INVARIANT ORDER OF WORDS IN THE LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Azerbaijan / language / term / grammar / phonetics / Азербайджан / язык / термин / грамматика / фонетика

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kamala Mehdikhanlı

The article examines a comparative invariant order of words in the languages of the world. The order of the words in the sentence depends on the image of life and the thoughts of the speakers of the language. Be-cause without this factor it is impossible to rank the corresponding, verb or addition in the speech process. Correspondingly, the placement of the subject or said at the beginning or at the end of the sentence is related to the assessment of the meaning of the action or subject. Correspondingly, the order of words in the proposal is built on the principle of the centers of the subject or the said. For example, in the Azerbaijani language, simple sentences are classified according to the availability of primary and secondary members; on the basis of this criterion are determined and grouped around these two members of the sentence, defining them and clarifying the relationship quantitatively, qualitatively, temporari-ly and so on. Subsequently, the placement of the two centers in different positions in the sentence affects the order of the words in the sentence. Moreover, they occupy a corresponding place in the basic structure, which is relatively strong from the point of view of functional location. One-syllable and two-syllable sentences have a corresponding order of words. Beginning with the second half of the twentieth century begins a new era of word order actual member-ship. He was approached by two aspects communicative and cognitive. When discussing the ranking systems of linguistic units in the first plan, reversible and irreversible members of the proposal are also moved; to him belong complex words, double words, word combinations, complex sentences, additions, not inverted units.

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В статье исследуется сравнительный инвариантный порядок слов на языках мира. Порядок слов в предложении зависит от образа жизни и мышления носителей языка. Потому что без этого фактора невозможно ранжировать подлежащее, глагол или дополнение в речевом процессе. Соответственно, размещение подлежащего или сказуемого в начале или в конце предложения связано с оценкой смысла действия или предмета. Соответственно порядок слов в предложении строится по принципу центров подлежащего или сказуемого. Например, на азербайджанском языке простые предложения классифицируются по наличию глав-ных и второстепенных членов; на основе этого критерия определяются и группируются вокруг этих двух членов предложения определяя их и проясняют отношения количественно, качественно, временно и так д. Следовательно, размещение двух центров в разных позициях в предложении влияет на порядок слов в предложении. Тем не менее, они занимают соответствующее место в базовой структуре, кото-рая относительно сильна с точки зрения функционального расположения. Односоставные и двухсостав-ные предложения имеют соответствующий порядок слов. Начиная со второй половины ХХ века начинается новая эра порядка слов – актуального членения. К нему подошли с двух аспектов коммуникативного и познавательного. При обсуждении системы ран-жирования языковых единиц на первый план также выдвигаются обратимые и необратимые члены предложения; к ним относятся сложные слова, двойные слова, словосочетания, сложные предложения, дополнения, не инвертированные единицы.





УДК 8138; 801.6;808

Kamala Mehdikhanli

Department of Foreign Languages, Azerbaijan Technical University head teacher

Candidate of Philological sciences DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-4127-38-41 INVARIANT ORDER OF WORDS IN THE LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD

Кямаля Мехдиханлы

Кандидат филологических наук, Азербайджанский Государственный Технический Университет



The article examines a comparative invariant order of words in the languages of the world. The order of the words in the sentence depends on the image of life and the thoughts of the speakers of the language. Because without this factor it is impossible to rank the corresponding, verb or addition in the speech process. Correspondingly, the placement of the subject or said at the beginning or at the end of the sentence is related to the assessment of the meaning of the action or subject. Correspondingly, the order of words in the proposal is built on the principle of the centers of the subject or the said.

For example, in the Azerbaijani language, simple sentences are classified according to the availability of primary and secondary members; on the basis of this criterion are determined and grouped around these two members of the sentence, defining them and clarifying the relationship quantitatively, qualitatively, temporarily and so on. Subsequently, the placement of the two centers in different positions in the sentence affects the order of the words in the sentence. Moreover, they occupy a corresponding place in the basic structure, which is relatively strong from the point of view of functional location. One-syllable and two-syllable sentences have a corresponding order of words.

