The scientific heritage No 10 (10),2017 соцiалiзацil дано! категорп хворих.
2. Анкетний метод обстеження дае можливють визначити як1сть життя як на iндивiдуальному рiвнi в iнтересах конкретного хворого, так i на популя-цiйному - для визначення ефективносп нових стра-тегiй у терапп рiзних захворювань.
3. Широка розповсюджешсть серед хворих на 1ХС з порушеннями ритму та провщносп серця психопатологiчних синдромiв та вплив !х на частоту напащв порушень ритму серця сввдчить про доцшьшсть бiльш широкого застосування психоте-рапп та психотропних засобiв у комплексному ль куваннi аритмiй.
Список лггератури
1. Горбась 1.М. Iшемiчна хвороба серця: ешде-мiологiя i статистика / 1.М. Горбась // Здоров'я Украши. - 2009. - №3/1. - С.34-35.
2. Исследование качества жизни в кардиологии / Ю.Л. Шевченко, А.А. Новик, В.П. Тюрин [и др.] // Вестник межнационального центра исследования качества жизни. - 2008. - С.4-14.
3. Сидоренко Г.И. Проблема оптимизации в кардиологии // Кардиология. - 2004. - №7. - С.4-9.
4. Севрукевич В.И. Оценка качества жизни пациентов со стабильной стенокардией после проведенной реваскуляризации / В.И. Севрукевич // Кардиология в Беларуси. - 2009. - №6 (07). - С.49-54.
5. Ибатов А.Д. Влияние лоразената на эмоциональный статус и качество жизни больных ишеми-ческой болезнью сердца // Кардиология. - 2006. -№9. - С. 11-14.
6. Cline C.M., Willenheimer R.B., Erhardt L.R. et al. Healthy related quality of life in elderly patients with heart failure // Scand. Cardiovasc. J. - 1999.- Vol. 33, № 5. - P.278-285.
7. Spertus J.A., Winder J.A., Dewhurst T.A. et al. Development and evaluation of the Seattle Angina Questionaire: a new functional status measure for coronary artery disease // JACC.-1995.-Vol.25, №2.-Р. 333-341.
8. Rector T.S., Tschumperline L.K., Kubo S.H. et al. Use of the Living with Heart Failure Questionaire to ascertain patients' perspectives on improvement in quality of life versus risk of drug-induced death // J. Cardiol. Fail. - 1995. - Vol. 1, № 3. - P. 201-206.
9. Аронов Д.М., Зайцев В.П. Методика оценки качества жизни больных с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями// Кардиология. - 2002. - №5. - С.92-95.
10. Гельцер Б.И., Фрисман М.В. Современные подходы к оценке качества жизни кардиоло-гиче-ских больных// Кардиология.- 2002. - №9. - С.4-9.
Чорненька Ж.А.
кандидат медичних наук, асистент кафедри сощальног медицини та органгзацИ' охорони здоров'я
ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет»
Грицюк М.1.
кандидат медичних наук, доцент, зав1дувач кафедри сощальног медицини та органгзацИ' охорони здоров'я ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет»
Юрнюк С.В.
асистент кафедри судово'1 медицини та медичного правознавства ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський
державний медичний утверситет»
Chornenka Zh.A.
Assistant Professor of Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»
Grytsiuk M. I.
Associate Professor, Head of Department of Social Medicine And Organization of Health Care of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»
Yurnyuk S. V.
Assistant Professor of Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine „Bukovinian State Medical University "
У статп представлеш основш методи та моделi дистанцшного навчання, ïx переваги та недолiки яш можуть не пльки забезпечити активне залучення студенпв у навчальний процес, але й дозволяють керу-вати цим процесом на вщм^ ввд б№шосп традицшних навчальних середовищ. 1нтегращя звуку, руху, образу i тексту створюе нове надзвичайно багате за своïми можливостями навчальне середовище, з розви-тком якого зб№шиться i стутнь залучення студенпв у процес навчання.
The paper presents the basic methods and models of distance learning, its strengths and weaknesses that may not only ensure active involvement of students in the learning process, but also allow teach to manage this process. Unlike most traditional learning environments the integration of sound, movement, image and text creates a new extremely rich in its capabilities learning environment, the development of which will increase the degree of involvement of students in the learning process.
Ключовi слова: дистанцшне навчання, комп'ютерш технологи, 1КТ (шформацшно-комушкацшш технологи), ВНЗ (вищi навчальш заклади), методи навчання, моделi навчання.
Keywords: distance learning, computer technologies, ICT (Information and Communication Technology), universities (higher education), teaching methods, learning model.
