THE DEVELOPMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE IN TEACHERS AS A NECESSITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Abdullayev Akobr

This article explores the need for the development of psychological knowledge in teachers who are working in schools in Uzbekistan. As such, the need for this issue has been revealed.

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Section 3. General pedagogy


Abdullayev Akobr,

Base doctorant, Research institute "Mahalla va oila", Uzbekistan


Abstracts. This article explores the need for the development of psychological knowledge in teachers who are working in schools in Uzbekistan. As such, the need for this issue has been revealed.

Keywords: teacher, efficiency, psychological knowledge, quality of education, stress.


In recent times, calls for the preservation of the psychological health of mankind, specific recommendations are being put forward. For example, according to the APA (2013), only 37 percent ofAmericans can control their stress constuctive [1]. This testifies to the possibility of dressing problems in psychological health caused by the lack of resilience, flexibility in relation to stress, the lack ofknowledge-skills in managing stress, in the rest of the population. Relatively new research shows that the issue of psychological health has been raised to a national level in the United States. In particular, it is noted that the National psychological health crisis of 2020 occurred [2]. Every third American complains about stress at work, and there is also data on whether production in the US will suffer billions of dollars in losses due to stress at work [3]. Relying on this information, one can come to the idea of how relevant it is to have psychological knowledge and the need to develop them. This necessity must also be counted.

From the above, it can be said that the development of psychological knowledge in humanity has become a goal based on humanistic, universal values. And the main educators of all mankind are teachers.

The basis for the formation of psychological health in them, as well as the development of their system of psychological knowledge, the development ofpsy-chological knowledge of all mankind, the growing younger generation.

In Russia the results of M. I. Lukyanova's (1999) survey of school teachers showed that only 27.3% of teachers claimed to have sufficient knowledge in psychology and pedagogical psychology, while the remaining 33.8% of teachers reported the need to systematically increase their psychological knowledge, while 39% of teachers mentioned that it is necessary to enrich the educational process with psychological knowledge [4]. This suggests that they have a very high need for psychological knowledge.

Materials and methods

Scientific research has been carried out by Uzbek scientists on the development of psychological knowledge of teachers, and the development of psychological knowledge in educators is considered as a factor in their professional competence (Sh. Abdullayeva, 2019) [5]. As such, the psychological characteristics and specifics of Uzbek teachers have also been studied, and it is noted that the process of its self-actualization is important in improving the ef-

fectiveness of teachers ' activities (R. Gaynutdinov, 1992, I. Mahmudov, 1994) [6; 7].

It is worth stopping separately, psychological characteristics that cause an increase in the effectiveness of teacher activity specific to educators, as well as a reverse regression, were determined by R. Gay-nutdinov on the basis of factor analysis. In particular, negative characteristics are distinguished excessive excitability, self-blame, emotional instability, over-confidence, lack of self-confidence, concentration on failure, enviroment, inability to control the group, complete assimilation of educational materials and inability to deliver available knowledge. And the positive features are: attitude to one's personality as a value, sociability, adaptive thinking, self-awareness, strong self-control, systematic fixation, order, independent, courage, aspiration for the result, self-confidence, striving for leadership, empathy, being able to manage a team, being able to organize group work, being able to fully master and deliver educational materials [8].

Some experts (Kunter, 2013, Rosshain, 1970) attributed an increase in general erudition in educators, an increase in its efficiency and experience. Those who stressed the need for such factors as intelligence, emotional intelligence, to develop in the personality of an educator. At the same time, the interest of the teacher in his profession, science, teaching and the process of intellectual development of the individual is also important. Curiosity in this direction is an important efficiency factor in pedagogical activity [9; 10]. It should be noted that the formation of a teacher's curiosity for the field and science occurs as a socio-psychological, pedagogical problem.

It is important that teachers have the knowledge and skills to manage their own personal and professional stress, and to prevent and eliminate cases of professional fading. A state of emotional fading has been brought to the surface as a result of the educator's inability to control his stresses, to acquire psychological knowledge-skills in this direction (Maslach, Shuveli, Leiter, 2001) [11].

