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Vafa Ahmed gizi Rashidli Azerbaijan Technical University Department of Foreign Languages DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-17140-73-77 SYNTACTIC SYNONYMY, SYNTACTIC VARIABILITY, SYNTACTIC TRANSFORMATION,
Вафа Ахмед кызы Рашидли
Азербайджанский Технический Университет Кафедра Иностранных Языков
The article deals with the issues of syntactic synonyms, which differ in diversity, while syntactic variations have similarities and differ in semantic shades. In some cases, the synonymy of syntactic constructions is based on the fact that one corresponds to the main semantics, and the others correspond to additional semantics. It tells how stylistic shades make a distinction between syntactic variations. This difference is stronger than the stylistic difference in the synonymy ofphrases and sentences, since semantic similarity can be found in these constructions.
It can be said that the article fully covers the issue of semantics and semantic similarity, which is expressed by constructions, and in syntactic variations by grammatical means added to constructions. Syntactic variations are explained, which do not appear by chance, but in connection with the regular development of the language. It plays a role in the formation and development of new meanings and expressions with different structures. Here it is told that syntactic constructions are based on syntactic-semantic variants when entering into synonymic relations.
The article raises the question of linguistic variability of the language, which can also be revealed as a result of such studies. This variation is closely related to internal linguistic - functional, pragmatic, stylistic and social aspects. Research shows that the boundaries of syntactic synonyms cover multicomponent complex sentences, starting from word combinations. The fact that grammatical similarity covers so many syntactic units proves that the subject is really very broad.
В статье рассматриваются вопросы синтаксических синонимов, которые отличаются разнообразием, в то время как синтаксические вариации имеют сходство и отличается семантическими оттенками. В некоторых случаях синонимия синтаксических конструкций основана на том факте, что одна соответствует основной семантике, а другие соответствуют дополнительной семантике. Рассказывается о том, как стилистические оттенки делают различие между синтаксическими вариациями. Это различие сильнее, чем стилистическое различие в синонимии словосочетаний и предложений, поскольку в этих конструкциях можно обнаружить семантическое сходство.
Можно сказать, что статья полностью охватывает вопрос семантики и семантическое сходство, которое выражается конструкциями, а в синтаксических вариациях - грамматическими средствами, добавляемыми к конструкциям. Объясняются синтаксические вариации, которые появляются не случайно, а в связи с регулярным развитием языка. Он играет определенную роль в формировании и развитии новых значений и выражений с различными структурами. Здесь рассказывается о том, что в основе синтаксических конструкций лежат синтаксико-семантические варианты при вступлении в синонимические отношения.
В статье выдвигается вопрос о лингвистической вариативности языка, которая также может быть выявлена в результате подобных исследований. Эта вариация тесно связана с внутренними лингвистическими - функциональными, прагматическими, стилистическими и социальными аспектами. Иссле-
дования показывают, что границы синтаксических синонимов охватывают многокомпонентные сложные предложения, начиная от словосочетаний. Тот факт, что грамматическое сходство охватывает так много синтаксических единиц, доказывает, что предмет действительно очень широк.
Key words: syntactic variability, synonymy, semantics, syntactic constructions, linguistic variability of the language.
Ключевые слова: синтаксическая вариативность, синонимика, семантика, синтаксические конструкции, лингвистическая вариативность языка.
One of the linguistic phenomena bordering on syntactic synonymy is syntactic variation. They are identical in terms of expression and content. As the researchers note, "it is difficult and complicated to draw a sharp line between these linguistic phenomena, since there is still no precise measure or criterion for distinguishing variation in synonymy" [13, p.164]. Despite this similarity, it is inappropriate to consider them the same linguistic phenomenon.
In general, linguistic variation occurs with regard to its functionality and the norms of the language. Linguistic variation is not an "excess" of words, grammatical forms, and constructions, but manifests itself in stylistic as a "reserve fund" of language. Unlike synonyms, "variation is a linguistic tool respecting the unambiguous manifestation of the system of meanings and relationships." Obviously, this redundancy (remember the phenomenon of pleonasm) is significant, because it is "a language reserve that provides a more flexible and different forms of expression of a certain content in the language" [11, p.55].
Scholars also point out that syntactic variations are distinguished from other variations (lexical, phonetic, morphological, accentological, phraseological, etc.) by their difficulty and complexity. Syntactic variation, like syntactic synonymy, combines (encompasses) word combinations and sentences. The degree of variation of these units also differs. In other words, they can be univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. According to E.I.Schendels, the variations of "sentence models" in language are more than the variations of word combinations. The main reason is the fact that a certain sentence can be expressed by sentence types structuralized in different ways [12, p. 10-16].
Syntactic variations should be distinguished as syntactic synonyms as follows:
• Syntactic synonyms have diversity, whereas syntactic variations bear similarities.
