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Ключевые слова
Determination / structural-semantics / Azerbaijani prose texts / word-forming / semantic dissemination / means of expression.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ghuloyshe Ahmadzade

The determinant members of a sentence do not lag behind other sentence members in the intensity of development in Azerbaijani prose texts.The era of highly developed technologies has posed a number of problems to linguistics of globalizing world which are essentially urgent and extremely difficult to solve. Linguistic analysis of structural-semantic features of the determinant members of the text is one of the most important of these problems. Although a lot of comprehensive researches have also been conducted for many years on the necessary, topical problems of syntax of the Azerbaijani language but the issue of determinant membership has been overlooked by researchers as a necessary problem. The determinant members of a sentence as a text-forming and semantic factor are not only a linguistic issue, but also a problem related to philosophical, logical, psychological attitudes and provisions. The position of the development of determinants in monologue speech acts of Azerbaijani prose texts is the beginning of the sentence, and in this position the members of this type of sentence act in the models of words, word combinations, structures (verb conjugation, participles) and from a semantic point of view, place, time, cause, purpose are expressed by adverbs, complements, interjections, a number of conjunctions and customs. According to the principle of affiliation, determinants serve as a structural link between the components of both simple and complex sentences, covering place, time, cause, purpose envelopes, complements, a number of connecting devices, which are described in the article.

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Doctoral student of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University


The determinant members of a sentence do not lag behind other sentence members in the intensity of development in Azerbaijani prose texts.The era of highly developed technologies has posed a number of problems to linguistics of globalizing world which are essentially urgent and extremely difficult to solve. Linguistic analysis of structural-semantic features of the determinant members of the text is one of the most important of these problems.

Although a lot of comprehensive researches have also been conducted for many years on the necessary, topical problems of syntax of the Azerbaijani language but the issue of determinant membership has been overlooked by researchers as a necessary problem. The determinant members of a sentence as a text-forming and semantic factor are not only a linguistic issue, but also a problem related to philosophical, logical, psychological attitudes and provisions. The position of the development of determinants in monologue speech acts of Azerbaijani prose texts is the beginning of the sentence, and in this position the members of this type of sentence act in the models of words, word combinations, structures (verb conjugation, participles) and from a semantic point of view, place, time, cause, purpose are expressed by adverbs, complements, interjections, a number of conjunctions and customs. According to the principle of affiliation, determinants serve as a structural link between the components of both simple and complex sentences, covering place, time, cause, purpose envelopes, complements, a number of connecting devices, which are described in the article.

Key words. Determination, structural-semantics, Azerbaijani prose texts, word-forming, semantic dissemination, means of expression.



Докторант Азербайджанского Государственного Педагогического Университета


Детерминантные члены предложения не отстают по интенсивности развития от других членов предложения в азербайджанских прозаических текстах. Эпоха высокоразвитых технологий поставила перед языкознанием глобализирующегося мира ряд проблем, которые по своей сути являются актуальными и чрезвычайно трудноразрешимыми. Лингвистический анализ структурно-семантических особенностей детерминантных членов текста является одной из важнейших из этих задач.

Хотя в течение многих лет также проводилось множество комплексных исследований по необходимым, актуальным проблемам синтаксиса азербайджанского языка, но вопрос о детерминантной принадлежности оставался исследователями как необходимая проблема. Определяющие члены предложения как текстообразующий и смысловой фактор представляют собой не только языковую проблему, но и проблему, связанную с философскими, логическими, психологическими установками и положениями. Позиция развития детерминант в монологических речевых актах азербайджанских прозаических текстов является началом предложения, и в этой позиции члены данного типа предложения выступают в моделях слов, словосочетаний, конструкций (глагольных спряжений, причастий). а с семантической точки зрения место, время, причина, цель выражаются

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наречиями, дополнениями, междометиями, рядом союзов и обычаев. По принципу принадлежности детерминанты служат структурным звеном между компонентами как простых, так и сложных предложений, охватывая место, время, причину, целевые оболочки, дополнения, ряд связующих устройств, о которых идет речь в статье.

