THE EFFECTS OF COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION ON STUDENTS' PERFORMANCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Communication Language Teaching Methodology / Teaching / Motivation / методика обучения коммуникативному языку / обучение / мотивация

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abdugapporova, Odina

Since CLT has several benefits over other common approaches, it has a positive influence on student performance and motivation. Many individuals use the language in everyday conversation, yet the vast majority of them have never taken a foreign language class, meaning that they have a poor comprehension of the language's structural and grammatical principles. Errors are inconsequential and allowed; the most essential thing is to communicate or speak a language and to comprehend each other in order to communicate. At the heart of the principled communicative method that I promote is the creative integration of meaningful communication with suitable declarative input, as well as the automation of both language norms and lexical items. The more the merrier when it comes to teaching SLA is not the case if it is not targeted.

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Поскольку CLT имеет несколько преимуществ по сравнению с другими распространенными подходами, он оказывает положительное влияние на успеваемость и мотивацию учащихся. Многие люди используют этот язык в повседневном общении, но подавляющее большинство из них никогда не посещали уроки иностранного языка, а это означает, что они плохо понимают структурные и грамматические принципы языка. Ошибки несущественны и допускаются; самое главное общаться или говорить на языке и понимать друг друга, чтобы общаться. В основе принципиального коммуникативного метода, который я продвигаю, лежит творческая интеграция осмысленной коммуникации с подходящим декларативным вводом, а также автоматизация как языковых норм, так и лексических единиц. Чем больше, тем лучше, когда дело доходит до обучения SLA, это не тот случай, когда он не является целевым.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7



Since CLT has several benefits over other common approaches, it has a positive influence on student performance and motivation. Many individuals use the language in everyday conversation, yet the vast majority of them have never taken a foreign language class, meaning that they have a poor comprehension of the language's structural and grammatical principles. Errors are inconsequential and allowed; the most essential thing is to communicate or speak a language and to comprehend each other in order to communicate. At the heart of the principled communicative method that I promote is the creative integration of meaningful communication with suitable declarative input, as well as the automation of both language norms and lexical items. The more the merrier when it comes to teaching SLA is not the case if it is not targeted.

Keywords: Communication Language Teaching Methodology, Teaching, Motivation

Поскольку CLT имеет несколько преимуществ по сравнению с другими распространенными подходами, он оказывает положительное влияние на успеваемость и мотивацию учащихся. Многие люди используют этот язык в повседневном общении, но подавляющее большинство из них никогда не посещали уроки иностранного языка, а это означает, что они плохо понимают структурные и грамматические принципы языка. Ошибки несущественны и допускаются; самое главное - общаться или говорить на языке и понимать друг друга, чтобы общаться. В основе принципиального коммуникативного метода, который я продвигаю, лежит творческая интеграция осмысленной коммуникации с подходящим декларативным вводом, а также автоматизация как языковых норм, так и лексических единиц. Чем больше, тем лучше, когда

Odina Abdugapporova

Karshi State University

+99890 6271637 ABSTRACT



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

дело доходит до обучения SLA, это не тот случай, когда он не является целевым.

Ключевые слова: методика обучения коммуникативному языку, обучение, мотивация




CLT boshqa keng tarqalgan yondashuvlarga nisbatan bir qancha afzalliklarga ega bo'lganligi sababli, u talabalarning ishlashi va motivatsiyasiga ijobiy ta'sir ko'rsatadi. Ko'pgina odamlar bu tildan kundalik suhbatda foydalanishadi, lekin ularning aksariyati chet tili darslarida qatnashmagan, ya'ni ular tilning strukturaviy va grammatik tamoyillarini yaxshi tushunmaydilar. Xatolar ahamiyatsiz va ruxsat etiladi; eng muhimi, muloqot qilish yoki tilda gaplashish va muloqot qilish uchun bir-birini tushunishdir. Men ilgari surayotgan prinsipial kommunikativ usulning zamirida mazmunli muloqotni tegishli deklarativ kiritish bilan ijodiy integratsiyalash, shuningdek, til normalari va leksik elementlarni avtomatlashtirish yotadi. Bu maqsadli emas, agar SLA o'rgatish kelganda ko'proq merrier bunday emas.

