Original paper
© Nargiza A. Askarova1H, Hayriddin G'afuri2H_
Tashkent State University of Pedagogy and Psychology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. international Nordic University of Pedagogy and Psychology, Master of Science
INTRODUCTION: the article analyzes the technologies of teaching educational materials based on the simulation-variational approach in technical universities and their role in the educational process.
AIM: the primary goal of the study is to investigate the psychological and pedagogical factors influencing the development of self-confidence in university students and propose a scientifically grounded system to foster this quality during professional training.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: the study is based on an extensive literature review of psychological theories, research on self-confidence, and the role of emotional intelligence in shaping students' personality traits. works by global and russian researchers such as a. adler, r. bar-on, v.g. romek, and i.s. morozova were analyzed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: the analysis identified key components of self-confidence: cognitive, emotional, and behavioral. it also highlighted factors such as positive past experiences, self-assessment, and feedback from significant others as critical to its development. emotional intelligence was found to be a significant predictor of self-confidence, with students demonstrating high levels of emotional intelligence displaying better self-regulation, resilience, and social adaptability. the study also emphasized the need for targeted educational interventions to cultivate self-confidence as a professional quality.
CONCLUSION: self-confidence, as a central personality trait, plays a crucial role in students' academic and professional success. its formation is influenced by a combination of internal and external factors, including emotional intelligence, social interactions, and positive reinforcement. the study underscores the need for educational systems to integrate psychological and pedagogical strategies aimed at fostering self-confidence in students.
Keywords: confidence, student, personality, qualities, motive, intellect, motive, character, temperament.
ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №9(1)
Ilmiy-nazariyvametodikjurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal
For citation: Nargiza A. Askarova, Hayriddin G'afuri (2024) 'Studying psychological features of developing self-confidence in students', Psychology and pedagogy in modern education, (9(1)), pp. 467-474 (In Engl).
© Н. А. Аскарова1Н, Х. Гафури2Н_
Ташкентский государственный университет педагогики и психологии, Ташкент, Узбекистан
Международный университет Нордик педагогики и психологии, Ташкент, Узбекистан
ВВЕДЕНИЕ: в статье исследуется концепция уверенности в себе как важнейшей черты личности, её формирование и влияние на академическое и профессиональное развитие студентов. анализируются теоретические подходы к пониманию уверенности в себе, её компоненты и факторы, влияющие на развитие. также рассматривается роль эмоционального интеллекта и психологических характеристик в укреплении уверенности у студентов.
ЦЕЛЬ: основной целью исследования является изучение психологических и педагогических факторов, влияющих на развитие уверенности у студентов университетов, и предложение научно обоснованной системы для её формирования в процессе профессиональной подготовки.
МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: в исследовании проведён обширный анализ литературы по психологическим теориям, исследованию уверенности в себе и роли эмоционального интеллекта в формировании личностных качеств студентов. были изучены работы таких исследователей, как а. адлер, р. бар-он, в. г. ромек и и. с. морозова, чтобы обеспечить комплексное понимание темы.
ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: анализ выявил ключевые компоненты уверенности в себе: когнитивный, эмоциональный и поведенческий. также были выделены факторы, такие как положительный прошлый опыт, самооценка и обратная связь от значимых людей, которые играют важную роль в её формировании. эмоциональный интеллект оказался значительным предиктором уверенности в себе: студенты с высоким уровнем эмоционального интеллекта демонстрируют лучшую саморегуляцию, устойчивость и социальную адаптивность. исследование подчёркивает необходимость целенаправленных образовательных мероприятий для формирования уверенности в себе как профессионального качества.
ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: уверенность в себе как центральная черта личности играет ключевую роль в академическом и профессиональном успехе студентов. её формирование обусловлено сочетанием внутренних и внешних факторов, включая
© 2024, ISSUE 9(1)
ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №9(1)
Ilmiy-nazariyvametodikjurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal
эмоциональный I интеллект, социальное взаимодействие и положительное подкрепление. исследование подчёркивает необходимость интеграции психологических и педагогических стратегий в образовательную систему для формирования уверенности у студентов.
Ключевые слова: уверенность в себе, развитие личности, эмоциональный интеллект, образование студентов, профессиональная подготовка, межличностные отношения, академический успех.
Для цитирования: Аскарова Н. А., Гафури Х. Изучение психологических особенностей развития уверенности в себе у студентов, Психология и педагогика в современном образовании. // Inter education & global study.2024. №9(1). С. 467-474.
