Научная статья на тему 'Methodology of technical readiness level increase among qualified boxers on the basis of an integrative approach'

Methodology of technical readiness level increase among qualified boxers on the basis of an integrative approach Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
boxing / integrative approach / methodology / technical / physical readiness

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Faat A. Gatin

In theory and practice of sports training among qualified boxers a constant search for the ways of competitive activity effectiveness increase is realized. Great attention is paid to artificial managing environment creation and application using different boxing apparatuses and training simulators, which provide indices of speed-power qualities increase, motional reaction quickness improvement, situation control. In order to increase the level of technical readiness sparring and simulated combats were widely used in complicated conditions of training activity: in terms of fatigue; in case of rounds duration increasing; with a wider use of ring; with speed ups according to the signal of a trainer and etc. Material. The article offers theoretical effectiveness substantiation of the integrative approach to combatants’ sportsmanship improvement, new approach to training process organization on the basis of the following prospective directions integration of training process effectiveness increase: the skills formation of the variative component of motional skill use, which helps to master new ways of the main techniques fulfillment in different, unexpectedly appearing situations of a boxing combat and it disorients the opponent, decreases his self-confidence. The skills formation of motional actions extrapolation on the basis of their structural identity revelation with the attacking techniques, gives an opportunity to decrease considerably the volume of preparing exercises, increase the density of combat, more effectively control the situation. The skills formation of modeling the movements of the opponent helps to predict his actions, take the initiative and impose the tempo and rhythm of motional activity. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature theoretical analysis and summarizing, testing, pedagogical experiment. Results. The integrative approach use to the methodology creation of sports training development among qualified boxers helped to combine the following directions of sportsmanship improvement: variative component of a motional skill formation, which provides timely choice of the most effective for the definite situation way of technique fulfillment; the skills of motional actions extrapolation use, which help to predict successfully the opponent’s actions on the basis of a structural similarity of preparatory and supplying exercises with the main technique; the skills formation of modeling the opponent’s actions, which creates the conditions for the initiative taking during the combat; the development level increase of the leading motional-coordinating qualities, as the base for sportsmen’s technical readiness. Conclusion. The presented materials of the research helped the author to reveal the most important ways of training and competitive activity effectiveness increase, which have a considerable influence on qualified boxers’ sportsmanship improvement. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of the created methodology of training boxers.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methodology of technical readiness level increase among qualified boxers on the basis of an integrative approach»

THE RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT (Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), Volume 13 No.1 2018

_ISSN 2588-008X ISSN 2588-0225

DOI 10/14526/01_2018_278


Faat A. Gatin - Postgraduate Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia

E-mail: ld [email protected]

Annotation. In theory and practice of sports training among qualified boxers a constant search for the ways of competitive activity effectiveness increase is realized. Great attention is paid to artificial managing environment creation and application using different boxing apparatuses and training simulators, which provide indices of speed-power qualities increase, motional reaction quickness improvement, situation control. In order to increase the level of technical readiness sparring and simulated combats were widely used in complicated conditions of training activity: in terms of fatigue; in case of rounds duration increasing; with a wider use of ring; with speed ups according to the signal of a trainer and etc. Material. The article offers theoretical effectiveness substantiation of the integrative approach to combatants' sportsmanship improvement, new approach to training process organization on the basis of the following prospective directions integration of training process effectiveness increase: the skills formation of the variative component of motional skill use, which helps to master new ways of the main techniques fulfillment in different, unexpectedly appearing situations of a boxing combat and it disorients the opponent, decreases his self-confidence. The skills formation of motional actions extrapolation on the basis of their structural identity revelation with the attacking techniques, gives an opportunity to decrease considerably the volume of preparing exercises, increase the density of combat, more effectively control the situation. The skills formation of modeling the movements of the opponent helps to predict his actions, take the initiative and impose the tempo and rhythm of motional activity. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature theoretical analysis and summarizing, testing, pedagogical experiment. Results. The integrative approach use to the methodology creation of sports training development among qualified boxers helped to combine the following directions of sportsmanship improvement: variative component of a motional skill formation, which provides timely choice of the most effective for the definite situation way of technique fulfillment; the skills of motional actions extrapolation use, which help to predict successfully the opponent's actions on the basis of a structural similarity of preparatory and supplying exercises with the main technique; the skills formation of modeling the opponent's actions, which creates the conditions for the initiative taking during the combat; the development level increase of the leading motional-coordinating qualities, as the base for sportsmen's technical readiness. Conclusion. The presented materials of the research helped the author to reveal the most important ways of training and competitive activity effectiveness increase, which have a considerable influence on qualified boxers' sportsmanship improvement. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of the created methodology of training boxers.

