Научная статья на тему 'Methodology of technical training improvement among the players of student rugby-7 team'

Methodology of technical training improvement among the players of student rugby-7 team Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
technical training / rugby-7 / student sport

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Evgeniya N. Usmanova, Nikita A. Shchinov

Rugby-7 development in the structure of modern student sport is characterized by competition increase both among the players on the field and among coaches-methodists. They provide sportsmanship improvement in the training process in general and technical mastery in particular. This problem is discussed in the research works of native and foreign specialists. However, attention is mainly paid to the research works in the sphere of physical training [1,2,3]. There are not so many scientific works, which consider the methodology of the directed influence on the separate sides of technical training integration. In order to solve these problems we need special research work. It will increase the effectiveness of the training and competitive activity. Scientific novelty. The offered methodology of technical training improvement among student rugby-7 teams is based on a directed increase of quantitative and qualitative indices according to 10 main technical elements and their effectiveness during interaction in a game. Practical significance. The research results can be used in the training process of student rugby-7 teams and in case of qualification improvement courses organization for coaches-methodists. Materials. The protocols of technical readiness testing in a student rugby-7 team, the protocols of tournament games video analysis. Research methods. Scientific-methodical information sources analysis, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, video analysis, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. During the experimental substantiation of the methodology we revealed the indices increase according to all studied technical elements of rugby player from 5 to14%; according to 5 indices we defined statistical significance, p≤0,05: defeat 1in1(10%), ball passing using spin method standing and moving (14% and 13%), catching high flying ball “candle” (13%), holding the player 1 in 1 (9%); according to the rest 5 indices– defeat 2 in 2 (6%), punt and a goal attempt (7% and 7%), holding the player 1 in 2 (5%), tackling a ball after the hold (9%) – statistically valid increase wasn’t revealed, p≥0,05. However, we revealed the tendency to the average value index increase among all players of the team, according to the values of asymmetry coefficient (As). Conclusion. The effectiveness of the experimental methodology of technical training improvement of a student rugby-7 team was proved by the control indices change, predominantly at the significance level Р≤0,05.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methodology of technical training improvement among the players of student rugby-7 team»

UDC: 796.333 DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-89-93

Methodology of technical training improvement among the players of student

rugby-7 team

Evgeniya N. Usmanova*, Nikita A. Shchinov

Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism

Kazan, Russia

ORCID: 0000-0002-4633-2006, evgeniya-usmanova@mail.ru* ORCID: 0000-0002-1487-1566, shchinov_nikita@mail.ru

Abstract: Rugby-7 development in the structure of modern student sport is characterized by competition increase both among the players on the field and among coaches-methodists. They provide sportsmanship improvement in the training process in general and technical mastery in particular. This problem is discussed in the research works of native and foreign specialists. However, attention is mainly paid to the research works in the sphere of physical training [1,2,3]. There are not so many scientific works, which consider the methodology of the directed influence on the separate sides of technical training integration. In order to solve these problems we need special research work. It will increase the effectiveness of the training and competitive activity. Scientific novelty. The offered methodology of technical training improvement among student rugby-7 teams is based on a directed increase of quantitative and qualitative indices according to 10 main technical elements and their effectiveness during interaction in a game. Practical significance. The research results can be used in the training process of student rugby-7 teams and in case of qualification improvement courses organization for coaches-methodists. Materials. The protocols of technical readiness testing in a student rugby-7 team, the protocols of tournament games video analysis. Research methods. Scientific-methodical information sources analysis, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, video analysis, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. During the experimental substantiation of the methodology we revealed the indices increase according to all studied technical elements of rugby player from 5 toi4%; according to 5 indices we defined statistical significance, p<0,05: defeat iini(io%), ball passing using spin method standing and moving (14% and 13%), catching high flying ball "candle" (13%), holding the player 1 in 1 (9%); according to the rest 5 indices- defeat 2 in 2 (6%), punt and a goal attempt (7% and 7%), holding the player 1 in 2 (5%), tackling a ball after the hold (9%) - statistically valid increase wasn't revealed, p>0,05. However, we revealed the tendency to the average value index increase among all players of the team, according to the values of asymmetry coefficient (As). Conclusion. The effectiveness of the experimental methodology of technical training improvement of a student rugby-7 team was proved by the control indices change, predominantly at the significance level P<0,05. Keywords: technical training, rugby-7, student sport.

