SPECIAL FEATURES OF ORGANIZING EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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education / youth / innovation / traditional / method / teaching / training

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dustova U.A., Xamidova A.

This article dedicated special features of organizing educational innovation methods and it’s effect.

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UDC 37.02

Dustova U.A.

teacher Xamidova A. students

Tashkent Institute of textile and light industry


Annotation: This article dedicated special features of organizing educational innovation methods and it's effect.

Key words: education, youth, innovation, traditional, method, teaching, training.

The digital age has changed the conditions of life, formation and education. Everything changes around, and accordingly, the attitude towards learning must change. The content of education in a modern comprehensive school remains unilateral; state standards based on an objective approach are morally outdated. Many modern teachers point to the lack of a competent approach, focused on the individuality of the student. Education at school does not give students a clearly expressed positive motivation to choose a life path, interests and prospects. Now, in the 21st century, the role of international education is growing. To raise own culture, to develop and to go forward is a vital necessity of our century and the young state. The same vital necessity is the study of foreign languages in order to keep pace with the times. Today, knowledge of English opens a window into a large global world with its wide flow of information and innovations. At the present stage of the development of the society, the modernization of the content of education in Uzbekistan is not connected with the innovation processes in the organization of teaching foreign languages. Therefore, the main goal of the modern teacher is to choose the methods and forms of organizing the learning activity of trainees, which optimally meet the goal.

Education is a light that shows the mankind the right direction to surge. The purpose of education is not just making a student literate but adds rationale thinking, knowledge ability and self sufficiency. When there is a willingness to change, there is hope for progress in any field. Creativity can be developed and innovation benefits both students and teachers.

The traditional or innovative methods of teaching are critically examined, evaluated and some modifications in the delivery of knowledge is suggested. As such, the strengths and weaknesses of each teaching methodology are identified and probable modifications that can be included in traditional methods are suggested.

Traditional Teaching Method. In the pre-technology education context, the teacher is the sender or the source, the educational material is the information or

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №4(25) 2019 science-j.com

message, and the student is the receiver of the information. In terms of the delivery medium, the educator can deliver the message via the "chalk-and- talk" method and overhead projector (OHP) transparencies. This directed instruction model has its foundations embedded in the behavioral learning perspective (Skinner, 1938) and it is a popular technique, which has been used for decades as an educational strategy in all institutions of learning.

Basically, the teacher controls the instructional process, the content is delivered to the entire class and the teacher tends to emphasize factual knowledge. In other words, the teacher delivers the lecture content and the students listen to the lecture. Thus, the learning mode tends to be passive and the learners play little part in their learning process. It has been found in most universities by many teachers and students that the conventional lecture approach in classroom is of limited effectiveness in both teaching and learning. In such a lecture students assume a purely passive role and their concentration fades off after 15-20 minutes.

Innovative tools. Multimedia, is the combination of various digital media types such as text, images, audio and video, into an integrated multi-sensory interactive application or presentation to convey information to an audience. Traditional educational approaches have resulted in a mismatch between what is taught to the students and what the industry needs. As such, many institutions are moving towards problem based learning as a solution to producing graduates who are creative; think critically and analytically, to solve problems. In this paper, we focus on using multimedia technology as an innovative teaching and learning strategy in a problem-based learning environment by giving the students a multimedia project to train them in this skill set.

Currently, many institutions are moving towards problem-based learning as a solution to producing graduates who are creative and can think critically, analytically, and solve problems. Since knowledge is no longer an end but a means to creating better problem solvers and encourage lifelong learning. Problem-based learning is becoming increasingly popular in educational institutions as a tool to address the inadequacies of traditional teaching. Since these traditional approaches do not encourage students to question what they have learnt or to associate with previously acquired knowledge (Teo& Wong, 2000), problem-based learning is seen as an innovative measure to encourage students to learn how to learn via real-life problems.

The teacher uses multimedia to modify the contents of the material. It will help the teacher to represent in a more meaningful way, using different media elements. These media elements can be converted into digital form, modified and customized for the final presentation. By incorporating digital media elements into the project, the students are able to learn better since they use multiple sensory modalities, which would make them more motivated to pay more attention to the information presented and retain the information better.

