Слобожатнов П.А.
викладач кафедри фьзично! культури та основ здоров'я, Чертвецький нацiональний }miверситет iменi Юрiя Федьковича
Сущенко Л П. завiдувач кафедри фьзично!реабттацИ, доктор педагогiчних наук, професор, Нацюнальний педагогiчний унiверситет iменi М.П. Драгоманова
Путров С.Ю. професор кафедри фьзично!реабттацИ, доктор фшософських наук, доцент, Нацюнальний педагогiчний }miверситет iменi М.П. Драгоманова
Slobozhaninov P.
Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Health basics, Chernivtsi Yuriy Fedkovich National University
Sushchenko L.
Head of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor National Pedagogical DragomanovUniversity
Putrov S.
Professor of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Doctor of Philosophy Science, Associate Professor National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
У статп зазначено, що з позицш сьогодення у вищш школi сформувалася така освггая парадигма, з позицш яко! яшсть професшно! тдготовки майбутшх фах1вщв з фггаесу та рекреацп визначатиметься тим, насшльки у випускнишв сформувалася !х професшна компетентшсть. Автори вказують на вщсутшсть за-гально прийнятих визначень понять "професшна компетентшсть" та "финес". ABSTRACT
The article pointed out that today in the higher school formed education paradigms, from the standpoint that the quality of training of future experts in fitness and recreation will be determined by how the graduates formed their professional competence. The authors are focus on the characteristic features of formation of professional competence of the future experts in fitness and recreation in the higher education institutions. The authors are points to the lack of a common accepted definition of the concepts of "professional competence" and "fitness".
Ключовi слова: формування професшно! компетентности майбутш фах1вщ з фгтнесу та рекреацп, вищi навчальш заклади.
Keywords: formation of professional competence of the future experts in fitness and recreation, higher education institutions.
Introduction. The formation of professional competence of the future experts in fitness and recreation in the conditions of active reform of the higher sports education in the higher educational institutions are more and more important issue. In the system of higher education from the standpoint of today, the problem of personnel policy is very important. For modern professionals in fitness and recreation is insufficient awareness of the need of self-adaptation to changing socio-economic conditions, in connection with the implementation of the requirements of new standards and other regulatory documents. Much more important are the questions connected with realization of himself as an actor in the complex process of transformation. To this end, future experts in fitness and recreation must have the ability to active restructuring of attitudes, self-development and self-realization in recreational activities activities.
Reviews of recent publications. The problem of formation of a competent professional is very important and relevant for higher education. The "process of formation of professional competence should be subordinate to the end result - the formation of the specialist able to compete effectively in the labor market", according to L. S. Vasina [2, p. 50]. Issues relating to the training of the future professionals capable of working in the field of fitness are thoroughly considered by M. V. Dutchak, M. M. Vasylenko, O. V. Zavalnyuk, O. K. Kornosenko, O. V. Korkh-Cherba, A. V. Pryma, O. H. Saykina and others.
Considerable attention is paid to the preparation of the future fitness trainers in higher education institutions in the modern period. O. O. Berest considers the preparation of of future the fitness trainers in recreation
The scientific heritage No 11 (11),2017 and fitness activities, M. M. Vasylenko - modern requirements of employers to the formation of readiness of the future fitness trainers to professional activity, O. K. Kornosenko - specificity and functions of professional activities of a fitness trainer, O. V. Korkh-Cherba - the main lines of the system approach in the professional work of the future fitness trainers, D. V. Pyatnytska - analysis of the forms of organization of educational process for th efuture fitness trainers, A. V. Pryma - implementation of competence-based approach in the formation of professional competence of the future fitness trainers to professional work in the fitness industry, and others.
The aim of the article is a description of features of formation of the professional competence of the future experts in fitness and recreation in the higher education institutions.
Material and methods: analysis of the scholarly publications; a survey of the university students.
Recent findings. Theoretical analysis of the scholarly publications are shows the lack of universally accepted definition of "professional competence". It is interpreted: as an integral characteristic, which determines the ability and willingness to solve professional issues and professional problems arising in real situations of professional work, using knowledge, skills, abilities, professional and life experience, values and culture (Ye. O. Budarin); as a combination of mental and personal (human) qualities both mental and personal condition, which allows to act independently and responsibly, as the ability and skill to perform certain job functions (V. I. Volynkin); as the integration of the individual characteristics of the specialist, which includes knowledge, skills and personal qualities to ensure the successful implementation of the professional activity (O. V. Haynulyna); as "integrative quality of the person, which includes the willingness and ability of a person to carry out the professional activities on the basis of existing knowledge, skills and personal qualities of a professional" (T. V. Mala); as "the practical implementation of professional skills and business qualities of the employee in their synergies and interdependence" (O. F. Prylipko); as "the integral property of the personality of a modern specialist as a set of integrated fundamental knowledge, generic skills and abilities that are personally and professionally significant qualities, which reflects the level of culture, humanistic orientation, adaptability and skill, a creative approach to the organization of teaching, willingness for continuous improvement" (O. V. Skibina); as "qualitative characteristic of the degree of ownership of their work
by experts and includes: an understanding of the business, assessment of personal qualities, professional development of its regulation, self-improvement and self-education" (V. H. Chornobay); as an expert ability to solve professional problems of various kinds, the problem on the basis of lessons learned, knowledge and values (M. A. Choshanov).