For citation: Evgeniya N. Usmanova*, Nikita A. Shchinov. Methodology of technical training improvement among the players of student rugby-7 team. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(4): 77-80. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-89-93.


The specific peculiarity of competitive activity in sport games is in structural and content difficulty, which is characterized by diverse polyfunctional activity of athletes of different game roles. Often appearing game situations in probable and unexpected conditions demand high level of technical skill and spatial, time, dynamic accuracy of movements, biomechanical rationality both in terms of an open field and sport gym [4]. These features are typical for rugby-7.

Present day rugby player is a strategist, tactitian, all-rounder and should have a diverse arsenal of tactical and technical skills, should have a high

level of physical qualities and special game skills development. The specificity of competitive activity of rugby players doesn't let extrapolate research data directly in other sport games. Technical mistake on the field very often causes loss. Having technical mastery means the fact understanding that the less standard positions we create for an opponent, the less mistakes and ball loss we have in a game.

Scientific-methodical information sources analysis concerning technical training in rugby-7 showed that there are not so many fundamental works concerning the whole spectrum of the urgent questions of student teams training [1]. And in the existing works scientists discuss only the separate

questions of sport training mainly among the rugby players beginners and athletes' physical training [2,3].

All mentioned above conditioned the aim of the present research work - to create and experimentally substantiate the methodology of technical training improvement among the players of student rugby-7 team.

Materials and methods

12 players of the Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Kazan (VSUPCS&T), Russia national team at the age of 18-23 took part in the research and formed the experimental group.

The forming experiment was realized in order to define the effectiveness of the technical training improvement experimental methodology among rugby players of the presented sampling.

The experimental methodology is based on the basic elements of technical training in rugby-7 using additional complexes of special exercises and the methods of their fulfillment, with the load (in the average zone of intensity) and rest regulation (from 30 seconds till 2 minutes). The presented methodology was used in special-preparatory and pre-competitive periods of rugby players' yearly cycle during 10 weeks.

The methodology creation was realized on the basis of general principles of didactics: consciousness, activity, visualization, availability, gradualness, sequence and individualization.

The lessons of 90 minutes duration were held 6 times a week. The complexes of exercises were used in the preparatory part and the second part of the main part of the lesson. The amount of academic hours a week was 9 hours. General duration of the experiment was 3 months (Since October till December). The complexes of methodology exercises distribution according to the days of a microcycle was realized in the following way: complex № 1 (Wednesday), № 2 (Monday), № 3 (Friday), № 4 (Thursday), № 5 (Tuesday), № 6 (Sunday).

The aim of the methodology: technical readiness indices increase among the players of student rugby-7 team.

The expected result: the amount of technical mistakes decrease in terms of game interaction of rugby players, effectiveness of the main technical elements of an individual and team play increase.

The presented experimental methodology includes the testing and developing parts. Pedagogical testing of technical readiness indices among the rugby players included 10 control exercises: 1) defeat 1 in 1; 2) defeat 2 in 2; 3) ball passing using spin method standing; 4) ball passing using spin method moving; 5) catching high flying ball "candle"; 6) punt; 7) ball strike from the ground

on the goal; 8) holding the player 1 in 1; 9) holding the player 1 in 2; 10) tackling the ball after the hold. The developing part of the methodology included 6 complexes of means and methods for their development in the training process.

In complex № 1 for an individual technique of defeat improvement we used the following exercises: 1) outdoor game "10 passes" during the preparatory part of the lesson, directed toward dynamic warming-up, toward the space searching for an effective opponent defeat with the help of a feint, dribbling and precise pass to a partner; 2) exercises at the coordination ladder; 3) exercises for movement improvement of a player in the attack, overstepping, legs feints, rough side move while moving in different situations during the game.

