ОРГАНІЗАЦІЯ САМОСТІЙНОЇ РОБОТИ МАГІСТРІВ ПРИ ВИВЧЕННІ ІНОЗЕМНОЇ МОВИ. Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
іншомовна підготовка / самостійна робота / студент-магістр / професійна діяльність / освітні технології. / foreign language teaching / independent activity / MA student / professional activity / educational methods.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Бринцева Олена Василівна, Подорожна Аліна Олександрівна

У статті підкреслюється важлива роль самостійної діяльності студентів магістрів у процесі викладанні іноземних мов у вищому навчальному закладі. Визначаються цілі самостійного роботи студентів магістратури під час вивчення іноземних мов (систематизація та зміцнення теоретичних знань та практичних навичок студентів, сприяння розвитку критичного аналізу та оцінці сучасних наукових досягнень, генерація нових ідей з метою підтримки необхідних досліджень); здійснення дослідницької діяльності із застосуванням сучасних методів навчання та викладання, інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій; розвиток компетенцій та навичок, необхідних для аналізу результатів наукових досліджень та застосування їх з метою вирішення конкретних дослідницьких завдань, формування спроможності до саморозвитку, самовдосконалення та самореалізації. У роботі висвітлені особливості та форми організації самостійної діяльності студентів магістратури у процесі викладання іноземних мов (поглиблений аналіз навчального матеріалу, робота з автентичними джерелами інформації, побудова термінологічного словника, підготовка письмових робіт, анотування та реферування текстів за фахом). У статті зроблено висновок, що ефективна організація самостійної роботи студентів магістратури у вищому навчальному закладі полягає не лише в оптимізації її окремих видів, а й у створенні умов для підвищення активності, самостійності та відповідальності студентів магістратури як на практичних заняттях, так і поза ними. Активізація самостійної роботи студентів магістратури передбачає застосування освітніх технологій, відповідних їх рівню з метою вирішення завдання формування стилю наукового мислення; розвиток навчальних навичок та творчої активності.

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The article emphasizes the important role of independent activity of master’s degree (MA) students in the foreign languages teaching in a higher education institution. The goals of independent study of MA students in the foreign languages teaching have been defined (systematization and reinforcement of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students, promotion of critical analysis and assessment of modern scientific achievements, generation of new ideas to support the required research and analysis); implementation of research activities using modern instruction and teaching methods, information and communication technologies; developing the competencies and skills necessary for analysis of the results of scientific research and applying them to solve specific research problems, building the capacity to realize self-development, self-improvement and self-realization. The work highlights the features and forms of planning the independent activity of MA students in the process of foreign languages teaching (in-depth analysis of the training material, work with authentic information sources, building a terminological dictionary, preparing written works, annotating and abstracting texts for specific purposes). The article concluded that the effective planning of independent study of MA students at a higher education institution is not only to optimize its individual types, but also to create conditions for increasing the activity, independence and responsibility of MA students, both in the classroom and outside. The intensification of independent study of MA students provides for the application of educational technologies appropriate to their level to solve the task of forming the style of scientific thinking; development of study skills and creative activity.



УДК 378.147.111.041:81 '243

Бринцева Олена BacunieHa,

Старший викладач кафедри тшомовно'1 пiдготовки, европейсъкоЧ ттеграцШ та мiжнародного cnie-

робiтництва Укра'тсъkoï iнженерно-педагогiчно'ï академп Подорожна Алша Олександрiвна

Асистент кафедри iншомовноï niдготовки, европейсъко'1' ттеграци та мiжнародного cniepo6imHUц-

тва Укра'тсъко'1' iнженерно-педагогiчно'ï академИ' DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-895-49-52 ОРГАШЗАЦШ CAMOCTmHOÏ РОБОТИ МАГ1СТР1В ПРИ ВИВЧЕНН1 IH03EMH0Ï МОВИ.

