a striking technique (boxing, kick-boxing, karate); wrestling kinds of combats (judo, sambo, freestyle wrestling); combats with a weapon (fencing, knife fighting) and mixed (complex) kinds if combats (combat sambo, hand-to-hand fighting, mixed wrestling combat), which include both wrestling techniques and strikes [9]. One distinctive difference of the mixed kinds of combats is the ability to combine the techniques of a striking and wrestling technique using different tactical styles of combat conduct, creating great
amount of variants of attack and technical actions combinations development.
Studying competitive activity of different kinds of combats shows that the ratio of combats results, which end ahead of time and general amount of combats in freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling was 32,5% and 51,5%, in amateur boxing - total 8%. [1, 6]. According to the results of video analysis more than 200 combats of combat sambo because of the opportunity to use different variants and combinations of technical-tactical techniques,
which help to win (knockouts, pain and suffocating techniques, distinctive superiority victory) this index was 76%. This was one of the reasons why combat sambo and other mixed combats became so popular among people, though specialists admit that methodical and scientific substantiation of the training process demands development and is interesting for scientists [2, 3, 5, 6, 10].
At the present development level of sambo we need constant athletes' performing mastery improvement, taking into account their individual morpho-functional characteristics and dynamically changing rules of kinds of sport. Highly-qualified athletes have relatively the same level of readiness and coaches have to search for new ways of technical-tactical training process optimization. One of such ways is the approach, which is based on priority of competitive activity relative to technical-tactical training [7,11,12,13]. Thus, athletes first of all should learn the techniques, which would lead to victory. Another progressive, but less studied approach to technical-tactical training organization in mixed kinds of combats became block periodization of educational-training process with striking and wrestling technique teaching in the separate successive blocks with further combination of studied earlier techniques [8,14,15].
Studying competitive activity of sambo wrestlers shows that technical-tactical arsenal of wrestlers, who won the combats for 41% includes the combinations of striking and wrestling techniques used from different distances. In our research work respondents mentioned that with sambo wrestlers' sportsmanship improvement the proportion of combined technique in general volume gradually increases. Striking, throwing and striking-throwing combinations use provides density of combat increase and attack effectiveness improvement. The use of techniques in the pit increases the possibility of pain and suffocating techniques organization. Apart from technical component such way of training helps to solve tactical problems of a combat: suppress techniques of an opponent, compel him make mistakes, control necessary tempo and distance of combat conduct. As a result, the effectiveness of technical and tactical actions considerably increases and it influences the amount
of points.
At the present stage of the research we defined the following complex of methods: information sources analysis and summarizing, pedagogical observation, questionnaire survey, competitive combats video analysis, methods of statistical data handling
The level of athletes' technical-tactical readiness was conditioned by many factors, but the main readiness index was stable results of performances during the competitions. We defined the main objectives of technical-tactical readiness quality improvement in combat sambo:
• wrestler's steady and effective technical arsenal formation, which provides set tactical objectives solution;
• training models creation directed toward time decrease, which is necessary for technical-tactical problems solution;
• gradual increase of technical-tactical combinations in general volume of technique;
• mastering the ways of rational power distribution during the attack, combat and competition in general;
• mastering the techniques of psychological influence on an opponent [4].
In order to solve the problems of sambo wrestlers' technical-tactical readiness level improvement we defined the factors, which influence the effectiveness of training using the combinations of different technical-tactical actions (table 1).
As the first factor, which was 19,1% from a summarized sampling variance, the respondents mentioned rational and didactically substantiated methodology of teaching combi-nations. Nowadays there is no created steady and generally adopted methodology of teaching combinations of technical-tactical actions in mixed kinds of combats. As a rule, coaches take into consideration own sports and pedagogical experience. During the survey among the specialist we defined the main demands claimed on this methodology formation: including earlier studied strikes and wrestling techniques into combinations; gradual intensity increase and complication of the conditions of combination
combination beginning, the way of tactical training, variant of attack development after combination fulfillment and others).
fulfillment; wrestlers' individual characteristics taking into consideration during technical-tactical actions selection; the necessity to model competitive situations with the set parameters (distance of
Table 1 - Rank structure of factors, which condition high effectiveness of technical-tactical training using the combinations of striking and wrestling technique in combat sambo
Rank Factors, which condition high effectiveness of training using the combinations of striking and wrestling technique Rank index, %
1 Rational and didactically substantiated methodology of teaching combinations 19,1
2 High level of wrestlers' power and power endurance development 17,1
3 High level of wrestlers' coordination 14,3
4 Wrestlers' ability to combine rationally techniques included into the combination 10,9
5 High level of wrestlers' speed qualities development 9,7
6 The ability of wrestlers to disorient the opponent owing to high level of variability and unpredictability of the preparatory actions 8,5
7 The ability of wrestlers to predict and quickly recognize the opponent's actions and intentions 8,0
8 The ability of wrestlers to select correctly the distance of combination fulfillment start 6,7
9 The ability to regulate the power and time of strikes and throws fulfillment used in the combination 5,7
The second factor, which takes into consideration high level of power and power endurance development, helps to preserve high working capacity owing to correctly selected tactics and an even distribution of power imputs during the whole combat. During this factor study the specialists mentioned that during the last minutes of the combat in terms of tiredness sambo wrestlers more seldom combine the strikes and wrestling techniques and more often use less effective single techniques. It was also mentioned that general power training should be organized at a basic stage in isometric, dynamic and isotonic regimens. Specialized power training should be organized at pre-competitive stage in speed and speed-power oriented regimens. Taking into account this factor is necessary for high power indices achievement, which in terms of relatively equal parameters of functional readiness give the greatest advantage in wrestling techniques organization in the stand and the pit.