• In variation, the units are completely grammatically relevant, while synonymy differs in semantic shades, and in some cases the synonymy of syntactic constructions is based on the fact that one corresponds to the main semantics and the others correspond to the additional semantics [5, p.143]. In the variation, only "system meanings" form relevance.
• Stylistic shades make a distinction between syntactic variations. This distinction seems to be stronger than the stylistic difference in the synonymy of word combinations and sentences, because the semantic similarity can be found in these constructions.
• Semantic similarity in syntactic synonyms is due to the general meaning expressed by the constructions, and in the syntactic variations by the grammatical means added to the constructions.
• Syntactic constructions are based on only one syntactic-semantic variation, not on all volumes of meaning when entering into a synonymous relationship. Syntactic variations are classified according to the degree of full meaning.
• Syntactic variations appear not by chance, but in connection with the regular development of language. It plays a role in the formation and development of new meanings and expressions with different structures.
Generally, as noted by I.M. Jilly, when looking for variations of syntactic constructions, it is necessary to know the following: the compatibility of the semantic system; integrity of semantic differentiation; similarity and diversity of syntactic indicators; differences in the expression [6, p.32].
"Unlike variations, synonyms are such parallels that can be found in every area of language. The syntactic variation is such a unit related to the change of the basic linguistic meaning that it is understood as two or more different formal modifications (image changes). The existence of a variation does not negate linguistic norms. The synonymous relationship between syntactic structures is limited by context. This relationship is connected with the contextual situation and occurs in the act of speech "[7, p.26].
While defining the boundaries of the concept of syntactic synonymy, various authors have made a number of suggestions: to define the criteria for synonymous syntactic constructions, to classify them, as well as to define the synonym row and syntactic field.
The situation of syntactic variation in sentences is not the same. Thus, by changing the place of the logical-dynamic emphasis (keeping the word order constant), there occurs a variation in intonation. For example: Conun tutulmasini Harriya Mara xabar verdi. (Mara told Harry about John's arrest). Here you can create 4 variations by dynamically emphasizing each sentence member. The first sentence is the main variation, because the object, the nucleus of thought is primarily under logical emphasis. Other variations are considered auxiliary.
Variation also occurs in a sentence by changing the word order (provided that the function of the members of the sentence does not change). For example: a) Harri ayrilaraq me§aya taraf getdi. (Literal translation: Harry leaving into the forest went); b) Harri me§aya taraf ayrilaraq getdi. (Literal translation: Harry into the forest leaving went); c) Ayrilaraq me§aya taraf Harri getdi. (Literal translation: Leaving, Harry into the forest went). Literary language variations and spoken language variations also lead to syntactic variations. For example, let's compare: Qoca na dani§ir, na dillanir.
«ШУШ(ЩШиМ-Ши©Ма1> #17»), 2022 / PHILOLOGICAL sciences
(The old man neither speaks nor says a word); (in a spoken language) - Qoca dam§mir, dillanmir. (The old man does not speak, does not say a word). Affirmative and negative sentences that have the same meaning in the language are not synonymous, but can create variations. For example: - Amerika sulh istayir (America wants peace); - Amerika sava§ istamir (America does not want war).
As in any field of science, new fields of linguistics are gradually formed, with paradigms in those fields changing or one paradigm being replaced by another. According to the observations of the prominent linguist F. Veysalli, the transformational grammar, and later the derivative grammar of N. Chomsky in the field of syntax revealed the creativity of the language. Consideration of language as a mechanism for the formation of an infinite number of sentences of units has led to a deeper understanding of its ontological nature and functions. At present, the place of language in society, its role in the management of society, the perception and expression of the environment, as well as the conceptualization of reality (representation in mind - V.R) are very pressing issues, and there is a great need to create a new branch of linguistics - Cognitive Linguistics in order to study their mental and neurological features. [14, p. 5-6]
Based on the scholar's quote, it is understood that although synonymy is not a new issue in the language system, today its anthropocentric approach to syntax problems is new, and we want to study the issue in this direction, because the subject of the issue is human, the use of syntactic constructions of different forms, but the same meaning, which have become a part of human speech.
As already mentioned, the issue of synonymy is studied in the fields of lexicon, grammar, especially syntax of linguistics. Synonymy as a source, as a means of expression, enriches the language and deepens the culture of speech from a semantic point of view. In this regard, lexical-phraseological, grammatical and syntactic synonyms are of great theoretical and practical importance.
Syntactic synonymy is directly related to semantic identity. Semantic identity relations are based on successive models. Of course, if there are semantic similarities between different sentences, these constructions can be considered synonymous.
Sometimes a person does not want to express the same idea with a single model, but tries to change the model, provided that the same model and the semantic identity remains in the paradigm.