Keywords: boxing, integrative approach, methodology; technical, physical readiness.

Urgency. Competitive activity of a boxer includes the attacking and defensive techniques, counterblow and preparing actions, different ways of movements, manoeuvring and etc. In the opinion of E.P. Vrublevskiy, 2007; V.I. Filimonov, 2007;

A G. Petrov, I S. Kolesnik, 2009 and others, the formation level of attacking and defensive actions individual technique, which helps to fulfill precise blows to pain zones, is the leading condition for high results achievement in a chosen kind of sports activity. Scientific

and scientific-methodical literature analysis showed that in order to solve the problems of sport training system effectiveness increase among qualified boxers, different regimens of motional load and their combinations are created in order to develop and improve speed-power qualities; different power training simulators are used, which are considered not very promising by the specialists, as they provide muscular power indices increase in terms of negative influence on speed qualities increase [3, 11, 13]. It makes the search for new approaches to qualified boxers training process organization very urgent, as they are directed at their physical and technical readiness increase.

The aim of this work is theoretical effectiveness substantiation of integrative approach use to combatants' sportsmanship improvement.

Objectives: 1. The importance revelation of different directions integration for the system of sports training development. 2. The methodology of technical training development and its effectiveness check during a pedagogical experiment.

Material. Sports training among qualified boxers has a difficult content, which is conditioned by the necessity to solve a complex of different problems, the realization of which is connected with the system of means, methods, forms of training lessons organization choice. The peculiarity of this kind of sport is the probability of one and the same technique fulfillment using different ways. The effectiveness of a fulfilled motor act considerably increases in case of the skills of movements extrapolation formation. The skills of movements extrapolation use provide timely speed up of the fulfilled techniques, rational distribution of muscular efforts, efficiency of actions increase.

An important component of technical training among qualified boxers is the ability to model the opponent's techniques. It helps to determine own program of combat organization, predict the opponent's actions and fulfill an effective combination beforehand [4, 6]. The power and accuracy of the attack is conditioned by the indices of muscular power, quickness of motional

reaction, body steadiness, accuracy, dexterity, flexibility and other motional-coordinating qualities manifestation [7, 8, 11]. Together with variative component of motional skill formation, the opponent's motional actions extrapolation and modeling, an optimal level of combatants' coordinating training achievement are also one of the directions of sportsmanship improvement.

These approaches use for the system of boxers' sports training improvement is based on integrative approach realization, which provides structural components of the training lesson combination for effectiveness increase. The result of integrative training is competitive activity objectives realization at a definite stage of sports training of qualified boxers. The methodology of sports training development among combatants on the basis of an integrative approach includes means of variative component of a motional skill formation. The research results helped A.A. Novikov, 2000, theoretically substantiate correctional, compensatory, adaptive and tactical variability depending on the appearing situation during the process of confrontational sides interaction.

The accuracy of the originated during the combat situation perception and estimation gives an opportunity to choose the most effective way of the attacking technique fulfillment, which helps to consider this orientation of sports training development among qualified boxers as prospective one. Different variants of the attacking action fulfillment create conditions for optimal tempo-rhythmic parameters of motional actions choice, taking into account constantly changing situations and it increases the effectiveness of controlling the process of interaction with the opponent.

The most effective variant of the striking action choice is mainly conditioned by quickness of motional reaction, which provides the most successful moment revelation in order to take initiative, increase control over situation; effective techniques use, the opponent's actions prediction. The research results geld by A.I. Garakyan, 2007; A G. Shiryaev, 2007; S R. Zaynullin, 2008; I S. Kolesnik, 2010; A G. Petrov, 2010; Y.M.

Aleksandrov, 2014 and others showed that boxers' training and competitive activity effectiveness decrease is conditioned by monotony and insufficient variability of the attacking techniques ways fulfillment.