The third factor was high level of wrestlers' coordination. Combats in general are difficult for coordination kinds of sport. In mixed kinds of combats claims on athletes' coordination include the demands of striking and wrestling kinds. It is necessary to take into account this factor in the training process in order to coordinate different in power, speed and direction strikes and wrestling techniques, for static and dynamic balance preservation during the separate techniques and their combinations fulfillment.
The forth factor, which was mentioned by the respondents, was wrestlers' ability to combine rationally the techniques included into the combination. In the opinion of the specialists, techniques selection in a combination should be based on correct biomechanics of movements and should provide combination fulfillment with minimal pauses between the combined techniques and with maximal effectiveness. The respondents mentioned that the most frequently used and
effective types of striking-throwing combinations were the following: ", strikes with hands-throws, fulfilled with hands", "head strikes-throws, fulfilled with the hip", "strikes with the knee-throws, fulfilled with legs" and others. Among the striking combinations two-strike combinations with hands were mentioned, among throwing combinations-combinations of throws, which end in techniques with the opponent's legs grip or an ankle trip were mentioned.
The fifth factor is connected with high level of wrestlers' speed qualities development. The respondents mentioned that wrestlers' speed abilities include simple and difficult motor reactions (reaction of choice), quickness and frequency of movement in joints, speed endurance. The most effective for combat sambo were specially selected exercises close to wrestling techniques in character of neuromuscular efforts and structure. Also the specialists mentioned that speed qualities correlate with the level of power development: the higher power indices during the preparatory period are, the bigger is the increase in speed of combination techniques fulfillment. Taking this factor into consideration is necessary for successful technical-tactical arsenal realization during the combat [2, 3].
The sixth factor was the ability of wrestlers to disorient the opponent owing to high variability and unpredictability of the preparatory actions. The main preparatory actions of the striking and wrestling technique combinations included different ways of tactical training (false attack, pulling apart, danger of attack, challenge, the levels of attack change, manoeuvring, onset), defensive actions (turning aside, ducking, support, parry, strap, block) and own attacking and counterattacking actions (attempts to throw, wrestling techniques in the pit, strikes with hands, kicks and hand strikes, fulfilled in capture of the opponent and without it). Taking this factor into consideration helps to use trademark blows and wrestling techniques against different in anthropometric characteristics and tactical types of opponent's actions.
The seventh factor, which takes into account the ability of wrestlers to predict and quickly recognize the opponent's actions, is closely connected with psychomotor, genetically set
characteristics of nervous system and the level of wrestlers' tactical readiness. In the opinion of the respondents, with sportsmanship improvement the peculiarities of a wrestler's temperament and neuromuscular apparatus gradually influence the technique of actions fulfillment and wrestlers' tactical style formation. That is why during technical-tactical readiness improvement it is necessary to master the techniques and strikes together with tactical actions, which neutralize the actions of an opponent.
The eighth factor was the ability of wrestlers to select correctly the distance for the beginning of the combination fulfillment. In combat sambo there are far, average and close distances with capture of the opponent or without it. The specialists mentioned that for the attack beginning fa distance was the most effective for striking combinations, the average distance for striking-throwing combinations, close distance for throwing combinations. Correct distance selection helps to increase the variability of the preparatory actions and the effectiveness of combination, neutralize the attacking actions of an opponent.
The ninth factor, which takes into account the ability to regulate the power and time of strikes and throws fulfillment, used in combination, is closely connected with the factor of wrestlers' coordination. Taking this factor into consideration helps to control muscle tension during techniques and their combinations fulfillment, regulating the speed of their fulfillment and own energy expenditures. The specialists underlined that the strikes, depending on the power and direction, can be fulfilled both for making damage and as a training for an effective technique fulfilment during technical-tactical combination: knockdown, knockout, throw, suffocating or pain techniques. The ability to control the speed of combinations fulfillment in terms of tiredness owing to power of influence stabilization is typical for highly-qualified combat sambo wrestlers.
Carried out by us research work proves positive influence of the revealed by us factors on the effectiveness of technical-tactical readiness
increase among combat sambo wrestlers and shows the necessity of their complex taking into consideration in the training activity. In our opinion, coaches and athletes should pay special attention to the amount of the studied combination of striking and wrestling techniques increase during technical-tactical training in accordance with rational methodology of teaching.
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Submitted: 03.02.2021 Author's information:
Ivan A. Davidenko - Lecturer, Mikhailovsk Military Artillery Academy, 195009, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Komsomola str., House 22, e-mail:
Aleksandr E. Bolotin - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, 194064, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Politechnicheskaya str., House 29, e-mail: a bolotin@
Aleksey N. Sergeev - Lecturer, Mikhailovsk Military Artillery Academy, 195009, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Komsomola str., House 22, e-mail: