SOME PROBLEMS IN INTERPRERTATION OF ENGLISH MILITARY TERMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sultanov Behzod Rahmonkulovich, Nizomova Farangiz Fazliddin Qizi

The article gives a brief description of the problems of interpretation of English-language military terms that denote the realities of foreign language and do not have generally accepted terminological equivalents in the Uzbek or Russian languages.

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autonomous in relation to culture. It can be viewed separately from culture or in comparison with culture as an equal and equal phenomenon.

Cultural linguistics as a scientific discipline is a branch of linguistics that arose at the intersection of linguistics and cultural studies and studies the manifestations of the culture of the people, which are reflected and entrenched in the language [5]. Ethnolinguistics and sociolinguistics are closely related to it. The term "cultural linguistics" seems to be broader, since, along with the problem of describing culture and language in the process of its functioning, it presupposes the inclusion of empirical studies of these phenomena. Recently, a large number of fundamental works have appeared, in which the methodological apparatus of this science has been built, unique methods for describing linguistic material have been presented, important theoretical generalizations have been made in the course of analyzing linguistic facts. Nevertheless, despite all the values of these studies, cultural linguistics is still at the stage of its design and formation, it needs to be clarified its categorical-theoretical apparatus.


1. Atkinson D. Writing across cultures: 'culture' in second language writing studies. In: F. Sharifian (Ed.).The Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture. London: Routledge, 2015. P. 417-430.

2. Everett C. Linguistic Relativity: Evidence across Languages and Cognitive Domains. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2013.

3. Hakimova Sh.R. Reflecting Language and Culture in Teaching a Foreign Language // Достижения науки и образования, 2019. № 13(54). Р. 64-65.

4. Palmer G.B. Toward a Theory of Cultural Linguistics. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996.

5. Wolff P., Holmes K.J. Linguistic relativity // WIRE's Cognitive Science, 2011. Vol. 2. P. 253-265.


1Sultanov Behzod Rahmonkulovich - Senior Teacher; 2Nizomova Farangiz Fazliddin qizi - Student, DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH, GULISTAN STATE UNIVERSITY, GULISTAN, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: the article gives a brief description of the problems of interpretation of English-language military terms that denote the realities of foreign language and do not have generally accepted terminological equivalents in the Uzbek or Russian languages. Keywords: military term, interpretation, equivalent, transcription, calque.

The basis of military sublanguage as a subsystem of the language serving the sphere of professional communication is military vocabulary, which includes "terms, abbreviations, precision words and situational clichés" [1]. A military term is understood as "a stable unit of nomination, assigned to the corresponding concept in the conceptual-functional system of a certain sphere of the military profession, and the meaning itself is correlated with the meanings of other terms in the lexical system of the language" [2]. Before revealing the main circle of problems associated with the correct interpretation of English-language

military terms with the help of means of the Uzbek or Russian languages, we should note that «исследования риторики в диалоге и ее морфологические особенности в английском и узбекском языках - одна из малоразработанных проблем в современной лингвистике, и до настоящего времени не сделано подробного освещения морфологических особенностей данного поля на основе анализа их сопоставительно-типологического аспекта» [3, 90].

Military terminology has a set of general properties that do not depend on any particular language, but characterize the military sublanguage as a whole. The basic realities of the armed forces of all states are generally similar - military terminology is largely unified. Nevertheless, the armed forces of any country have their own national characteristics, reflected in the corresponding terminology. Such realities and concepts acquire particular importance when it is practically impossible to determine their terminological correspondences in different languages. We believe that English-language military terms, from the point of view of their interpretation, can be divided into 3 groups:

1. Terms denoting the realities of foreign reality, identical to the realities of Russian reality, the interpretation of which does not present any particular difficulty. Either Uzbek/Russian or an international term is used as an equivalent, for example, «war ship» (ENG) - «harbiy kema» (UZB) - «военный корабль» (RUS), «army aviation» (ENG) -«armiya aviatsiyasi» (UZB) - «армейская авиация» (RUS), «military police» (ENG) -«harbiy politsiya» (UZB) - «военная полиция» (RUS), «field uniform» (ENG) - «dala formasi» (UZB) - «полевая форма одежды» (RUS).

