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The Scientific Heritage
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Ключевые слова
formation / availability / future fitness trainers / professional activities / the fitness industry / формування / готовність / майбутні фітнес-тренери / професійна діяльність / фітнес-індустрія

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Prima A.V., Putrov S.Y.

The article pointed out that the formation of readiness of the future fitness trainers to professional work in the fitness industry is aimed at the mastery of knowledge and skills required for the dynamic multi-factor process, consisting of the components of the physical, mental, spiritual and social conditions that are amenable to development.

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У статті зазначено, що формування готовності майбутніх фітнес-тренерів до професійної діяльності у фітнес-індустрії спрямовано на оволодіння ними знань, умінь та навичок, необхідних для проведення динамічного багатофакторного процесу, що складається з компонентів фізичного, психічного, духовного і соціального станів, які піддаються розвитку.


А. Никольский. - Спб., 1807. - 218 с.

15. Петренко О. Б. До проблемы класифжацп джерельно! базы юторико-педагопчного до-слвдження / О. Б. Петренко // Педагопчний дискурс. - Випуск 15. - 2013. - С. 536-542.

16. Плаксин В. Учебный курс словесности / В. Плаксин. - Спб., 1843. - 310 с.

17. Раскин Д. И. Историко-педагогический источник в свете современных проблем источниковедения и системного подхода / Д. И. Раскин // Актуальные вопросы историографии : сб. науч. тр. / под ред. Э. Д. Днепрова и О. Е. Кошелевой. - М. : Изд. АПН ССС Р, 1986. - 230 с.

18. Романишин Ю. Перюдичш видання -ушкальна збiрка ЛНБ iм. В. Стефаника НАН Укра!ни / Ю. Романишин // Записки Львiвськоl науково! бiблiотеки iм.. В. Стефаника : зб. наук. праць. - Львiв, 2002. -Вип. 9/10. - С. 430-431.

19. Русская периодическая печать (1702-1894) : справочник / под. ред. А. Г. Дементьева, А. В.

Западова, М. С. Черепахова. -М. : Политическая литература, 1959. - 835 с.

20. Сборник постановлений по Министерству народного просвещения: В 15 тт. Т. 5. Царствование Александра II. (1871-1873). - Спб., 1877. - 2318 с.

21. Сухомлинська О. В. Iсторiя педагопки як наука i як навчальний предмет: актуальш пробле-ми // 1сторико-педагопчний процес: новi тдходи до загальних проблем / О. В. Сухомлинська. - К. :

A.П.Н., 2003. - 68 с. - С. 26-35.

22. Укра!нська юторико-педагопчна наука у дзеркалi тематики дисертацшних дослщжень (1995-2014) / автор проекту i наук. ред. Сухомлинська О. В. ; наук. конс. Побiрченко Н. С. ; упоряд.: Коляда Н. М., Албул I. В., Бондаренко Г. В., Кравченко О. О., Шевчук О. М. - Умань : ФОП Жо-втий, 2014. - 357 с.

23. Фальборк Г. А. Настольная книга по народному образованию : [в 4 т.] / Г. А. Фальборк,

B. И. Чарнолуский. - СПб., 1899-1911.

Прима А.В.

викладач кафедри ф1зично1 реабШтаци Нацюнального педагогiчного утверситету iменi М. П. Драгоманова

Путров С.Ю. професор кафедри ф1зично1 реабШтаци Нацюнального nедагогiчного утверситету iменi М. П. Драгоманова,

доктор педагогiчних наук, доцент



Prima A. V.

Lecturer, Department of Physical Rehabilitation National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Putrov S.Y.

Professor of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, doctor of doctor of philosophical science, Associate Professor


У статп зазначено, що формування готовносп майбутшх фггаес-TpeHepiB до професшно! дiяльностi у фгтнес^ндустрп спрямовано на оволодшня ними знань, умшь та навичок, необхщних для проведення динашчного багатофакторного процесу, що складаеться з компоненпв фiзичного, псих1чного, духовного i сощального станiв, як1 пiддаються розвитку.


The article pointed out that the formation of readiness of the future fitness trainers to professional work in the fitness industry is aimed at the mastery of knowledge and skills required for the dynamic multi-factor process, consisting of the components of the physical, mental, spiritual and social conditions that are amenable to development.

Ключовi слова: формування, готовнють, майбутш фгтнес-тренери, професшна дгяльнють, фгтнес-iндустpiя.