Bryntseva Olena,

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Language Training, European Integration and International

Cooperation of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy

Podorozhna Alina

Assistant Professor of the Department of Foreign Language Training, European Integration and International Cooperation of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy




У статтi тдкреслюетъся важлива роль самостiйноï дiялъностi студентiв магiстрiв у процеci ви-кладанш тоземних мову вищому навчалъному закладi. Визначаютъся цл самостшного роботи cтудентiв магicтратури пiд час вивчення тоземних мов (cиcтематизацiя та змщнення теоретичних знанъ та прак-тичних навичок cтудентiв, сприяння розвитку критичного анализу та оцiнцi сучасних наукових досягненъ, генерацiя нових iдей з метою пiдтримки необхiдних до^дженъ); здшснення до^дницъко'1' дiялъноcтi iз застосуванням сучасних методiв навчання та викладання, тформацтно-комуткацтних технологт; роз-виток компетенцт та навичок, необхiдних для анал1зурезулътатiв наукових до^дженъ та застосування Их з метою виршення конкретних до^дницъких завданъ, формування cпроможноcтi до саморозвитку, самовдосконалення та самореал1зацИ\ У роботi виcвiтленi оcобливоcтi та форми оргатзацШ cамоcтiйноï дiялъноcтi cтудентiв магктратури у процеа викладання iноземних мов (поглиблений анализ навчалъного матерiалу, робота з автентичними джерелами тформацп, побудова термiнологiчного словника, тдго-товка писъмових робт, анотування та реферування текcтiв за фахом).

У cтаттi зроблено висновок, що ефективна органiзацiя cамоcтiйноï роботи cтудентiв магктра-тури у вищому навчалъному закладi полягае не лише в оптим1заци ïï окремих видiв, а й у cтвореннi умов для пiдвищення активноcтi, cамоcтiйноcтi та вiдповiдалъноcтi cтудентiв магicтратури як на практи-чних заняттях, так i поза ними. Активiзацiя cамоcтiйноï роботи cтудентiв магктратури передбачае застосування оcвiтнiх технологт, вiдповiдних 1'х рiвню з метою виршення завдання формування стилю наукового мислення; розвиток навчалъних навичок та творчоï активноcтi.


The article emphasizes the important role of independent activity of master's degree (MA) students in the foreign languages teaching in a higher education institution. The goals of independent study of MA students in the foreign languages teaching have been defined (systematization and reinforcement of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students, promotion of critical analysis and assessment of modern scientific achievements, generation of new ideas to support the required research and analysis); implementation of research activities using modern instruction and teaching methods, information and communication technologies; developing the competencies and skills necessary for analysis of the results of scientific research and applying them to solve specific research problems, building the capacity to realize self-development, self-improvement and self-realization. The work highlights the features andforms ofplanning the independent activity of MA students in the process of foreign languages teaching (in-depth analysis of the training material, work with authentic information sources, building a terminological dictionary, preparing written works, annotating and abstracting texts for specific purposes).

The article concluded that the effective planning of independent study of MA students at a higher education institution is not only to optimize its individual types, but also to create conditions for increasing the activity, independence and responsibility of MA students, both in the classroom and outside. The intensification of independent study of MA students provides for the application of educational technologies appropriate to their level to solve the task offorming the style of scientific thinking; development of study skills and creative activity.

Ключовi слова: тшомовна тдготовка, самостшна робота, cтудент-магicтр, профестна дiялъ-тстъ, оcвiтнi технологи.



Keywords: foreign language teaching, independent activity, MA student, professional activity, educational methods.

Introduction. Nowadays, the goal of Ukrainian higher education is to provide future specialists to solid, operational knowledge and professional skills within their field of competence, as well as to provide the experience in creative and research activities to address new challenges, the experience in social-evaluating activity, developing during the process of the students' independent work.