© N.A. Asqarova1®, H. G'afuri2®
1 Toshkent davlat pedagogika va psixologiya universiteti, Toshkent, O'zbekiston 2Xalqaro Nordik pedagogika va psixologiya universiteti, Toshkent, O'zbekiston
KIRISH: maqolada o'ziga ishonch shaxsning muhim xususiyati sifatida tahlil qilinadi, uning shakllanishi va talabalar ta'lim hamda kasbiy rivojlanishiga ta'siri o'rganiladi. o'ziga ishonchni tushunish bo'yicha nazariy yondashuvlar, uning tarkibiy qismlari va rivojlanishga ta'sir qiluvchi omillar tahlil qilinadi. talabalarda o'ziga ishonchni mustahkamlashda hissiy intellekt va psixologik xususiyatlarning roli ham yoritilgan.
MAQSAD: tadqiqotning asosiy maqsadi universitet talabalarida o'ziga ishonchni shakllantirishga ta'sir qiluvchi psixologik va pedagogik omillarni o'rganish va bu sifatni rivojlantirish uchun ilmiy asoslangan tizimni ishlab chiqishdir.
MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: tadqiqotda psixologik nazariyalar, o'ziga ishonchni tadqiq qilish va hissiy intellektning shaxsiy sifatlarni shakllantirishdagi roliga oid adabiyotlar keng o'rganildi. a. adler, r. bar-on, v. g. romek va i. s. morozova kabi olimlarning asarlari mavzuni to'liq tushunish uchun tahlil qilindi.
MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: tahlil o'ziga ishonchning asosiy tarkibiy qismlarini aniqladi: kognitiv, emotsional va xulqiy. bundan tashqari, ijobiy tajriba, o'z-o'zini baholash va muhim shaxslarning fikrlari kabi omillar uning rivojlanishida muhim rol o'ynashi aniqlandi. hissiy intellekt esa o'ziga ishonchning muhim prognozi sifatida e'tirof etildi: hissiy intellekti yuqori bo'lgan talabalar o'zini boshqarish, chidamlilik va ijtimoiy moslashuvda yaxshiroq natijalarni ko'rsatadi. tadqiqot o'ziga ishonchni kasbiy sifat sifatida rivojlantirishga qaratilgan maqsadli ta'lim tadbirlarining zarurligini ta'kidlaydi.
XULOSA: o'ziga ishonch shaxsning markaziy xususiyati sifatida talabalar akademik va kasbiy muvaffaqiyatida muhim rol o'ynaydi. uning shakllanishi ichki va tashqi omillar, jumladan, hissiy intellekt, ijtimoiy munosabatlar va ijobiy baholash kabi omillar bilan
© 2024, ISSUE 9(1)
belgilanadi. tadqiqot ta'lim tizimida talabalar o'ziga ishonchini shakllantirish uchun psixologik va pedagogik strategiyalarni integratsiya qilish zarurligini ta'kidlaydi.
Kalit so'zlar: o'ziga ishonch, shaxsiyat rivojlanishi, hissiy intellekt, talabalar ta'limi, kasbiy tayyorgarlik, shaxslararo munosabatlar, akademik muvaffaqiyat.
The problem of self-confidence has attracted the attention of scientists since the end of the 19th century. It was studied by A. Adler, R. Alberti, E. Berne, J. Wolpe, W. Wendpand, P. Wanzweig, W. James, F. Zimbardo, D. J. Lieberman, A. Lazarus, A. Maslow, F. Perls, K. Rogers, Krudestam, A. Salter, J. Smith, R. and R. Ulrich, E. From, H.-W. Hoefer, E. Shostrom, M. Emmons, R. Engoni and others. In Russia, self-confidence was studied by B. G. Ananyev, F. E. Vasilyuk, V. I. Garbuzov, I. V. Dubrovina, S. V. Kovalev, A. M. Prikhozhan, A. Prudchenkov, V. G. Romek, T. A. Repina, T. O. Smoleva, E.A. Sereyakova, A.V. Tolstykh, and many other researchers.
In order to characterize the concept of "confidence", it is necessary to consider the various points of view of researchers on the nature and essence of this phenomenon. This concept appeared in connection with the tasks of psychological correction and psychotherapy. Analyzing the features of the development of this term, L.Yu. Nagovets considers the concepts of various psychological schools. Thus, in behaviorism, A. Salter suggested that the formation of an insecure personality is caused by the predominance of inhibition processes over excitation processes; such a person cannot openly and spontaneously express their feelings, desires and needs, is limited in self-realization and therefore experiences difficulties in contacts with other people. D. Volpe suggested that self-doubt is based on social fear that arises in certain situations.