A high speed of motor acts in boxing is provided by strength and automatism of motional skills, owing to which boxers get the ability to fulfill effective attacking and defensive techniques. It proves the urgency of motional skills variability use in order to increase the level of technical readiness. Strength and variability of motional skills is conditioned by consistency between the working muscles activity and vegetative organs. Sensory systems give information about the changes during a sports combat, time of technique beginning and end. When an organism achieves a new level of functioning as a result of systematic physical load, providing vegetative components of motional activity lead to blood circulation and respiration processes increase, realizing mobilization of repository blood.

IS. Kolesnik, 2010, thinks that variability of techniques fulfillment is improved in case of motivation and goalsetting improvement, an optimal level of motional-coordinating qualities development, taking into account general principles of sports training: gradualness and succession of maximum muscular load increase; an objective analysis and estimation of own and opponent's movements and actions.

For the skills formation of variative techniques fulfillment it is reasonable to use the system of motional tasks:

- predicting the kind of opponent's attacking strike, fulfill a counterattack using series of defensive actions (no less than 5);

- during the attack of the opponent in accordance with his actions modeling by the attacking boxer avoid the strike ducking, evading right and left, step back with further fulfillment of the attacking powerful strike;

- the series of the striking actions fulfillment into special zones, marked on sports simulators: punching bag, punch bag and others;

- attacking strikes fulfillment with a gradual tempo increase and additional

motional actions use: spinnings, turns, jumping forward;

- accompanying each attacking strike with a complex of defensive actions: turning aside left, right, ducking.

During manoeuvring the attacking boxer uses the skills of modeling the opponent's striking and defensive actions according to the initial position, preparatory movements, pose in the existing situation of sports combat. The diversity of the mastered preparatory and special actions creates conditions for their creative use, taking into account strong and weak sides of the opponent, height-weight indices ratio. Individual peculiarities of the opponent revelation gives an opportunity to use false movements on the ring during manoeuvring and it makes predicting the kind, form and the way of the attacking technique difficult; the opponent makes technical mistakes, which help the attacking boxer realize personal program of combat conduct. A clear manoeuvring prevents the opponent's algorithm of techniques realization, decreases self-confidence and psycho-emotional state. In order to form the skills of modeling the opponent's actions during the combat sportsmen were offered the following motional tasks:

- to guess the kind of the attacking technique of the opponent according to a stand, the parts of his body position;

- to reveal the moment of the attaching action, start according to the initial position of the opponent;

- after the attacking strike define the effectiveness degree opponent's defensive techniques of the complex;

- to define the peculiarities of the opponent's motional actions' tempo and rhythm according to the speed of movement on the ring;

- to fulfill no less than 5 single strikes during the combat: straight right-hand blow to the head with the step forward; straight blow with far from the opponent hand to the head; straight blow with close to the opponent hand to the head; the same with the left hand modeling the opponent's reactive actions;

- while maneuvering fulfill false preparing action in order to model the opponent's reactive action.

A boxer's training and competitive activity content provides great amount of attacking and defensive actions, variants of movement on the ring, the ways of distances use. In order to be mastered each technique needs the skills of the corresponding preparatory actions formation, the number of which can be reduced by means of mastering the skills of extrapolation. It creates the conditions for other variants of techniques mastering and use, which have structural similarity with earlier studied striking action. Extrapolation development is provided by different conditions of earlier mastered attacking action creation: in case of motional actions tempo increase, unexpected for the opponent; false techniques use, which disorient the opponent; distance use, which is uncomfortable for the opponent; simulated combat simultaneously with two partners with a gradual increase of motional actions tempo.

Preparatory exercises selection for the technique of the attacking and defensive actions mastering and their use in the training process provides a rational volume use of the training load. Knowing the mechanism of extrapolation helps to reveal preparatory actions with closer structural content and reduce their general amount, which provides efficiency of energy expenditure and gives an opportunity for including new ways of the attacking and defensive techniques into the training lessons.

