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The Scientific Heritage
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Ключевые слова
інноваційні технології / компетенція / професійні компетентності / медична освіта / компетентнісний підхід / innovative technology / competence / professional competence / medical education / competence approach

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Чорненька Ж.А., Юрнюк С.В., Манчул Б.В.

У статті розглядається питання про те, що застосування інноваційних технологій навчання є необхідною умовою ефективної роботи студентів в умовах вищого навчального закладу. З’ясовується сутність поняття «компетенція» і «компетентність». Обговорюються питання застосування інноваційних технологій у навчальному процесі у вищих медичних навчальних закладах.

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The article discusses the problem of the use of innovative learning technologies as an essential method in terms of higher education. The relevance and feasibility of implementing competence-based approach as a means of modernizing the content of higher medical education are also analyzed. It is also crucial to understand the meaning of "competence", "competency approach" in improving vocational and educational training of teachers and in preparing of students of medical institutions for professional work. The authors consider the use of innovative technologies in the educational process in higher educational institution. The specifics of competent training is not in getting “ready” knowledge offered by someone, but rather in the necessity to learn how to solve problems. In this approach educational training becomes an object of education itself, acquiring practical and transformative features. Nature of co mpetence is that it is a result of learning, It’s rather the result of individual self-training, his self-growth, resulting in generalization of its activities and self-experience.




1. Vasylenko M. M. (2016) Tezaurus doslidzhen-nia profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh fitnes-treneriv u vyshchomu navchalnomu zakladi. [Thesaurus research of professional training offuture fitness trainers in a higher educational institution] ScienceRise. Pedagogical Education. No 8(4). pp. 4-10. (in Ukrainian).

2. Vasina L. S. (2013) Formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti - priorytetne zavdannia reformuvannia osvity. [Formation of professional competence is a priority task of education reform] Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Khmelnytskoho instytutu sotsialnykh tekhnolohii Universytetu "Ukraina" No 1. pp. 47-50. (in Ukrainian).

The scientific heritage No 11 (11),2017

3. Korh-Cherba O. V. (2015). Basic directions to realization of approach in the system are professional activity of the future fitness-trainer. Scientific journal National Pedagogical DragomanovUniversity Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports). Vol. 3(1). pp. 192195. (in Ukrainian).

4. Lozovetska V. T. (2008) Profesiina kompetentnist. Entsyklopediia osvity. K. Yurinkom, 1040 p. (in Ukrainian).

5. Sevryukov I. Yu, Taskaev E. N. (2015) Turistsko-rekreatsionnaya deyatelnost: terminolog-icheskiy aspekt. Mezhdunarodnyiy nauchnyiy zhurnal «Simvol nauki». No. 10. pp. 76-80. (in Russian).

Чорненька Ж.А.

кандидат медичних наук, асистент кафедри соц1ально'1 медицини та органгзацИ охорони здоров'я

ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний медичний утверситет».

Юрнюк С.В.

асистент кафедри судовоХ медицини та медичного правознавства ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський

державний медичний унгверситет».

Манчул Б.В.

асистент кафедри суспшьних наук та укра'шознавства ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний

медичний унгверситет».




Chornenka Zh.A.

Assistant professor of Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»

Yurnyuk S. V.

Assistant Professor of Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»

Manchul B.V.

Assistant Professor of Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies of Higher State Educational

Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University».


У статп розглядаеться питання про те, що застосування шновацшних технологш навчання е необидною умовою ефективно! роботи студенпв в умовах вищого навчального закладу. З'ясовуеться сутшсть поняття «компетенщя» i «компетентшсть». Обговорюються питання застосування шновацшних технологш у навчальному процес у вищих медичних навчальних закладах.


The article discusses the problem of the use of innovative learning technologies as an essential method in terms of higher education. The relevance and feasibility of implementing competence-based approach as a means of modernizing the content of higher medical education are also analyzed. It is also crucial to understand the meaning of "competence", "competency approach" in improving vocational and educational training of teachers and in preparing of students of medical institutions for professional work. The authors consider the use of innovative technologies in the educational process in higher educational institution.

The specifics of competent training is not in getting "ready" knowledge offered by someone, but rather in the necessity to learn how to solve problems. In this approach educational training becomes an object of education itself, acquiring practical and transformative features. Nature of co mpetence is that it is a result of learning, It's rather the result of individual self-training, his self-growth, resulting in generalization of its activities and self-experience.

Ключовi слова: шновацшш технологи, компетенщя, професшш компетентности медична освгга, компетентнюний шдхвд.

Keywords: innovative technology, competence, professional competence, medical education, competence approach.

The scientific heritage No 11 (11),2017

The main objective of high school is to develop well-trained specialists, with solid theoretical base, who are able to apply knowledge in practice, are able to self-improvement and self-control. This is especially important in the medical field, where human life depends on the adoption of timely and appropriate decision. In modern society education does not stop with graduation from university. Currently possession of professionals requires not only expertise as the ability to seek out information, but the ability to absorb new technologies for learning, lifelong mobility and flexibility.

