INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL METHODS OF TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Higher education / modern teaching methods / interactive ideas / efficiency / students / Integral / immerse / evaluated / atmosphere / modern experience / necessary technologies. / Высшее образование / современные методы обучения / интерактивные идеи / эффективность / студенты / Интеграл / погрузить / оценивается / атмосфера / современный опыт / необходимые технологии

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Rakhmatullaeva, Feruza Kholmuratovna, Mukhamedov, Aziz

This article examines some of the more unique and intriguing approaches for teaching English. The article's content includes scientifically informed comments on how to improve the effectiveness of the educational process using new teaching methods and interactive ideas in higher education. We may further boost the attention of students by localizing their modern experience, leveraging the chances in our nation, by examining the inadequacies that exist now due to a lack of knowledge and abilities.

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В этой статье рассматриваются некоторые из наиболее уникальных и интригующих подходов к обучению английскому языку. Содержание статьи включает научно обоснованные комментарии о том, как повысить эффективность образовательного процесса с помощью новых методов обучения и интерактивных идей в высшей школе. Мы можем дополнительно повысить внимание студентов, локализовав их современный опыт, используя шансы в нашей стране, исследуя те недостатки, которые существуют сейчас из-за недостатка знаний и умений.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


This article examines some of the more unique and intriguing approaches for teaching English. The article's content includes scientifically informed comments on how to improve the effectiveness of the educational process using new teaching methods and interactive ideas in higher education. We may further boost the attention of students by localizing their modern experience, leveraging the chances in our nation, by examining the inadequacies that exist now due to a lack of knowledge and abilities.

Keywords: Higher education, modern teaching methods, interactive ideas, efficiency, students, Integral; immerse; evaluated; atmosphere; modern experience, necessary technologies.

В этой статье рассматриваются некоторые из наиболее уникальных и интригующих подходов к обучению английскому языку. Содержание статьи включает научно обоснованные комментарии о том, как повысить эффективность образовательного процесса с помощью новых методов обучения и интерактивных идей в высшей школе. Мы можем дополнительно повысить внимание студентов, локализовав их современный опыт, используя шансы в нашей стране, исследуя те недостатки, которые существуют сейчас из-за недостатка знаний и умений.

Ключевые слова: Высшее образование, современные методы обучения, интерактивные идеи, эффективность, студенты, Интеграл; погрузить; оценивается; атмосфера; современный опыт, необходимые технологии.


The official language of the entire globe, English, is a difficult language to teach. Indeed, each and every. To instruct, many languages are used. English is a very old language that has experienced many changes from its origins in Proto-Indo-European. English evolved from Latin and German culture to Modern English, which was developed after the Second World War time following the Renaissance Each version was easier than the one before it. Today's English is the most basic. Even though this


Rakhmatullaeva Feruza Kholmuratovna Supervisor : Mukhamedov Aziz

Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

is an adaptation of a very old language, it is still difficult to teach this language successfully, particularly to individuals who are not native speakers who are fluent in English and speak it as a second language.

Traditional or slightly teacher-centered methods are used to teach foreign languages rather than modern student-centered applications and techniques, while knowledge and information are transmitted through the traditional form of lectures or discussions, which necessitate the physical presence of both the student and the teacher. Furthermore, the degree of influence on active learning may vary depending on the instructional methods used.

A comprehensive transformation of the quality of education in Uzbekistan, based on international experience and taking into account our national mentality and customs, is a necessity of the times. "Improving the quality and efficiency of higher education institutions in our country on the basis of the introduction of international standards for quality assessment of education and training," states the Action Strategy for the Republic of Uzbekistan's five priority areas of development for 2017-2021.


As a result, classes are held in the republic's higher education system in order to develop the ability to read original literature on the specialty, to participate in oral communication in a foreign language in the process of producing future personnel, and to find the necessary information for scientific purposes.

The purpose of this paper is to examine both classic and creative ways for teaching and learning a foreign language, as well as to identify and demonstrate a set of effective pedagogical conditions for language learning. One of the goals of any foreign language teaching methods is to improve the student's foreign language proficiency. The traditional methodology relies heavily on reducing the integrated process of learning a foreign language. The teacher-dominated engagement is a common aspect of conventional approach. The teaching is mostly focused on the teacher. Modern methodology, in contrast to conventional methodology, is significantly more student-centered. The teacher's primary responsibility is to facilitate learning by allowing pupils to work at their own pace, refraining from lengthy explanations, and encouraging them to participate, communicate, interact, and do things.

Broughton continues, "The language student is best motivated by practice in which he thinks the language is actually communicative, suitable to its context, and that his teacher's talents are advancing him to a broader competency in a foreign

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

language." Students are, in reality, the most active participants in the process. The teacher's role is to encourage and assist pupils in exploring new ways to make studying more engaging.

Furthermore, we may assert that current approach is more inspiring for students than conventional methodology. Because they have a lot of schooling ahead of them, motivation is especially important for children. It appears that both conventional and modern approaches produce results in terms of encyclopedic knowledge levels, but that modern methodology is more effective in terms of encouraging youngsters to communicate and in instilling a good attitude toward the subject. We may conclude that modern approach should be favoured in schools, colleges, lyceums, and universities in particular because motivation appears to be one of the most crucial parts of children's education.

The following priority areas for research on foreign language teaching to students of non-language higher education institutions around the world: Improving the pedagogical processes for teaching foreign languages to students in conformity with the European CEFR requirements; teaching content, educational technologies, strengthening the objectivity of control, and coordinating independent learning in and out of the classroom.