Beginning with the second half of the twentieth century begins a new era of word order - actual membership. He was approached by two aspects - communicative and cognitive. When discussing the ranking systems of linguistic units in the first plan, reversible and irreversible members of the proposal are also moved; to him belong complex words, double words, word combinations, complex sentences, additions, not inverted units.


В статье исследуется сравнительный инвариантный порядок слов на языках мира. Порядок слов в предложении зависит от образа жизни и мышления носителей языка. Потому что без этого фактора невозможно ранжировать подлежащее, глагол или дополнение в речевом процессе. Соответственно, размещение подлежащего или сказуемого в начале или в конце предложения связано с оценкой смысла действия или предмета. Соответственно порядок слов в предложении строится по принципу центров подлежащего или сказуемого.

Например, на азербайджанском языке простые предложения классифицируются по наличию главных и второстепенных членов; на основе этого критерия определяются и группируются вокруг этих двух членов предложения определяя их и проясняют отношения количественно, качественно, временно и так д. Следовательно, размещение двух центров в разных позициях в предложении влияет на порядок слов в предложении. Тем не менее, они занимают соответствующее место в базовой структуре, которая относительно сильна с точки зрения функционального расположения. Односоставные и двухсоставные предложения имеют соответствующий порядок слов.

Начиная со второй половины ХХ века начинается новая эра порядка слов - актуального членения. К нему подошли с двух аспектов - коммуникативного и познавательного. При обсуждении системы ранжирования языковых единиц на первый план также выдвигаются обратимые и необратимые члены предложения; к ним относятся сложные слова, двойные слова, словосочетания, сложные предложения, дополнения, не инвертированные единицы.

Keywords: Azerbaijan, language, term, grammar, phonetics

Ключевые слова:Азербайджан, язык, термин, грамматика, фонетика

The ordering of words in a sentence depends on a clause or message in front of or at the end of a sen-the way of life of the speakers. Because it is not possi- tence is related to the assessment of the meaning of the ble to rank a subject, verb or object in the speech pro- action or subject. Accordingly, the ordering of words in cess without this factor. Accordingly, the placement of a sentence is based on the principle and news centers.



For example, in the Azerbaijani language, simple sentences are classified according to the presence of primary and secondary members; double-sentence and single-sentence sentences are determined on the basis of this criterion. The other parts of the sentence are grouped around these two parts of the sentence and divided them into sign, quantity, style, time, and so on. clarifies relationships. Therefore, drawing the two centers to different positions in the sentence does not affect the order of the words in the sentence. However, they have an appropriate place in the basic structure, which is relatively strong in terms of functional location. Monosyllabic and compound sentences have the appropriate order of words. Therefore, let's consider the order of words in the mentioned sentence types.

In short, an affirmative sentence is an invariant sentence; is the basis for other simple sentence types as well as extended sentences. Accordingly, the ordering of words in a sentence also takes place in accordance with the rules of word ordering in a sentence. Let's look at an example in English:

He felt a calmness (1, 496).

This sentence has the structure S - V - O. Let's look at an example in Azerbaijani:

She was not crying.

This sentence also has an S - V - O structure. The evolution of the S-V structure in Azerbaijani sentences has been decided by the expression of the last subject, which took place on the S-V-S structure, with personal suffixes. In fact, in modern times, the S - V type sequence is completed by S - V - S, ie a non-independent subject. However, this logical feature mentioned in modern times is realized by the independent function of the members of the sentence according to the "S - V" structure. Later, the members of the subject-subject and verb-news environment are accompanied by the expansion of the sentence. In this regard, although the precedence of adjectives, verb adjectives, and verb adjectives occurs after the definition in terms of order in a sentence, the weight-semantic center of the sentence belongs to the principle; therefore, completeness and envelopes do not negate the leading role of news as a predicate center by falling into the realm of news. Thus, the principle and message in simple concise, double sentences determine the order of the sentence members, being the logical-semantic center. In commenting on these issues, we will rely on A. Javadov's above-mentioned research.