Foreign-language proficiency is recognized as one of the key cross-cultural competencies of master's degree; however, in practice foreign-language training of a postgraduate student, carried out in the context of traditional, educational system appears to be insufficient to solve the pedagogical tasks in modern conditions. In that regard, some inconsistencies have been observed in modern theory and practice of foreign language training of master's degree students of higher education institution, between: social order of modern society for highly qualified specialists and lack of their training; traditional methods and practice of organizational forms of foreign language teaching and the necessity of the implementation of the new educational pedagogical technologies in the training activity; using mainly educational texts in the training process and the need to work with authentic foreign language information sources in professional discourse.

The presence of these contradictions results in rethinking of some pedagogical concepts bearing in mind recent developments in theory and practice regarding the foreign language training of master's degree students. There is a clear need to develop a model for the foreign language training of master's degree (MA) students in higher education institution that could meet the needs of Ukrainian society and the actual needs of a future specialist.

The aim of the study - to analyze the concept of independent work in a higher education institution and determine the peculiarities and forms of independent activity organization of MA students in the process of foreign languages teaching.

As a rule, the following interlinked goals are realized in the foreign language teaching: practical, academic, educational and developing. At foreign language training of MA students, the practical goals are focused on a foreign language acquisition in the context of professional communication; the academic goals are primarily to raise the level of general culture, to gain the specific knowledge, to form various skills and abilities; the developing goals are intended to build intellectual, emotional and motivational spheres of a personality; the educational goals are focused on development of scientific understanding, tolerance, moral values of a future specialist. These goals are defined by social order of a society: to develop the communicative competence of a specialist, allowing carrying out the professional activity effectively in foreign language communicative environment.

The MA students training is characterized by the continued growth of their independent work, self-edu-

cation, engaging them in research activities. The master's degree is essential for academic process and aims to prepare students to further self-education as a tool for searching and gaining experience, by which a future specialist has an opportunity to continue his or her professional training. Intensive independent work is critical to the success of the educational system as a whole. Research and analysis on issues in the field shows, that transition to new specialties, aimed at achieving professional competency; implementation of module training syllabuses; the possibility of obtaining individual professional education, which meets the students' needs and demands; the organization of educational process in the credit unit system have an impact on the organization of independent work.

In the process of independent work a MA student is able to acquire theoretical material on discipline (concrete topics, questions, issues, etc.); to consolidate the knowledge of theory , using necessary tools by practical way (to complete the tasks, tests, self-assessment checklists); to apply the acquired experience and knowledge to analyze the situation and make the right decision (preparation for group discussion, prepared work within communicative situation, project development and written analysis of concrete situation, etc.); to apply knowledge and skills, gained to form and present personal opinion,, theory, model (presenting a scientific research work).

Intensification of students' independent work provides for a fundamental reappraisal and restructuring of academic process at a higher educational institution, and includes the following: focus on active learning methods; development of master's creative skills; shift away from the current to individualized training to meet the needs and ability of a personality. The effectiveness of independent work is conditioned by several factors, some of which are willingness to independent work, achieved through admissible motivation to master a foreign knowledge and the most appropriate way of organizing independent work. Therefore, the goal of master's independent work in the process of a foreign language is determined as: systematization and consolidation of obtained theoretical knowledge and practical kills of masters; developing the ability to critical analysis and assessment of current scientific achievements, creation of new ideas at solving research and practical tasks; research activities, using modern research methods and information and communication technologies; developing the ability to analyze the results of scientific studies and research and apply them in dealing with specific cases; forming the skills to self-development, self-improvement and self-realization.

Based on organizational practice of MA student's independent work in a foreign language teaching at a higher educational institution, it is appropriate to apply the following forms of independent work: training sessions materials processing, work with authentic sources, building terminological dictionary, preparing written works (abstracts, thesis, articles), annotating and referencing texts for special purposes, preparing a


report in a foreign language and presentation at the conference.