In research we use a concept of "professional competence" in the sense which delivers V. T. Lozovetska [4, p. 722]. Professional competence as "integrative characteristic of business and personal qualities of the specialist, reflecting the level of knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to achieve results with a certain type of professional activity, as well as the moral position of a specialist", so, the scientist treats the concept [4, p. 722]. Fitness experts, "needs to be fully prepared for the creative professional-pedagogical, health and fitness, advocacy with various social groups, to have the basic knowledge of the social, humanitarian, psychological, pedagogical, medical and biological, special-pedagogical sciences, knowledge of the anatom-ico-physiological and psychological peculiarities of the health status of different age groups", indicates O. V. Korkh-Cherba, [3, p. 194].
Nowadays, in the field of fitness often employed workers who have completed short-term training courses for instructors (aerobics, aqua aerobics, bodybuilding, etc.), but their professional skills does not meet the modern requirements of the fitness industry [3]. "The pace of renovation of health technologies, quality sports equipment and equipment of famous foreign fitness companies (International Association of wellness, tennis and sports clubs - IHRSA, "Planet Fitness", etc.) allow them to deploy a system of the preparation of the specialists in fitness, which exceeds the quality of similar training of specialists in state higher sports educational institutions", so says O. V. Korkh-Cherba [3, p. 194].
Based on the analysis of the definitions of "fitness" concept of M. M. Vasylenko it states that fitness is used in different ways, which can be conditionally designate four groups with different levels of meaning.
The first level - is the best physical condition and readiness.
The second level - is a set of forms, means and methods to achieve fitness goals.
The third level - is a social phenomenon that includes philosophical, social and psychological aspects. A sector of the economy is the fourth level [1, p. 6].
We are sharing this opinion of the scientist.
The definition of "fitness" are presented in the Table 1.
Table 1
The definition of "fitness"
Author Definition
A. A. Bolyak, N. L. Bolyak, O. V. Korkh-Cherba, P. M. Kyzim Fitness - is an "optimal physical condition, including a certain level of the progress towards the Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities and the low risk of developing health problems".
N. I. Volovyk Fitness - is a "general (not just physical) human readiness to exit from the "flow of life" and provide effective natural to act in situations that require the mobilization of the physical and spiritual strength; state of psychological and physical readiness for success in a specific task"; "As a health component, which provides a high quality of life"; "How effectively the current set of means of selective effects that on a number of fundamental circumstances is responsible classification level, of the bio-social, conceptual, probable, summative-integrated and of the complex system".
V. I. Hryhoryev Fitness - is a specific sector of the economy that reflects the socio-economic, legal and institutional basis for its operation and development (the fitness industry) or as the provision of material and socio-cultural services that meets the physical needs of the population.
A. V. Menkhin Fitness - it is a system of physical exercises and recreational field (excluding sports forms of fitness), with quite a wide range of diverse and affordable motor task components individually standardized programs, personally motivated and functionally determined (consistent with the regulatory framework).
K. H. Saykina Fitness - it is an innovative form of the physical culture, which combines a set of innovative types, forms, equipment and technologies of sports activities and the availability of comfortable social and cultural conditions, which is the process of "consumption" of the product, which is defined as "fitness services".
Khouli Edvard T. & B. Don Frenks. Fitness - it's physical fitness (from the "to be fit for" be suitable for anything, be healthy).
Recreation is treated as the expanded reproduction of human forces (physical, intellectual and emotional) any game or entertainment, which are used to restore physical and mental strength; segment of the leisure industry, coupled with the participation of the population in the active outdoor recreation falls mainly on the weekend; alteration of an organism and human populations, allows active activity under various conditions, and changes in the nature of the environment [5, p. 77].
Recreation entirely relates to leisure activities and is within the discretionary (free) time, aimed at the restoring vitality of the body. Part of the recreational activities carried out outside the usual environment. As a result, travel, recreation and leisure at the resort are important components that define this form of recreation that relates to tourism and the resort business. Recreation is a subsystem of free time, including recreation, related and unrelated to the exit of the permanent human residence mark I. Yu. Sevryukov & E. N. Taskaev
[5, p.77].
To identify the current state of the formation of the professional competence of the future experts in fitness and recreation, we conducted a survey of students of higher education institutions, which was attended by 318 people.
Were are the 68 students of Lviv State University of Physical Culture respondents, the 69 students of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, the 50 students of National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, the 131 students Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.
Questioning of the students results show that 17,92% of the respondents have knowledge about the aims and problems of the theory and methods of wellness physical culture, 38,84% of the respondents have a part of this knowledge, 33,61% of the respondents lack this knowledge in general, and 9,63% of the respondents could not answer the question (Figure 1).