In both English and Azerbaijani, the appointment comes before the appointment. This regularity highlights the word, phrase and composition that play a defining role. Let's look at examples in English:

1) This old man talks nonsense (2, 54);

2) A warm wind came with daylight and he could hear the snow melting in the trees and the heavy sound fits falling (2, 236);

3) After waiting for 25 minutes Heinrich Gunter agreed with a persistent taxi driver that he would pay the fare asked, in hard currency (1, 398).

And in the Azerbaijani language:

1) Heavy fog covered the surface of the water. (3,

2) A long-tailed bird was looking for fish. (3, 18);

3) Small children, hairdressers, patchers who opened shops on the streets, shoemakers entered such a race (3, 42);

4) There were shops on both sides of the street, paved with large, flat stones. (3, 43);

5) As if afraid of the darkness that fell on the village, Jahandar did not come near the yard of the agha (3, 23).

Sometimes homosexual principles are accompanied by appointments; In this case, the principle we mentioned earlier is not violated:

Rocky ravines, swaying, turbulent waters roared and the branched arms of the mad Kura passed in front of his eyes (3, 54).

Homosexual principles generally do not deny the status of a single principle; it is also protected in the signs of status. For example:

Our marksman and your eye witness, and the hornet's nest stirred... (1, 328).

The squeaking of the car wheels and the sound of the skulls were heard (3, 23).

Due to the fact that the place of the appointed person does not change according to the norm of literary language, the relations in the appointed position are structurally unchanged.

Although the expression of the principle with the updated members is structurally complex, it exists as a single member, their grammatical logical meaning, not their structural essence, is in focus. In one-sentence sentences, a clause or message can be omitted. When a person does not participate in the principle, the endings replace it, that is, logically the principle is in the field; happens to restore it. Structurally, the existing subject of history is expressed in a grammatical variant of the unit ending in the predicate. This does not negate the points we have made above; because from the point of view of modern language, the grammatically subject is not independent, but has become a morphological indicator of the message. The independent subject is the first subject in the structure we have mentioned, that is, in the principle.

The second part of a simple two-part short sentence is news; he is a predicate. The predicate provides some new information. News has the potential to express itself in two ways: verb and noun. The noun news was, were, was, is expressed by means of auxiliary means (as well as through other auxiliary verbs). The auxiliary units we have mentioned also give predicatives to names; the data load is also related to the news zone they create. According to the English word order, the message always comes after the clause. According to the word order of the Azerbaijani language, the message always comes at the end of the sentence. This feature is associated not only with the laws of linguistics, but also with ethnolinguistic thinking. As explained in the previous section, a typological classification has been made in this direction.

According to the basic syntax of the English language, the fact that the message comes after the beginning, and according to the basic syntax of the Azerbaijani language, comes at the end is an expression of the predicative of the sentence, so it is the main unit of the sentence. His position is considered a strong position


PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES / <«g©yL©(MUM~J©U©MaL» #4(127), 2022

for other sentence members. This issue is also accepted as a criterion during actual membership. So, the news can be approached from the point of view of both grammar and communication. In both cases, different issues related to the news are studied. Let's look at examples:

1) The first letters he read were very form al, very carefully written and dealt almost entirely with local happenings (2, 267);

2) Take it easy, he told himself (2, 340);

3) He had tried to sleep (4, 166).

In Azerbaijani:

1) When Sultan Abu Sa'id saw Sarah standing in front of the tent, he got up (5, 23);

2) When Sara Khatun went to sit on the throne next to the sultan's throne, Abu Sa'id looked at the childish Sheikh Heydar (5, 23);

3) After a while, they sat in a tent on a mattress. (5, 24).