The introduction of new methods of teaching and learning in Higher Educational Establishment of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical University" with the use of modular control contributes to development of physician specialist who masters high competence and will be able to work effectively in practical health care institutions. In order to develop professional competencies in higher medical education teachers engaged in clinical medical departments, which can be interpreted as knowledge, skills, attitudes that enable a person to perform a work purposefully, systematically organized in a professional environment, self-evaluate their results in future.

Traditionally students' academic achievements are expressed through the mastery of knowledge and skills. Knowledge and skills required for successful professional activity, described the end result of training. The quality of education in post-Soviet countries were considered in the prism of this result. At the late 20th century on the pages of educational literature the term "competence" increasingly appears to describe the end result of training.

The article aims to clarify the essence of competence approach in higher medical education.

The word "competent" has been used for a long time, along with the words "qualified", "skillful", "able", "knowing." They are used to characterize personality traits associated with the presence of knowledge and professional experience of the individual in a particular area. Based on the foregoing, a person is competent when he takes possession of the necessary knowledge, practical skills, that have practical experience with their knowledge. In practice, the results of professional medical education is required not in the form that the graduate knows, but as its practical preparedness activities in both typical and unusual situations.

As part of the Bologna process, our country has committed to join the basic principles of the common educational space, including the presentation of results of vocational training in competency format. The implementation of this idea is to ensure the growth of professional mobility between countries through the use of currency in the form of professional competence. Despite numerous studies, still no unified definitions of competence model describe the professional graduate. In our opinion, the reason behind it was the fact that during this period foreign psychological and educational literature dominated. The fact is that the English word «competence» has several meanings: compe-


tence, ability, skill, good physical condition. After adaptation in our language of the term «competence» became widely used.

Derived from French, competent means empowered. In Latin competence is suitable. The dictionary of foreign words interprets the word "competent" as one that has jurisdiction which are the terms of the powers granted by law, ordinance or other act of a particular agency or official; knowledge and experience in a particular area. Competencies are different from knowledge and skills. Unlike knowledge, competence is an activity, not just the information about it. From abilities - that competence can be used to solve various problems. From skills - that they understood and a manual that allows a person to act not only in typical situations, but also out of the box. Competent usually means the one who aquires thorough knowledge in a particular area; clever; which has certain powers; sovereign.

In their studies many researchers distinguish a couple of types of professional competence:

- A special competence is a possession of one's profession at high level, the ability to design their future professional development;

- Social competence is common engagement (cooperative group) in professional activities, cooperation and adoption of professional communication techniques in a particular field; social responsibility for the results of their professional work;

- Personal competence is knowledge of methods of personal self-expression and self-development, mass opposition to professional deformations of personality;

- Individual competence is knowledge of methods of self-identity within profession, commitment to professional development, the ability of the individual professional development, the ability to organize one's work efficiently.

To analyze real situation in school and to predict its further activity allows tracking of key competencies in the program of monitoring the quality of education, which provides phased activity:

Stage 1. Diagnostic and prognostic (the study of problems of formation of competences assessment of teaching and teaching capabilities in each subject for their formation);

Stage 2. Simulation system implementation and tracking (specific action plans, monitoring and evaluation of performance at different stages);

Stage 3. Definition of efficiency (evaluation of the system implementation and tracking quality of the final result).

To form the stated general competence in innovative technology education should involve communicative component of modern educational process. In other words, transmission, storage and playback of educational information via the Internet create the possibility of establishing a new theory and practice of quality education. Means of communication technologies release teachers from many routine functions. A teacher can control the learning process, creating an optimal, flexible study programs, visual course available in time and space, individually appropriate for each student. This helps a student to develop communication skills with the help of computer; there is the experience of using

modern information technology, raised as communicative and social interactivity. Educational activity becomes of higher quality, more efficient, visually oriented, accessible and interesting.

The task of the teacher is not only to prepare necessary professional teaching material and the training of students of independent activity, but also to develop creative attitude toward received tasks, independent thinking and analytic work. The standard approach to the workshops makes results much more modest as more advanced way of mastering information. The most commonly used method of practical seminars is a conversation on a pre-prepared plan; in this case, students tend to occupy the position of the listener. Frequently it is shaped in terms of hearing a response, or report with subsequent discussion, review, critical remarks. The effectiveness of this method depends on how the group is included in the work. But usually, there are the same students who are more prepared and have a deeper knowledge. Given the standard approach (survey, explanation, evaluation), usually some students are not involved in the discussion of topics in class they take a passive position. The most productive on our observations are reactive seminars, practical or laboratory work: debates, discussions, role playing, press conferences, solving situational problems etc. If you put the goal of high learning, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, to defend their point of view, backed by fundamental knowledge, develop logical thinking in students, the use of standard forms of teaching material to some extent loses its relevance. When there is a choice of technology classes, then it gets a much higher level of learning. The use of different forms of presentation, survey and settlement solution of situational tasks makes it possible to involve the active work of all those present. In this process various forms of training activities should be widely used (frontal, group, individual). They are common and can be used in different types of schools.