Ключевые слова. Детерминация, структурно-семантика, азербайджанские прозаические тексты, словообразование, семантическая диссеминация, выразительные средства.


In Azerbaijani linguistic dictionaries, both determinant and determinant terms are clarified, and the word determinant is derived from the Latin word "determinans" and is used to mean "defining, clarifying" (11,195). The word determination is defined as "the part of the sentence that determines" (11,196). Explanatory dictionaries of the Azerbaijani language, some textbooks on syntax define determinant members as follows: "Some members of a sentence belong not only to this or that main member, but to the whole sentence, to the general content of the sentence. Such members are called determinants "(10.98; 1.152).The dictionary of Russian linguistics states that "The part of a sentence or determinant that determines a determinant is usually a free word-form that is located at the beginning of a sentence and spreads the sentence, creating a grammatical connection with the whole predicative, that is the sentence" (9.93). According to I.I. Kovtunova, "when talking about the membership of a sentence, it is very important to divide first the sentence into determinants and predicative groups. Only then, during the second and subsequent analysis, the predicative group is determined, and its main and news parts are separated "(8,63).

Main body

Based on the linguistic-semantic aspects of Azerbaijani sentences, K.M.Abdulla notes that "such an approach additionally shows that in syntactic research the determination of the essence, place and the other determinant member is not the last resort"(2.69). Just as in the syntactic structure of the Azerbaijani language, when it is a secondary member, the place, cause, purpose envelopes, some complements act as determinants, so in the syntactic system of the Russian language the members of this type of sentence manifest themselves. As early as the early 1960 s, the Russian linguist, academician V.V.Vinogradov, wrote that envelopes, which are members of a secondary sentence, such as time, space, cause, purpose, concession, condition, can belong directly to the rest of the sentence, and therefore directly which they cannot communicate with a separate principle group or a separate news group "(12.94). This fact justifies itself in connection with the Russian language and can serve to reveal the essence of the Azerbaijani language sentence. The difference is that in the Russian sentence the adverb of style acts as a means of determination, but in the Azerbaijani sentence this case is not considered a legitimate syntactic norm. Determinants in the monologues of Azerbaijani literary texts have been developed since ancient times. This part of the sentence is found in the texts of the epics "Kitabi Dada Gorgud", which is slightly older than 1300 years. For example: Qarnin toyurdiqdan sonra qazanlari depdi-dokdi, gevirdi (13,219); Bir yukssk yers giqdi, gozlsdi; gordi kim, bir dsrsnin iginds toz gah dsrilur, gah tagilur(14,85) and etc.

In the first of these examples, time (after the stomach is full), and in the second, the place (ground) envelopes acted as determinants in the word and word combination model. Envelopes that act as determinants in monologue acts of Azerbaijani literary texts can be grouped according to their structure and means of expression as follows: 1) Determination of words enveloped in the case form of the noun; 2) Determination of words enveloped in the form of verb conjugation; 3) Determination of idiomatic expressions enveloped on the basis of a lexical unit

1) Determination of words enveloped in the case form of the noun. As mentioned above, the determinant members of this group have been observed in Azerbaijani written texts since ancient times. The phenomenon of envelope of names in modern Azerbaijani language in the forms of direction, place and origin plays an important role in the formation of determinants of place, time and