Keywords: formation, availability, future fitness trainers, professional activities, the fitness industry.

The extensive growth in demand for fitness services, due to the promotion of healthy lifestyles, physical beauty, is an incentive for the modernization and reform of the higher education system today. The priority for the human is the ability to perceive reality

holistically, to create a picture of the world in unity with many phenomena and processes that develop.

We know that innovative processes and innovative consciousness are the basic components of modern progress. The tendency to diffusion of innovation

in the fitness industry has caused some social and cultural inquiry, which means that the already developed a certain motivation of people to a particular type of sports recreation activities.

The state issues of particular importance to strengthen the physical and spiritual health, a healthy lifestyle in the present conditions of socio-economic and political reforms.

In recent years in Ukraine, there were changes in the methods, organizational forms and objectives of the educational activities in high school. Among the main functions of higher education is dominated by those that are aimed at preparation of future specialists after graduation in higher education to the challenges of the information society and professional development.

Analysis of the scientific literature suggests that higher education has social and cultural institutions, actively respond to changes in society in hindsight. Thus, V.P. Andrushchenko and I. Gamerskaya note, that the modern integration processes, and enhance international academic cooperation testify to the desire of universities to take their unique social and economic niche [1, p. 3].

G.S. Lopushnyak and H.W. Rybchanska emphasize that «In today's globalized and computerized world, higher education is increasingly becoming a decisive factor for socio-economic development factor in the development of effective mechanisms of public and social administration, one of the priorities of the country's modernization components on the road to European integration» [6, p. 21].

Scientists are paying considerable attention to clarifying the nature and role of higher education in the development of our state. For example, in the textbook "Pedagogy of Higher Education", the authors V.A. Gladush and G.I. Lysenko, the system of higher education is defined as "a collection of interacting: consistent standards of higher education; higher educational institutions all forms of ownership; other legal persons providing educational services in the field of higher education; bodies engaged in the field of higher education management" [4, p. 409].

The most important conceptual basis for updating the content of higher education and its strategy is a competence-based approach in hindsight. The effectiveness of modernization of higher education depends on many factors and conditions aimed at identifying redundant as a possible training of competent professionals.

Competence approach, scientists are considering as a new model of evaluation of education results. At the same time, sociologists consider the competence approach as a new model of interaction between the subjects of education, reveals the change in the content and functions of institutional performance, regulatory requirements, and everyday practices. Some authors consider the competence approach as a new educational paradigm, involves changing the basic settings on the interaction between teachers and students.

Analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature shows that the competence approach is considered in different ways: "as a methodological basis for defining the objectives of education, content selection, organization of educational process and evaluation of learning outcomes" (A.E. Lebedev) [5, p. 3]; "As a focus of the educational process in the formation and development of key (basic, major) and subject the individual competencies" (V. Hymynets) [8]; "as a focus of the educational process in the formation and development of key (basic, basic) and subject the individual competencies. The result of this process is the formation of the overall competence of a person, is a set of core competencies, an integrated feature of the person" (A. Pometun) [7, p. 68].

We carried out a survey of 67 future fitness trainers who are enrolled in National Pedagogical Drago-manov University.

On the survey question "Do you agree with the fact that in hindsight there is an urgent need for the training of future fitness trainers in higher education?" 72.86% of respondents agree with this statement, 22.86% of the students surveyed do not agree, and 4 28% of respondents did not find the answer to the question. (Fig. 1)


80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 0,00%

Yes, agree No, I do not agree Difficult to


Fig. 1. The results of the survey offuture fitness trainers about what they believe there is an urgent need for the

training of future fitness trainers in higher education (%)

Today, significant attention is paid to the training of future fitness trainers in higher education, the main purpose of which, according to M.M. Vasilenko, it is the "labor market to ensure competitive specialists. This is especially true for the modern sphere of physical culture and sports, which is characterized by high dynamism of the labor market and the emergence of new professions (such as a fitness coach). In a professional environment, discussing the problem of lack of qualified personnel namely fitness trainers and noted

inconsistencies competencies athletic frame the realities of practice. In this connection, it is advisable to specify the employers' requirements for future fitness trainers". [3, p. 119].

We want to emphasize that 21.43% of the students are sufficiently proficient knowledge of the content of professional activity of fitness trainers, 28.57% of the future experts - have a part, 45.71% of respondents do not have a sufficient degree, 4.29% were undecided (Fig. 2).