The rapid development of computer technologies increasingly penetrating our everyday life and all areas of activity gradually becomes also an integral part of professional teaching. Due to computer-achievement auditorium classes are filled with more informative and independent work of students, i.e., a creative and original way, which is reflected in the quality of education. Therefore, the work of teacher should include the involvement of computer tools in terms of learning process. The basis of such research laid the involvement of various electronic means.
Distance learning experts on strategic issues of education is known as the educational system of the 21st century. Today it made a huge bet. Actuality of distance learning is that the results of social progress are still concentrated in the area of technology the same as in information sphere. Stage of development at the moment can be characterized as telecommunications. This is the sphere of communication, information and knowledge. Assuming that professional knowledge get out of date very quickly, they must be continuous improved.
Distance learning today gives the possibility of creating a mass of continuous learning, general exchange of information, regardless of temporal and spatial zones. In addition, distance learning systems give equal opportunities to all people regardless of social status (students, military and civilian, unemployed, etc.) in all parts of the country and abroad to realize the human right to education and information. This system can most adequately and flexibly respond to the needs of society and ensure the realization of the constitutional right to education of every citizen worldwide. Based on the above factors, we can conclude that distance learning will enter the 21st century as the most effective system of training and as the one that continuously supports high qualification of specialists.
Analysis and synthesis of the literature suggests that today there is different interpretation of the essence of distance education, which reflects the diversity of approaches to its interpretation. In many cases, the term "distance education" is used alongside or instead of the term "distance learning", etc. Thus, the basis for the determination that distance learning is a combination of modern technology for the delivery of information online through the use of ICT (information and communication technology) from those who teach (teachers, prominent figures in certain fields of science, specialists) to learners (students). It is used in preparation in both universities, and business schools. The main principles of distance learning is interact in
the process, providing students with the possibility of independent development of the test material, and consulting support in research, and allows one to learn at a distance, by disputes of experts from several countries.
An important factor in the typology of integrated distance learning is a set of methods and techniques used in learning and teaching processes. By choosing the quality of criterion means of communication with teachers, these methods can be classified as follows:
1) Methods of teaching used as interaction of student with educational resources with minimal involvement of teacher and others (self-study). For the development of these techniques typical multimedia approach is used by creating educational resources using various tools: printed, audio and video materials. It is especially important for universities that teaching materials are delivered by means of computer networks. This above all:
• Interactive database;
• Electronic magazines;
• Computer training program (electronic books).
Interactive databases systematize data files that
can be accessed via telecommunications. Using these resources, developers of courses, for example, can maintain local databases for both students and teachers. Another solution is to provide access to external databases. The number of databases available through computer networks is growing rapidly. Video tutorial is software that can be used on a remote computer via computer network. Communications with the remote computer can be carried out by, for example, dial-up connection or Telnet services 0n the Internet.
2) Individual methods of teaching and learning, which are characterized by the relationship of one student with one teacher or one student with another student (training "one to another"). These methods are implemented in distance education mainly through technologies such as phones, voice mail, e-mail. Development teletutoring (system 'tutors"), mediated by computer networks, is an important component of educational process in electronic universities.
3) The methods are based on the idea of students learning material from teacher or an expert, in which those who study do not play an active role in communication (training "one to many"). These methods are characterized as traditional educational system, receiving new development based on modern information technology. For example, lectures were recorded on audio or videotape and used not only in the classroom in high school, but also on radio and television, complemented by a modern remote
The scientific heritage No 10 (10),2017 education process so-called "e-lectures" (electronic lectures), i.e. lecture material that spreads on computer networks by means of bulletin boards (BB). E-lectures may be the matching of articles or extracts from them, teaching materials, preparing students who are studying for future discussions. Based on the technology of electronic boards a method of electronic educational workshops that give a few speeches authority ("first speakers") also developed.
4) Methods, which have active interaction between all participants in the educational process (teaching "many"). The value of these methods and intensity of use increases significantly with the development of educational telecommunications. Some said the interactivity between the learners, and not only between teachers and students is an important source of knowledge. The development of these methods is associated with conferences collective discussions and conferences. Technology audio, and video conferences audio graphic allow developing such methods in distance education. Special role in the educational process of distance education is played by computer conferencing, allowing all participants to exchange written messages of discussion, in both synchronous and asynchronous mode, which has a great didactic value. Computer-mediated communication allows greater use of such methods of learning in terms debating, simulation, role playing, group discussion, brainstorming, Delphi, nominal group techniques, forums, project group.
The authors examine the following model, which is based on current open network and distance learning:
• The first model is the type of non-residency training. Education is oriented on school or high school (exam) requirements and is designed for students who for some reason cannot attend full-time schools.