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cause. In connection with the movement organically, the quantitative and qualitative changes in the words enveloped in the local form of the noun are relatively weak; rather, the envelope partially retains its lexical meaning and emphasis. Therefore, words enveloped in the local case form a kind of middle ground between the noun and the envelope. Words of this type, which are not yet fully enveloped, mainly refer to the time and, in some cases, the quality of the work or action "(7,389). In our opinion, words enveloped in the form of a local case act more as determinant time envelopes in the text environment and lose their determinant functions when they have shades of quality, sign, style expression related to the action. For example, Karim took good care of his dog in all seasons of the year - spring, summer, autumn, winter, preparing it for the competition to be held next year (K.Mammadov). Lexical units in the local form of a noun in a subordinate compound sentence were developed both in the word model (spring, summer, autumn) and in the combination form (in all seasons of the year; next year) and acted as in the function of determinant adverbs of time. In the relevant positions of the prose texts, the means of expression of the words enveloped in the form of the noun and in the form of a speech cover several groups and depending on the meaning of the first dictionary of the word, act as determinants of time and cause in the form of a block. 1) Determinantorship of adverbs of time: Although they went to work in the twilight, they dispersed to their homes as soon as darkness fell (I. Shikhli). In this example, which is in the structure of a conditional clause, there is also the determination of the adverbs of time and the sequence of the adverbs of place.Thus, in the first component of this two-component micro-theme, the word "Twilight" used in the initial position of the noun, in the second component the word "dark as a mixture" acted as a determinant of the adverbs of time, and in the second component the word "home" as a determinant of the adverb of place.There are also aspects of realizing the possibilities of determination in the micro-themes in which the conditional content is expressed in the sentences of the Azerbaijani language.

The noun that takes the case suffix is sometimes adverbed by a morphological indicator of the category of affiliation, and the work acts as a determinant causal adverb in the word combination model, stating the reasons for the action. For example, out of anger of the king, his eyes turned to a bowl of blood, and suddenly he struck the minister's eyes out (from fairy tales). The determination of the adverb of time is observed in both components of this microtext. In the first component, the words "out of anger" and in the second component, "suddenly" were used as a semantic link in the speech of the noun. When these words in this micro-theme in a subordinate compound sentence structure are paradigmatically formed, "because of their being angry, as they are angry," they "suddenly" remain in contact with the action and are still used as a function of the adverb of time. (3,103; 4,58). In the Azerbaijani language prose texts, we sometimes come across the use of both simple and derivative adverbs in the form of speech. "The suffix -dan, -dan, which acts as an integral part of the adverb, does not form a grammatical connection with another word in the sentence, does not also form a new word" (6,390). By naming the adverb, gaining the substantive quality, the speech takes on the case suffix and again becomes an adverb denoting the continuity of the concept of the adverb of time. All these are the morphological tasks of the adverb. It is clear that from the syntactic-linguistic-structural and semantic point of view, the substantivized adverbs used in the speech of this type of sentences (such as from morning, from yesterday, from evening, from now and etc.) play an important role in the formation of the adverbs of time sentences and serve to create a sentence type that expresses the time sequence of a subordinate compound sentence. For example, the fog fell on the village in the evening cleared, and in the morning it rained (I. Shikhli). This micro-theme is made up of two components that form a sequence of time-dependent sentences, and the word " from evening" comes in the foreground and manifests itself as a semantic factor. Our observations on prose texts give grounds to say that in very few cases the phenomenon of adverbialization of interrogative pronouns, conjunctions and particle in the form of speech is manifested, in which case the words what.. .from (the interrogative pronoun), sometimes (the adverb of time), now (connective) appear in the pre-sentence position. assume the function of the determinant adverb of time and cause. Mas: Na oldu,

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oglan, yeddi du§man sinasi par9aladin, bas indi nadan bir palanga gucun 9atmadi, gozlarin ya§ardi? (Nagillar). Bu numunada sabab manasinin yaranmasinda nadan sual avazliyiu muhum rol oynayir. "Hamin sozu niya? na u9un? naya gora? Nadan otru? Praqmatik formalarda i§latsak cumlanin linqvosemantikasina he9 bir xalal, noqsan galmaz" (15,48). For example: What happened, boy, you tore the chests of seven enemies, but now why are you not strong enough to fight a tiger, your eyes are full of tears? (from tales). In this example, the interrogative pronoun plays an important role in the formation of the meaning of cause. Having used "The word the same why? " what for?, there will be no damage to the linguo-semantics of the sentence if we use it in pragmatic forms,"(15,48). The adverb of sometimes also develops in the pre-sentence position and manifests itself as a determinant of the adverb of time. For example, sometimes he took it and ate it at home, and sometimes he brought his food to work (I. Efendiyev).