The problem of synonymy is, first of all, the interactions and interrelationships between the forms and meanings of language signs.
Syntactic synonyms have syntactic equivalents. O.S. Akhmanova gives the following examples of syntactic equivalents from the Russian language: - Я увидел собаку, бегущую к дому (I saw a dog running to the house); - Я увидел собаку, которая бежала к дому (I saw a dog that ran to the house); -Когда он обедал, он читал (When he had lunch, he was reading); -Обедая, он читал (While having lunch, he was reading) [2, p.407].
The study of the formation and development of synonymy and syntactic equivalence between syntactic models in connection with the phenomenon of transformation allows clarifying the regularities of the use of these language units in modern languages, as well as the characteristics of semantic identity that unites these models. Different syntactic units united around the same aspect of the text create an event, and these events form a interrelationship, manifesting the internal grammatical unity-functional-stylistic-syntactic unity of the language.
R.B. Liz "answers the question of what is transformation as follows: The directly transformed semantic equivalent of a syntactic unit" [9, p.69-77].
F.Veysalli extensively interprets the term "transformation" in the "Encyclopaedia of Linguistics": 1) As a term used by Z.S. Harris to denote the transformational relations between top-level linguistic expressions in the same syntactic relationship; 2) As a set of operations in N. Chomsky's model of generative transformational grammar, which studies the relationships between the lower layers of sentences. Transformation transforms the structural trees formed by the lower layer speech structures into the upper layer structural trees [15, p.308-309].
The phenomenon of transformation has a special place in the structure of language. Of course, first of all, one of the events that have a place in the complex system of language is the transformation, especially the syntactic transformations. This essential transformation can be said to be almost related to a transformational member, functional equivalence, syntactic synonymy, syntactic variation, syntactic derivative, and such issues. If concepts such as complexity, invariance, dominance, and the "semantic nucleus" were added, the "syntactic synonyms and transformation phenomenon" of the problem could be expanded.
N. Rajabova shows that transformation plays an essential role in the general structure of language and writes that as a result of unlimited repetition of different transformations from the last set of "nuclear sentences" it is possible to build various sentences of any length. Transformation gives a complex sentence a form of commonality. With the help of transformation it is possible to determine the structure of homonymous sentences and their diversity [10, p.132].
As a result of this event, the meanings of the sentences are neutralized. In the transformation from the bottom into the top layer, additional semantic information is given, the meaning is neutralized.
The study of syntactic synonyms in relation to the phenomenon of transformation requires the identification of similar and differential features of synonymous means within each synonym sequence. "Commonality and distinction are equally characteristic to all syntactic synonymous lines [1, p.30]".
The sequence of syntactic synonyms has different meanings in the context of the text. The same idea is expressed in the speech process in two grammatical forms. One of these grammatical forms can be a simple sentence, and another can be a complex sentence, or one can be a verb, and another can be a subordinate clause.
PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES / <«g©yL©(MUM~J©U©MaL» #17«)), 2022
The use of these categorical features of the language in a purposeful way requires a habit of using it. In the process of cultural speech, it is necessary to define syntactic categories that express the same meaning, to clarify the selective subtleties between these units, and to reveal the points of their use. For example, in the Azerbaijani language, which of the following syntactic synonyms is selected and used in speech depends on the addressee-subject:
Like syntactic synonyms, syntactic transformation has a special place and position in the language structure. In addition, the nature, object, directions, boundaries, degrees of syntactic transformation, its definition, sentence complexes, the relationship of transformation with dominance, invariance, synonymy issues, typology of neutralization and transformation, methods, types, and models, levels (paradigmatic and syntagmatic levels, transformation at the levels of simple and complex sentences); subordinate transformations, transformation of verbs into subordinate clauses; transformation of main compound sentences into subordinate compound sentences, features of structure of simple and complex sentences, their complex members, structural problems of sentence members, boundaries of different syntactic units, etc. certainly requires in-depth research. These are issues to be discussed in the general theory of syntax.
Different semantic relations between syntactic synonyms manifest themselves. Variation in syntactic units is mainly associated with meaning. Thus, a new structure is created by modifying the syntactic units, which affects the meaning. The semantic structure of a syntactic unit is related to the process or event it expresses. The change of grammatical relations in syntactic units is the basis.
Potential ambiguity is evident here. In this case, the 2 grammatical forms match the main meanings. For example: The combination stating the reasons: 1) Orta maktabi farqlanma diplomu ila bitirdiyi ugun universiteta imtahansiz qabul olundu. (As he graduated from high school with honours, he was admitted to the university without an exam); 2) Universiteta imtahansiz qabul olundu, ona gora ki (gunki) orta maktabi farqlanma dipomu ila bitirmi§di. (He was admitted to the university without an exam, because he graduated from high school with honours).