E.V. Kazantseva considers confidence as a psycho-emotional state that turns into uncertainty only when the planned course of activity is destroyed. The social-cognitive approach describes self-confidence in terms of social attitudes, behavioral stereotypes in one's social environment. In the cognitive-behavioral direction, confidence is considered as a way of self-perception, self-assessment, reflecting attitudes towards one's own personality. According to I.S. Morozova and N.Yu. Budich, past experience has an impact on self-confidence; in cases of lack of skills, a situation of failure arises; negative experience reduces self-confidence and strengthens the experience of failure. I.L. Zinovieva, I.V. Vainer, V.G. Romek understood self-confidence as a socio-psychological characteristic of personality; E.I. Smagliy and N.D. Levitova defined self-confidence as a condition for success in activities. J. Volpe and A. Lazarus defined social fear as the main cause of self-doubt.
According to V.G. Romek, self-confidence is a personality trait, the core of which is the individual's positive assessment of his skills and abilities as sufficient to achieve goals that are important to him and to satisfy his needs. Insecurity arises from a number
Iqtibos uchun: Asqarova N.A., H. Talabalarda o'ziga ishonchni rivojlantirishning psixologik xususiyatlarini o'rganish.// Inter education & global study. 2024. №9(1). B. 467-474
of factors, the main one of which is multiple negative assessments from significant people. According to the author, the factors of self-confidence are the individual's self-assessment of his own behavioral repertoire and faith in its effectiveness. Empirically, V.G. Romek together with V.B. Vysotsky came to the conclusion that self-confidence is the acceptance of one's actions, decisions, skills as correct, appropriate, i.e. self-acceptance. The author identifies the following components in the structure of self-confidence:
- cognitive, - emotional, - behavioral.
The functions of self-confidence are studied by I.G. Skotnikova, she says that self-confidence performs two important functions:
1. Cognitive.
2. Regulatory.
O.P. Nikitina includes the phenomena of self-esteem and resilience in the concept of self-confidence. Within the framework of the systemic approach, E.P. Ilyin suggests that all phenomena associated with confidence should be considered as a holistic symptom complex, a behavioral description of some hypothetical single mechanism that has stability. For example, I.S. Morozova and N.Yu. Budich say that there are different forms of expressing confidence:
- personal, situational, mental state of confidence, which has its own specifics and plays an important role in human activity. The authors believe that confidence, acting as a whole style of self-regulation, includes a style of organizing the thought process and specific emotional-evaluative auto-stimulation of the individual. M.I. Starov and T.N. Efimova believe that confidence includes faith in oneself, in one's strengths, in one's success and luck. Confidence is manifested in the following aspects:
- a sense of confidence (an internal sense of strength, right and correctness);
- confident behavior, characteristic of people with a strong position, a demonstration of strength;
- decisiveness (certainty in decision-making).
According to O.B. Simatova, the content of educational and professional activity, its forms and methods have an important impact on the development of emotional intelligence. The specifics of students' educational and professional activity, together with a number of other factors (individual psychological properties of the individual, professional focus, motivational component, etc.), is one of the conditions for the development of emotional intelligence of future professionals.
When studying the interhemispheric features of emotional intelligence of students, L.K. Antropova, V.Yu. Kulikov, A.A. Osintseva and L.A. Kozlova, based on the obtained facts, concluded that a connection has been established between emotional intelligence and the lateral type of an individual, there are features of its manifestation depending on professional education, and there is a need to take into account these psychophysiological features in the development of the ability to manage emotions and form self-motivation in psychologists. M.A. Nguyen thinks that a person who has
emotional self-awareness (which follows from emotional intelligence) is "in unison" with his internal emotions and understands how his feelings are reflected in work. This requires competence in the emotional qualities of the personality, psychological characteristics of personality states and their role in psychological activity, which is an important criterion for the productivity of a psychologist. A different understanding of the term is found in I.S. Morozova. She defines self-confidence as "an important condition for increasing the productivity of students' educational and cognitive activity." She believes that all phenomena associated with confidence should be considered as a holistic symptom complex, as a behavioral description of some hypothetical single mechanism that has stability. I.S. Morozova also talks about the presence of personal (formed on the basis of past experience of interaction) and situational (formed autonomously) self-confidence.