Kalit so'zlar: Muloqot tilini o 'qitish metodikasi, o 'qitish, motivatsiya


Harmer defines method as "the practical application of approach" (Harmer, 2003). The user of a method decides on the sort of action to be taken, the role of teachers and students, the type of instructional material to be used, and some models for structuring a Syllabus.

Different writers have developed different teaching and learning methods, and they use different titles for different time periods. Some of the tactics that were employed previously have practically vanished into obscurity, while others have shown to be successful and are still used and well recognized.

At private schools of foreign language classes, a considerable percentage of public school kids continue to learn English languages.

The cornerstone of CLT is learners' participation in communication in order to improve their communicative ability. The emergence of what we now know as CLT may be attributed to parallel advancements in linguistic theory and language learning curriculum design in Europe and North America over the twentieth century. (2006, Savignon).

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

When it comes to CLT features (Richards, 2006), it emphasizes that individuals learn a language by using it to perform things rather than by studying its functions. We have many examples of pupils learning a second foreign language due to their demands for that language. As a result, we may conclude that the students' incentive to learn a given language sprang from a need.

A communication technique is one that does not place a premium on following the rules. It is vital to speak a language, but not to teach me how it works, according to this method's proponents. There are many people who use the language in real communication, and the majority of them did not take even a single foreign language course, implying that they lack a significant understanding of the language's structural and grammatical rules. However, as Jack Richard points out, mistakes are unimportant and are tolerated; the most important thing is to use communication or speak a language and to understand each other in order to communicate. The English of the twenty-first century should be the English of communication, where people want to be able to communicate with one another, so English language researchers use different names for their English language speaking, such as American English, British English, Chinese English, Albanian English, Russian English, and so on, when discussing English language pronunciation and terminology. People don't care how they emphasize a word or a sentence; they just want to be understood. As a result, (Richards, 2006) defines language competence as the ability to use language to various goals and functions.

What is the best way for students to learn a language?

The majority of authors noted that learning a foreign language was once thought to be mechanical. They also place a premium on language clarity and correctness. This meant that students had to construct grammatically accurate phrases in morfology and syntactic without making a single grammatical error. This strategy, in my opinion, renders students overly reliant on the teacher by providing few opportunities for students to speak in a casual manner with both teachers and students, as well as with students themselves. Students would memorize facts that they might know today but wouldn't be able to deliver when they required it.

In comparison to other ways in which the student becomes the center of the class and the instructor is just a facilitator, the constructive theory with the method of communication takes a different approach.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

(Richards, 2006) characterizes the communication technique of learning as follows:

• Interaction between language students and native speakers.

• Developing colaburalist (collaborative) connotation

• Use a language to create meaningful engagement.

• When students learn or use a language, they participate in the learning process.

• With everyone who develops communication abilities, being aware of the language they hear (input) and attempting to assimilate new forms.

• Making an attempt to utilize the language and experimenting with other forms of the language.

The overall goal of CLT is to use a theoretical communicative approach to make communicative competence a teaching goal and to embrace the interconnectedness of language and communication (Diane, 2000).

When commenting about his experience in a class where CLT was utilized, (Richards, 2006) comments based on his observations in the class. He formulates the following concepts based on his observations:

When feasible, "genuine language" — that is, language that is utilized in an actual situation - should be employed.

Being able to communicate the speaker's and writer's intentions is an important component of being an effective communicator.

English as a (target language) is used in the classroom as a tool for communication rather than as a subject of study.

Different language forms of a function are possible. Because the course emphasizes the practical use of language, it is offered alongside a wide range of linguistic forms. We should focus on communication processes rather than linguistic forms.