2. Terms denoting the realities of foreign reality, absent in our reality, but having generally accepted terminological equivalents. For an adequate interpretation of such terms, the most appropriate is a modulation (semantic development), i.e. replacement of a word or phrase of a foreign language with a unit of the target language, the meaning of which is logically deduced from the value of the original unit. For example, «classified information» (ENG) - «maxfiy ma'lumotlar» (UZB) - «секретные сведения» (RUS), «noncommissioned officers» (ENG) - «kichik qo'mondon xodimlar» (UZB) - «младший командный состав» (RUS), «designated marksman» (ENG) - «piyoda snayper» (UZB) - «пехотный снайпер» (RUS).

3. Terms denoting the realities of foreign reality and do not have generally accepted terminological equivalents in Uzbek/Russian, for example, «ensign» («энсин», т.е. «младший офицер флота»), «stealth» («стелз», т.е. «низкий уровень обнаружения»).

The terms in this group are of the greatest interest and the greatest difficulty in interpretation. Usually, these kinds of terms are translated into Russian in the following ways: transcription or literal tracing: «warrant officer» («varant ofitser», «уорент-офицер»), «commodore» («komodor», «коммодор»), «drone» («dron», «дрон»); partial or full transliteration: «se-condlieutenant» («ikkinchi leytenant», «второй лейтенант»); describing the meaning of the English term: «payload» («raketa jangovar uskunalari», «боевое снаряжение ракеты»), «attack problem» («tajovuzkor hujumning taktik vazifasi», «тактическая задача по ведению наступательного боя»), etc.

To conclude, we can state that military sublanguage, being an integral part of the general literary language, develops and functions according to its own laws. In some cases, it is very difficult to determine terminological correspondences in two languages. The non-equivalent nature of the terms is due to the linguocultural differences of languages, and the correct interpretation of such terms requires a careful etymological analysis of their components.


1. Anderson G.P. Theory of Military Rhetoric. Dallas: MP, 2019.

2. Nelyubin L.L. Textbook of military translation: English: general course. Second edition, expanded. Moscow: Voenizdat, 2011.

3. Samigova H.B. Morphological features of rhetoric in English and Uzbek languages, 2013. № 4(295).

4. Yampol S.G. The language of the military. Tom: Voenizdat, 2015.


RHETORIC Sultanov B.R.1, Hudaykulova S.N.2

1Sultanov Behzod Rahmonkulovich - Senior Teacher;


Abstract: the article reveals the relevance of conducting scientific research in the field of military rhetoric, which, in the process of dynamic differentiation, performs a number of socially significant functions: it strengthens the defense capability of the state, ensures mutual understanding and interaction of military personnel in the process of fulfilling military service duties, contributes to the consolidation of the armies of different states in the event of common threats.

Keywords: virtual technologies, linguistic competence, interaction, network, software, individualization.

Military rhetoric is a means of external expression of a specialized culture, an essential component of the differentiation of the military-professional environment, which is an institutional structure of organized interaction of people, combining elements of specialized and everyday sociocultural experience. Military professional culture is the institutional structure of the classical model of organized interaction of people in the process of transformation of specialized and everyday sociocultural experience. The effectiveness of interaction is ensured, along with other factors, by a set of communicative skills and abilities, by the level of rhetorical competence of those communicating in acts of daily professional activity. Contemporary situation in the military sphere is highly influenced by different processes, including globalization, cooperation and coordination in the face of common dangers. The high dynamism and mobility of the organizational structures of the military-professional environment entails the need to transfer generally obligatory, socially necessary samples of unified stereotyped behavior. Differentiation of the levels of personal rhetorical competence of servicemen predetermines the socially significant problem of enculturation of representatives of different cultures in standard situations of uniform military-professional interaction.

The need for research in the field of military rhetoric, including typological, is explained by the following factors:

1) Uzbekistan is a multinational country, most of whose population speaks at least two languages. In addition to Uzbek, many speak Russian, Tajik, Karakalpak languages, the study of the English language is of great importance in the education system. As a result, at the ordinary level, there is an idea that there is no need to train servicemen in special speech behavior, including in foreign languages, although knowledge of foreign languages has long been a requirement in any modern army of developed countries of the world.

2) In theoretical terms, it is necessary to generalize particular definitions of communicative actions and speech socio-cultural manifestations in the military-professional

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