The used methods: the method of standard exercise, method of the alternating exercise. The exercises were fulfilled both in groups and individually with production form of organization using special equipment: plastrons, coordinating ladders (6m), rugby ball, stopwatch.

In complex № 2 for an individual technique of ball pass improvement we used the following kinds of exercises: 1) outdoor game "10 passes"; 2) exercises with the equipment for pass improvement; 3) exercises for the technique of ball pass improvement in different situations of the game. The used methods: the method of a standard exercise, the method of an alternating exercise, the method of conjugate influence. The used equipment: plastrons, elastic expander (toughness 5-15 kg), tennis ball, Rugby ball, stuffed ball for rugby, stopwatch.

In complex № 3 for the technique of ball catch improvement we used the following kinds of exercises: 1) outdoor game "Mini-football with rugby ball" during the preparatory part of the lesson, directed toward the dynamic warming-up, toward the technique of the strike, ball catching development; 2) exercises for ball catching in different game situations; 3) exercise for spring ability development. Exercises were fulfilled both in pairs and individually using special equipment: plastrons, rugby ball, pedestals (h=1m.), stopwatch. The used methods: method of a standard and alternating exercise.

In complex №4 for the technique of the ball strike improvement we used the following kinds of special exercises: 1) outdoor game "Mini-football with rugby ball"; 2) exercises for the ball strike standing and moving. The used methods: method of a standard and alternating exercise.

In complex № 5 for the grab technique improvement we used the following kinds of exercises: 1) "Tag-rugby" game, directed toward the dynamic warming-up, toward the actions improvement during moving in defense; 2) exercises for the hold technique improvement; 3) exercises for

the grab improvement in game situations. The used methods: methods of the standard and alternating exercise.

In complex № 6 for the technique of tackle improvement we used the following kinds of exercises: 1) game in the preparatory part of the lesson, directed toward the dynamic warming-up, toward reaction development; 2) exercises for the technique of a quick lifting from the ground

improvement; 3) exercises for the technique of tackling improvement in game situations. The used methods: method of standard and alternating exercise.

Results and discussion

The table presents the average sample statistics increase after the pedagogical experiment.


Technical readiness indices among the players of a student rugby-7 team after the experiment

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changes were revealed according to the following technical indices: ball pass standing using spin (14%) and catching high flying ball "Candle" (13%). The following indices were in statistical uncertainty zone:

defeat 1 in 1(10%), ball pass moving using spin (11%), holding the player 1 in 1 (9%); defeat 2 in 2 (6%), punt (7%), ball strike from the ground on the goal (7%), holding the player 1 in 2 (5%), tackling after the hold (9%).

In order to estimate the effectiveness of technical elements of the game we organized video analysis of three games of male student rugby-7 team during All-Russian tournament. We set the percentage of effectiveness of each player according to 10 technical

General percentage of team effectiveness was 76%, the highest index (87%) was during ball pass moving using spin, the lowest one (40%) - during holding the player 1 in 2.


During the experimental substantiation of the methodology we revealed the indices increase according to all studied technical elements of rugby player from 5 to14%; according to 5 indices we defined statistical significance, p<0,05: defeat 1in1(10%), ball passing using spin method standing and moving (14% and 13%), catching high flying ball "candle" (13%), holding the player 1 in 1 according to the rest 5 indices- defeat 2 in 2

punt and a goal attempt (7% and 7%), holding the player 1 in 2 (5%), tackling a ball after the hold (9%) - statistically valid increase wasn't revealed, p>0,05, however, we revealed the tendency to the average value index increase among all players of the team, according to the values of asymmetry coefficient (As). Thus, we can state that in general the effectiveness of the technical training improvement experimental methodology of a student rugby-7 team was proved by the control indices change, predominantly at the significance level P<0,05.


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Submitted: 20.11.2022 Author's information:

Evgeniya N. Usmanova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 420138, Russia, Kazan, Universiade village, House 35, e-mail: evgeniya-usmanova@mail.ru

Nikita A. Shchinov - Undergraduate, Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 420138, Russia, Kazan, Universiade village, House 35, e-mail: shchinov nikita@mail.ru

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