A number of scientists (Bardach, Klassen, Perry, 2022) directly studied the psychological characteristics of Educators, which determine the effectiveness of the activities of their teachers, praise distinguished: the ability to form enthusiasm, the development of interest in work, such as emotional satisfaction with the profession, emotional intelligence, the ability of individuals to enter into an inter productive relationship [12].

The development of psychological knowledge in teachers is an issue that needs to be carried out systematically. The development of psychological knowledge from teachers is considered a factor that ensures their professional pedagogical competence as well as professional development. (Magidson, Roberts, Collado-Rodriguez, 2014) [12].

It can be said, relying on the scientific conclusions obtained based on the research of the above scientists, that first of all, it is advisable to pay great attention to the formation of their psychological, pedagogical-psychological knowledge in the process of training pedagogical personnel. In addition, the development of psychological knowledge of teachers operating in the existing system occurs as a problem of the system of professional development.

From the above, on the basis of the survey method, it was intended to clarify the situation with the psychological knowledge of teachers of schools in Uzbekistan. The survey found that it was necessary to provide representativeness, organize online to maximize coverage.


The object of our main research is pedagogical staff in schools, the main research task is to determine to what extent psychological knowledge is formed in them. A place of emphasis, a subjective assessment of the psychological knowledge of teachers using them themselves was carried out. The study involved 6.386 school teachers. The survey was conducted anonymously and in an online form on a methodological-informative channel intended for teachers on the social network (telegramm).

In a survey aimed at teachers, the question was put in the following form « what do you think, is it enough to conduct effective activities, enter into various relationships, lead a generally acceptable (happy) life, your current psychological and pedagogical-psychological knowledge?". To the question posed, respondents answered in the following varints. Fortunately, about 35% of our respondents (2.245) noted that their psychological knowledge is sufficient, but 49% (3.132) noted that respondents sometimes feel

the need to enrich their psychological knowledge, which in turn indicates that almost half of the pedagogical staff are not satisfied with their psychological knowledge, cannot overestimate their knowledge of the field. The remaining 16% of respondents (1.009) recognized that educators did not have adequate psychological knowledge. Research results in this (see the 1st picture below) https://t.me/xalqtaliminfo/3488 the link can also be viewed directly.

The 1st picture

Figure 1. Formation of psychological knowledge in teachers

Note that about 65 percent of teachers have not been able to assess themselves as competents on the surface of their psychological erudition. This leads to the assumption that psychological problems are the main factor in the educational system. After all, when educators have sufficient access to psychological knowledge, we think that psychological insecurity can be ensured in the educational process, the formation of a favorable socio-psychological environment in the labor community, the process ofquality and effective communication between educators and students can occur.


Today, modern approaches are widely used in the system of training, retraining and professional

development of existing pedagogical personnel in the field of pedagogy. Of course, without denying the effectiveness of these approaches, we would have proposed a kind of "historical psychological" approach. This approach implies the creation of a system of necessary psychological knowledge in them, based on the pedagogical views of Eastern thinkers, the requirements for the personality of an educator.

For example, looking at the work of the great thinker, poet Alisher Navoi, we will face a number of reflections on the personality of a teacher (teacher-educator). According to him, the most important requirement for a teacher is first of all to have in-depth knowledge and be able to assess the level

of knowledge of students. The skill of the teacher is also manifested in this, that is, in the fact that he gives them a suitable education, based on the knowledge of his students. Alisher Navoi recommended that in order to provide a good education, to have good knowledge, to work on himself regularly. He was critical of uneducated, oppressive, uncivilized, unethical teachers [13].

It is also necessary to take into account that in the formation of psychological knowledge in educators, the development of their value system also plays an important role. The historical approach that we offer is consistent with the value system of school teachers operating in Uzbekistan. It is appropriate to say that the formation of knowledge corresponding to the value system in a person is one of the first relatively

light mastering, we think that the second side helps to eliminate personal complexes in the implementation of the acquired knowledge into practice. As a result, we can greatly add to the quality of educational training, the elimination of a number of psychological problems in the system.


At the end of our work, he helped us closely to carry out the research https://t.me/xalqtalim-info we express our gratitude to the administration of the telegram channel. At the same time, in the preparation of this material, we say thank you to the specialists and scientists who have created a large scientific base for us. If there were no huge supports above, perhaps the value of this work would not have been.


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