Научная статья на тему 'Some ways of updating the classification of passing and kicking techniques in football'

Some ways of updating the classification of passing and kicking techniques in football Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
World championship / hip and chest passing the ball / hitting the ball into the opponent’s goal with the hip and chest / technical tactical actions / matches / football players / video analysis

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Rafael V. Fattakhov, Dmitry L. Korzun, Dmitry Yu. Denisenko, Rafael E. Ilyasov

The article presents the results of studying the indices of rarely performed technical and tactical actions in six World football championships. The scientific novelty of the research work consists in conducting a detailed video analysis of the football matches with the acquisition of new scientific knowledge based on the peculiarities of rarely performed technical and tactical actions application. Therefore, the aim of the work was to conduct a comprehensive video analysis of football matches in six World championships with the indices of rarely-performed technical-tactical actions revelation (kicks and hip and chest passes). Practical significance – updating the classification of a football player’s playing technique in the unit of chest and hip passes to a partner, as well as hip and chest hits would allow including these techniques into the training process. Materials. The article presents the results of studying the indices of rarelyperformed technical-tactical actions during the last six football World football championships. Research methods: information sources analysis, video analysis of football matches, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. In total, in 384 matches of the World Football Championships we revealed the indices of rarely-performed technical-tactical actions. Quantitative indices of rarely-performed technical-tactical actions of football players show that hip strikes and passes, as well as chest passes and blows, are used by them in games in cases where it is impossible to use other game techniques. Conclusion. Among all presented techniques, the largest percentage belongs to actions connected with the chest passes of the ball. All presented techniques are revealed during the competitions and have the right to be included into the unit of the updated classification of field player technique in football.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Some ways of updating the classification of passing and kicking techniques in football»

UDC 796.085 DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-65-68

Some ways of updating the classification of passing and kicking techniques

in football

Rafael V. Fattakhov*, Dmitry L. Korzun, Dmitry Yu. Denisenko, Rafael E. Ilyasov

Volga State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism

Kazan, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-3799-6003 rafamina@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-7825-5615 korzundl@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-6569-1058 denisenko.dmitrij@bk.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-0472-460X rafaeluzfifa@mail.ru

Abstract: The article presents the results of studying the indices of rarely performed technical and tactical actions in six World football championships. The scientific novelty of the research work consists in conducting a detailed video analysis of the football matches with the acquisition of new scientific knowledge based on the peculiarities of rarely performed technical and tactical actions application. Therefore, the aim of the work was to conduct a comprehensive video analysis of football matches in six World championships with the indices of rarely-performed technical-tactical actions revelation (kicks and hip and chest passes). Practical significance - updating the classification of a football player's playing technique in the unit of chest and hip passes to a partner, as well as hip and chest hits would allow including these techniques into the training process. Materials. The article presents the results of studying the indices of rarely-performed technical-tactical actions during the last six football World football championships. Research methods: information sources analysis, video analysis of football matches, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. In total, in 384 matches of the World Football Championships we revealed the indices of rarely-performed technical-tactical actions. Quantitative indices of rarely-performed technical-tactical actions of football players show that hip strikes and passes, as well as chest passes and blows, are used by them in games in cases where it is impossible to use other game techniques. Conclusion. Among all presented techniques, the largest percentage belongs to actions connected with the chest passes of the ball. All presented techniques are revealed during the competitions and have the right to be included into the unit of the updated classification of field player technique in football.

Keywords: World championship, hip and chest passing the ball, hitting the ball into the opponent's goal with the hip and chest, technical - tactical actions, matches, football players, video analysis.

For citation: Rafael V. Fattakhov*, Dmitry L. Korzun, Dmitry Yu. Denisenko, Rafael E. Ilyasov. Some ways of updating the classification of passing and kicking techniques in football. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(4): 57-60. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-65-68.


The quality of football at World championships (WCh) and also the effectiveness and performing mastery of football players is the peak of achievements in football. The teams, which take part in WCh, as a rule, are the strongest teams in their geographical region, group and etc.

Nowadays football is a highly-intensive game with a great amount of struggle for a ball and the space. In this connection great demands are claimed on the preforming technical mastery of a football player, especially on the speed and effectiveness of technical-tactical actions. Technical equipment of football players nowadays is on the stage of speed of fulfillment, unification, secrecy for the opponent [1,3,5,8].

Nowadays the leading football teams of the world in the average fulfill 870 technical-tactical actions in terms of defect coefficient no more than 24% [1,2,8] Constant pressure of an opponent, limited time for decision making provide variation in using techniques and different actions for advance [3,4,6,7,9]. Being under pressure of an opponent football players in some cases use forced technical-tactical actions at different parts of football field, like in case of own goals protection and during different variants of attack development and end. The category of the forced techniques can include hip and chest passes, hip and chest strikes. In spite of the fact that these techniques are absent in classical classification of the game technique of a field player [1,6,8], they have the right to be considered from the

position of equipment level of the filed players and their universality, practicability and reality of use during the competitions.

Materials and methods

The main research methods were the following: scientific-methodical sources analysis and summarizing, video analysis of football matches and methods of mathematical statistics.

We analyzed 384 football matches of the World Championships and revealed quantitative

characteristics of football players in hip and chest passes and strikes.

Mathematical handling of the results was realized in Microsoft Excel programs.

Results and discussion

We revealed the absence of techniques in the information sources, connected with passes, chest strikes, in the native classification the technique of strikes, ball passes in football (table).


Classification of the strikes at the goal technique and ball passes to a partner

The results of studying the indices of technical-tactical actions during WCh showed the presence of the mentioned actions, connected with hip, chest passes and strikes in different matches (picture).

There is no direct connection between the mentioned techniques use and rank position of the teams at the World Championships. However, we revealed that 2,7% of all goals during football WCh

were realized with the help of rarely used hip and chest techniques.

It was stated that most often during WCh football players used serving-pass and hip strike techniques. Apart from hip passes and strikes, the actions connected with chest passes and strikes also had the corresponding percentage (in the average) chest passes - 2,47%, chest strikes - 0,20%.

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Fig. The indices of rarely used technical-tactical actions during 6 football WCh, in %


Thus, statistical video analysis of WCh matches showed the following:

1. The presence of technical-tactical actions, connected with hip and chest passes and strikes in WCh matches.

2. We revealed the peculiarities of the forced use of hip, chest passes and strikes during the matches by football players depending on the situation during the game and the absence of direct connection between hip and chest passes and strikes use and rank position of the teams at WCh.

3. The greatest amount of techniques used in the games of WCh among other presented techniques was in chest passes in WCh games, in the average 2,47%.

4. As a result of hip and chest passes and strikes revelation in the competitions there appears the question of their reasonable inclusion into the classification of football technique in the unit of a field player (goalkeeper) as a separate block of the forced or rarely used techniques.


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Submitted: 18.11.2022 Author's information:

Rafael V. Fattakhov - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Volga State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, 420035, Russia, Kazan, Universiade Village, House 35, e-mail: rafamina@ mail.ru

Dmitriy I. Korzun - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Volga State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, 420035, Russia, Kazan, Universiade Village, House 35, e-mail: korzundl@ mail.ru

Dmitriy Yu. Denisenko - Senior Lecturer, Volga State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, 420035, Russia, Kazan, Universiade Village, House 35, e-mail: denisenko.dmitrij@bk.ru Rafael E. Ilyasov - Senior Lecturer, Volga State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, 420035, Russia, Kazan, Universiade Village, House 35, e-mail: rafaeluzfifa@mail.ru

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