The conjunctive "ghahdan" manifests itself as a member of the determinant of the time of adverben, coming to the pre-sentence position. In this type of microtext, the chronological relationship of a disobedient compound sentence is strong Mas: Gahdan 9iskin tokar, gah duman eylar, Gah galib-gedani pe§iman eylar, Gahdan qeyza galar nahaq qan eylar, Dinsamaz harami, halali daglar (A§iq 9lasgar)..

2) Determination of verb conjugations: In prose texts, the verb conjugation form is intensive with its main features. In a text environment, the verb conjugation loses its grammatical role by being enveloped in the form of a verb conjugation and is not syntactically related to the sentence's verb tense: For example, when you come, there is spring, spring (A. Alibeyli); When Bahar was ten years old, he lost his father, his mother a year later (M. Jalal) and so on. Mas: San galanda bahar olur, yaz olur (9.91ibayli); Baharin on ya§i olanda atasini, ondan bir il anasini itirdi (M.Calal) va s.

3) Determination of idiomatic expressions enveloped in a lexical unit. It is known that the adverb is enriched and developed due to the materials of the living spoken language and actively finds its way to the prose texts. Almost all types of structures of this type of envelopes (style, sign, quality and of course, connected with the action) can not act as a determinant in the text. Idiomatic expressions - in folk proverbs, on the contrary, in words with a prominent content of time, determinability is strong. Mas: Dava oynayanda qar yagar; Qaranqu§ a§agidan u9anda yagi§ yagar (17,101) va s. For example, it snows when a camel is playing; It rains when the swallow flies from below. (17,101) and etc.


In the model of word, word combination, verb conjugation, participle, determinants are also found in subordinate and subordinate compound sentences in prose texts. In disobedient compound sentences. Mas: Kamala dag havasini i9ina 9akdikca tanganafasliyi azalir, xastaliyin agrilari canindan 9ixirdi (0.9rogul); As Kamala inhaled the mountain air, his shortness of breath decreased, and the pain of the disease subsided (A. Aroghul);

There is the spirit of a martyr in every corner of Karabakh, there are descendants of a thousand mothers (Y. Magrur) and so on.

Subordinate clauses in a compound sentence: In accordance with the text, complements are processed in the text sphere along with the determinant adverbs related to the components of the subordinate compound sentences. Mas: Els hamin gunlarda camaata bete bir xabar yayildi ki, Stalinin heykalini ugurmaq ugun markazdan rayona qoxlu numayandalar galacak (K.dfsaroglu); (zaman zarfliyinin determinasiyasi). Tamamligin determinantivliyi. Mas: Ona na xatar galsa, oradan toxuna bilar (d.Valiyev); Mana ela galdi ki, i§ vaxti qurtarib (К.Э/saroglu) va s.

For example, in those days the news spread to the public that many representatives would come from the center to the region to demolish the statue of Stalin (K. Afsaroglu); (determination of the time of the adverb). Determinant of object. For example, he can touch anything that threatens him (A. Valiyev); It seemed to me that the working time was over (K. Afsaroghlu) and so on.


As a result, we can say that in the monological speech acts of Azerbaijani prose texts, time, place, reason, purpose, types of concessions, adverbs, complements, substantivized, related to the content of the sentence as a whole on the basis of the principle of "belonging" to all members of a simple sentence, all components of a complex sentence customs and conjunctions act as determinant members, are poorly connected to the message, and in the absence of complete clarity in the process of connection, in colorful models, have the property of branching out to all members according to their semantic relevance.


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