THE USE OF MODERN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN ENGLISH LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
linguistics / English language / educational technologies / innovation / methodology / interactive methods / лингвистика / английский язык / образовательные технологии / инновации / методология / интерактивные методы.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Akbarova, Madina Ikramjanovna

This article talks about the use of modern educational technologies in English classes. At the heart of my concept of using modern educational technologies in English lessons and after school hours, I use the principles and methods of competence-based education, student-centered and developmental learning technologies, actively use strategies and techniques for teaching semantic reading and working with text.

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В данной статье рассказывается об использовании современных образовательных технологий на уроках английского языка. В основе моей концепции использования современных образовательных технологий на уроках английского языка и во внеурочное время я использую принципы и методы компетентностного обучения, личностно-ориентированные и развивающие технологии обучения, активно использую стратегии и методики обучения смысловому чтению и работе с текстом.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7



This article talks about the use of modern educational technologies in English classes. At the heart of my concept of using modern educational technologies in English lessons and after school hours, I use the principles and methods of competence-based education, student-centered and developmental learning technologies, actively use strategies and techniques for teaching semantic reading and working with text.

Keywords: linguistics, English language, educational technologies, innovation, methodology, interactive methods.

В данной статье рассказывается об использовании современных образовательных технологий на уроках английского языка. В основе моей концепции использования современных образовательных технологий на уроках английского языка и во внеурочное время я использую принципы и методы компетентностного обучения, личностно-ориентированные и развивающие технологии обучения, активно использую стратегии и методики обучения смысловому чтению и работе с текстом.

Ключевые слова: лингвистика, английский язык, образовательные технологии, инновации, методология, интерактивные методы.


The construction of the educational process in the classroom and in extracurricular activities entails the active use of modern educational technologies, taking into account modern requirements for the quality of education, for the level of formation of educational activities.

The relevance of the choice of COT. At the heart of my concept of using modern educational technologies in English lessons and after school hours, I use the principles and methods of competence-based education, student-centered and developmental learning technologies, actively use strategies and techniques for teaching semantic reading and working with text. Taking into account the fact that in

Akbarova Madina Ikramjanovna

Andijan region, Altinkol district 51st general education school English teacher



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

the classes there are often students with different levels of language training in each of my lessons, I use several modern educational technologies element by element:

• information and communication,

• project method,

• research activities of students

• multilevel education,

• differentiated learning,

• collaborative learning technology or group work,

• health-saving technologies.

Using the technology of multi-level and differentiated learning. Due to the fact that in each class there are immediately differences in the level of learning among students, I consider the technology of intra-class differentiation with the addition of elements of multi-level education to be the most appropriate and relevant in the organization of the educational process.


Taking into account the typological characteristics of each student, I divide the class into conditional groups "A", "B", "C". I use methods of collective work, in dynamic pairs or groups. Tasks of group "C" are fixed as a basic standard - minimal or reproductive. Here I highlight the multiplicity of repetition, I teach to highlight lexical supports. Tasks "B" are built at the analytical-synthetic level and provide the mental activity that is necessary to solve tasks for application.

Tasks of group "A" suggest a creative or productive level. Students consciously, creatively apply their knowledge, composing mini-dialogues, monologues on the topic. The elements of organizing a group form of work allow me to activate the cognitive activity of students in the classroom, to include each student in the learning process.

Within the groups, everyone can express their opinion, actively participate in solving curricula, in accordance with the level of language training, studied lexical units. For each lesson I create didactic material of varying complexity. All this gives a tangible educational result.

Use of information and communication technologies. I consider information and communication technologies to be one of the leading technologies in the organization of the educational process in the classroom and after school hours. The use of ICT at various stages of the lesson allows me to optimize the educational process and use time efficiently.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

When explaining new material, for clarity, I use computer presentations in Microsoft Power Point (including those created by the students themselves, after preliminary checking by the teacher), videos from the site www.Youtube.com, educational films, video clips, excerpts from animated and feature films, electronic applications to UMC. At the stage of vocabulary consolidation, as well as during generalization and repetition - interactive tasks, with control - interactive tests, with project protection - computer presentations.

The use of information and communication technologies and multimedia tools allows me to intensify the cognitive activity of students, increase motivation to study my subject, create additional conditions for the formation and development of communication skills and language skills of students. The use of this technology helps to make the transition from reproductive forms to independent, creative types of work.

Using the technology of project-based learning and research activities. I consider the method of projects one of the leading ones in the formation of students' speech competencies, the ability to use a foreign language as a tool for intercultural communication and interaction. Therefore, I consider one of the main tasks of developing the skills of project activities in students. Working in a project group, students are included in an active dialogue of cultures, use knowledge and skills in English in new non-standard situations.

My students come with research papers to school scientific and practical conferences, they have experience of participating in a city conference. Project activities are of particular interest to high school students, because they know and know a lot and working on projects helps them to realize their knowledge, skills and abilities. The work consists of the following steps:

• Topic definition

• Definition of the end result

• Discussion and drafting of the project plan

• Collection of information

• Data processing

• Project design

• Project presentation

• Project evaluation

Project activities combined with computer work make the lessons interesting and modern. The teacher not only teaches children, but also learns a lot from them.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Games. Games allow for a differentiated approach to students, to involve each student in the work, taking into account his interests, inclination, level of language training. Game-type exercises enrich students with new experiences, activate the vocabulary, perform a developing function and relieve fatigue. They can be diverse in their purpose, content, methods of organization and conduct.

With their help, you can solve any one problem (improve grammatical, lexical skills, etc.) or a whole range of tasks: form speech skills, develop observation, attention and creativity, etc.

Some games are performed by students individually, others - collectively.