Games are essential because they have distinct characteristics that are shared with real-life communication situations.

Also, regardless of whether the speaker has made a good message, the speaker takes immediate/instant feet back by the audience.

Because the purpose of the exercise is to improve a student's language fluency, the teacher does not reprimand the student but instead makes notes on the student's blunders and then discusses them with the class.

The Principled Communicative Approach's Seven Principles (PCA)

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

The key problem for language teaching technique, I suggest in this study, is to characterize the nature of optimum collaboration between explicit and implicit learning processes in a coherent way. The details of a new, principled communication approach (PCA) are still being worked out, but we can outline some essential guiding principles for the approach based on research undertaken over the last decade. To wrap up this work, I'd want to suggest seven fundamental - and perhaps overlapping - ideas that are in line with our current scientific understanding of taught second language learning.

1. The concept of personal significance: PCA should be meaning-focused and personally important in its entirety. For the past 25 years, this has been the primary concept of student-centered, communicative language education, and I believe it is still applicable now as it was when it was initially articulated.

2. The controlled practice principle: While the overall goal of language learning is to prepare students for meaningful communication, skill learning theory suggests that it should also include controlled practice activities to promote the automatization of L2 skills, similar to the training of musicians or athletes. The goal of this activity should be made apparent to the students, and the content/format should be as engaging as feasible given the task's limits.

3. The declarative input principle: PCA should include clear initial input components to offer a jump start for further automatisation. This declarative information may be provided in a variety of ways, including through the use of accelerated learning techniques and rote learning.

4. The focus-on-form principle: PCA should pay attention to the formal/structural components of the L2 that affect correctness and appropriateness at the language, discourse, and pragmatic levels, while retaining an overall meaning-oriented approach. Finding the right balance between meaning-based and form-focused activities in the dynamic classroom setting is a crucial feature of excellent teaching.

5. The formulaic language principle: One of the main components of PCA should be the teaching of formulaic language. The importance and pervasiveness of formulaic language in real-life communication should be sufficiently raised, and selected phrases should be extensively repeated and recycled.

6. The concept of language exposure: PCA should provide learners with extended exposure to big volumes of L2 material in order to feed their implicit learning mechanisms. Learners should be provided specific pre-task activities (e.g., pre-reading/listening/watching exercises or explanations of certain key components

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

of the content) to prepare them for maximal intake in order to make the most of this exposure.

7. The notion of focused engagement: PCA should provide learners with numerous opportunities to engage in meaningful L2 interaction. Such communicative practice should always have a defined formal or functional focus, and it should always be coupled with goal phrases to practice for the optimum benefit.


To summarize, the creative integration of meaningful communication with appropriate declarative input, as well as the automation of both language norms and lexical items, is at the heart of the principled communicative approach that I advocate. When it comes to taught SLA, the more the merrier is not the case if it is not targeted. Dornyei (Dornyei, 2009).


1. Diane, L. (2000). "Techniques and Principles in language Teaching". Published by: Oxford University press 2000.

2. Dornyei, Z. (2009). The 2010s Communicative language teaching in the 21st century The 'principled communicative approach'. 34th National 3. Convention of TESOL , 33- 42.

3. Harmer, J. (2003). " how to Teach English" ( An introduction to the practice of English language teaching). Malaysia.: Pearson Education Limited.

4. Ministry of Education, S. a. (2011, August 29). http://www.masht-gov.net. Retrieved February 09, 2015, from http://www.masht-gov.net/ advCms/#id=1348: http://www.masht-gov.net/advCms/documents/Korniza%20e%20Kurrikules 11.pdf

5. Richards, J. C. (2006). Communicative Language Teaching Today. 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York,: © Cambridge University Press 2006.

6. Savignon, S. J. (2006). Beyond communicative language teaching:What's ahead? Journal Of Pragmatics , 207-220.

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