By invariant syntax we mean base syntax. In this context, the news always comes after the preposition in English and at the end of the sentence in Azerbaijani, which also applies to the noun news, which acts as a news. Let's look at examples:

1) Jody was first at the breakfast table in the morning (6, 163);

2) The hair rope was nearly finished (6, 163);

3) Preparations were necessarily stupendous (7,


In Azerbaijani:

1) Soon the sultan's mother was in his tent (5, 40);

2) He was dressed simply, with no ornaments (5.40);

3) I think it is a sin to touch Teymur's son (5, 43).

In English, the news comes after the clause, and in

Azerbaijani, the news comes at the end of the sentence, which is considered invariant for membership in the actual membership; this is structurally invariant. The structure is invariant, stable and derivative. An actual membership that is proportional to an invariant is a derivative; The release of the invariant-language model in speech is associated with compliance with the requirements of communication. In this respect, communication does not completely change the language model; basically several members of the sentence change places. The invariant and the derived structure do not stand against each other, but are closely connected with it. In fact, invariant is the source of actual membership - the formation of a new structure. We will comment on this issue when talking about inversion.

Completeness is located between the clause and the message in the sentence and is included in the news area. As we know from theoretical linguistics, completeness is indirect and indirect. The stability of their location in the mentioned space is different. A.Javadov writes about it: "The form of indirect complements provides their place in the sentence". Rather, the form of indirect completeness allows the sentence to be processed in different places. On the contrary, the place of indirect completeness is fixed, its place is determined by the order of other words in the sentence. The place of indirect completeness allows to distinguish it from the principle.

Both indirect and indirect complements come before the news because they belong to the news "(5, 52). Let's look at examples:

If a sentence consists of three parts (clause, completeness, and message), in English, completeness usually follows the message:

I leave you to arrange that (7, 68).

In Azerbaijani it is before the news:

Heydar embraced him (5, 49).

If such sentences in the Azerbaijani language are expanded with other members, the place of indefinite indirect completeness is fixed, it comes before the news

- that is, next to it. For example:

On the day he wanted to surrender to the fortress, they saw dust rising from afar in the towers (5, 63).

In the Azerbaijani language, if there is an indirect and indirect completeness in a sentence, a certain indirect complement comes before the indirect completeness; that is, there is an indirect completeness between a certain indirect completeness and a message, as opposed to an indefinite indirect completeness. For example:

Uzun Hasan told you the same secret, didn't he? (5, 107).

If one of the indirect complements is used in the nominative case and the other in the nominative case with the conjunction with, the completeness in the indirect case is closer to the message.

Seventy craftsmen were brought to wait for that treasure (5, 101).

We mentioned earlier that a designation comes from the member it appoints in the sentence before the clause or completeness, that is, their place in the sentence depends on the designation. The place of definition is fixed regardless of whether the sentence is expanded with other secondary members. As we know, a designation is expressed by noun, adjective, number, pronoun, verb adjective or verb adjective components.

In this sense, our attention was drawn to A.Java-dov's appeal to the following opinion of the Kazakh linguist J.Chekanov. He notes that on the basis of Kazakh language materials, J. Chekanov notes that adjectives denoting color are preceded by adjectives denoting volume, sign or quality, and adjectives denoting time and space (5, 61). The opinions of the authors are also confirmed by the facts of the Azerbaijani language.

This feature is also preserved in pre-existing appointments.

Sheikh Safiyaddin's tomb lived a life of luxury five years ago. (6, 193).

Alamshahbeyim raised his head and saw the flames of wild passion in the eyes of a large red, bloody wolf under the thick eyebrows of Abih Sultan (5, 227).

The above-mentioned appointments refer to the second part of the compound "In the Eyes of Abih Sultan" and are taken together with the mediator.

In English, the place of an envelope in a sentence is different. So let's look at the place of the envelopes in the sentence by type of meaning.