At the same time, the level of personal self-confidence can be detected through the achievement motivation indicator, because confident people can be characterized as more assertive and more goal-oriented, and these qualities are usually associated with the dominance of the tendency to success. In addition to personal and situational confidence, there is the so-called mental state of confidence, which has its own specifics and plays an important role in human activity. However, V.P. Ivashkene believes that confidence is faith, a firm, impeccable, unshakable faith of a person in someone or something, that is, self-confidence is faith in oneself and in one's strengths, which affects human behavior.
According to D. Goleman, a high IQ level can help a person only in situations where it is necessary to solve specific intellectual problems, apply specific knowledge, but it will be completely useless when it is necessary to normalize the emotional background. A self-confident person combines such qualities as intelligence, the ability to make the right decisions and emotional intelligence. Later, R. Bar-On put forward his own concept, in which self-confidence was also found among the components of emotional intelligence. The author defined emotional intelligence as non-cognitive abilities, knowledge and competence that give a person the potential to successfully overcome various life situations affect a person's ability to cope with challenges and pressure from the external environment. He was the first to talk about the concept of "emotionality coefficient" similar to the intelligence quotient. A.I. Savenkov, studying the professionally important qualities of psychology students, noted that an important quality is emotional intelligence, namely the characteristics of calmness and self-confidence. Emotional intelligence also includes an intrapersonal structure, self-confidence, along with self-esteem, responsibility and others, are its constituent components. Students with a high level of emotional intelligence are self-actualizing individuals who are inclined to self-analysis of their professional and life paths through deep elaboration of their own emotional sphere. Young people, taking control of their expression, can most productively manage their behavior, overcome anxiety, anger and irritation more easily, become much more flexible and tactful in situations of interpersonal interaction.
Emotionally developed people like to observe the behavior of others, try to understand the characters and actions of others. They read facial expressions and gestures well. Such people like to meet and learn, they are inquisitive, feel sympathy and accept the fact that we are all different. This helps to adjust your behavior and make the right decisions. After all, there is no point in discussing important things with a person immersed in his own problems, it is better to wait a little so that the decisions are as balanced and effective as possible.
Conclusions. An adult who does not have such a quality as self-confidence subsequently has problems both in his personal and professional spheres. Doubts about his own abilities make him take many unjustified actions or hesitate, experience a significant influence on decisions by the opinions of others. Self-confidence is a personality trait, the core of which is a positive assessment by the individual of his own skills and abilities as sufficient to achieve goals that are important to him and satisfy his needs. The basis for the formation of such assessments is a sufficient behavioral repertoire, positive experience in solving social problems and successfully achieving his own goals. For the formation of self-confidence, it is not so much objective success in life, status, money, etc. that is important, as a subjective positive assessment of the results of his own actions and assessments that follow from significant people. In the structure of self-confidence, three most important components can be distinguished: general self-confidence, social courage and initiative in social contacts.
Self-confidence is a personality trait, in the center of which is the individual's positive attitude towards himself. Confidence is formed in the process of learning and education. Uncertainty is based on social fears, lack of social skills, negative self-verbalization and self-assessment, irrational beliefs. Self-confidence is of great importance for a student, since the formation of all its aspects and its emotional sphere, the development of abilities, learning ability, readiness to perceive and assimilate information depend on this quality of personality. The contradiction between the needs of society for students with developed self-confidence and the real situation in this society, insufficient attention in the educational process to the psychological and pedagogical conditions and technologies for developing the most important professional quality of students determined the problem of the study.
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^Nargiza A. Askarova, Associate Professor; [Аскарова Наргиза Абдивалиевна,
доцент кафедры психологии] [Asqarova Nargiza Abdivaliyevna, Psixologiya kafedrasi dotsenti] адрес: Узбекистан, Ташкент, Чиланзарский район, ул. Бунёдкор, д. 27, [manzil: O'zbekiston, Toshkent shahar, Chilonzor tumani, Bunyodkor ko'chasi, 8/2-uy], [address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Chilanzar district, Bunyodkor street, 27.]
^Hayriddin Ghafuri, Master of Science, [Хайриддин Гафури, магистр], Hayriddin G'afuri, magistr, [Hayriddin G'afuri, magistr]; адрес: Узбекистан, Ташкент, Чиланзарский район, ул. Бунёдкор, д. 8/2, [manzil: O'zbekiston, Toshkent shahar, Chilonzor tumani, Bunyodkor ko'chasi, 8/2-uy], [address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Chilanzar district, Bunyodkor street, 8/2.]