In another case, the main semantic relations in one structure may correspond to the secondary meaning in another structure. "Since this correspondence is due to the influence of the text, the early grammatical structure expresses several grammatical structures" [8, p.76-77]. In itself, grammatical meaning in relation to certain semantic relations cannot be the subject of research in an abstract form (e.g., cause, reason, time, style, etc.) in isolation from the surrounding words and phrases. This is because the difference in grammatical meaning can be related to the different elements in the structure of any syntactic unit. Synonymous relations form different semantic relations.
English speech forms are very suitable for using syntactic synonyms. When we say syntactic synonymous forms, syntactic intonation is the presence of
rhythm in the sentence structure. Therefore, these special identical meanings create the phenomena of representation and substitution. In fact, the most characteristic and distinctive feature is the syntactic structure of the English language. This syntax differs from the syntaxes of other languages in that syntax complexes consisting of synonyms are widespread in that language, which allows a double prediction in the sentence. According to researchers, "predicative complexes and syntactic substitutions characterize the syntactic structure of the English language" [4, p.42]. E.S. Blindus also shows the unity of the binary structure in syntactic units, syntactic synonyms with time content [3, p.226].
In syntactic synonymous units, the content of time in English consists of subordinate clauses, participles, and gerundial components, as well as predicative constructions. In English, syntactic synonyms with the content of time appear in sentences with verbal predicate. For example:
When I'm painting I can't think of anything else <==> When painting I can't think of anything. These synonymous constructions have the meaning of syn-chronicity.
Modal verbs in English - the form -ing is seman-tically adapted to a participle or gerundial: When I could help to make a decision I did it with pleasure. I could help to make a decision and did it with pleasure.
In English, similar predicates build syntactic synonymous forms: When you come to Paris, send me a letter and wait for me.
In syntactic synonyms, the temporal meaning manifests itself between the participle and the gerund: After spending eight months at Walter Reed, Steve Justin was released in October last year. (Times)
In modern English, the verb conjugation and the converted adverb establish a synonymous construction with a temporal content. For example: After he had drunk his cup of black coffee, he wiped his lips slowly with a napkin.
Grammatical synonyms, including syntactic synonyms, are an indicator of language enrichment. The term "grammatical synonyms" was first used by O. Jes-persen in "Essentials of English grammar. "
One of the current research areas of modern linguistics is the study of the syntactic structure of language through comparison. The analysis of the syntactic structure of two languages (English and Azerbaijani) by the method of comparison, in addition to determining the features of the common language, also reveals the structural and typological features of these languages, allows to understand the structure of a foreign language in the first language.
In general, research on this topic is expanding in modern linguistics. Researchers try to interpret the content and essence of syntactic synonymy with different dimensions and aspects. The main dimensions include different structure, functional commonality, generality of grammatical meaning, lexical commonality and commonality of ideas, inter-situational attitude, complex classification commonality, similarity of syntactic meaning, stylistic choice (stylistic difference) and so on.
In the vast majority of studies, functional and grammatical commonality are considered key dimensions for syntactic synonyms.
The feature of substitution is also the main feature for syntactic synonyms. For example:
On entering the room he greeted everybody most kindly. (Otaga girarak har kasi mehribnliqla salamladi.)
Entering the room he greeted everybody most kindly. (Otaga girarkan har kasi mehribanliqla salamladi.)
When he entered the room he greeted everybody most kindly. (Otaga giranda har kasi mehribanliqla salamladi.)
In recent years, foreign linguists have adopted linguistic variation and situational context as the main criteria for synonymous units; they look for the essence of the problem in the interaction of language and speech.
When foreign linguists say syntactic synonyms, they mean parallel syntactic constructions and "equivalents".
Significant results can be obtained by using this method in the study and teaching of grammatical synonyms. Linguistic variation of language can also be revealed as a result of such studies. This variation is closely related to the internal linguistic-functional, pragmatic, stylistic, social aspects; the problem is the "choice" problem, that is, to obtain, select, and use any of the syntactic constructions that have two grammatical meanings in the speech process. This is the "mechanism of similarity and difference." The main feature is the similarity of ideas and structural-functional differences-linguistic units-syntactic variants and differentials of doublets.
Studies show that the boundaries of syntactic synonyms cover multi-component complex sentences ranging from word combinations. Grammatical-semantic similarity can be observed between word combinations, complex sentences and simple sentences, subordinate or main compound sentences and simple sentences, verb compositions and subordinate clauses, synonymous subordinate clauses, and separate subordinate clauses. The fact that this grammatical similarity covers so many syntactic units proves that the subject
is indeed very broad. Although the topic is purely related to the English language, one of our objectives is to determine the extent to which the synonymous relations between the parties in modern Azerbaijani are reflected in different languages.
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