In order to check the effectiveness of this methodology a pedagogical experiment was held. 32 qualified boxers of the IInd and the Ist category (17-19-year-old) took part in the experiment. Two groups were organized: the control group (CG) and the experimental group (EG), each group included 16 people. Before the pedagogical experiment a test was held in order to reveal the level of physical and technical readiness. In order to reveal the indices of physical readiness the following tests were used: 30 meters running(seconds); 100 meters running (seconds); 3000 meters running (minutes); standing long-jump (cm); pull-up hanging (quantity); shot put (4 kg)

(cm); shot put (4 kg) with the right and the left hand (cm).

The level of technical readiness is determined according to the activity of variative component of a motional skill use, enlarging the range of motional skill extrapolation and also according to the degree of the opponent's skill of motional actions modeling. The following things were estimated: use of different ways of one and the same striking action fulfillment in different situations, appearing during the combat; the skills of extrapolation use during the opponent's motor acts prediction; the skills of the opponent's attacking and defensive actions modeling.

Evaluation criteria:

5 points - wide use of different variants of the striking action depending on the peculiarities of unexpectedly appearing environment of the combat; extrapolation use for speed of the attacking technique fulfillment; the opponent's movements modeling, which help to predict his actions;

4 points - the skills of technical attacking and defensive actions variability use, taking into account individual peculiarities of the opponent; extrapolation use for own actions effectiveness increase; active modeling of the algorithm of the opponent's attacking actions by means of the character of his motor acts prediction;

3 points - restricted use of the motional actions variability and extrapolation skills and also the opponent's movements modeling in stress conditions of competitive activity;

2 points - ineffective use variability, extrapolation and modeling skills of the opponent's actions, inability to orient oneself in quickly changing environment of a boxing combat;

1 point - insufficient formation level of variability, extrapolation and modeling skills of the opponent's movements in terms of a low level of physical and technical readiness.

The level of technical readiness estimation was realized (according to 5-points system) by the group of qualified, experienced experts-trainers. The training

lessons in the CG were held in accordance with the program of sports training among qualified boxers, adopted by boxing federation of the Russian Federation [1]. In the EG created by us methodology of technical training increase was used on the basis of the integrative approach. After the pedagogical experiment one more test was held in order to check physical and technical readiness of boxers from the CG and the EG, using the same tests and evaluation criteria. The results of pedagogical experiment analysis showed that test results improvement was in both groups: the CG and the EG, with considerable advantage of EG indices. In the CG with the initial results in 30 meters running 5,37±0,16 seconds to the end of the pedagogical experiment results improved till 5,23±0,19 seconds, (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial indices 5,40±0,20 seconds, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results increased till 5,07±0,17 seconds (p>0,05). In the CG with the initial results in 3000 meters running 14,31±0,52 minutes, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results increased till 14,12±0,29 minutes (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 14,20±0,36 minutes, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices improved till 13,78±0,30 minutes (p<0,05). The same tendency of more considerable indices improvement among boxers from the EG was revealed according to other tests.

Technical readiness indices also changed. In the CG with the initial results of using the skills of movements variativity 3.1±0,22 points, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices improved till 3,4±0,19 points, (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 3,0±0,17 points, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results improved till 3,9±0,14, (p<0,05). In the CG with the initial results of extrapolation skills formation 2,9±0,19 points, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices increased till 3,2±0,16 points, (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 3,1±0,17 points, to the end of the experiment the results increased till 3,9±0,15 points, (p<0,05). In the CG with the initial results of the skills formation of the opponent's movements modeling 3,3±0,14

points, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices increased till 3,5±0,17 points, (p>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 3,2±0,16 points, to the end of the pedagogical experiment the results improved till 4,0±0,21 points, (p<0,05).

Conclusion. Thus, the results of the pedagogical experiment showed that integrative approach use during the methodology creation of technical readiness level increase among qualified boxers helps to use simultaneously several prospective directions of combatants' sportsmanship improvement. It is provided by the diversity of the used means and methods, wide use of different motional tasks, which activate creative and motional abilities of sportsmen and it improves their self-confidence; provides physical and technical readiness indices increase.


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Author's information:

Faat A. Gatin - Postgraduate Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 4, area of 100 th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

For citations: Gatin F.A. Methodology of technical readiness level increase among qualified boxers on the basis of an integrative approach, The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Phycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), 2018, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 6-11. DOI 10/14526/01_2018_278

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