Difficult to answer — ■ 4,29%

No, I do not know enough m 1%%

Partially None 8,57%% 45,7

Thus, sufficiently None 2 21,43%% /

/ J / / /

Fig. 2. The results of the survey offuture fitness trainers regarding their possession of knowledge on the content

of the professional activities offitness trainers (%)

As pointed out by E.P. Balitskaya, "Historically, the term "fitness" has appeared in the First World War in England, France, the United States in connection with the development of «Keep-fit» system aimed at improving the physical fitness of boys in educational institutions" [2, p. 3]. According to the scientist, "in programs of this objective is to develop general physical condition and readiness in the process of reorganization of physical education in schools for boys" [2, p.


According to the survey 15.71% of the respondents are able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice during training in fitness, 55.71% of future professionals capable of partially, for the most part not capable of - 22.87%, 5.71% of the students surveyed were undecided (Figure. 3).

In modern foreign and domestic literature, as the E.P. Balitskaya, the term "fitness" is used quite widely in different cases:

1. General fitness (Total fitness) - optimal quality of life, including social, mental, spiritual and physical components of example, in one of the first fundamental book on fitness - "Integrated management of fitness and well-being", the publishing house "Reader's Digest", 1988, in the content of the concept of fitness includes: planning life career, hygiene of the body, physical fitness, good nutrition, disease prevention, sexual activity, psycho-emotional regulation, including the fight against stress and other factors of a healthy lifestyle. This term of overall fitness is associated with our ideas about health and healthy lifestyles.

60,00% 50,00% 40,00%% 30,00°% 20,00%% 10,00% 0,00%


1 22,87%

15,71% A ® 1 A

A 1 5,71%

il 1 P it /v /

Thus, capable Partially No incapable Difficult to capable answer

Fig. 3. The results of the survey of future fitness trainers on their ability to apply theoretical knowledge in

practice during fitness classes (%)

2. Physical Fitness optimal state of health indicators, provide an opportunity to have a high quality of life. Improving physical fitness is associated with positive health, while lowering the level of physical fitness components (cardiorespiratory endurance - aerobic capacity, strength and strength endurance, flexibility, etc.) - increases the risk of major diseases. In general terms, physical fitness is associated with the level of physical fitness. In this case, three are derivatives of this concept:

- Health related fitness, it is directed to achieve and maintain the physical well-being and reduce the risk of disease (cardiovascular, metabolic, etc.);

- Performance related fitness, skill fitness - it aims to develop the ability to solve problems of motor and sports at a high level;

- Athletic fitness, aimed at achieving overall physical fitness, especially for a successful sports activity at the level of high sports results (Howley E, Don Franks B. 1997, 2001, 2007).

3. Fitness motor activity specially organized in the framework of fitness programs and includes jogging, aerobics, dancing, aqua aerobics, exercises for the correction of body weight, and others.

4. Fitness - the best physical condition, including a certain level of execution results of motor tests and the low level of risk of disease. In this regard, fitness serves as a criterion for the effectiveness of physical activity classes. Examples of the use of this definition of fitness should include the system EUROFIT - European and other physical readiness.

5. Fitness as a sport based on the implementation of elements of sport and gymnastics, and acrobatics. There is a system of international fitness competitions held International Fitness Federation (IFSB) [2, c. 34].

Thus, the formation of readiness of the future fitness trainers to professional work in the fitness industry is a holistic process that is carried out in higher education institutions in order to get the students training in accordance with educational degrees "bachelor"

and "master" that will enable them to effectively provide services , focused on the use of means of fitness for the purpose of rehabilitation of citizens, the effective development of their motor skills during specially organized fitness programs or the achievement of relevant morphological and functional of conditions for successful performance on the sporting event.


1.Andrushchenko V., & Hamers'ka I. (2012). Problema vkhodzhennia ukrainskoi universytetskoi osvity v yevropeiskyi osvitnii prostir [The problem of entering Ukrainian university education in European educational space]. Ridna shkola. Native school. Vol. 1-2, pp. 3-8. (in Ukrainian).

2. Balitska Ye. P. Motyvatsiia studentiv do zaniat fitnesom v tekhnichnomu vyshchomu navchalnomu zakladi [Motivating students to fitness in technical higher education]. Pedahohika, psykholohiya ta medyko-biolohichni problemy fizychnoho vykhovannya i sportu. Pedagogics, psychology and medic-biological problems of P.E. and sport. Vol. 6. pp. 3-6. (in Ukrainian).