One of the most important forms of master's work is considered to be the ability to work with authentic sources. Studying the discipline "A foreign language", the students should gain experience in processing a substantial amount of information (monographies, scientific articles, and thesis), what determines the importance of extracurricular reading as one of the element for MA students' independent work in the process of foreign language teaching. To increase the effectiveness of independent work with literature for specific purposes it is important to involve the course, focused on achieving equitable levels of speech preparation that will systematize the repetition of grammatical material of previous levels trained by immersion in a subject, and use specific provisions of intensive training, with an emphasis on scientific and technical texts. At the same time, special attention should be paid to grammatical features, frequently repeated in scientific and technical texts and present, perhaps, the greatest challenges in understanding, identifying and differentiating them in the context. Group classroom studies allow for creating base to move on to independent reading of foreign literature, analysis, language processing. During the classroom studies, it is advisable to fulfill similar tasks, which the students perform at out-class training independently (analysis of texts for special purposes, revision of a text, annotating and abstracting) [2,143].

In order to analyze the text for special purposes, the MA students are proposed to read scientific and technical text and perform the following tasks: to define the topic of the text and each paragraph; to divide the text into semantic completed parts and suggest the title to each and every one of the; to describe the problems, presented in the text; to make up their own mind about the reading; to prepare the summary of the text .

Independent activity in writing (articles, Abstracts, abstracts) in a foreign language is a key requirement of master's degree educational programme. Students' teaching for independent writing the article, report can be carried out during the class studies when the key language features of scientific and technical literature (impersonal sentences, passive voice, parenthetical words, used to achieve the overall coherence of scientific text) are repeated. These skills would be useful for students for proper written works in particular based on their own research. To develop written scientific competence, MA students do some preparatory exercises, reading concrete scientific articles in a foreign language. The end result of this work will be review abstracts on scientific literature in a foreign language, that have to comply with brevity, logical order, accuracy, structural-semantic connectivity between the parts of the text. Development of written scientific competence is monitored at the lessons as well as according to MA students' participation in the scientifically-practical conferences with the presentations in a foreign language (articles, scientific conference abstracts, abstract of the papers).


In the planning and organization of independent work of master's degree students in a foreign language, the following pedagogical and methodological conditions should be taken into account: the ratio of academic and out-of-class activities of students; the compliance of content of the course materials and the current status of the development of science and technology; the use of flexible modern approaches to develop the teaching and learning materials and forms of works with master's degree students; planning systematic pedagogical monitoring of implementation of all kinds of independent works by students; the provision of theoretically grounded course materials and clear guidance to their use [4,132].

In practice at Department of Foreign Languages Training, European Integration and International Cooperation of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, the content of independent work of MA students is provided by the teaching and learning materials, containing work programmes, training aids and study guides, funds of assessment tools, instructional guidelines, questions and tasks for independent work of MA students. With a view to effective individualization of independent work, the teaching materials are to be designed in such a way as to help the students to improve, enhance and complement knowledge, skills and competencies; to master necessary training and research actions, forms and kinds of independent creative academic research work; to develop individual programme for planning independent work. The organization of teaching materials contains information section, presenting the volume and sequence of issues and topics being studied, different tasks for updating material, necessary to study a new topic, methodological guidelines to assist with tasks, references.

Individualization of independent academic activity involves the use of tasks for different complication levels as well as individual tasks. Group forms of activity are designed so that the task could be allocated in an optimal manner according to features of each student. Choosing the difficulty level of tasks is based on diagnostics of foreign language competence and cognitive autonomy development. MA students, who have received a list of tasks, are able to choose the combinations of tasks that are relevant to their needs and abilities. Individual pace and volume of independent work will enhance the students' independent work, motivate the scientific-research activity, contributes to a professional personality of a future specialist.

Conclusions. It should therefore be noted that planning independent work of MA students in a foreign language teaching lies not only in its certain types optimization, but also in promoting conditions to increase the students' activity, autonomy and responsibility at practical classes and in after-classes activity in the context of academic activity. The aim of independent work of MA students is to teach them at first to process the learning materials meaningfully and independently, then to work with scientific information, to provide a basis for self-organization and self-education in order to develop the ability of continuing professional development.