At the senior level, independent work plays a special role, especially in a foreign language. The requirements for this course are different from those of the previous stages. The lesson is no longer based on oral speech, because at this stage most of the language material is studied passively (receptively). That is, reading comprehension plays a key role.4 The texts are also large in size and the language material is complex. Reading, speaking, listening exercises are held regularly. When organizing a lesson, a separate day is set for Reading, a separate day for Speaking, and a separate day for Listening. Homework is also more complex than previous steps. Speaking lessons include a 2-minute talk with a topic. Alternatively, text cards will be distributed to students. Each student gives their opinion on the topic on the card of their choice. The speech requires the use of previous combinations, phrases, introductions, new words, synonyms.

Homework can be used to prepare additional text topics using the press, periodicals, media, and the Internet. Students will be interested to learn about interesting research and scientific discoveries. The advancement of foreign language teaching technologies is a hot topic these days. New standards are imposed by information culture, and any new knowledge swiftly becomes obsolete. In general, creative language teaching refers to a teacher's inventiveness and innovation in

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

changing the style and technique of instruction. Educational institutions all across the world are applying new ideas, methodologies, and technology-based innovations to improve students' English understanding. Basically, there are two major components to teaching: sending and receiving information.

Innovative educational methods have the potential to not only improve education, but also to empower people and strengthen governance. The most difficult task every teacher faces is grabbing pupils' attention and communicating information in a way that they remember long after they leave the classroom. In order for this to happen, the classroom experience must be redefined, and novel ideas for improving teaching and learning methods must be introduced. There are several strategies for attracting a student's attention : Audio and video tools; brainstorming; outside-of-the-classroom sessions; role play; riddles and games; referring to literature on creativity; presenting lessons as a story Crossover learning, learning by argumentation, incidental learning, learning by practicing science, and other innovative learning methods are available. Using audio-visual resources, textbooks with models, filmstrips, movies, pictorial materials, and info graphics, as well as other mind mapping and brain mapping techniques in the session to enable learners' imaginations live and grow. These techniques will help kids improve their listening skills as well as their understanding of subjects. Brainstorming is another way of instruction. In the context of teaching, brainstorming is a tactic or instrument used by the teacher in which the majority of pupils, if not all, participate by reacting to or giving their opinions on a single topic. This strategy helps students to come up with new ideas that they would not have had otherwise. A small group of students is formed first. They are invited to sit in a group and are given materials to do so.

Students' suggestions should be carefully listened to and appreciated, with no judgment or criticism made until the session is completed. This strategy promotes motivation and inventiveness. Classes outside of the classroom are one of the techniques. When some teachings are taught outside of the classroom, they are more easily remembered. Field trips that are related to the teachings should be planned. This will be new and engaging to the students, who will learn and retain the material more quickly. Furthermore, role play is an excellent approach to get students to move outside of their comfort zones and improve their interpersonal skills.

New ideas are welcomed. An open mind can aid in the development of novel instructional approaches. Even if we are open-minded, most of us are sometimes resistant to new ideas. Games and puzzles Learning is enjoyable when puzzles and games are included. Children benefit from puzzles and games because they

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

encourage them to think creatively and tackle problems. The learner's focus is on the message rather than the language while playing games. Rather than focusing on the validity of linguistic forms, the majority of participants will do all possible to win. The key goal is to get the students talking and to pique their interest, wonder, and imagination. Learning that spans multiple disciplines. "Crossover learning" is one of 10 innovations on the verge of having a significant impact on education, according to the 2015 Innovating Pedagogy study . The term "crossover learning" refers to a broad understanding of learning that encompasses both formal and informal learning environments. Encourage students to ask open-ended questions, rephrase remarks in more scientific language, and develop and use models to generate explanations to spark meaningful conversation in the classroom. Argumentation is a method of learning. When students debate in a scientific manner, they learn how to take turns, listen actively, and respond constructively to others. Teachers can benefit from professional development to acquire these skills and overcome linguistic barriers, such as how to correctly convey their intellectual experience with students. Learning that happens by chance. Unintentional or unexpected learning that occurs as a result of other activities is known as incidental learning. It happens frequently in the workplace and when utilizing computers to do tasks. Doing is a great way to learn. It's a hands-on approach to learning, which means that in order to adapt and learn, kids must engage with their surroundings.


Embodied learning is when you learn by doing. The literature on embodied cognition and embodied learning demonstrates that bodily involvement and movement have positive effects on children's cognitive and scholastic results.

To sum up, teachers in the twenty-first century should abandon traditional classroom teaching concepts and procedures in favor of more modern and new teaching methods. Teachers of English communication skills must be imaginative, creative, and resourceful, with a deep understanding of the subject, and embrace new ways to improve our country's social and economic condition. Whatever methods and tactics are employed, the most pragmatic and desired option appears to be to investigate the possibilities of utilizing underutilized and important materials that will undoubtedly aid in the learning and teaching of language abilities.


1. Broughton G. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Oxford university press,


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

2. Scrivener J. Learning Teaching.- Oxford. Macmillan, 2005

3. Mata K. ESL: Language Teaching Approaches.-Gata Review, 2001.

4. Johnson, K. E. The Sociocultural Turn and Its Challenges for Second Language Teacher Education. // TESOL Quarterly., - London.

5. Пассов Э. И. Общительный метод обучения иностранного разговора. -Москва., 1985:

6. Harmer J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. - London., 2001

7. Jalolov J. Chet tili o'qitish metodikasi. - Toshkent., 2012

8. https://www.iosriournals.org/iosr-ihss/papers/Vol19-issue8/Version-4ZM019846265.pdf

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