• The second model is based on university study. This is a whole system of learning for non-resident students and those at a distance, by correspondence (open form) or remotely, i.e. on the basis of new information technologies, including computer telecommunications. These programs are used to obtain various certificates of education.
• The third model is training, based on the collaboration of several institutions. It provides joint training programs of common correspondence distance learning schools for several of leading subjects (both in one or many countries). Such cooperation in the preparation of distance learning programs allows them to make it better and less expensive. The long-term goal of the program is to enable every citizen of the country, leaving his country and his home to get any education on the basis of functioning colleges and universities of a particular country.
• The fourth model is autonomous educational institutions, specially created for the purposes of open or distance learning, in which students can get education in different directions. They specialize in creating multimedia courses. Training is fully paid by organizations of firms employing students. The most similar institution is Open University in London, which in recent years has trained a large number of remote
students not only from the UK but from many European countries.
• The fifth model is training for autonomous learning systems. Training within such systems is entirely via video, TV or radio programs, as well as by means of additional printed manuals.
• The sixth model is non-formal model of integrated distance learning through multimedia programs. The programs focused on education, adult education, people who for some reason could not graduate from educational institutions. Such projects may be a part of a formal education program integrated into the program or specifically targeted to a specific educational purpose (e.g., British literacy program), or specifically aimed at preventive health programs, such as programs for developing countries.
The difference from traditional distance learning is in if we consider them in terms of forms of interaction between teacher and student. The basis of traditional learning model is based on lectures, seminars, laboratory and various types of gaming sessions, the organization of students' self study and other forms of work. The base of such training is a book and a teacher as an interpreter of knowledge. Distance learning is focused on the introduction fundamentally different learning models in the educational process, providing conferences, students' self study with information from different fields of knowledge, projecs, training and other activiies with computer and nonconventional technologies.
As the majority of the authors of indisputable advantages of distance learning are the following:
1. The higher efficiency of training compared to evening and distance learning at a lower cost of educational services;
2. Reduction of terms of study;
3. The possibility of parallel studies in both Ukrainian and foreign universities;
4. Student's independence from geographical location of a particular university.
Experiments have confirmed that the quality and structure of courses, as well as the quality of teaching in distance learning are often much better than traditional forms of learning. Interactive capabilities are used in distance learning programs and delivery systems allow information to adjust or even encourage feedback, dialogue and provide ongoing support, which is impossible in most traditional systems of education. Modern computer telecommunication is able to ensure the transfer of knowledge and access to various educational information and sometimes it is more effective than traditional learning tools.
Despite many advantages there are several disadvantages in terms of this type of training. The effectiveness of distance learning depends on those teachers who work with students online. It should be a universally trained teacher who masters modern teaching methods and information technology, who are psychologically ready to work with students in new teaching and learning environment of Internet. Unfortunately, such training in our country is training not developed. Another problem is informative infrastructure that ensures student networks. The
question of what should be the structure of educational material on conditions for access to distance learning courses, organization and evaluation of knowledge "remote" students. To solve them one must create a legal framework assessment of student learning.
Conclusion. Speaking of distance form of education one should think of creating a single informational and educational space, which must include all possible electronic sources of information, virtual libraries, databases, consulting services, electronic textbooks, cyber classes, etc. Central in the organization of distance learning is the creation of electronic courses, development of teaching as the basics of distance learning, teacher training coordinators. Not to be confused with distance learning correspondence, as here assumed constant contact with a teacher, other students, imitation of all kinds of fulltime study, but through specific forms. It is necessary to develop a skilled, intelligent, highly professional and healthy society. So, we need theoretical elaboration, experimental verification, and serious scientific research.
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Чорненька Ж. А.
кандидат медичних наук, асистент кафедри сощальног медицини та органгзацИ' охорони здоров'я
ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет»
Ясинська Е.Ц.
кандидат медичних наук, доцент кафедри сощальног медицини та органгзацИ' охорони здоров'я
ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет»
Chornenka Zh.A.
Ph.D, Assistant Professor of the Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»
Yasunska E. T.
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University».
У робот описаш особливосп паразитування клща роду Demodex в органiзмi людини, умови парази-тування клща, яш сприяють захворюваносл, клшчна картина, викликана паразитуванням клща та ïï ускладнення, дiагностика та профшактика. ABSTRACT
The paper describes peculiarities of parasitism of mites of the genus Demodex in the human body, the conditions of parasitism of the tick, which contribute to the morbidity, clinical picture, caused by a parasitic mite and its complications, diagnosis and prevention.
Ключовi слова: демодекоз, розацеа, акнеподiбнi дерматози, клшчш прояви, клщ-залозниця, дiагно-стика.
Keywords: demodicosis, rosacea, acceptn medicine,clinical manifestations, tick-Salonica, diagnosis.