УДК : 378.147.091.313
Yasynska E. Ts.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization Bukovinian State Medical University DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-14137-26-28 USE OF INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES TO IMPROVE THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF STUDENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS
Ясинська Е.Ц.
Кандидат медичних наук, доцент, Кафедра Cоцiальноi медицини та орган1заци охорони здоров 'я Буковинський державний медичний ymiверситет
The article discusses the main aspects of the introduction of interactive technologies in higher education institutions, analyzes the feasibility of using group forms (Case study and brainstorming methods), individual and active forms of organizing the initial process. Attention is focused on the main components of interactive learning, a generalized classification of interactive learning technologies is given.
У статтi розглядаються основнi аспекти впровадження ттерактивних технологш у вищих навчальних закладах, проаналгзовано доцшьнкть використання групових форм (методи Case study i мозково'1' атаки), iндивiдуальних та активних форм органгзаци начального процесу. Акцентовано увагу на основних компонентах ттерактивного навчання, дана узагальнена класифiкацiя технологш iнтерактивного навчання.
Key words: interactive technologies, interactive learning, forms of organization of the educational process, professional training of students.
Key words: ттерактивт технологи, ттерактивне навчання, форми органгзацИ навчального процесу, професшна тдготовка студентiв.
Introduction. Improving the professional training of university students is impossible without the use of interactive teaching methods. Interactive methods (from the English. Interaction - interaction, action on each other). There are different approaches to defining interactive learning. Some scientists define it as conversational learning: "Interactive means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, a dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (a person). Recently, some researchers have begun to single out interactive methods of learning, although from time to time it is believed that active and interactive methods are identical [3]. So, interactive learning is primarily interactive learning, during which the interaction between the teacher and the student is carried out" [2].
The use of interactive technologies in the educational process contributes to the intensification of the assimilation and application of knowledge in solving practical problems. Interactive teaching methods encourage students to flexible changes in social roles, provide the disclosure of new creative opportunities, improve their skills, abilities and communication skills, and allow them to gain new experience. Interactive learning increases students' motivation for learning, encourages them to think outside the box and take an individual approach to seeing and solving a problem situation; develops such qualities as the ability to listen to your opponents, to
show tolerance and respect for them.The effectiveness of interactive technologies depends on the regularity of their use, which allows the formation of effective approaches to obtaining useful information and establishing productive relationships between the student and the teacher.
Basic text. The use of interactive forms of learning in the educational process is an indispensable condition for involving students in a combination of individual and collective activities in order to gain and accumulate experience in making effective decisions. In addition, such training allows you to control the acquired knowledge and skills in various situations.
Interactive learning is a general, group, cognitive and intellectual activity of students. During the cognitive process, all participants exchange information, creatively interact with each other, solve common problems, create conditional models of situations, give them their own assessment and transfer it to reality. The study should be organized in such a way that all students are involved in the learning process, feel their intellectual ability and comfortable conditions.
To organize the educational process in universities, it is advisable to apply the following forms of organization of the educational process:
The group form is a way of organizing a collective educational process aimed at organizing joint efforts to solve educational and cognitive activities.
.The group form of training solves the following tasks:
• cognitive, directly related to the learning situation;
• communicative, in which basic communication skills are applied both in the group cell and outside it.
Joint activities in the learning process should be organized in such a way that each participant in the learning process contributes their own ideas about their individual knowledge and personal ideas.
All interactive teaching methods can be distributed as follows:
• organization of separate individual independent work;
• frontal - all students perform the same practical task under the supervision of a teacher;
• group - all students work independently in pairs, actively exchange information.
Group methods are aimed at teaching a group of students by a teacher. In addition, it is advisable to use situational-thematic and debatable methods of mastering the discipline "social medicine". In our opinion, the most effective methods that arouse the interest of students are: Case Study, brainstorming and the method of business role-playing games.
The essence of the brainstorming method is that in a limited time it is necessary to express a large number of ideas, justify and implement their choice. This method is used to solve complex problems and develop creativity. The following factors negatively affect the brainstorming method: fear of announcing your ideas in public, fear of failure, etc. The use of the brainstorming method in the educational process requires the adaptation and improvement of some organizational aspects and requires the search for a solution in the learning process. It is advisable to use the brainstorming method in working with small and large student groups, in individual work. When using the brainstorming method, it is advisable to solve only one problematic task with the generation of a large number of various extraordinary ideas. The brainstorming method belongs to the group of active methods of teaching students, it must be used to solve specific pedagogical problems, but the use of this method requires adaptation and the creation of special conditions for the educational process. Brainstorming encourages students to apply new or original ideas.
The case study method consists in using specific situations of "cases" to develop and discuss decisions made by students on the section of the subject being studied. Consideration of the problem situation in student groups is advisable to start with the analysis of the material presented, the collection, search for the necessary information and the formulation of the problem.
Interactive learning completely eliminates the dominance of the ideas of one participant over another. The group form of learning includes dialogue communication, which contributes to the solution of complex problems based on the evaluation of alternative solutions. The experience of interactive learning is the central source of cognitive learning,
activates the processes of self-improvement and creative thinking of students. In addition, with such training, the activity of the student prevails over the activity of the teacher, who ensures the most effective development of learning using gaming and communication technologies. The teacher should be the organizer of active forms of the educational process.
ctive forms of organization of the initial process contribute to the use of different types of the educational process. Active learning is characterized by forced activation of mental activity. With such forms of education, the student is forced to be active, regardless of his desire, with the help of interactive technologies. This helps students to independently solve nonstandard tasks for a long time, develop creative abilities.
Forms and methods aimed at individual training: -lectures;
- sminars; -consultations; -conferences.
Methods aimed at practical training: -solution of practical problems;
- business games that solve a variety of tasks Thus, the use of interactive learning technologies
when teaching theoretical disciplines in higher medical institutions helps to form students' critical thinking, effective assimilation of the material and existing competencies.
Interactive teaching methods are divided into non-situational (dialogue, survey and mutual survey) and situational (game and non-game methods).
Non-game methods include situation analysis, brainstorming, forums, debates, discussions. For independent work of students, various interactive programs are used to learn the material in a playful way, easily and with interest [2].
Among game situational interactive methods, it is effective to use role-playing and business games, simulation games, trainings, knowledge sharing, etc.
Role play method. The role-playing method helps students to resolve various situations, which helps to realize professional communicative competencies. Interactive learning of students of higher educational institutions is based on the organization of the educational process using interactive learning technologies. At the same time, the educational process should take place on the basis of active interaction between the teacher and students using individual, collective and group learning.
Conclusion. The use of interactive technologies helps to create favorable learning conditions for students, taking into account their individual characteristics and the rational use of teaching methods and techniques.
For high-quality training of university specialists, it is necessary to implement new pedagogical techniques and modern interactive teaching methods in the educational process, aimed at developing individual creative abilities of students and improving their personal practical skills.
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