3. Vasylenko M. M. (2014). Suchasni vymohy ro-botodavtsiv do formuvannia hotovnosti maibutnikh fitnes-treneriv do profesiinoi diialnosti [Modern requirements of employers to the formation of future fitness trainers to professional activity] Pedahohika formuvannya tvorchoyi osobystosti u vyshchiy i zahal'noosvitniy shkolakh. Pedagogics of forming of creative personality is in higher and general schools. Vol. 38. pp. 119-124. (in Ukrainian).

4.Hladush V. A., Lysenko H. I. (2014). Pedahohi-ka vyshchoyi shkoly: teoriya, praktyka, istoriya [navchalnyi posibnyk] [Higher Education Pedagogy: theory, practice and history: Tutorial]: Dniprope-trovsk. 416 p. (in Ukrainian).

5. Lebedev O. E. (2004) Komptentnostnyj podhod v obrazovanii [Competence approach in education]. Shkol'nye tehnologii. Vol. 5. pp. 3-12.(in Russian).

6.Lopushnyak H. S., Rybchanska Kh. K(2014) Vyshcha osvita Ukrayiny: problemy ta perspektyvy [Higher education in Ukraine: problems and prospects]. Efektyvnist' derzhavnoho upravlinnya. Efficiency of state administration. 2014. Vol. 40., pp. 2127. (in Ukrainian).

7.Pometun O. (2003) Kompetentnisnyy pidkhid -nayvazhlyvishyy oriyentyr rozvytku suchasnoyi osvity [Competence approach - the most important landmark

of modern education]. Ridna shkola. Vol. 5. pp. 6569. (in Ukrainian).

8. Khymynets V. Kompetentnisnyi pidkhid do profesiinoho rozvytku vchytelia [Competence approach to the professional development of teachers] [electronic resource]. Zakarpats'kyy instytut pislyadyplomnoyi pedahohichnoyi osvity. Access mode: http://zakinppo.org.ua.

Фоменко А.А.

Омский государственный университет имени Ф.М. Достоевского, преподаватель кафедры физической культуры и спорта Турманидзе В.Г.

Омский государственный университет имени Ф.М. Достоевского, заведующий кафедрой физической культуры и спорта, к.п.н., доцент Турманидзе А.В.

Омский государственный университет имени Ф.М. Достоевского, доцент кафедры физической

культуры и спорта, к.б.н.




iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Fomenko A.A.

Omsk F.M. Dostoevsky State University, Lecturer of the chair ofphysical culture and sports

Turmanidze V.G.

Omsk F.M. Dostoevsky State University, Head of the chair ofphysical culture and sports, Ph.D., Assistant

professor Turmanidze A. V.

Omsk F.M. Dostoevsky State University, Assistant professor of the chair ofphysical culture and sports,



В статье представлены авторские тренировочные комплексы, позволяющие моделировать соревновательную нагрузку борцов греко-римского стиля различных весовых категорий. Структурными компонентами комплексов выбраны весовые, временные и технические критерии. Содержание заданий соотносится с современными технико-тактическими особенностями ведения поединка борцов легких, средних и тяжелых весовых категорий.


The article presents the author's training complexes, which allow to modeling the competitive load for Greco-Roman style wrestlers of different weight categories. The structural components of the complexes are weight, time and technical criteria. The content of exercises was associated with modern technical and tactical characteristics of conducting a match for wrestlers of light, medium and heavy weight categories.

Ключевые слова: моделирование, греко-римская борьба, весовые категории, интенсивность поединка.

Keywords: modeling, Greco-Roman wrestling, weight categories, intensity of match.

Изменения правил судейства и регламента соревнований, которые привели к повышению интенсивности поединка в греко-римской борьбе, диктуют необходимость смены структуры и содержания технико-тактической подготовки квалифицированных атлетов [1, 2].

При этом особое внимание следует обратить на построение индивидуальных и дифференцированных программ подготовки, поскольку представители различных весовых категорий применяют разные технико-тактические модели ведения поединка. Данный факт объясняется значительными отличиями спортсменов по ряду морфофункцио-

нальных и психофизиологических параметров, а также основных механизмов функционирования систем их организма [4, 5].

В связи с тем, что на современном этапе наблюдается дефицит научно-методического обеспечения, направленного на моделирование соревновательного поединка в соответствии с новыми правилами соревнований, представленное исследования является актуальным для спортивной науки.

Цель исследования - разработать тренировочные комплексы, моделирующие соревновательную деятельность квалифицированных борцов

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