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2. Кравченко, Е.В. (2011). Аннотирование как вид учебно-методической деятельности при обучении иностранному языку. Освгга, наука, вироб-ництво: штеграцшш процеси в умовах шфор-мацшного сустльства: матерiали наук. -практично! конференций наук.-пед. пращвнишв, асшранпв та сшвробггаишв гiрничого факультету Украшсько! шженерно-педагопчно! академи, 2011. № 8. С. 141145.

3. Общеевропейские компетенции владения иностранным языком: Изучение, обучение, оценка. - М.: МГЛУ, 2005. - С. 134.

4. Dudley-Evans T., Maggie Jo St. John. (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes: a multi-disciplinary approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 298p.

УДК 821.512.141


1. Kozyreva, O. A. (2014). Kul'tura sa-mostojatel'noj raboty pedagoga: ot opredelenija do produktov samorealizacii / O. A. Kozyreva // Sov-remennaja pedagogika. 2014. № 12 (25). S. 97-102.

2. Kravchenko, E.V. (2011). Annotirovanie kak vid uchebno-metodicheskoj dejatel'nosti pri obuchenii inostrannomu jazyku. Osvita, nauka, vyrobnytstvo: intehratsiini protsesy v umovakh informatsiinoho suspilstva: materialy nauk.-praktychnoi konferentsii nauk.-ped. pratsivnykiv, aspirantiv ta spivrobitnykiv hirnychoho fakultetu Ukrainskoi inzhenerno-pedaho-hichnoi akademii, , 2011. № 8. C. 141-145.

3. Obshheevropejskie kompetencii vladenija in-ostrannym jazykom: Izuchenie, obuchenie, ocenka. -M.: MGLU, 2005. - S. 134.

4. Dudley-Evans T., Maggie Jo St. John. (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes: a multi-disciplinary approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 298p.

Гареева Гульфира Нигаматовна

доктор филологических наук, доцент, Почетный работник науки и образования Российской Федерации профессор кафедры башкирской литературы, фольклора и культуры Башкирского государственного университета DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-895-52-55


Gareeva Gulfira Nigamatovna

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Science and education of the Russian Federation Professor of the Department of Bashkir literature, folklore and culture Bashkir State University



Целью данной статьи является раскрытие жанрово-стилевых особенностей, тематики и проблематики современной башкирской драматургии. К анализу были привлечены драмы, комедии и трагикомедии М. Карима "Вечерняя трапеза", "Пеший Махмут ", "Коня - диктатору!", Н. Асанбаева "Красный паша", "Миляш-Миляуша", Ф. Богданова "Измена завету", Ф. Булякова "Вознесись, мой Тулпар!", "Бибинур, ах, Бибинур", Н. Гаитбаева "Дому обрыва", Г. Шафикова «Хадия», "Пещера", Р. Кул-Давлета "Златовласка", Т.Гариповой «Убежавшие в счастье», «Гильмияза», «Неулетайте, журавли!», Т.Гание-вой "Тамарис", Р. Киньябаева "Одолжи мне жеребца", А. Ягафаровой "Степная девушка", Т.Давлет-бердиной «Моя семья», С.Латыпова «Завидуй, Америка, завидуй!» и др., посвященных крупным явлениям исторического прошлого страны и народа, событиям периода Великой Отечественной войны и сталинских репрессий, современности.

Нашей задачей является исследование творческих поисков и оригинальных находок в области жанра и стиля современной башкирской драматургии последних десятилетий.

Актуальность исследования обусловлена все более растущим интересом к многоаспектному изучению особенностей развития современной башкирской литературы, в частности, драматургии.

В статье применяются сравнительно-исторический метод исследования, герменевтический метод исследования и метод исследования контент-анализа.

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.