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №4(25) 2019 science-j.com

Besides that, everyone loves a teacher with an infectious sense of humor. Looking at the lighter side of life not only fosters cordial relations between professors and students, but also provides welcome relief while trying to follow a difficult lecture on a complicated subject. When there is a willingness to change, there is hope for progress in any field. Teaching is a challenge. Learning is a challenge. Combining both effectively is a challenge. Being humorous is a challenge. However, laughing is easy.

Conclusion. Across the world, information technology is dramatically altering the way students; faculty and staff learn and work. Internet-ready phones, handheld computers, digital cameras, and MP3 players are revolutionizing the education life. As the demand for technology continues to rise, colleges and universities are moving all sorts of student services, from laundry monitoring to snack delivery online.

In addition, tablet PCs, compact computers that allow you to write notes directly onto the screen with a special pen, replace the archaic projector. With the tablet technology allow professors to make notes on charts and spreadsheets and send them directly to their students' and he will get a feedback from each student. From the above, we can make out that the Information and communication technology has made many innovations in the field of teaching and also made a drastic change from the old paradigm of teaching and learning. In the new paradigm of learning, the role of student is more important than teachers. The concepts of paperless and classroom are emerging as an alternative to the old teaching learning method. Nowadays there is democratization of knowledge and the role of the teacher is changing to that of facilitator. We need to have interactive teaching and this changing role of education is inevitable with the introduction of multimedia technology and the spawning of a technologically generation of youths.

Thus, without the use of ICT in the teaching process, it is difficult to imagine modern English lessons. Their use expands the scope of the educational process, increases its practical focus. The use of ICT and Internet resources in the English lesson allows me to more fully implement a whole range of methodological, pedagogical and psychological principles. The usage of computers in English educational programs increases the effectiveness of solving communicative problems, develops different types of speech activity of students, and forms a stable motivation for students to learn foreign language activities in class. In the 21st century, the society makes ever higher demands on the practical knowledge of English in everyday communication and in the professional sphere. The volumes of information are growing, and often routine ways of its transfer, storage and processing are ineffective. The use of information technology reveals the enormous capabilities of the computer as a means of learning. But we must not forget that the use of multimedia technologies cannot provide a significant pedagogical effect without a teacher, since these technologies are only ways of teaching. The computer in the educational process is not a mechanical teacher, a tool that enhances and expands the possibilities of its teaching activity.

Мировая наука" №4(25) 2019



1) Mitchell R., Miles F. Second language learning theories (2nd ed.). London: Edward Arnold, 2004.

2) Sivan A, Wong Leung R, Woon C. and Kember D. An Implementation of Active Learning and its Effect on the Quality of Student Learning Innovations in Education and Training International, 2000. Vol. 37 № 4 pp 381-389.

3) Stake, R. Case studies. In N.K. Denzin, Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (2nd ed., pp. 435-454). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2000.

4) moluch.ru/archive/159/44844/

UDC: 08.00.01

Elchibaeva D. Bakhronov Kit.

Bakieva I. TFI, Uzbekistan MACROECONOMICS AS AN ECONOMIC SCIENCE Abstract: This article discusses the constituent parts of economic theory, as well as microeconomicprocesses.

Key words: Microeconomics, macroeconomics, direction, subject, science, indicator, term, subject

Macroeconomics as one of the constituent parts of economic theory is the science of the behavior of the economy as a single whole. It examines the causes of cyclical fluctuations and the relationship of the dynamics of production volumes, inflation and unemployment.

The basis of macroeconomics are microeconomic phenomena and processes. This means that:

• Macroeconomic indicators are the result of a summary of indicators of the economic activity of individual households and firms; • macroeconomic patterns reflect trends in mass behavior at the micro level;

• in building macroeconomic models, it is assumed that households and firms make optimal microeconomic decisions;

• macroeconomic processes are the result of the interaction of economic agents and state economic policy.

Economic policy is the purposeful influence of the state on production, income, employment, inflation and other macroeconomic parameters by changing the money supply, the level of taxes and government spending.

Macroeconomic factors (such as the level of market interest rates, inflation, unemployment, etc.) affect households' savings, investment, consumer spending

"Мировая наука" №4(25) 2019


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