40,00% 35,00% 30,00%% 25,00°% 20,00%% 15,00% 10,00% 5,00% 0,00%
Yes, I own Partially No, I do not own It is difficult to
proficient answer
Fig. 1. Distribution of answers of the students possess the knowledge of the aims and problems of the theory and
methods of wellness physical culture,%
Not a significant part of the interviewed students, only 17, 21%, thoroughly knowledgeable of the areas of physical culture, partially possess these knowledge - 31,79%, do not possess this knowledge - 42,15% of the students surveyed, the answer is "cannot say" was chosen 8,85% of respondents (Figure 2).
Conclusions. Thus, in terms of active reform of the higher sports education actualized questions of the formation of professional competence of the future ex-
perts in fitness and recreation in higher education in recent years.
In connection with the implementation of the requirements of a new standards and other normative documents for today's experts in fitness and recreation is not enough awareness of the need for self-adaptation to changing socio-economic conditions are much more important issues related to the implementation of the self as a subject in the complex process of transformation.
■ Yes, I own ■ Partially proficient ■ No, I do not own ■ It is difficult to answer
Fig. 2. Distribution of the students' answers possess knowledge of the areas of improving physical training, %
Achieving a high level of professional competence of the future experts in the fitness and recreation, requires the analysis of the problems and contradictions of the higher sports education in the way of education of the person, a competitive labor market, the ability to change and improve society, independently set and achieve goals, think creatively, consciously analyze
their own recreation and fitness activities and take appropriate decisions.
Prospects for the further research the authors are sees in the development and theoretical basis of model of formation of professional competence of the future experts in fitness and recreation with the use of information and communication technologies.
1. Vasylenko M. M. (2016) Tezaurus doslidzhen-nia profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh fitnes-treneriv u vyshchomu navchalnomu zakladi. [Thesaurus research of professional training offuture fitness trainers in a higher educational institution] ScienceRise. Pedagogical Education. No 8(4). pp. 4-10. (in Ukrainian).
2. Vasina L. S. (2013) Formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti - priorytetne zavdannia reformuvannia osvity. [Formation of professional competence is a priority task of education reform] Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Khmelnytskoho instytutu sotsialnykh tekhnolohii Universytetu "Ukraina" No 1. pp. 47-50. (in Ukrainian).
3. Korh-Cherba O. V. (2015). Basic directions to realization of approach in the system are professional activity of the future fitness-trainer. Scientific journal National Pedagogical DragomanovUniversity Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports). Vol. 3(1). pp. 192195. (in Ukrainian).
4. Lozovetska V. T. (2008) Profesiina kompetentnist. Entsyklopediia osvity. K. Yurinkom, 1040 p. (in Ukrainian).
5. Sevryukov I. Yu, Taskaev E. N. (2015) Turistsko-rekreatsionnaya deyatelnost: terminolog-icheskiy aspekt. Mezhdunarodnyiy nauchnyiy zhurnal «Simvol nauki». No. 10. pp. 76-80. (in Russian).
Чорненька Ж.А.
кандидат медичних наук, асистент кафедри соц1ально'1 медицини та органгзацИ охорони здоров'я
ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний медичний утверситет».
Юрнюк С.В.
асистент кафедри судовоХ медицини та медичного правознавства ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський
державний медичний унгверситет».
Манчул Б.В.
асистент кафедри суспшьних наук та укра'шознавства ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний
медичний унгверситет».
Chornenka Zh.A.
Assistant professor of Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»
Yurnyuk S. V.
Assistant Professor of Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»
Manchul B.V.
Assistant Professor of Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies of Higher State Educational
Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University».
У статп розглядаеться питання про те, що застосування шновацшних технологш навчання е необидною умовою ефективно! роботи студенпв в умовах вищого навчального закладу. З'ясовуеться сутшсть поняття «компетенщя» i «компетентшсть». Обговорюються питання застосування шновацшних технологш у навчальному процес у вищих медичних навчальних закладах.
The article discusses the problem of the use of innovative learning technologies as an essential method in terms of higher education. The relevance and feasibility of implementing competence-based approach as a means of modernizing the content of higher medical education are also analyzed. It is also crucial to understand the meaning of "competence", "competency approach" in improving vocational and educational training of teachers and in preparing of students of medical institutions for professional work. The authors consider the use of innovative technologies in the educational process in higher educational institution.
The specifics of competent training is not in getting "ready" knowledge offered by someone, but rather in the necessity to learn how to solve problems. In this approach educational training becomes an object of education itself, acquiring practical and transformative features. Nature of co mpetence is that it is a result of learning, It's rather the result of individual self-training, his self-growth, resulting in generalization of its activities and self-experience.
Ключовi слова: шновацшш технологи, компетенщя, професшш компетентности медична освгга, компетентнюний шдхвд.
Keywords: innovative technology, competence, professional competence, medical education, competence approach.