Individual and quiet games can be performed at any time of the lesson, collective games - it is advisable to play at the end of the lesson, since the element of competition is more pronounced in them, they require mobility. The same exercise can be used at different stages of training. This changes the linguistic content of the game, the way it is organized and conducted. The situation indicates the conditions for the action, describes the actions to be performed and the task to be solved. In a situation, it is necessary to provide information about the social relationships of partners. The description of the role is given in a role card or in a speech-thinking task.

Methods and techniques. "Model teaching method" (classes in the form of business games, lessons such as: lesson-court, lesson-auction, lesson-press conference)

These lessons imitate the press conferences that take place in life: when groups of public figures or scientists conduct conversations with representatives of the press, aimed at clarifying the most important issues and problems in order to popularize and promote them. Lessons of this type contribute to the development of students' skills in working with additional literature, instill curiosity, the ability to do business in a team and comradely mutual assistance.

I hold a lesson-press conference in order to summarize and consolidate the studied material. Unusual in form, these lessons arouse great interest among students, well develop creative abilities.

The Mind-Map method is a simple technique for recording thoughts, ideas, conversations. Recording is fast, associative. The topic is in the center. First there is a word, an idea, a thought. There is a stream of ideas, their number is unlimited, they are all fixed, we begin to write them down from the top left and finish at the bottom right. The method is an individual product of one person or one group. Expresses individual capabilities, creates space for the manifestation of creative abilities.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Method "Brain Storming" (Brainstorming): by brainstorming, students name everything they know and think about the topic, problem. All ideas are accepted, whether they are correct or not. The role of the teacher is the role of a guide, making students think while listening carefully to their thoughts.

Cinquain is a poem that requires the synthesis of information and material in concise terms, which allows you to describe or reflect. Cinquain is a poem with five lines. Each student is given 5-7 minutes to write a syncwine,

Rule for writing syncwine.

S In the first line, the topic is called by one word (usually a noun).

S The second line is a description of the topic in two words (two adjectives).

S The third line is a description of the action within this topic in three words.

S The fourth line is a four-line phrase showing the relationship to the topic.

S The fifth line is a one-word synonym that repeats the essence of the topic.

Thus, the use of modern educational technologies makes it possible to organize the educational process more productive, effective, interesting and information-rich. Applying new pedagogical technologies in the classroom, I was convinced that the process of teaching English can be viewed from a new point of view and master the psychological mechanisms. The choice of educational technologies to achieve the goals and solve the problems set within the framework of the academic discipline "Foreign Language" is due to the need to form in students a set of general cultural competencies necessary for the implementation of interpersonal interaction and cooperation in the context of intercultural communication, as well as to ensure the required quality of education at all its stages. Forms and technologies used for teaching English implement competency-based and personal-activity approaches, which, in turn, contribute to the formation and development of a) a multicultural linguistic personality capable of productive communication with speakers of other cultures; b) the ability of students to carry out various activities using the English language; c) students' cognitive abilities; d) their readiness for self-development and self-education and also contribute to increasing the creative potential of the individual to carry out their professional duties.

The educational process is based on a blended learning model that helps to effectively combine traditional forms of education and new technologies.

The specificity of the discipline "Foreign Language" determines the need to use new educational technologies more widely, along with traditional methods aimed at developing basic skills of practical activity using mainly frontal forms of work.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

When teaching a foreign language, the following educational technologies are


- The technology of communicative learning is aimed at forming the communicative competence of students, which is the basic one necessary for adapting to modern conditions of intercultural communication.

- The technology of multi-level (differentiated) education - involves the implementation of the cognitive activity of students, taking into account their individual abilities, capabilities and interests, encouraging them to realize their creative potential. The creation and use of diagnostic tests is an integral part of this technology.

- Modular learning technology - provides for the division of the content of the discipline into fairly autonomous sections (modules) integrated into the general course.

- Information and communication technologies (ICT) - expand the scope of the educational process, increasing its practical orientation, contribute to the intensification of students' independent work and increase cognitive activity. Within the framework of ICT, 2 types of technologies are distinguished:

- The technology of using computer programs - allows you to effectively complement the process of learning the language at all levels. Multimedia programs are designed for both classroom and independent work of students and are aimed at developing grammatical and lexical skills.

- Internet technologies - provide ample opportunities for searching for information, developing international scientific projects, conducting scientific research.

- The technology of individualization of learning - helps to implement a student-centered approach, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of students.

- Testing technology - used to control the level of assimilation of lexical, grammatical knowledge within the module at a certain stage of learning. The implementation of control using testing technology meets the requirements of all international foreign language exams. In addition, this technology allows the teacher to identify and systematize aspects that require additional study.

- Project technology - focused on modeling the social interaction of students in order to solve the problem, which is determined in the framework of the professional training of students, highlighting a particular subject area. The use of project

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

technology contributes to the implementation of the interdisciplinary nature of the competencies that are formed in the process of teaching English.

- Collaborative learning technology - implements the idea of mutual learning, exercising both individual and collective responsibility for solving learning problems.

- Game technology - allows you to develop the skills of considering a number of possible ways to solve problems, activating the thinking of students and revealing the personal potential of each student.

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- Technology for the development of critical thinking - contributes to the formation of a versatile personality, able to critically relate to information, the ability to select information to solve the problem.


The implementation of the competency-based and personal-activity approach using the above technologies provides for active and interactive forms of learning, such as business and role-playing games, analysis of specific situations, collective mental activity, discussions, work on research projects, etc. At the same time, classes using interactive forms make up at least 70% of all classroom activities.

The integrated use of all the above technologies in the educational process stimulates personal, intellectual activity, develops cognitive processes and contributes to the formation of competencies that a future specialist should possess.


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