The main elements of professional teaching competencies are:

- A special competence is a deep knowledge of the subjects taught, acquired qualifications, experience;

- Methodical competence is built up knowledge and skills, the use of various methods of learning;

- Psycho-pedagogical competence is knowledge of educational assessment, knowledge of psychology, psychology of interpersonal communication and teaching;

- Differential-psychological competence is expressed in motives, abilities, orientation of students, the ability to identify personal characteristics, identify and take into account the emotional state of people, the ability to correctly build relationships;

- Auto-psychological competence is the ability of students to understand the level of their own activities, their abilities, the ability to see the reasons for the shortcomings in their work, self-improvement.

Obtaining a positive final outcome in training involves periodic monitoring its achievements at certain stages of the process. Regulatory result of formation of student competencies also provides control over the se-

The scientific heritage No 11 (11),2017 quence of its formation with the definition of requirements for the formation of student competence at each stage of the educational process. It is important to identify and define a range of practical knowledge that makes up the range of competence. To speak of a competent person is to speak about the successful criteria of specified task. On the other hand talking about competence is judged on the criteria of mechanical performance.

An important element of training in high school is to develop additional qualities of graduate, which include: possession of modern information technology, ability to self-development, mobility, competitiveness in the labor market etc. Therefore, the development of modern programs for individual subjects and educational technology training are necessary to provide the formation of not only professional competence but also general competencies. It is important not only to formulate the necessary competence of future specialist, but to offer him educational technology and control his development. Therefore, each university should established its internal quality system for each educational program that includes the following main criteria of quality education: forming core competencies in visual area; formation of general competencies of graduates; account of the relationship of the material being studied, with other visual areas within the curriculum; introduction of progressive forms of the educational process; the use of new information technologies; line teaching materials modern international standards; the use of active learning methods and control.

The concept of competence and expertise relate to the credit system that allows connecting with those aspects of the learning process as a multi-level training, development of educational programs, taking into account respect for the principles of differentiation and individualization, fixing the results of learning by accumulating points.

Competence is the sphere of relationships that exist between knowledge and actions in practice. Higher education institutions have a clear idea of what is taught to students, but there is no clear understanding of what is necessary for effective professional work. The priorities chosen at work are: self-learning, self-development, self-control; critical thinking; ability to apply innovative methods and new technologies to achieve these goals; flexibility in relation to changing surrounding circumstances; ability to make thoughtful decisions; ability to cooperate; communication skills.

Ways to implement competency approach in education:

1. Delivering lectures in medical schools (lectures should give systematic foundations of scientific knowledge in the discipline, disclose state and prospects of development of the area of science and technology, directing students to focus on the most complex key issues, encourage their active cognitive activity and promote creative thinking).

2. Seminar as a form of teaching in higher school (often the continuation of a seminar lecture learning serves for reflection and deeper study of theoretical problems and developing skills of gaining new knowledge. Students must learn to act as reporters and

The scientific heritage No 11 (11),2017 opponents, have skills, formulate and solve intellectual problems and challenges, use evidence and rebuttal defending their point of view, demonstrate the achieved level of theoretical knowledge).

3. Problem-oriented learning (self-extracting provides students with the necessary knowledge in the solution of specific production situation, real or imaginary, with mandatory implementation of all phases of full action).

4. Education case-by (refers to students studying the subject by examining a large number of situations or tasks in certain combinations. Such training future doctors in developing understanding of the structure of professional medical practice, it can accumulate value-semantic experience in solving problems they encounter in professional activity).

5. The educational discussion (is purposeful and systematic exchange of ideas, judgments, opinions in the group for the search for truth, each of the participants in their own organizations takes part in this exchange of ideas).

6. Development of critical thinking (the formation of such skills as the ability to produce their own opinions, to understand the experience to come to certain conclusions, it is logical to build a chain of evidence, express themselves clearly and confidently).

7. Use their quests (specially organized views of independent research, for which the students seek information on the Internet).

8. Game technology (educational games in medical education should become the integral method of training and supervision, which in close to reality, objective student's ability to detect real specific professional activity).

9. Organization of student's self study.

Conclusion. Thus, to date there is no universally

accepted definition of "competence", but it is explained only in terms of semantic field of the concept of com-


petence, which includes understanding of what competence is: refers to the individual student; not limited to knowledge and skills, though manifest in them; can be diagnosed in the training of students. So important areas of learning management should direct the development and implementation of interactive technologies in the learning process and strengthen peer review in terms of formation of key competencies. It is essential to activate the system and Sociological Research (surveys, questionnaires, tests are open for students).


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Чорненька Ж.А.

кандидат медичних наук, ассистент кафедри сощальног медицини та оргашзаци охорони здоров 'я

ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет»

Грицюк М.1.

кандидат медичних наук, доцент, зав1дувач кафедри сощальног медицини та органгзаци охорони здоров'я ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет»

Бiдучак А.С.

кандидат медичних наук, асистент кафедри сощальног медицини та оргашзаци охорони здоров'я

ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет»




iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Ph.D, Assistant Professor of the Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»

Grytsiuk M.I.

Associate Professor, Head of Department of Social Medicine And Organization of Health Care of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»


Ph.D, Assistant Professor of the Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»

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