Although the phenomenon of word order violation

- inversion has been studied under different names since the XVIII century, in the twentieth century, this



problem began to be widely studied in the example of the Prague School of Linguistics.

Beginning in the second half of the twentieth century, a new era of word order - actual membership - begins. He was approached from two aspects - communicative and cognitive. When talking about the system of ranking of language units, the inverted and the unknown are also brought to the fore, compound words, double words, word combinations, complex sentences, additions, specializations, non-inverted units.

Syntactically, the Azerbaijani language is radically different from the English language. For example, if most of the metaphorical sentences in English are arranged in the form of clause + news + secondary members, as mentioned above, in the Azerbaijani language

most metaphorical sentences are formed in the form of clause + secondary members + news.


1. G.Seymour. At close Quarters. Diamond Books, 1987, 767 p.

2. E.Hemingway. For whom the Bell Tolls, 1976.

3. §ixli i. "Dali Kür", Baki, Yazigi, 1982, 512 s.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

4. G.Seymour. A Song in the Morning. Diamond Books, 1986,767 p.

5. Karimzada F. Xudafarin körpüsü. Baki, Qanun, 2012, 408 s.

6. J.Steinbeck. The Red Pony. Penguin Books, 1988.

7. E.Waugh. Prose, Memoirs, Essays. Moscow: Progress, 1980.

УДК 78/07

Атакишиева Кямаля Алашраф кызы Институт Фольклора Национальной Академии Наук Азербайджана, кандидат по искусствоведению ORCID: 0000-0003-3637-6790 DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-4127-41-44 ПРОБЛЕМЫ КЛАССИФИКАЦИИ ЦИКЛИЧЕСКИХ НАПЕВОВ В АЗЕРБАЙДЖАНСКОМ


Atakishiyeva Kamala Alashraf gizi

Institute of Folklore National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan

ORCID: 0000-0003-3637-6790



Представленная статья связана с одной из основных проблем ашугского искусства в Азербайджане, классификацией напевов и изучением особенностей циклических жанров. Широкое и всестороннее изучение искусства ашугов с древней историей получило широкое распространение в ХХ веке, изучено в трудах исследователей. В статье рассматриваются историко-теоретические предпосылки данного вопроса и приводятся научные результаты, полученные в современный период. Ссылаясь на исследования, посвященные решению различных задач, статья характеризует актуальность изучения циклических напевов как объекта специальных исследований. В статье рассмотрены напевы дивани, гезеллеме, пешров, шикеста и т.д., которые считаются циклическими напевами и выделены общие и специфические черты каждого цикла.


The presented article is connected with one of the main problems of ashug art in Azerbaijan, the classification of tunes and the study of the features of cyclic genres. A wide and comprehensive study of the art of ashugs with ancient history became widespread in the twentieth century, studied in the works of researchers. The article discusses the historical and theoretical background of this issue and presents scientific results obtained in the modern period. Referring to studies devoted to solving various problems, the article characterizes the relevance of studying cyclic tunes as an object of special research. The article considers the tunes of divani, gezelleme, peshrov, shikesta, etc., which are considered cyclic tunes, and highlights the general and specific features of each cycle.

Ключевые слова: ашугское искусство, напев, цикл, классификация, репертуар.

Keywords: ashug art, melody, cycle, classification, repertoire.

Понятие цикличности в музыкальном искусстве объясняется несколькими способами. Цикл характеризуется структурными особенностями отдельных музыкальных жанров, с другой стороны, принципом развития внутри жанра. Цикл и цикличность проявляется в народном музыкальном творчестве и в классической музыке. Однако, как и все

жанры классической музыки, ряд жанров уходит своими корнями прежде всего в народное творчество. Основной принцип жанров с структурой цикла характеризуется организацией отношений между его частями и единицами: «Связь частей на основе их драматургической функции - ведущий принцип циклических форм» (Бобровский,

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